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MyGURPS - Savage Rifts Framework And Race List

Savage Rifts Framework And Race List

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Iconic Frameworks and MARS Packages

These are the "character classes" of Savage Rifts. If none appeal to you, consider the Personal Concept Option (TLPG, p. 44). Page references to TotDF are specifically to the Terror on the Dark Frontier Player's Handbook.

Each framework may be marked with the following footnotes:

* This is a MARS package ("Mercenaries, Adventurers, Rogues, and Scholars"). This hero has less inherent power, but more experience. They start at Seasoned, which gives you flexibility and control in creating them. (Please see these notes for Fortune & Glory results #6 and #15.)
This framework eliminates your choice of race. Either the framework itself counts as a race (like the Dragon Hatchling) or it can only be taken by humans (like the Elemental Fusionist).
An unofficial conversion, but balanced and thus allowed in our games.

Aberrant Mechanoid†: A tiny organism with powerful psionics fused with a powerful machine body. They've rebelled against their brethren who want to destroy all humanoid life, and are now hunted by them and feared by the general public. (The Cyberworks Collection — Savaged, pp. 5-9)

  • Notes: This is a variant of the Intelligent Construct (below) with a few special build rules. From most to least common, they are tunnel crawler, brute, exterminator, seeker pod, runner, wasp, and brain. Be sure to see the errata as well.
  • AbM Brain: A brilliant master psychic and scientist with powerful tracks.
  • AbM Brute: Surprisingly fast (and able to snipe) given how strong and tough they are.
  • AbM Exterminator: A fast tracker with a Sidekick Seeker Pod (below). No hands but a full turret of weapons.
  • AbM Runner: A quick, agile, and tough battlefield commander.
  • AbM Seeker Pod: A small hover-borg who provides analysis and manual dexterity for its Sidekick Exterminator (above).
  • AbM Tunnel Crawler: A rapid wall-crawling scout with an integrated nerve gas generator.
  • AbM Wasp: Incredibly fast, agile jet with no hands but powerful particle beams.

Amazon†: A powerful warrior woman with either potent magic or psionics. By hunting and defeating powerful monsters, she gains trophies which give her access to powerful unique abilities. (LoaTI, p. 6)

  • Amazon Machi are an AMAB variant who lack the tribe's genetic enhancements but retain their spiritual and martial prowess. (See here.)

Anti-Monster†: A luchador given a powerful golem body with unique powers and attacks. Famed monster hunters, they strike fear into their prey and can gain world renown if they survive long enough. (LoaTI, p. 9)

Apok‡: A once-holy warrior who fell to True Evil but eventually found the light again. Now they wear a mask of atonement and use melee and miracles to not only fight, but to actively terrorize creatures of darkness. (See here.)

Atlantean Nomad*†: The True Atlantean equivalent of the Vagabond (below), with a variety of skills, Edges, and magical tattoos. The latter means they must usually avoid EBA armor, keeping their arms bare for tattoo activation. (A&DS, p. 25)

Barbarian*: A primitive, outdoorsy survivor — tough, strong, and experienced. Though illiterate and unworldly, they are incredibly alert and potentially quite intelligent. (B&B, p. 26)

Barbarian Eco-Wizard*: A classic druid who uses magic to empower weapons and fetishes. More of an outdoor hunter than the High Magus and more magical than the Shaman; see below. See also the Psi-Druid, below, for a non-magical variant. (B&B, p. 26)

Battle Magus*: Similar to the Combat Mage, below, with a smaller spell list but potentially faster casting. Has strong ties to Dweomer by default; to change this, replace Magi of Dweomer with Master of Magic. (A&M, p. 20)

Bio-Borg†: A terrifyingly hideous patchwork of monster parts, created by the Splugorth as a guard or experiment. Powerful, with access to weird abilities, but driven slightly insane. (A&DS, p. 11)

Biomancer Gene-Mage: Nature-attuned mages who can temporarily enhance living beings by adding racial abilities (e.g., armor, size, wings) and "grow" magical items. Iconic Edges add further unique magical powers. (LoaTI, p. 13)

Black Marketeer*‡: A clever, connected, and crafty cog in the Black Market machine. Choose from eight distinct roles. (See here.)

