Savage Rifts New D-Bees
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These are some new and converted D-Bees (races) for Savage Rifts. Values in parentheses are racial costs.
Note that Faerie Folks have been moved to Savage Rifts Obsoleted as they're in need of a substantial rework.
Converted from Rifts: World Book 30
(Reference Picture)
Dramins resemble humans, but with ashen-gray skin and lidless, solid black eyes. They are all solipsists; each one believes that he or she is the only "real" being in an otherwise illusory existence. Rather than giving into nihlism or megalomania, however, most Dramin believe that it's their duty to honor the great Creator of this reality by discovering what their proper path in life is (through journeys, introspection, and so on) and then pursuing it. A pair of sunglasses and long sleeves (or tinted lotion) are all a Dramin needs to masquerade as human, but the race's cold and aloof manner makes it hard to win friends -- not that they usually care about such things. They see most other beings (even other Dramins!) as useful tools or entertainment at best, pointless distractions at worst; the Loyal Hindrance is very rare among their race.
Racial Features
- Confidence: A Dramin starts with Spirit d6 and can raise Spirit as high as d12+1. (+2)
- Spiritual: Thanks to a lifetime of accepting the unusual and learning to suspend disbelief, any Dramin with an Arcane Background of any sort naturally has the Power Points Edge. Those who choose not to follow a supernatural path instead have 10 PPE that are only usable to power TW devices; as always, use Spirit to activate any TW powers. (+2)
- Discerning: Dramins get +4 on all rolls to recognize illusions. This includes spotting flaws in normal disguises and holographic projections, as well as disguise, illusion and sound trickery. It does nothing against lies and hidden motives, or things hiding in plain sight (like most traps), and never offsets vision or general Notice penalties. (+1)
- Minor D-Bee: A Dramin's exposed skin or eyes will give their nature away, causing reactions to start at Uncooperative (or Unfriendly for human supremacists). (-1)
- Solipsist: Dramins believe that this reality is an illusion, perpetrated by a brilliant Creator. Although this is an all-encompassing belief, most Dramins don't see the need to expound on it constantly, making it a minor Delusion. (-1)
- Aloof: A Dramin can't really relate to other people, seeing them as virtual constructs or "scenery." This gives the race -1 on all Persuasion rolls. (-1)
Felinoid (Expanded Info)
From Savage Rifts: Lands of a Thousand Islands, some material that had to be edited down for space
(Credit: John Watson with PK Levine)
Felinoid Racial Options
Psionic potential was one of the most important factors in the Achilles Project’s goals when it came to their creations. The Felinoids have high levels of psionic energy, and there are some varieties of their kind that focus that psionic potential into a particular direction. All of these unique varieties combine the Felinoid race with a specific Iconic Framework from the Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide.
Flame Panther: These pyrokinetic Felinoids have red hair and resemble humanoid panthers. The flame panthers generally serve Omagua as guardians and defenders against outsiders. Build this as a Felinoid Burster.
Flying Tiger: This unique strain of Felinoid was discovered when the Achilles Project researchers tweaked the DNA towards psychokinetic powers. These Felinoids are all able to fly, project telekinetic bolts, and protect themselves with a telekinetic field around their body. They all have flying-squirrel-like “wings” connecting their arms and legs. Flying tigers serve as Omagua’s air force and aerial scouts. Build this as a Felinoid Mind Melter, selecting the bolt, darkvision, farsight, fly, and protection powers.
Hunter Cat: Hunter cats were considered the Achilles Project’s finest result. These powerful, dangerous, and psychically enhanced warriors were created with a mix of DNA from Bengal tigers, South American jaguars, gorillas, and humans. They possess enhanced strength, agility, senses, and speed. However, there was a drawback: the hunter cats lived for the thrill of the hunt and frequently went berzerk in combat. They now serve Omagua as front-line warriors and (as their name suggests) hunters for food. Build this as a Felinoid Crazy whose starting Psyche Degradation is automatically Bloodthirsty.
