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MyGURPS - Savage Rifts New Character Options

Savage Rifts New Character Options

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These character options were converted from original Rifts. While they are unofficial, each has been peer-reviewed for balance and accuracy. That said, further feedback is always welcome (

Note that "eruptor" is the Rifts term for an elemental psi. From commonest to rarest, they are the Burster and Soaker (tied), Freezer, Zapper, and Bomber.

New Frameworks and Packages

Amazon Machi (MARS)

Extrapolated from Rifts World Book 6: South America

While an Amazon's genetic enhancements are tied to biological sex, the tribe has welcomed many female and two-spirit Amazonian children who were assigned male at birth. Known as Machi Amazons (an ancient Mapuche term borrowed from nearby Chile), they lack the raw physical prowess of traditional Amazons and instead rely on the blessings of the tribe's guardian spirits: arcane power and the Sacred Hunt. Culturally, they are often viewed as the "shamans" of the tribe.

  • Must be the child of an Amazon Huntress, so race must be Human or (less commonly) Ogre. See note below regarding Atlanteans.
  • Through intense conditioning, start with one extra die type in any Attribute.
  • Gain the Amazon Huntress "Blessed Guardians" ability and "Fateful Consequence" complication.
  • The Machi has access to all Amazon Huntress Iconic Edges.
  • Start with an extra die type each in Fighting, Notice, and Shooting, plus one Combat Edge of choice.
  • An Amazon Machi chooses 2 fewer points of personal Hindrances and starts with Enemies (Major — Demons, Splugorth, and Undead), Loyal, and either Heroic or Overconfident, all for no additional benefit.
  • Begin with Amazon Huntress starting gear.

Note: Amazon/True Atlantean children are warmly welcomed into Clan Skellian and thus rarely pursue Amazonian acceptance. Playing a True Atlantean Amazon Machi requires GM permission. This combination does not get the extra Attribute point because she already has the Machi's Enemies Hindrance.


Converted from Rifts Dimension Book 1: Wormwood

A holy warrior who truly falls to darkness becomes a cruel fiend, a sadist who ruins lives. It's almost impossible to come back from this, to repent and return to the side of righteousness and good. But an Apok has done so, and walking both paths has given them the faith, martial prowess, and will to eradicate True Evil wherever it is found. Every Apok has a unique, hand-made maska demonic visage that they wear to remind themselves of the monster they once were, and to embrace their new role as the "boogeyman" that even the devils fear. Despite the distrust and concern it evokes in others, an Apok never removes their mask; acknowledging what they were is part of atoning for past sins.

Apoks make two Hero's Journey rolls on any table other than Cybernetics or Psionics. They begin with standard Starting Gear plus one silver-coated Medieval melee weapon of their choice.

Apok Abilities and Bonuses

  • Enhanced Attributes and Speed: An Apok gains one die type to Agility, Spirit, Strength, and Vigor (increase maximums accordingly). They have +2 Pace and improve their running die by one type.
  • Holy Power: Apoks start with the Edges Arcane Background (Miracles), Adept (A&M, p. 33), Master of Magic, and Power Points (15 PPE total), along with two die types in the Faith skill. They start with detect/conceal arcana and protection, both of which have the Range (Self) limitation and may be activated as innate abilities, along with one more power of their choice from the Mystic's list (smite is a popular choice).
  • Hellfire: For +1 PPE, any offensive power replaces its normal Trapping with the Hellfire Trapping, which counts as both holy and fire for purposes of Weaknesses.
  • Indomitable Will: Apoks know what can happen when they lose control, and will never let that happen again. They are Fearless and have +8 to resist mind control and possession.
  • Righteous Warrior: Apoks have two die types each in Fighting and Occult, and the Champion, Holy Warrior, and Nerves of Steel Edges. As well, when facing supernaturally evil creatures, their attacks are always treated as Mega-Damage and any time their Strength is part of the damage roll, they also add their Spirit.
  • Terrifying to Evil: Supernaturally evil creatures must make a Fear Check at -2 when encountering the Apok. Those with the Fearless ability are immune, of course.

Apok Complications

  • Atonement Mask: The Apok's mask is a holy artifact, impossible to remove or shatter unless the Apok wills it. A helmeted Apok affixes her mask to the faceplate, the two items appearing to almost blend together. The Apok must always wear or at least prominently display the mask at all times; hiding it causes her to immediately lose all of the abilities and bonuses above! Just putting the mask back on will not restore them; it must be worn for at least as long as it was off (minimum one hour) before the bonuses return.
  • Cybernetics: As usual, Apoks suffer -1 to miracle use per point of Strain.
  • Dedicated: Apoks start with three Major Hindrances — Shamed (something horrible that they did after falling from grace), Vow (Eradicate supernatural evil), and player's choice of either Code of Honor (principles first) or Heroic (kindness first).
  • Disturbing: People looking upon the mask instinctively realize that this is someone who has done great evil and whose redemption is uncertain (many Apoks fall back into their unholy ways, unfortunately). A masked Apok takes -1 to Persuasion rolls and reactions to them start one level worse (e.g., Uncooperative rather than Neutral, for a typical human Apok).