  • Caser: Identifies and overcomes security, surveillance, and stalkers.
  • Con Artist: A grifter able to sell convincing stories.
  • Enforcer: Intimidating fighter and evidence cleaner.
  • Fixer: Can always find the right person for a job.
  • Merchant: Well-stocked on gear and can easily find more.
  • Psychic Broker: Uniquely trained at ferreting out secrets.
  • Refurbisher: Makes the old (stolen) new (legal) again.
  • Rift Runner: The Market's iconic magically enhanced smuggler.

Blood Rider*: A potent psi mentally bonded to a Blood Lizard, a fully intelligent dinosaur mount with its own psionic abilities. Those who become Master Psionics can accomplish great feats while mounted. (LoaTI, p. 33)

  • See here if the Blood Lizard is a fellow PC (instead of NPC Sidekick).

Body-Fixer*: A brilliant medical professional with training in both biology and technology (like the Cyber-Doc, below). The Body-Fixer excels at patching people up and questions about biology, and can also install cybernetics in a pinch. (TLPG, p. 43)

Bounty Hunter*: A hunter, fighter, and outdoorsman who specializes in disarming targets and bringing them in alive. (TLFM, p. 5)

Burster: See Eruptor, below.

City Rat*: A street-smart urban scavenger who starts with a modest range of cybernetics. (TLPG, p. 43)

Combat Cyborg†: A huge, total-conversion 'borg, more machine than man. Incredibly strong, fast, and durable, but unmistakably inhuman. See the Headhunter Techno-Warrior below if you want a less all-in option. (TLPG, p. 21)

  • Iconic Edges reflect other types of cyborg. From LoaTI: Destroyer 'Borgs are lighter and use force-fields, Free 'Borgs were noncombat models, and Plains 'Borgs are riders and pistoleros. From TotDF: Cyber-Slingers are dexterous gunslingers and Prospectors have a powerful drill. Homebrew: Superheavies are massive and tanky.

Combat Mage*: A warrior wizard, trained equally in spellcasting and the battlefield. Straightforward and dangerous with a wider spell list than the Battle Magus, above. (A&M, p. 20)

Commando*: An elite soldier trained by a military force to become an expert on infiltration, elimination, and exfiltration. See also the Merc Soldier, below. (EOH, p. 18)

Cosmo-Knight‡: An extremely powerful space guardian (think Silver Surfer with a Green Lantern ring) from the Phase World setting, capable of taking on starships and robot vehicles solo, sworn to protect the innocent. While this is theoretically point-balanced, the GM should carefully consider whether to allow it. (See here.)

  • Note: This is not available in our games.

Controller*‡: A mage who pilots an "Automaton" — a huge golem that's essentially a magical mecha. Fills a similar niche as the Robot Vehicle Ace, below, but very different thematically. (See here.)

Cowboy*: A horseback rider with a steed that they share an almost supernaturally close bond with. (EOH, p. 18)

Crazy: A psychically enhanced super-soldier - incredibly fast, pretty strong and tough, and completely insane. Can go berserk ("losing it") at will, becoming even stronger and faster. (TLPG, p. 24)

  • Crazy "sub-classes" are represented via Iconic Edges. From LoaTI: Ultra-Crazies are more powerful but dependent on a totem. Homebrew: Ninja Crazies keep control via meditation.

Cyber-Doc*: A brilliant medical professional with training in both biology and technology (like the Body-Fixer, above). The Cyber-Doc excels at fixing and installing cybernetics, but is also decent at patching people up. (TLPG, p. 43)

Cyber-Knight: Think "Jedi." An honorable, fast, beloved melee fighter with psionic powers that focus on self-buffing and fighting technological foes. Can summon armor and a psi-sword. See the Psi-Warrior, below, for a similar MARS package. (TLPG, p. 27)

  • See SFONA p. 60 for your Code of Chivalry. Also see A&M p. 33 for a new psi-sword Edge.