Oracle Cat: These Felinoids have an almost comical appearance, possessing oversized heads, small furry bodies, and round, innocent eyes. Despite their rather cuddly appearance, they possess some of the strongest psionic powers of their kin. Oracle cats serve as seers, judges, and advisors in Omagua, often amongst the most respected of their kind. Build this as Felinoid Mystic.
Sekhmet: These D-bees are not actually Felinoids, but they are so closely related that the differences are very minor. Humanoids with lion-like heads, the Sekhmet are warriors and hunters who serve the Divine Felines in Omagua. Sekhmet are attuned to magic and know many spells. Build this as Felinoid Ley Line Walker.
Converted from Rifts: World Book 30
(Reference Picture)
These vaguely deer-like humanoids come from a chaotic world, where weather and tectonic activity were extreme and constantly shifting. Because of this, they've evolved to anticipate and deal with unexpected dangers. Their "flight or fight" reflex is incredibly strong; they see nothing shameful about retreating (either to regroup for a necessary fight or to simply run from an unwinnable or unnecessary one) but are also dangerous warriors when pressed. They have sleek bodies covered in short fur, hooved feet, and arms ending in a strange "half-hoof, half-hand" design (but no antlers). Fortunately, their form is close enough to humans to use most Earth equipment. Feni are vegetarians but are otherwise not picky, happily eating berries and fungi that would poison others; by the time the toxins are an issue, their Equilibrium ability (below) will kick in.
Racial Features
- Hardy: Feni start with Vigor d6 and can raise Vigor as high as d12+1. (+2)
- Flight or Fight: Feni are somewhat skittish and avoid violence whenever possible; treat as the Cautious and Pacifist minor Hindrances. (-2) But when forced to fight, Feni can be terrifying opponents; they all have an improved version of the Berserk Edge that gives +4 Toughness instead of +2. (+3)
- Loyal: All Feni are Loyal, which (combined with their enhanced Berserk) means they must roll to avoid berserking if one of their friends is injured by a hostile foe as well. (-1)
- Sensitive Nose: A Feni's sense of smell is as good as a Dog Boy's, just without the ability to sniff out the supernatural. Feni have +2 on Notice rolls involving smell and on Survival rolls to track; they can track by scent alone. (+2)
- Chameleon Fur: As long as a Feni is wearing no more than Light armor and is moving at no more than half Pace, she has +2 on all Stealth rolls. (+1)
- Equilibrium*: When exposed to a new, hostile environment, a Feni can quickly adapt to it, temporarily gaining a 1-point racial trait to best deal with the situation (GM's call). Examples include Semi-Aquatic if underwater, Environmental Resistance (Heat/Fire) if in the desert, Low-Light Vision if in a pitch-black cave, or Immune to Poison if exposed to toxic gas. This triggers automatically when the Feni is exposed; his next turn is spent sneezing, coughing, and in pain as his body adjusts. During this turn, he can only take free actions; he must also deal with being exposed for one turn. At the end of this turn, his equilibrium is in place and remains until this ability activates again for a new threat. A Feni may only have one equilibrium trait at a time; if more than one adaptive trait would make sense, it's up to the GM which he gets. (+3)
- Alien: A Feni is an obvious, if unthreatening D-Bee. Most people start at Uncooperative, though the intolerant will be Unfriendly. Any Healing checks are at -2 involving a Feni, medical supplies cost double, and they cannot have cybernetics installed (including crazy/juicer mods). (-4)
- Prosaic: The Feni's home world is chaotic and dangerous, but not supernatural in any way. They cannot have PPE- or ISP-based Arcane Backgrounds and cannot use TW devices. (-2)
Converted from Rifts: World Book 30
(Reference Picture)
Full name "Iktektumiks," these massive (7-9') D-Bees come from a world where, ironically, they were the smallest prey. Their large, dark, widely spaced eyes and upright (horse-like) ears give them excellent senses and their pebbly skin offers good protection. Their upper bodies are disproportionately large, with overly broad shoulders and long, thick arms, and their legs are digitigrade. Despite being physically formidable, they retain prey instincts, and thus tend to be a bit skittish and nervous until they become used to new people, situations, etc.