Black Marketeer (MARS)

Converted from Rifts Black Market Sourcebook

Working with or for the Black Market affords a lot of flexibility. As long as the person keeps their mouth shut about the Black Market, no one will bat an eye at them joining the Tomorrow Legion or a similar group. Because the Black Market is vast with many roles, the hero must choose one of the specialties below.

The Connections Edge is common, normally for contacts outside of the Black Market. Appropriate examples include unaffiliated fences or sellers, informants within an organization or police force, a mayor or mid-ranking national politician, or street gangs.

  • Begin with one die type in Intimidation and Persuasion, two die types in Psychology*, and the Streetwise Edge.
  • Start with one of the following Edges (your choice) for which you qualify: Brave, Charismatic, Connections, Danger Sense, I Know a Guy, Legacy Scout, Menacing, Rich, Scavenger (does not require Luck), Scholar (Psychology), Scrounger, or Thief.
  • The character is part of the Black Market faction. They get +1 to social rolls with other Black Marketeers and reactions start one level higher with them. They have Connections (Black Market) but also inherit the Black Market's enemies.
  • Begin with standard Starting Gear, plus anything added by your specialty.
* If your group doesn't use Psychology skill, replace this with Notice.

Specialties (Choose One)

  • Caser: An expert in security and surveillance who finds flaws in security while ensuring the team isn't being bugged or followed. Begin with one die type in Electronics and Thievery and the Alertness and Field Intel Edges. The +2 from Field Intel also applies to Electronics or Notice rolls to detect and identify security and surveillance (anything from people to high-end electronic systems). In starting gear, add a transmitter detector (see Savage Worlds).
  • Con Artist: A grifter who takes advantage of "marks" via stories that are exciting and enticing, but just plausible enough to be believable. Start with one die type in Gambling, two die types in Performance, and the Charismatic Edge. When spinning a false tale, a Con Artist may roll both their Performance and Persuasion dice with no Wild Die (essentially replacing their Wild Die with the other skill), and apply the best flat modifier and number of free rerolls from either skill. Con Artists lose this ability if they take Fame or Famous.
  • Enforcer: A vital role, tasked with everything from guarding deals to leaning on deadbeats to removing evidence after a fight. Begin with a die type in Fighting and Shooting, the Menacing Edge, and a Combat Edge of your choice (ignore non-Edge requirements). If you have time to clean up a crime scene, a successful Smarts check gives investigators -2 (-4 with a raise) on all rolls to determine what happened.
  • Fixer: The person who arranges deals, introduces the right people, and ensures that money is handled properly. Those with a fixed office are also called Bankers while field agents are Expediters. Start with one die type in Academics, Common Knowledge, and Stealth and the I Know a Guy Edge. Get a free reroll on all Networking rolls. In starting gear, multiply both rolls under "Money and Common Goods" by 5.
  • Merchant: While not a glamorous role, traders and fences make up the bulk of the Black Market. Start with the Connections (Traveling Merchants) and Rich Edges, plus either Filthy Rich or one additional Edge choice from the second bullet above. Ignore up to two points of Economy, Scarcity, or Rarity penalties when searching for gear to purchase. Get a 10% discount on any item with Rarity/Scarcity -1 or commoner (for items over 50,000 credits, instead save a flat 5,000 credits).
  • Psychic Broker: The Market's best intelligence brokers are "psi-spies" who use their abilities to eavesdrop and cheat. Begin with one die type in Electronics and Stealth, two die types in Psionics, and the Arcane Background (Psionics) Edge. Start with 10 ISP, either mind reading or remote viewing, either empathy or object reading, and one other power from the standard psionics list. (Neither mind reading nor remote viewing are on that list and thus cannot be added freely later.) In starting gear, add five bugs (see Savage Worlds) keyed to your radio.
  • Refurbisher: The Market's equivalent of an Operator reconditions damaged gear and strips its serial numbers. All are jury-rigging experts as well. Begin with two die types in Repair and the McGyver and Salvage Expert Edges. Get a free reroll on Electronics, Hacking, or Repair checks to remove serial numbers, "lo-jacks", etc. In starting gear, add a Wilk's Laser Torch and Field Repair Kit.
  • Rift Runner: A very specialized smuggler who combines magical prowess with stealth and tenacity. Start with two die types in Spellcasting, the Arcane Background (Magic) Edge, and either the Ace or Danger Sense Edge. Begin with 10 PPE and the disguise, illusion, and invisibility powers. The Rift Runner may cast invisibility on a human-portable backpack, briefcase, satchel, etc. and invest 1 PPE to make it and its contents unseen by normal vision for as long as that 1 PPE is invested.