Demigod: Half mortal, half deity, granted innate powers (which vary based on the divine parent) and an air of superiority. Those from the Empire of the Sun are known as True Incans. (LoaTI, p. 33)

  • The Godling is a Iconic Edge variant who's 100% divine, either a very weak god or an avatar of a major god. See here for a Godling-specific Edge.
  • House Rule: For Divine Heritage's "Positive Racial Ability" option, use the Fantasy Companion version of Additional Action, Bite, and Poisonous Touch. The new abilities Camouflage, Dark Vision, Echolocation, and Phosphorescence are also available.

Dinosaur Hunter*: A tracker and shooter who specializes in taking down huge creatures, not just dinosaurs. Think "big game hunter". (B&B, p. 27)

Dragon Hatchling†: An extremely young (but powerful!) dragon who imprinted on the party. Can assume human form for a limited time, which is good because everyone considers them a target. Comes in four varieties, below.

  • Flame Wind is immune to fire/plasma and has the most destructive breath weapon (TLPG, p. 44).
  • Forest Runner is fast on the ground and sneaky, with lots of psi options (TLFM, p. 6).
  • Great Horned has potent melee and armor, plus high magical potential (TLFM, p. 7).
  • Royal Frilled is fearsome and versatile, starting with spells and psi (TLFM, p. 8).
  • Snow Lizard can't fly but has the unique ability to become a snowstorm (TLFM, p. 9).
  • See Savage Rifts Dragon Hatchlings for relevant house rules, errata, and a more in-depth breakdown of the dragon types.

Dragon Juicer: Under Juicer, below.

Duelist*: A psionic Adept, amazingly skilled with all swords but known for the Psi-Blade and Psi-Shield. All are loyal to New Babylon; some even act as spies and assassins. (LoaTI, p. 33)

Elemental Fusionist† (or "Warlock"): A rugged, outdoorsy, charismatic human born with an instinctive link to the elements. Great offensive and defensive abilities with unique trappings. Their power list takes a while to expand, but is eventually very broad. Compare the Spirit Warrior (below). (A&M, p. 12)

EOD Specialist*: A master of Explosives Ordnance Disposal but also the opposite, improvising and using charges to take down obstacles. (EOH, p. 19)

Eruptor: A psi with powerful, destructive abilities focused on manipulating and weaponizing a particular element or force, with enough non-combat utility to keep them versatile. They come in several varieties:

  • Bomber‡ (or "Blaster"): Creates pure explosions from thin air, and understands demolitions. (See here.)
  • Burster: Setting foes aflame and being immune to fire is a powerful combo. (TLPG, p. 18)
  • Freezer‡: Wields versatile ice weapons in melee and is attuned to nature. (See here.)
  • Soaker‡: An aquatic warrior with versatile though less destructive abilities. (See here.)
  • Zapper: Less raw power, but electricity can devastate electronics and technology. (A&M, p. 17) (See these house rules.)
  • Or instead of using the links above, see Savage Rifts: Eruptors (PDF) for full rules for playing all eruptor types

Fallam Battlemaster*†: A Fallam with the rare ability to enter a battle trance where they can shrug off pain and fight with instinctive precision. (LoaTI, p. 34)

Fantasy Adventurer*‡: An immigrant from a classic fantasy dimension, likely Palladium World or Golarion. This quick-n-dirty conversion turns any Savage Pathfinder Class into a MARS package. (See here.)