Racial Features
- Powerful: Ikteks start with Strength d8 (maximum d12+2) and Vigor d6 (maximum d12+1). (+6)
- Massive: Ikteks are Size +2 (comparable to Grackle Tooths), which gives them +2 Toughness, and their armored hide also provides +6 Armor. (+5)
- Cavers: On their home world, they learned to hide in caves and use mountainous terrain to their advantage. They get +2 to Athletics for climbing rolls and +2 to Common Knowledge or Survival rolls for answering questions related to caves, mines and mining, cliffs, etc. (+1*)
- Alien Outside: An Iktek requires custom armor, is at -2 to operate human vehicles and robot armor, and reactions to them start at Unfriendly, or Hostile for xenophobes. (-4)
- Alien Inside: Any Iktek-related Healing checks are at -2, medical supplies cost double, and they cannot have cybernetics installed (including crazy/juicer mods). (-3)
- Huge Eyes: Ikteks have +2 to all vision-based Notice rolls. (+1) But their -2 penalty to use human gear extends to optics (including scopes), due to different color vision and eye spacing. (-0*)
- Heavy Footsteps: While the Iktek were considered "stealthy" by the standards of the gargantuan predators back on their home world, here on Earth their natural footfalls are easy to hear. They can learn to overcome this, but start without Stealth as a core skill. (-1)
- Skittish: Itkek tend to be timid and need time to acclimate to new things. They have the Cautious and Yellow hindrances. (-3)
Original creation
(Reference Picture)
Lannics are flying humanoids with feathered wings, clawed hands and feet, and digitigrade legs, but very human-like heads and torsos. They come from a mountainous world, in which most communities never grow beyond the size of a town and are set some distance apart from another. They were somewhat insular there, only interacting with other settlements while out scavenging. Here on Rifts Earth, they tend to keep to mountains and foothills as well, though several have set out to explore the world.
Elle of Owls (from the Tomorrow Legion) is a Lannic.
Racial Features
- Maneuverable: Lannics start with Agility d6 and may raise Agility as high as d12+1. (+2)
- Flight: Feathered wings allow Lannics to fly at Pace 12". As with all winged races, they cannot fly if their wings are fouled or bound. (+4)
- Talons: A Lannic can claw, with either feet or hands, for Str+d4 damage. They are never considered unarmed. (+2)
- Perceptive: Lannics get +2 to all Notice rolls. (+2)
- Distinctive D-Bee: There's no way for Lannics to hide their racial identity. Reactions to them typically start at Unfriendly, or Hostile for human supremacists. (-2)
- Non-Standard Physiology: A Lannic can only wear custom armor (triple cost) and is at -2 to operate vehicles, robot armor, etc. All Healing and cybernetics checks are at -1. (-3)
- Warm-Weather Flier: Lannics resist cold at -4, and any cold-based attacks do +4 damage. (-1)
- Hollow Bones: Lannics have -1 Toughness. (-1)
- Magpies: A Lannic can't help being attracted to shiny things -- money, new weapons, Glitter Boys, etc. This is a Quirk. (-1)
Converted from Rifts: World Book 12
(Reference Picture)
These massive humanoids are 10-12' tall, weigh 600-1,000 lbs., and are covered in a layer of blubber underneath thick, shaggy fur. Picture an elephant's head (only furry) atop a grizzly bear's body, and you're close. But despite their tusks and long, sharp claws, Mastadonoids are not a violent people. They tend to be quiet loners, living a simple life out in the wilderness, though a few have entered civilization. They have a modest affinity for magic, but not for psionics; in fact, only Mastadonoid Mystics and Rose Knights can learn any psi, and even then it's weak.