Blood Lizard

Converted from Rifts World Book 9: South America 2

If someone is playing a Blood Rider (LoaTI, p. 33), a unique take can be for another player to be their bonded Blood Lizard (LoaTI, p. 245). In such a case, the Blood Rider replaces their Sidekick Edge with another Edge of choice. Alternatively, someone can play a Blood Lizard and use Hindrance points to buy a Blood Rider as a Sidekick NPC.

Blood Lizards make a single Hero's Journey roll on the Experience & Wisdom, Psionics, Ranged Weapons, or Training table; reroll any result that violates the Lizard Mind complication. Starting gear is a lizard-adapted Italo I-9 Heavy Ion Rifle plus either heavily used Blood Lizard Barding (LoaTI, p. 59) or a credcard with 3d6 × 500 credits (tucked in a simple slung pouch). Blood Lizards with the Poverty Hindrance automatically start with the rifle plus just 3d6 × 250 credits.

Blood Lizard Abilities and Bonuses

  • Armored Hide: Blood Lizards have +8 Armor and +2 Toughness (in addition to Toughness from their Size).
  • Fast: Blood Lizards have Pace 10 and a d10 Run die. They start with the Quick Edge.
  • Keen Senses: Blood Lizards have +2 to Notice and Survival (tracking). They ignore Dim and Dark Illumination penalties.
  • Natural Attacks: A Blood Lizard can bite, claw, or tail-whip for Str+2d4 Mega Damage. (The latter is single-target; they aren't dragons!) Their bite and claws have AP 6; the tail has AP 0. Edges like Brawler and Martial Artist improve claw damage only.
  • Pounce: Blood Lizards double normal leaping distance (4" forward). Wild Attacks made while jumping do +4 damage instead of +2. This ability cannot be used while wearing barding/armor.
  • Powerful: A Blood Lizard starts with Agility d10, Strength d12+2, and Vigor d10. They have just 3 points instead of the usual 5 with which to improve Attributes; these points must be spent on Smarts and Spirit. Racial maximums are Smarts/Spirit d12, Agility/Vigor d12+2, and Strength d12+5.
  • Psionics: Start with Arcane Background (Psionic), Major Psionic, 20 ISP (the normal 10, doubled for Major Psionic), either detect arcana† or detect/conceal arcana*, mind link, and one other power chosen from the standard list.
  • Psychic Tracking: Blood Lizards can follow the psychic trail of anyone they’ve used a psychic power on in the past day (including detect arcana), getting a free reroll on all Survival (tracking) checks to do so. This costs 1 ISP/hour and prevents ISP recovery while active.
  • Size 2 (Normal): They stand 8-10' tall and have +2 Toughness.
  • Slow Regeneration: Blood Lizards make a daily natural healing roll, though this can't heal permanent injuries.

Blood Lizard Complications

  • Animalistic: Blood Lizards are intelligent but do not think or act like humans. Start with the Illiterate, Loyal, Outsider (Major), and Quirk (Animalistic) Hindrances. Illiterate can be removed as an Advance.
  • For Obvious Reasons: Blood Lizards do not choose a race.
  • Lizard Form: Blood Lizards can growl, roar, etc., but cannot speak human languages; they must use mind link to communicate in detail. They have -2 to use any gear built for humans, require custom armor (barding), and cannot use power armor. Blood Lizard cybernetics don't exist (and Blood Lizards wouldn't use them if they did).
  • Lizard Mind: Magical and highly technical concepts are beyond a Blood Lizard's mind. They cannot take any other Arcane Backgrounds and may only learn the following skills: Athletics, Battle, Common Knowledge, Fighting, Intimidation, Language, Notice, Performance, Persuasion, Psionics, Psychology, Shooting, Stealth, Survival, Taunt, and Thievery.
  • Painful Draining: The Lizard's bonded Blood Rider (if any) can draw upon the Lizard's ISP, but not vice-versa. If the Lizard is ever at half ISP or less after such a draining, the Lizard immediately suffers Fatigue. This is not cumulative; the Lizard will never have more than one level of Fatigue from this circumstance. The Fatigue clears once the Lizard is above half ISP again.
  • Quirk (Non-Materialistic): Blood Lizards understand trade (and, to a lesser degree, currency) but don't bother with a lot of possessions. They only make practical and (occasionally) artistic purchases, never luxuries. They never own more than they can personally carry. They cannot take Rich or Filthy Rich.