Gizmoteer: Gadgeteers who blend psionics and weird science, able to interface with machines and minds, create psi-tech, and "super-charge" a machine's performance at the cost of damaging it afterward. (LoaTI, p. 24)

Glitter Boy: A Power Armor Ace (below) who starts with the best power armor and the most devastating ranged weapon in the game. Beloved by the populace and supported by a Brotherhood. (TLPG, p. 34)

Gunslinger*: An incredibly talented shootist, who can "draw on" a foe to interrupt them mid-action. The Psi-Slinger, below, lacks the reflexes but adds psionic power. (EOH, p. 20)

  • Per TLFM (p. 12) the Gunslinger also starts with the Quick Draw Edge (see updated Edge here).

Headhunter Techno-Warrior*: A mercenary who relies heavily on cybernetics, and has the freest hand in choosing systems, but is still mostly meat. If you'd rather flip that ratio, see the Combat Cyborg or Cyber-Humanoid, both above. (TLPG, p. 44)

Heroic Vampire: A renegade who threw off their conditioning to fight evil. Nearly impossible to kill, with amazing psi and shapeshifting, but several problematic vulnerabilities and drawbacks. (B&B, p. 19)

High Magus*: A caster with a focus on enchanting; the only framework which starts with Major Item Creation. See also the Barbarian Eco-Wizard (above) and Shaman (below). Has strong ties to Dweomer by default; to change this, replace Magi of Dweomer with Master of Magic. (A&M, p. 21)

Intelligent Construct†: More of an open-ended construction system than a normal framework, use this to build a unique synthetic being, magical or technological. Lots of flexibility (you could make a Shemarrian Warrior, sentient vehicle, Immortal Golem, TW hoversphere, and more) but a tad complicated to make. All constructs are subject to GM approval. (EOH, p. 9)

  • See Aberrant Mechanoid (above) for a variant of this framework.

Intel Operative*: An intelligence officer, espionage agent, "super-spy", or similar specialist. Widely skilled in awareness, social engineering, and technical ability. (EOH, p. 20)

Juicer: A commando who traded lifespan for biochemically boosted power. Strong, fast, tough, with incredible regenerative ability. Can burn their own life-force for more oomph. (TLPG, p. 37)

  • Juicer "sub-classes" are represented via Iconic Edges. From EOH (pp. 32-33): Delphi Juicers can use psionics; Hyperion Juicers are even faster; Mega-Juicers are insanely tough; Phaeton Juicers are vehicular masters; and Titan Juicers have the strength of giants. From A&DS (p. 41): Maxi-Killers are created with Bio-Wizardry. Homebrew: Ninja Juicers are acrobatic and stealthy.

Juicer, Dragon: A Juicer sub-class too complex for a mere Treatment Edge (above). Instead of chemicals, they're empowered by dragon blood and require regular resupply (from adults, not hatchlings). This makes them tougher and able to use TW devices, though also shorter-lived. (A&M, p. 9)

Knight of the White Rose (or "Rose Knight"): A Mystic Knight (bad guy) turned good, with access to miracles and psionics, plus a powerful ability to deflect and project energy. Sworn to protect lives and fight evil. (B&B p. 9)

Lemurian Bird Warrior*†: A fast, skilled fighter with winged bio-armor and a lava projection rod. Their manutara bird familiar isn't a combatant, but offers amazing recon and awareness. (A&DS, p. 25)

Lemurian Serpent Hunter*†: A potent psi and warrior, granted heavy bio-armor and weaponry, who can tame mighty beasts and turn them into mounts. Especially effective against actual sea monsters. (A&DS, p. 26)

Ley Line Walker: A master magician with many useful and potent spells with a ton of raw power. Can work incredibly powerful rituals when on a ley line. For a more flexible version, see the Lord Magus, below. (TLPG, p. 40)

  • See B&B p. 32 for a new Iconic Edge.