Racial Features
- Raw Muscle: Mastadonoids start with Strength d10 (maximum d12+3) and Vigor d6 (maximum d12+1). (+8) However, they also suffer -1 to all Smarts rolls (but not Smarts-linked skills). (-2)
- Massive: Mastadonoids are Size +3, which gives them +3 Toughness. (+3) However, this means they require custom armor and are at -2 to operate human vehicles and robot armor (-2). Though mammalian, their slightly different biochemistry imposes -1 to all Healing checks on them. (-1)
- Blubber and Fur: Mastadonoids ignore normal cold weather. Against cold-based attacks, they resist at +4 and take -4 damage. (+1) They are incredibly uncomfortable in hot environments, however. If the ambient temperature is hot enough to inflict Fatigue, Mastadonoids resist at -4 and, even if they succeed, are at -1 to all trait rolls and Pace until they can get out of the heat. (-1)
- Tusks and Claws: Mastadonoids are always considered armed, and strike for Str+d6 damage. (+3)
- Honorable: A Mastadonoid keeps her word, treats others with respect until given a reason not to, and otherwise acts as per the Code of Honor Hindrance. (-2)
- Scary D-Bee: Only the few people who have lived among Mastadonoids or had a similar degree of experience with them are likely to react positively to these huge, powerful, and misunderstood D-Bees. Most people start at Unfriendly, with xenophobes being outright Hostile. (-2)
- Primitive: Mastadonoids don't deal with technology well. They have the All Thumbs Hindrance (which can be removed via an advance) and cannot have cybernetics, including the crazy/juicer mods. (-2) Despite the risk, a few have come to love wielding vibroblades.
- Restricted Path: Mastadonoids lack psionic potential. One cannot have Arcane Background (Psionics) except as part of an iconic framework that includes two Arcane Backgrounds, and even then the hero starts with one fewer psionic power than normal. (-1)
Mind Bleeder
Converted from Rifts: World Book 4
Although they are D-Bees, Mind Bleeders look completely human except when using their psychic powers, at which point their blue forehead veins bulge grotesquely (and the D-Bee social penalties apply). They are most prominent around the Mediterranean, and are often employed by the NGR as spies. Due to their ability to drain ISP and "siphon thoughts," they have a reputation as cruel manipulators, but that isn't universally fair; many are just flippant rogues. Most become Mind Melters.
- Arcane Background: A Mind Bleeder has Arcane Background (Psionic) with the detect arcana†, drain Power Points and mind reading powers. A Mind Bleeder who chooses a framework with psi instead starts with two additional powers, but his starting powers must include these racial ones. (+2)
- Hated-but-Hidden D-Bee: A Mind Bleeder may pass as human . . . until someone sees them use a psi power! At that point, the average person's Reaction drops to Unfriendly (or Hostile for xenophobes). If the GM had rolled the Reaction, she may reroll again at -1 (or -2) Reaction level and use the lower result. (-1)
- Mind Bleeding: A Mind Bleeder always gets the raise effect when successfully using drain Power Points. This power is physically painful, causing small pinprick bleeding in the victim's brain; there's no game effect from this, but it does mean even friends won't wish to be "bled" outside of dire emergencies! Remember that the roll is at -2 when siphoning anything other than ISP. (+2)
- Racial Enemies: Psi-Stalkers, Dog Boys, and similar "psi-sniffing" mutants dislike Mind Bleeders (-2 to the Bleeder's Persuasion with such races). Worse, the Bleeder's "scent" is particularly distinct to such beings, who can always tell Mind Bleeder arcane energy from other sources. (-2)
- Sense Psionics: The Bleeder can use detect arcana as an Innate Ability. If her framework also includes this benefit, she gets a free reroll when casting it. (+1)
Mutant Capybara (Capybaroid)
Converted from Rifts World Book 9
Now nearly extinct, these Achilles Republic mutants are a mix of capybara, rat, and human stock. They're naturally adapted for the water, but are best known for their psionic abilities which include minor time manipulation and clashing psychic energy into a "psi-wave" (havoc) to disorient their foes. They have a very mystical, centered personality; they have come to accept that certain things can be changed but others are simply fated to be. They avoid violence, employing it only as a last resort.