Iconic Edges

  • Lizard Regrowth (Seasoned, Blood Lizard, Vigor d12+): The Blood Lizard's Slow Regeneration can now heal permanent injuries. The Lizard also gains +1 Toughness and ignores the effects of Gritty Damage.
  • Master Blood Lizard (Veteran, Blood Lizard, Master Psionic): The Lizard gains the smite* power and learns to use it subconsciously, adding +4 AP to all unarmed attacks (which does not stack with the Armor Piercing Modifier) even when not actively using smite. They also gain the protection* power and their natural Armored Hide stacks with the Greater Protection Modifier (despite being non-MDC armor). Both powers have a psychokinetic force Trapping.


Converted from The Rifter #19, with a name change for clarity

See Savage Rifts: Eruptors (PDF) for a formatted, standalone version.

The Bomber (also known as the "Blaster") is the rarest eruptor. They possess the ability to telekinetically create detonations, like psychic grenades. Bombers cannot force objects or people to explode, but can create explosions right next to them, varying in diameter from inches (for targeting specific body parts with a shaped charge) to yards (for taking out massed enemies). Unlike most eruptors, they cannot enhance their melee attacks and thus tend to fight from a distance. As a side effect of their powers, they ignore sonic attacks and have an innate understanding of mundane demolitions and EOD.

Build this as a Burster (TLPG, p. 18) with the following changes:

  • Burster Variant: Remove Everything Burns. Replace Firewalker with immunity to sonics and being deafened. Remove all damaging effects from Fiery Aura; it now just provides armor (and costs 1 ISP for M.D.C.). Apply a telekinetic/bomb Trapping to Fire Mastery, Flame Bolt, and all Burster iconic Edges. Change Quirk to thrill-seeking. Everything else is unchanged.
  • Sheer Power: Add the Expert Blaster and Bomb Blast (Flame Blast) Edges.
  • Shockwave: As an action and requiring no roll, the Bomber can use havoc with the Greater Havoc and Strong modifiers. For 1 ISP this is either a MBT centered on the Bomber or a Cone with no range; for 2 ISP, this is an LBT centered on the Bomber. (The Bomber is immune; their allies are not.) Targets are Distracted and must roll Strength at -4 (which includes Distracted) or be hurled 3d6" away, taking 2d6 damage if they strike hard objects.
  • The Explosives Whisperer: Add the Demolitionist and Expert Demolitionist Edges (EOH, p. 35).

Controller (MARS)

Converted from Rifts World Book 16: Federation of Magic

The mage controls one of the automatons detailed on SFONA pp. 35-36 or A&M pp. 37-41. The controller is likely a renegade from Dweomer, but that isn't a strict requirement; the secrets of automaton creation have leaked out to other magical communities. The only models disallowed are the Colossus (which is simply not found on Rifts Earth outside of Dweomer) and Infiltrator (which is more "tool" than "magical mecha").

Official Clarifications: A mage cannot siphon PPE from an automaton; its battery is solely for its own use. Anyone casting an automaton's powers has access to both normal and Mega-Power modifiers.

  • Begin with two die types in both Occult and Piloting, plus the Arcane Background (Magic) and Controller Edges.
  • Arcane Link: When ordering the automaton to cast its spells, the controller may use their own Power Edges (like Blaster or Wizard), but must pay any PPE surcharge themselves.
  • Select one available automaton except for the Colossus or Infiltrator.
  • Begin with standard Starting Gear.


Converted from Rifts Dimension Book 2: Phase World

This requires more detail than I could comfortably insert onto this page, so I've written it up in Google Docs. Please note that while this is theoretically a point-balanced Iconic Framework, it is a very powerful option so the GM should think carefully before allowing it (our group doesn't). Click here for the Cosmo-Knight.


Converted from Rifts Bionics Sourcebook (with some influence from Fallout's synths)

These "Light Full Conversion Cyborgs" (or simply "Hidden 'Borgs") are constructed on a smaller, lighter chassis to look exactly like a human or humanoid DB. The disguise systems are astoundingly convincing, to the point where the Cyber-Humanoid can easily impersonate others or alter their appearance. They bleed, appear to breathe, and so on — but sensor scans will still reveal the cyborg's true nature.