Line Maker: A conjurer, magician, and artist who casts via drawing lines of energy, either in the air or drawn in advance on an object (which speeds up future casting of that one spell). (LoaTI, p. 27)

Lord Magus*: A pure arcanist, with several spells and potent magical abilities; basically, the MARS equivalent of the Ley Line Walker, above. Has strong ties to Dweomer by default; to change this, replace Magi of Dweomer with Master of Magic. (A&M, p. 21)

Manoan Monster Hunter*†: Infiltrators, scholars, and warriors who use unique magical tattoos to disguise themselves as monsters. (LoaTI, p. 34)

Martial Artist*‡: A melee fighter, fast and skilled with fist or weapon, with special "chi" abilities to adapt to any combat situation. Can be purely unarmed, but that's dangerous unless your race has great natural weapons. (See here.)

Mega-Super†: A "four-color" super, probably rifted over from the Heroes Unlimited dimension. Being so unique makes them well-known and actively hunted by several curious factions. For someone more "street-level", see the Super Soldier, below. (SYFRI, p. 11)

Megaversal Trooper*: A cybernetically enhanced soldier whose battle experience makes them unfazeable and uniquely prepared for any type of fight. (LoaTI, p. 34)

Merc Soldier*: An experienced warrior with a great choice of combat skills, Edges, and armor. Less specialized and more flexible than the Commando, above, with amazing starting gear. (TLPG, p. 44)

Mind Melter: The setting's "master psi," who starts with a wide range of abilities, from displays of power to subtle trickery, capable of utterly dominating minds. See also the Phase Psychic (below) for a similar MARS package. (TLPG, p. 47)

  • There is a new Iconic Edge on TLFM p. 12, but see here for the house-ruled version of it.

Momano Headhunter: Monster slayers who rely on psionics along with implanted cybernetics (blades, spikes, energy projector) that have been enchanted as TW devices. (EOH, p. 21)

Mystic: A spiritual adventurer with both faith-based magic and inherent psionics. Has access to unique "holy" trappings for their miracles and special Divination rules. (TLPG, p. 49)

  • See A&M p. 34 for a new Iconic Edge.

Mystic Warrior*: A versatile Native American psychic with both combat and non-combat abilities, the ability to invoke a single Master Psionic power, and a powerful throwable Psi-Tomahawk. (TotDF, p. 2)

Necromancer: A hero who respects the dead, conversing with them easily and asking permission before using their corpses. They can gradually create potent armies of skeletons, zombies, and mummies. (B&B, p. 12)

Nega-Psychic: A psionic whose real power is "weaponized disbelief," able to shrug off and shut down pretty much any arcane power. The CS recruits psis with this potential and develops them into Nullifiers. (A&M, p. 14)

  • See here for the new Nullifier Iconic Edge.

Ocean Wizard*: A versatile mage — useful on land but even more potent near bodies of water. Gains underwater adaptation or (if the race already has that) potent underwater "Whale Singer" rituals. To be even more sea-focused, consider the Sea Druid (below). (A&DS, p. 26)

  • House Rule: If the package did not grant Whale Singer, the wizard can add it as a (Novice) Iconic Edge.

Operator*: A technical genius, able to repair, improvise, and use almost any gear. This includes vehicles; the Operator is a skilled driver and pilot who starts with a vehicle of choice. (TLPG, p. 44)

Paradox Shaman*†: A Native American scholar, gifted with historical and ancient knowledge, who is also a versatile Master of Magic with several spells. (TotDF, p. 2)

Phase Adept*‡: A "pure psionic" like the Mind Melter (above) who underwent secret initiation, gaining magical resistance and access to more powers than a typical psi. (See here.)

Power Armor Ace*: Warrior in a battlesuit. Not quite as powerful as the Glitter Boy (above), but more experienced and often with a more versatile loadout. (TLPG, p. 44)

  • See here if you wish to pilot variant (non-G10) Glitter Boy armor.

Priest*: A pious hero who uses miracles for defense, support, and banishing demons. Educated and likable, they provide much-needed reassurance to the common folk. (LoaTI, p. 35)

  • Specific religions are represented via Iconic Edges. See LoaTI for (Pantheon of the) Sun and Voodoo, TodDF for Hellfire & Brimstone and Peacemaker.