- Centered: Start with Spirit d6 (maximum d12+1). (+2)
- Laid Back: Capybaras hate rushing, believing that things happen when they are meant to. They have the Cautious Hindrance and cannot take Impulsive. (-1)
- Mutant: Most humans, even those who accept D-Bees, are uncomfortable around mutant animals. Initial Reactions start at Uncooperative. (-1)
- Natural Psionics: Start with Arcane Background (Psionics) and the divination, havoc, and sloth/speed powers. If the Capybara chooses a psionic framework she instead starts with two additional powers, but three powers must be these racial ones. Their divination represents future- and past-gazing, so location needs to match the topic in question (as spirits aren't involved) and they cannot use the Task Modifier. (+2)
- Near-Human Physiology: Healing checks and rolls involving cybernetics are at –1 when the mutant is the subject. This does not apply within Achilles or Lone Star. (-1)
- Nonviolent: Capybaras have the Pacifist (Minor) Hindrance. Most in the military are medics; those who do fight ensure that their squads accept surrenders and avoid collateral damage. (-1)
- Oddly Built: Mutant animals have peculiar builds. Most armor and clothing must be custom-made at double normal cost, and human power armor doesn't fit. (-1)
- Rift Control: Treat Capybaras as Shifters for the purpose of manipulating rifts, giving them +4 on rolls to do so; actual Capybara Shifters get a free reroll when doing so. They can learn the Dimensional Portal (using ISP), Ley Line Phasing, and Ley Line Gate Edges, ignoring non-Rank requirements. (+0.5)
- Semi-Aquatic: They can hold their breath for 15 minutes and have only -1 (instead of the normal -2) on underwater actions. [+1]
- Teeth: Capybaras can bite for Str+d4 damage, even while grappling. (+1)
- Time and Space Manipulation: At Veteran Rank, Capybaras add banish and teleport to their list of potential psionic powers. They also have unique racial Edges (below). Born a Hero cannot be used to learn these powers or racial Edges early! (+0.5)
Racial Edges
- Dimensional Return (Heroic, Mutant Capybara, Academics d4+, Science d4+, teleport power): Once per day for 25 ISP the Capybara can return to their home dimension (Rifts Earth) from any other plane. Only the Capybara and their carried gear are moved this way.
- Time Power (Veteran, Mutant Capybara, Major Psionic, Occult d6+, Psionics d8+): Learn either the time skip or time warp power (see Europa). This Edge may be taken a second time to learn whichever power was not chosen initially. Time skip learned via this Edge cannot use the Time Hole Modifier.
Orc (Revised)
From Savage Rifts: Arcana & Mysticism, revised to address racial cost and theme
Inter-dimensionally ubiquitous, orcs hail from an untold number of worlds. They proliferated on Rifts Earth, inhabiting everywhere in North America from the New West and Pecos Empire (where they make up nearly a third of all bandits) to southern Canada and Calgary. The burly green-skinned humanoids are also known to inhabit the wilds of Europe and other parts of the globe in great numbers. Impressed by might and delighting in martial competition, orcs often become the minions of power-hungry individuals who give them a chance at the destruction and chaos they crave. Many orcs are naturally drawn to the tyranny of Lord Dunscon and the chance for constant battle against the “fairer species,” skulking and robbing in the shadows of civilized territory, a plague in the remote regions of the Coalition States and the borderlands of Free Quebec.