Build this as a Combat Cyborg (TLPG, p. 21) with the following changes:

  • Greetings, Fellow Human: Not only does the 'borg look exactly like a normal human (or specific type of humanoid D-Bee), they have Improved Cyber-Disguise (EOH, p. 52), allowing them to adjust their appearance in a variety of ways. They lack the Heavy and Inhuman Appearance drawbacks, as long as they avoid adding "external" cybernetics like weapons or jet packs.
  • Regular-Sized*: They have Strength d12 and are Size 0 (and thus no Toughness bonus from Size). They start with two levels of Armor Plating instead of three, and thus +4 Armor instead of +6 M.D.C.
  • Untrusted: Most people are creeped out by the idea of combat cyborgs living among them, hiding in plain sight. Strangers who become aware of the Cyber-Humanoid's true nature generally react at Unfriendly to Hostile (GM's call).
  • Instead of LI-B1 body armor, substitute NG Peacekeeper EBA with tactical plates.
* If the 'borg is to resemble a smaller or larger D-Bee, take the Small Hindrance or Brawny Edge at character creation; for this specific purpose, the latter does increase Size.

Fantasy Adventurer (MARS)

Rifts between Earth and Palladium World are canonical and common, so there are many "fantasy-themed" immigrants. But for Savage Rifts it's obviously easiest to import Savage Pathfinder characters. This package may reflect a literal connection to Golarion or (more likely) can be a stand-in for the Palladium World equivalent fantasy class.

Hero's Journey rolls are from Savage Rifts and reflect experience on Rifts Earth. The Rich and Filthy Rich Edges grant extra credits (not gp) of Savage Rifts gear. For the purpose of crafting or buying magic items, multiply gp costs by 10 to get credit costs. Rarity to purchase magic items or materials is (typically) -2 for a cost up to 5,000 credits, -3 up to 20,000, -4 up to 50,000, -5 up to 200,000, -6 up to 500,000, and so on (-2 per ×10 cost). Improve Rarity by 2 in the Federation of Magic or similarly magical societies.

  • Either choose a Savage Pathfinder ancestry or choose a Savage Rifts race appropriate to Palladium World and add a Background Edge.
  • Begin with +1 Attribute point and +3 Skill points.
  • Start with a Class Edge and the Seasoned Edge for that Class. You must meet non-Rank prerequisites for both.
  • Astride Two Worlds: You may take Edges and powers from both Savage Pathfinder and Savage Rifts books, following the rules for each (e.g., respecting multi-classing limits and power lists). You cannot take the Minor or Major Item Creation Edges but may take the new Enchanter Edge below.
  • From Savage Pathfinder, start with 2,000 gp of gear (mundane and/or magic), two magic items worth up to 7,500 gp each, and one magic item worth up to 100,000 gp. (Any leftover gp are lost.) Also start with 4d6 × 100 credits, which can be spent on Savage Rifts gear.

Iconic Edge

  • Enchanter (Seasoned, Fantasy Adventurer, Artificer, Occult d8+, arcane skill d8+): You can craft magic items using the Savage Pathfinder rules. Remember to multiply the gp cost of materials by 10 to get credit costs. Rarity of these materials is as noted above.


Converted from The Rifter #19

See Savage Rifts: Eruptors (PDF) for a formatted, standalone version. Note that in Russia, this psychic is known as a Cold Born.

An uncommon eruptor, the Freezer uses cryokinesis to control temperature and condense moisture in the air into ice or snow. On Earth, Freezers descended from the Inuit, which may explain why they are so in touch with their natural environment even outside of frigid regions; the animals and land itself seem to accept them as a guardian. They tend toward detached, "cold" personalities and usually prefer melee to ranged combat.

Build this as a Burster (TLPG, p. 18) with the following changes:

  • Burster Variant: Remove the Blaster Edge from Arcane Background. Remove Everything Burns. Replace Firewalker with immunity to cold. Apply an ice/snow Trapping to Fiery Aura, Fire Mastery, Flame Bolt, and all Burster iconic Edges. Change Quirk to aloof snobbishness; other complications are unchanged.
  • Hypothermia: The Freezer can safely lower their body temperature at will for 1 ISP per hour, +1 ISP per additional willing target within Smarts range. This lets them simulate death (Healing vs. the Freezer's Psionics to realize the truth) and become invisible to infrared detection.
  • Ice Weapons: The Freezer can create anything from a dagger to a great-axe out of thin air. They must choose smite as a starting power, and have the Psi-Blade and and Psi-Weapon Manipulation (A&M, p. 33) Edges.
  • One with Nature: The Freezer starts with two die types in Survival, the Beast Bond and Woodsman Edges, and Vow (Major; Respect and protect nature).
  • Power List: The Freezer lacks some of the Burster's overt psychokinesis, but is more attuned to the environment. Rank permitting, they may choose from arcane protection, barrier, beast friend, boost Trait†, burst, darksight*, deflection*, detect/conceal arcana*, empathy, entangle, environmental protection, fear, havoc, mind link, protection*, relief*, smite*, warrior’s gift*.
  • Iconic Edges: Replace Improved Flame Bolt with Improved Ice Weapons (Novice, Smarts d8+), which makes them last as long as Frost Aura does and lets Frost Aura add 2d6 damage.

