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MyGURPS - Rifts Super Soldiers

Rifts Super Soldiers

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Let's face it, 15 points of super powers is not a lot. The key to using the Super Soldier MARS package is to (a) avoid doing anything the other frameworks can do and (b) don't waste points on direct attacks or armor (just use Rifts armor and weapons), though Toughness is worth it. Super powers are your chance to make something really weird that Rifts Earth isn't used to dealing with!

A build marked with a * requires taking The Best There Is.

*Dimensional Mage

Take Arcane Background (Magic) for spells along with these powers. You can teleport with more versatility than anyone else on Rifts Earth, use those portals to redirect bullets and beams back at foes, and use Power Stunts to emulate any spells you lack.

  • Dodge 1 (5): Defender (MBT), Deflect. You and allies in an MBT are -1 to be hit with ranged attacks. Once per turn roll Focus (-2 for firearms, -4 for energy weapons) to redirect a missed shot back at the shooter.
  • Super Sorcery (3): Backlash. Spend a Benny to make any power up to 7 points as a Power Stunt. On a Critical Failure it instead blows up for 3d6 in an MBT.
  • Teleport (7): Portal, Traverse. Move yourself or create a portal to bring others. Range is 12" normally, or roll at -2 to travel 1,000 miles or at -4 for anywhere on Earth (plus -4 if you've never been there).

*Durability Manipulator

You can break down a person or object's structural integrity, which gives you a unique attack which ignores Toughness, plus a backup nonlethal option. And you can enhance yourself and your allies, providing extra defense.

  • Decay (6): Increased Range, Strong. A foe within 12" checks Vigor at -2 (-4 w/a raise) or takes a Wound. Or it can destroy objects up to Hardness 20.
  • Force Field (7): Life Support, Switchable (Force Field). Subtract 4 from all damage you take and ignore environmental hazards as if EBA.
    • Force Field:' Area Effect, Selective. You and your allies in an MBT (around you) subtract 3 from all damage (but no EBA).
  • Infection (2): A foe within 6" checks Vigor (at -2 w/a raise) or loses Fatigue and must roll again every turn until he gets a raise or is Incapacitated.

Literal Super Soldier

Given how great Rifts arms and armor are, making a character who excels at using them is a very potent approach. Be sure to get some cyberware to become an even better warrior.

  • Awareness 2 (2): Ignore up to 2 points of penalties from the target's Dodge, Nimble, Uncanny Reflexes, deflection, etc.
  • Deadeye (3): Deadly. Add +d10 damage to every ranged attack you make.
  • Heightened Senses (2): Eagle Eyes (reduce Range penalties by 1) and Low Light Vision.
  • Melee Attack (4): Add +2d6 to every melee attack you make (including unarmed).
  • No Vital Organs (1): Let 'em waste time with their Called Shots.
  • Skill Bonus (4): Choose: Fighting +2, Shooting +2, or Fighting +1 and Shooting +1.


In a world with lasers, power armor, and robot vehicles, the ability to shut down and co-opt such things is extremely powerful! Use Power Stunt (Push) to take over robots up to Size 11. The special effect of the Environmental Resistance is that the shots misfire, miss, etc.; it basically confers immunity to direct shots from almost every non-TW Rifts weapon (but not old-school "Modern Firearms").

  • Environmental Resistance (Light) (5): Additional Power Types (Electricity, Fire, Force, Metal), Immunity, Limitation (Only high-tech weapons). See text.
  • Machine Control 6 (7): Switchable (Malfunction). Within 12" assume control over any tech device up to Size 6.
    • Malfunction: Area Effect (MBT), Selective. Within 12" roll Focus (at -2 for most things) to shut down any tech you want in an MBT.
  • Scan (Electronics) (3): Distance. Awareness of devices within 10 miles.

Unsquishable Brute

I don't think this would be that fun to play, as there are other ways to be "incredibly tough" in Rifts, but it's fun to see how invulnerable you can make someone. The main advantage of this build is that it's all compatible with armor, including power armor, so definitely take Power Armor Ace. If we add Force Field to Toughness (for simplicity) and assume Vigor d12+2, Toughness is 19 naked or 36 (11) in NG-X9 or x-10 power armor.

Note: In our games, Force Field is subject to the same limits as Armor and Toughness, so this build is not legal.

  • Force Field 5 (5): Reduce all damage you take by 5.
  • No Vital Organs (1).
  • Super Attribute (4): Vigor +2d.
  • Toughness 5 (5).

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