Racial Features
- Hated D-Bees...: Orcs have a rightly deserved reputation as raiders, killers, and worse, who prey on everyone around them. Their Reactions start at Hostile even among the openminded. Human supremacists are immediately violent unless a social skill check is successful. Merchants will refuse to sell wares or provide services such as healing, repairs, etc. Blunt and aggressive, orcs also take -1 on all Persuasion rolls, even among other orcs! (-4)
- ...For a Reason: Orcs have the Minor* Hindrances of Driven (Prove myself through battle and conquest) and Ruthless. They seek out fights and show no quarter to those who stand against them, though most will take prisoners when there is benefit in doing so. (-2)
- Big Eyes, Big Teeth: Orcs have Low-Light Vision, ignoring penalties for Dim or Dark lighting. And they can bite for Strength+d4 damage, even while grappling; they are never considered unarmed. (+2)
- Burly: Orcs start at Size 1 (which gives +1 Toughness), with Strength d6 (maximum d12+2) and Vigor d6 (maximum d12+1). (+5)
- Instinct Over Intellect: Orcs act on their instincts, intellectual pursuits are not common for them. They suffer a −1 penalty to all Smarts rolls, but not Smarts linked skills. (-2)
- Near-Human Physiology: Those unfamiliar with orcish physiology suffer only a −1 penalty to Healing skill rolls and cybernetics checks. (-1)
- Warrior Instinct: Orcs start with Fighting d4, Intimidation d4, and Brute. (+4)
Psi-Ghost (Revised)
From Savage Rifts: Arcana & Mysticism, revised to address racial cost and rules consistency
About 70 years before the establishment of the Post-Apocalyptic Calendar, a village of mutant humans in the Magic Zone began breeding true, akin to the centuries-old Psi-Stalkers, handing down strong psychic powers and the ability to become an intangible specter. The villagers used their powers to spy on and steal from other settlements, eventually drawing the ire of other underworld factions who united to destroy the village. Scattered worldwide, the Psi-Ghosts now live as loose-knit clans, hiring themselves out as “acquisition specialists” and covert agents.
Racial Features
- Psychic: Psi-Ghosts begin with Psionics d6, Arcane Background (Psionics), and 10 ISP. They start with detect/conceal arcana*, intangibility*, and a third power of their choice. If a Psi-Ghost chooses an Iconic Framework providing Arcane Background (Psionics), they instead gain two additional powers to their starting total (e.g., a Psi-Ghost Burster gets five) and two of their starting powers must be detect/conceal arcana* and intangibility* (even if not normally allowed by that Framework). (+4)
- Ghosting: Thanks to a unique mutation, when Psi-Ghosts activate the intangibility power they gain +2 to Intimidation and Stealth due to a specter-like visage. Additionally, as a Limited Action the mutant may check Psionics to switch between tangible and intangible without ending the power; with a raise this doesn't inflict a Multi-Action Penalty to other actions. However, while intangibility is active the Psi-Ghost suffers a –4 to resist and takes +4 damage from gas-based attacks (like tear or poison gas), even if wearing EBA. Psi-Ghosts commonly use Meditations to improve the duration of intangibility. (+3)
- Psionic Awareness: A Psi-Ghost’s detect arcana always activates with the Presence Sense Modifier at no additional cost or prerequisite. (+1)
- Mutant (Minor): Though they may pass as normal humans, Psi-Ghosts know they are mutants and interact poorly in most social settings. Whether their identity is revealed or not, initial Reactions often start off Uncooperative due to their aloof nature and disregard for civil society. (-1)
- Restricted Paths: Psi-Ghosts cannot take an Arcane Background or Iconic Framework which uses PPE. (-1)
- The Psi-Ghost Code: Even under pain of torture, Psi-Ghosts will not rat out each other to those who hunt them, nor will they betray the terms of a contract. Begin with the Vow (Major) Hindrance. (-2)
- Wanted (Major): Psi-Ghosts are pursued by many powerful groups—including the Coalition States and True Federation—who seek to either forcibly recruit them or, failing that, eliminate them before their abilities can be leveraged by rivals. (-2)
Converted from Rifts: World Book 13
These mutant bears are some of the strongest warriors that Lone Star has created for the CS. They are not commonly fielded, however, because scientists are still trying to improve the intelligence and focus of the average Ursa. Worse (from Lone Star's perspective), the Ursas who do demonstrate improved intelligence often become cunning enough to escape CS custody.