Martial Artist (MARS)

Converted from Rifts World Book 25: China 2

Whether unarmed or with weapon in hand, Martial Artists are masters of melee. Years of training have honed their natural skills — not just at fighting but also channeling their chi (internal energy) via mystic martial powers. Those who only fight unarmed should take that as a Major Vow and consider the Brawler, Bruiser, and/or Martial Warrior Edges.

Rank permitting, the fighter has access to boost Trait†, empathy, deflection*, fury*, healing, protection*, smite*, speed†, summon ally, and warrior's gift*. For most, the Trapping is a subtle "vibe of power" coming from the martial artist, but summon ally conjures a spectral "animus" from the warrior's soul (even for Mirror Self, which makes it useless for fooling others).

  • Start with one die type in Athletics, two die types in Fighting, and the Martial Artist and Chi Edges. In addition to the standard Chi uses, they may spend a chi point to reroll a failed Focus roll, even on a Critical Failure.
  • Mystic Power: The hero starts with Arcane Background (Gifted), two die types in the Focus skill, 15 PP, and one power from the list above. That one "core" power can be activated as an innate ability; other learned powers cannot.
  • Choose three additional Edges. These must be Combat Edges or any of Alertness, Ambidexterity, Danger Sense, Extra Effort, Fleet-Footed, or Quick.
  • Make one fewer Hero's Journey roll.
  • Begin with standard Starting Gear, replacing the laser pistol with either a vibro-weapon of choice or 5,000 credits worth of additional gear.

Phase Adept (MARS)

Converted from Rifts Dimension Book 2: Phase World

This potent psi has been trained by other Phase Adepts via secret rituals of initiation, originally developed in another dimension by the mysterious Prometheans. This undertaking grants the psychic access to exotic powers to warp time and space, as well as a natural ability to blunt the impact of magic and miracles. Because of the latter, Phase Adepts make natural mage-hunters, but most have no quarrel with their wizardly brethren.

  • Start with the Arcane Background (Psionics), Major Psionic, and Rapid Recharge Edges, two die types in Psionics, 20 PPE (the base 10 doubled by Major Psionic), and five powers from the list below.
  • Rank permitting, choose from the following powers: arcane protection*, bolt, boost Trait†, confusion, darksight*, deflection*‡, detect/conceal arcana*, disguise*, divination, empathy, entangle, environmental protection*, farsight*, fear, fly*, havoc, healing, intangibility*‡, mind link, object reading, relief, sloth/speed‡, telekinesis, teleport*‡, warrior’s gift*. Powers marked with ‡ are additions to the standard psionic power list.
  • Magical Resistance: All hostile PPE-based powers cast on the Phase Adept are at -2 and any damage they inflict is reduced by 2. This stacks with other forms of arcane resistance.
  • Only the knowledgeable pass initiation; start with two die types in both Academics and Occult.
  • Begin with standard Starting Gear.

Professional Gambler (MARS)

Converted from Rifts World Book 14: New West

Don't let the appellation fool you, being a professional gambler is about much more than playing with cards and dice. A true gambler can also read body language perfectly, has lightning-fast reactions, and can fast-talk their way out of any situation. While some moonlight as con men and/or thieves, not all believe in taking advantage of others . . . except for those who deserve it, of course.

Special: Many gamblers have a sidekick, to watch their back and cause distractions at the card table. The player may choose result 16 ("My Young Apprentice") on the Fortune & Glory Table instead of rolling. If the group already allows free choice of table results, this gives no extra benefit.

  • Begin with one die type in Persuasion and two die types in Gambling, Psychology*, and Thievery.
  • Start with the Charismatic and Streetwise Edges. If the Gambler already has one of these, substitute Luck.
  • Choose one die type in either Fighting or Shooting.
  • Begin with the Danger Sense, Quick, and Quick Draw Edges. If the Gambler already has one of these, substitute Level Headed.
  • Card Sharp: Free reroll on Gambling and on Thievery tests to cheat at gambling or use sleight of hand.
  • Make one fewer Hero's Journey roll.
  • Begin with standard starting gear plus a set of poker chips, four decks of cards, and 6d6 (player's choice if any are marked/loaded).
* If your group doesn't use Psychology skill, replace this with the Alertness Edge.


