Savage Rifts Obsoleted
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Since I'm part of the Savage Rifts development team, some things which I create here make it into the official books, unsurprisingly. When something is adapted over whole-cloth (e.g., the Priest MARS), I just delete it from the site. This page is for the weird exceptions, where the version that made it into the book was just different enough that I decided it was worth archiving my original.
Cobbler (Goblin)
Converted from Rifts Conversion Book 1
Goblins are short (3-4' tall) humanoids, with mottled skin and a reputation for being dumb "sub-humans." This isn't entirely deserved, as Goblins form fully functioning communities; in some areas, they are even the dominant species, having driven back humans and other D-Bees. Though the race is descended from magical faerie folk, only one in 20 Goblins is a "Cobbler."
Cobblers can magically turn into small animals and have access to the racial spells which follow. If a Cobbler chooses a framework providing Arcane Background (Magic), they instead start with two additional powers, but three of their starting spells must be shape change and two choices from this list. (If the framework has access to versions of those powers without the Limitations, learning those satisfies this requirement.) The Cobbler may always learn further racial spells.
- confusion — with no Limitations (Trapping: charmed and dazed)
- darkness — with the Aspect Limitation
- detect arcana — with the Aspect, Personal, and Range Limitations
- speak language — with the Personal and Range Limitations
For a normal Goblin, delete the first two Racial Feature bullets. Non-Cobbler Goblins are not a balanced playable race.
Racial Features
- Cobbler Magic: A Cobbler Goblin begins with Arcane Background (Magic), 10 PPE, shape change, and two more spells chosen from the list above. Their shape change automatically gains the benefit of the Extended Change Mega Modifier for no additional PPE cost, even if the Cobbler is not a Master of Magic. (+3)
- Cobbler Woodworking: A Cobbler can use Spellcasting to shape wood and other vegetation directly by hand, without tools. This allows effects which range from seamlessly joining pieces (a good way to "lock" a wooden door to a wooden frame) to ruining crops by walking through while touching each plant. It cannot be done at range or quickly enough for combat effects (e.g., no warping a foe's wooden staff as an attack). (+1*)
- Night Vision: Goblins ignore all illumination penalties, even Pitch Black. (+2)
- Obvious D-Bee: Reactions to Goblins start at Unfriendly, or Hostile if the person is xenophobic. Rolls for Healing or cybernetics are at -1 when made on a Goblin. (-3)
- Short: Goblins are Size -1, but this does not reduce their Toughness (they're scrappy). Their stature gives them -1 on rolls to use gear designed for humans; Glitter Boys are not an option. Clothing and armor may be tailored for Goblins, for double cost. Assume Goblin starting gear is customized for them. (-1)
- Wiry, Not Brainy: Goblins start with Agility d6 (maximum d12+1). However, they suffer a −1 penalty to all Smarts rolls, though not Smarts linked skills. (0)
Why Obsolete: Europa added the Goblin as a race, so I've moved "Cobbler" to its own Edge in Savage Rifts New Character Options.
Faerie Folk
Converted from Rifts: Conversion Book 1
For details on the various types of Faerie Folk, see A&M, p. 177. This racial build includes Faeries, Pixies, and Sprites. If a fae takes a framework featuring magic, add their racial spell list to the framework's list; they gain four additional powers and five of their starting spells must be racial powers (except for Frost Pixies, below).
Racial Features
- Little Spirits: Faerie Folk have -2 to all Strength rolls (including damage) and cannot raise their Strength above a d4, even if their framework says to. [-3]
- Obvious D-Bee: Reactions to Faerie Folk start at Unfriendly (Hostile for xenophobes), which will usually take the form of people attempting to kidnap them; many in the Federation and Atlantis will pay a premium price! [-2] Any Healing rolls on them are at -4, and they cannot have cybernetics (including Crazy/Juicer mods). [-4]
- Very Small: Faerie Folk are Size -3 and thus Toughness -3, ranging from 4" Sprites to 12" Pixies. (The Sprites count as Very Small instead of Tiny due solely to their wingspan.) As such, non-area attacks are at -4 to hit them and they have +4 to hit normal-sized foes. They are at -3 to use human-sized gear and cannot wear normal armor or clothing. Faerie-sized gear costs normal price and weighs 1/4 as much. [+4, from Fantasy Companion]
- Pretty But Vacant: Faerie Folk are Very Attractive but also Clueless and Impulsive. [0]
- Flighty: Faerie Folk can fly at 12" (even the wingless Pixies). [+4]
- Beings of Magic: Faerie Folk start with Arcane Background (Magic) and five powers chosen from the list on A&M, p. 178. [+4] (Note that their version of puppet has the Aspect limitation due to its narrow scope.) They have an additional +5 PPE (for 15 PPE total), which is not affected by multipliers like the Ley Line Walker's Arcane Academic. [+1]
- Spiritual Complications: Faerie Folk take +4 damage from any attack involving salt; even having salt thrown on them does 1d4+4 damage. [-1] As well, they are tied too closely to magic to ever learn psionics. [-1]
Frost Pixies: These blue-skinned fae start with just four racial powers, one of which must be bolt. However, they have +4 to resist cold in any form, and cold-based attacks do -4 damage to them. A Frost Pixie with a magical framework starts with three extra powers, but one must be bolt and three more must be racial.
Why Obsolete: These need a significant rework. Canonically, fae can't learn any spells other than their own, so this needs to address that. I also want to highlight the differences between different types of fae.
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