Shared Racial Features
All Ursas have the following abilities in addition to their species-specific abilities (see below).
- Athletic: Ursa-Warriors are natural swimmers, climbers, grapplers, etc. They get +2 to all Athletics rolls except for throwing. (+2)
- Bite/Claws: Ursa-Warriors can Bite or Claw for Str+d4 damage. (+2)
- Good Sense of Smell: Ursa-Warriors have keen noses, though not to the degree of Dog Boys. They get +1 to Notice (smell) and Survival (tracking) and can track via scent alone. This bonus applies to their Psychic Sense ability. (+1)
- Psychic Sense: Ursa-Warriors have the inherent ability to detect arcana, this is an extra sense which is always active. They use Notice (smell) to detect the presence and location of anything psychic, magic, or supernatural including invisible or astral beings, and arcane items. They can track specific beings and items using Survival (tracking). Both skills get +1 from their Good Sense of Smell ability. Psychic Sense doesn’t work inside sealed armor or vehicles. Every point of cybernetic Strain imposes a −1 penalty. (+2)
- Mutant: Ursas are awkward around non-human populations, and many are frightened by their association with the Coalition. Initial Reactions to them typically start at Uncooperative. (-1)
- Near-Human Physiology: Outside of Lone Star and similar facilities, others suffer a −1 penalty to Healing and cybernetics checks made on the Ursa-Warrior. (-1)
- Oddly Built: Ursa-Warriors cannot use Glitter Boys or normal power armor, and most standard armor and clothing must be custom-made at triple normal cost. Thanks to their oversized bodies and paws, they have -2 to use equipment made for humans (including weapons and vehicles); assume their starting gear has been Ursa-modified. (-2)
- Restricted Path: They cannot take any Arcane Background using PPE, nor any Iconic Framework that includes it. (-1)
- Simple Minds: Ursa-Warriors have childlike minds. They have -1 to all Smarts, Common Knowledge, Electronics, Hacking, and Repair rolls. (-4)
- Wanted (Minor): As escaped experiments, the CS has a standing bounty for the return of Ursa-Warriors. (-1)
- Weakness (Ley Line Hypersensitivity): Ursa-Warriors lose their Psychic Sense on within 2" of a ley line. Ley line storms cause a level of Fatigue from severe headaches and distress as for a psychic (which does not stack if they have the Arcane Background). (-1)
Black Bear
The smallest Ursas have keen vision, but tend to be a bit lazy and easily distracted.
- Agile and Strong: Start with Strength d6 (max d12+2) and Agility d6 (max d12+1). (+4)
- Low-Light Vision: Ignore Dim or Dark Illumination penalties. (+1)
- Size 1 (Normal): Gain +1 Toughness. (+1)
Brown Bear
These dangerous close fighters are the only Ursas who dislike water, though they'll swim when necessary.
- Natural Wrestler: Brown Ursa-Warriors get a free reroll to grapple, escape a grapple, or overcome Entangled or Bound. (+1)
- Powerful: Start with Strength d8 (max d12+3). (+4)
- Size 1 (Normal): Gain +1 Toughness. (+1)
Grizzly Bear
These easily angered warriors prefer to fight solo, where they can rip into their foes with abandon.
- Hyper-Aggressive: Grizzly Ursa-Warriors have the Berserk Edge and the Bloodthirsty Hindrance. (+0)
- Powerful: Start with Strength d8 (max d12+4). (+4)
- Size 2 (Normal): Gain +2 Toughness. (+2)
Polar Bear
Many of these cold-adapted bears are as dangerous as the Grizzlies when cornered; Berserk is a common personal Edge.