Converted from The Rifter #19

See Savage Rifts: Eruptors (PDF) for a formatted, standalone version.

Although Soakers are as common as Bursters, they tend to stick to coasts and islands, where their hydrokinetic abilities can best be used. There are exceptions found in dry, arid regions, however, whether to help villages plagued by drought or to fight the vampires plaguing the Southwest. Unlike all other eruptors, Soakers are not powerful damage-dealers; their abilities tend toward utility, defense, and attacks that are non-lethal except to vampires. They pull water out of the air, drawing from a vast area if necessary; no water source need be present. For the purpose of their abilities, any liquid which is at least 50% water counts as being water.

Soakers make Hero's Journey rolls as for the Burster (TLPG, p. 19). They begin with standard Starting Gear. They have access to water-based versions of the Burster's Iconic Edges (TLPG, p. 74), with the exception of Improved Fiery Aura and Improved Flame Bolt.

Soaker Abilities and Bonuses

  • Psychic: A Soaker begins with Arcane Background (Psionics), choosing three powers from the list here, the Major Psionic Edge, and two die types in Psionics. Soakers begin with 20 ISP (10 ISP base, doubled by the Major Psionic Edge). Rank permitting, they may choose from arcane protection, barrier, boost Trait†, burst, darksight*, deflection*, detect/conceal arcana*, empathy, environmental protection, fear, mind link, protection*, relief*, smite*, speed†, stun, telekinesis, warrior’s gift*.
  • Sense Water: A Soaker can sense nearby sources of water using Notice, detecting a large open source (ocean, river, etc.) at about 100 miles away or a large hidden source (like an underground lake) at about 200" (1/4 mile). For smaller sources, a 60-gallon aquarium could be sensed at up to (Smarts x 10), or a gallon jug at up to (Smarts). The GM will use these guidelines to gauge a fair range for the situation.
  • Spray Water: The Soaker can fire a jet of water at a target out to (Smarts x 2) range, either to blind them (as for blind with the Strong modifier) or knock them back (as a single-target havoc with the Strong modifier). This costs 1 ISP, or they may spend 2 ISP to add the Greater modifier.
  • Vampire's Bane: Against vampires and those with a similar weakness to water, Spray Water inflicts 3d6 (1 ISP) or 4d6 (2 ISP) damage in addition to its usual effects, and Water Aura also acts as a 3d6 damage field.
  • Water-Adapted: A Soaker can swim at full Pace, stay underwater indefinitely, and hold their breath for 15 minutes out of the water. They may even walk on water — or other liquids, though walking on acid will still burn them! Their powerful leg muscles let them jump twice as far as normal. Finally, they are impervious to cold, ignoring even the most potent freeze rays and ice shard attacks.
  • Water Aura: As an action (no roll or ISP required) a Soaker can surround themselves with a field of water. This provides +6 Armor which stacks with protection and natural armor, but not worn armor; if the Soaker spends 1 ISP when activating it, it provides M.D.C. for the next 5 rounds. While active, the Soaker is slippery and hard to see; all attacks against the Soaker are at -2, doubled to -4 against grapples and entangles (and +4 to escape them). The aura drops whenever the Soaker is Incapacitated or unconscious.
  • Water Mastery: As for the Burster's Fire Mastery (TLPG, p. 19), but range and duration are both x10 on a river or ocean. Soakers are invaluable aboard a ship!

Soaker Complications

  • Cybernetics and Enemies: As for the Burster (TLPG, p. 20). No Quirk.

New Edges

[Iconic Edges]


Converted from Rifts World Book 7: Japan
Requirement: Novice, City Rat, Hacking d6+, has the Core Electronics System cyberware

Cyberoids are masters of computer networking, using their built-in computers to slip past virtual defenses. The City Rat gains a free reroll on Electronics and Repair checks involving computerized systems and on all Hacking checks. (This does apply when rolling the lower of Electronics or Thievery to bypass electronic security.) In addition, their skill at fine-tuning their own cybernetic systems increases their maximum Strain limit by two points.

Divine Quintessence

Requirement: Veteran, Demigod, Godling

Where a Demigod's power is defined by their parentage, a Godling's can grow over time as they gain followers or simply develop a deeper connection to the Megaverse. The Godling gains an additional 2 points of Divine Heritage. The GM may allow the player to adjust their existing Divine Heritage abilities slightly to accommodate these new points.

This Edge may be taken once per Rank, for a total of three times (at Veteran, Heroic, and Legendary).