- Arctic-Adapted: Polar Ursa-Warriors take -4 damage from cold/ice and have +4 to resist powers with such Trappings. They are Semi-Aquatic and can thus hold their breath for 15 minutes and have only -1 (instead of the usual -2) to underwater actions. (+2)
- Powerful: Start with Strength d8 (max d12+4). (+4)
- Size 2 (Normal): Gain +2 Toughness. (+2)
- Thick-Headed: Polar Ursa-Warriors have the Stubborn Hindrance. (-1)
- Wanted: The CS has fewer Polar Ursa-Warriors and considers them especially promising. Raise their Wanted Hindrance from Minor to Major. (-1)
Converted from Rifts Conversion Book 1]]
(Syncretized from Koshnek and Patrick Young's versions)
The Wolfen are large lupine humanoids. On their home world, they've only adopted civilization for the last couple of generations and are still seen as barbaric, but in most ways they're humans' equals in terms of society and culture. Many Wolfen communities are primitive but eager and able to adapt to advanced weapons and armor. Their capacity for both magic and psionics are the same as humans.
- Distinctive D-Bee: Wolfen are treated with hostility by human supremacists, distrusted by commoners, spurned everywhere, and have no rights except in the most cosmopolitan areas. They should expect frequent trouble and violence, depending on the crowd and situation, and Reactions of others typically starts at Unfriendly, or Hostile for human supremacists. Failed social checks with Hostile parties often result in violence. (-2)
- Inhuman Physiology: Healing and any cybernetics-related checks used on the Wolfen are at -1. (-1)
- Low-Light Vision: Wolfen ignore Dim and Dark Illumination. (+1)
- Natural Weaponry: Wolfen possess sharp teeth and claws that both inflict Str+d4 damage. (+2)
- Non-Standard Build: Their size and partial canine physiology make finding armor difficult outside of Wolfen areas, and when they do it costs double. Power armor is not an option. (-1)
- Size 1: Wolfen are 7-9' tall and weigh up to 500 lbs. (+1)
- Superior Senses: Wolfen have +2 to Notice rolls involving smell or hearing and can track via scent alone. (+2)
- Superior Strength: Wolfen are powerfully built and start with a d6 Strength. (+2)
- Swift: Wolfen gain +2 Pace and increase their Run one die type. (+2)
- Warrior Culture: Wolfen believe themselves superior to other races and vie for dominance and respect with one another. This manifests differently between various clans. Choose two of Arrogant, Bloodthirsty, Code of Honor, Heroic, or Overconfident. (-4)
New Mutants
These are mutated humans, usually hailing from Madhaven or the Dinosaur Swamp. See Blood and Banes for details; rules for creating mutants are on p. 118. Most fall into the "Madhaven Pseudo Men" concept simply because that's got the most room to play in.
These mutants' nervous systems are overloaded with so much energy that they can direct it outward as an attack. While this makes them insanely fast, it also makes it hard for them to show patience, concentrate, pull themselves together, and even speak. They would look like normal humans if not for the fact that every physical feature (even skin) is constantly twitching, and their staccato-burst speech patterns give them away even when fully covered.
- Insanely Fast: Neurofreaks start with Agility d8 (maximum d12+2), have +2 Pace (and their running die improved one step), and ignore -2 in multi-action penalties each turn. (+9)
- Projected Neural Energy: A Neurofreak has Arcane Background (Gifted) with the Stun power, 15 Power Points, and Focus skill at d4. They can use Stun's mega-modifiers. Gifted Power Points cannot fuel TW devices. (+3)
- Twitchy: A Neurofreak's brain simply cannot focus. They have the Major Hindrances of Impulsive and Tongue-Tied (-1 to all verbal interactions), and take -1 to all Spirit rolls (including to recover from being Shaken) and to all Notice rolls. (-7)
- Uncivilized Mutant: Mutants have the Minor Hindrances of Outsider (-2 Persuasion with non-mutants, a total of -3 with Tongue-Tied) and Illiterate (which can be removed via an advance). As well, Reactions to them start at Uncooperative, and those who don't dislike them tend to pity them. (-3)
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