Ninja Conversion

Converted from Rifts World Book 7: Japan
Requirement: Novice, Crazy, Athletics d6+, Stealth d6+

Several modern ninja clans value M.O.M.-implanted operatives for assassination and infiltration, and have developed meditative techniques to allow their Crazies better short-term control over their insanity. The hero may spend a Benny to suppress one psychological Hindrance for a scene. In addition, the effects of the following Edges are enhanced:

  • Acrobat: The free reroll applies to Stealth rolls as well.
  • Free Runner: The hero can use Athletics and Stealth at no extra penalty while running.
  • Gymnastic Mastery: The gymnast can "light walk" over thin rice paper, pressure plates, slender branches, etc. as if weighing almost nothing. This requires an Athletics roll at -2, or no penalty at Pace 1 or slower.

If this Edge is taken at character creation, the Crazy may choose to replace Nerves of Steel with Acrobat.

Ninja Treatment

Converted from Rifts World Book 7: Japan
Requirement: Novice, Juicer, Athletics d6+, Stealth d6+

The Ninja Juicer process, created by the Japanese H-Brand corporation, focuses on body control over sheer power. Where most Juicers seem twitchy and constantly on edge, these variants are almost unnaturally calm and quiet. The warrior can hold their breath for five minutes (or twice as long as usual, if better). In addition, the effects of Acrobat, Free Runner, and Gymnastic Mastery are enhanced as for the Ninja Conversion Edge (above).

If this Edge is taken at character creation, the Juicer may choose to replace Brawny with Acrobat.


Converted from Rifts World Book 12: Psyscape
Requirement: Novice, Nega-Psychic, Spirit d8+

Where a typical Nega-Psychic shuts down hostile psionics or spells immediately, a Nullifier interferes with the arcane effect to wear the caster out and then (optionally) shuts it down. The CS has schools to train Nullifiers; it's especially popular with their Psi-Stalkers.

When a ISP- or PPE-based caster within Smarts range of the Nega-Psychic uses an hostile (unwanted) power on her or her allies, increase its ISP or PPE cost by +2. The Nullifier can choose to spend ISP to worsen this, increasing PPE cost another +1 for every 2 ISP spent, or increasing ISP cost by +1 for every 1 ISP spent. This is a passive ability and does not prevent the use of other reactions, such as Disrupt Magic.

Superheavy Model

Converted from Rifts World Book 36: Sovietski
Requirement: Novice, Combat Cyborg

At 12' tall and weighing over a ton, this Combat Cyborg is massive. Raise Size to 3 (net +2 Toughness) and improve Strength by two die types. Reduce the total Strain of integrated weapons by 2 (overall, not per weapon), due to simply having more room to install them. They may integrate a Mod 1 vehicular weapon for 2 Strain or a Mod 2 for 5 Strain.

However, the cyborg's Loss of Dexterity complication now gives -2 instead of -1. They cannot wear body or power armor, with the exception of custom-made Cyborg Body Armor (double its cost and weight). Operating a vehicle is done at -4, or just -2 if it's been refitted for normal cyborgs; a human vehicle cannot be properly refitted for a Superheavy Model. Finally, although the Inhuman Appearance complication doesn't change, the cyborg draws a lot of attention and notice — similar to a person walking around in power armor.

[Background Edges]


Converted from Rifts Conversion Book 1
Requirements: Novice, Goblin, Arcane Background (Magic)

One in 20 Goblins is a "Cobbler," born with unique magical potential. A Cobbler gains the shape change power and may add the Duration Modifier for 0 PPE. She can also check Spellcasting to shape wood and other vegetation directly by hand, without tools. For example, she can seamlessly join a wooden door to its frame or ruin crops by walking through them with hands outstretched. This costs no PPE, cannot be done at range, and isn't fast enough for combat use.

(This replaces the "Cobbler D-Bee" option formerly available on this site, now that Europa has introduced Goblins.)

[Power Edges]

Bot Specialist

Created by Ndreare
Requirement: Novice, Arcane Background (Techno-Wizardry or Weird Science), Electronics d6+, Repair d6+

The character has studied robotics well enough to gadgeteer their own bots. They gain the summon ally power (as a "robotics kit" gizmo) and have access to all Mega Modifiers, but cannot summon a Mirror Self.

They also gain the ability to summon a bot semi-permanently. Doing so requires a battery or power source capable of sustaining the automaton (this usually costs 1,000 credits) and the PPE is invested while the bot exists, reducing the Techno-Wizard's normal PPE pool. The bot remains until it's destroyed, the power supply is drained (usually GM's call or due to a Zapper), or the power is canceled (e.g., voluntarily, by dispel, or via Backlash).

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