Professional Gambler*‡: A dashing rogue who's equal parts card sharp, gunslinger, people-reader, con man, and thief . . . moving from town to town either solo or with an accomplice. (See here.)

Psi-Druid*: A psychic attuned to flora and fauna, whose connection to nature is often more personal than religious. For more traditional druids, see the magical Barbarian Eco-Wizard (above) or religious Shaman (below). (A&M, p. 22)

Psi-Operator*: A technopath who can interface with electronics and create psionic gadgets. See also the Techno-Wizard, below. (TLPG, p. 45)

Psi-Slinger*: A shootist who uses psionic energy to deflect energy and super-charge their bullets, along with other tricks. See also the Gunslinger, above. (A&M, p. 22)

  • Clarification: Their Telekinetic Enhancement ability only works when firing physical bullets. The "or TW equivalent" clause refers to using a TW-converted gun with normal bullets (instead of the "energy bullets" you get via a PP-powered reload).

Psi-Warrior*: A skilled martial artist who wields a psi-sword and psi-shield. They can simultaneously improve the potency of their bare hands and psi-sword, until the latter is nearly as strong as the Cyber-Knight's, above. (A&M, p. 23)

RCSG Scientist*: An ex-Coalition "Rifts Control Study Group" expert on the supernatural, who excels at identifying threats and figuring out how to stop them. Note that Strain doesn't affect "Recognize the Arcane." Change the name to "Rogue Scientist" for a non-Coalition version. (EOH, p. 18)

Robot Vehicle Ace*: A soldier in a robot vehicle, a large and incredibly powerful combat machine that's basically a mecha. Similar to the Automaton Controller, above, if only in a tactical sense. (TLPG, p. 45)

Rogue Scholar*: Trained investigator and historian who excels at uncovering the truth and enlightening the ignorant masses. Can be built as a "Rogue Scientist," but for that consider the RCSG Scientist, above. (TLPG, p. 45)

Rune Warrior†: A magically enhanced, unarmored guardian whose staff has potent melee, ranged, and defensive applications. Can activate a limited repertoire of self-buffing powers quickly and automatically, including "pattern armor." (LoaTI, p. 30)

Sea Druid*: An oceanic shaman, with a specific sea creature totem that they can both summon and transform into. They are underwater-adapted and always know where bodies of water are. For a less sea-dependent option, consider the Ocean Wizard (above). (A&DS, p. 27)

Sea Inquisitor*: Don't let the name fool you; this isn't a water-based framework! They're potent psis with special abilities to hunt and fight supernaturally evil monsters, which grow in power as the Inquisitor gains experience. (A&DS, p. 27)

Shaman*: A versatile Native American miracle-worker. Starts with several powerful fetishes, outdoor prowess, and a variety of ways to call upon the spirits both in combat and outside of it. (TotDF, p. 3)

  • Clarification: The Lodge Edges are not free, just freely available to acquire.
  • The original version of this MARS (A&M, p. 23) can reflect certain non-Native animists.

Shifter: A wizard who focuses on dimensional travel and summoning beings to control, with unique abilities to warp space and control rifts. They have a reputation as demon worshipers, which is an option if you want. (B&B, p. 15)

  • See TLFM pp. 13-14 for two new semi-Iconic Edges.

Spirit Warrior*: A Native American holy warrior who mixes combat prowess with ties to one of the elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Animal, or Plant). The latter enhances their miracles of that Trapping, similar to the Elemental Fusionist (above). (TotDF, p. 4)

  • See here for a note about their Iconic Edge, Improved Realms of Power.
  • The original version of this MARS (A&M, p. 24) can reflect a general holy warrior.

Stone Master: A mage with a limited spell list but the ability to manipulate stone by the ton. More important, they can cast specific powers using mundane gems, effectively letting them buy extra spells with credits. (A&DS, p. 14)

Super Soldier*†: A "street level" super, whose powers supplement other abilities and training. Unlike the more powerful Mega-Super (above), they've stayed off the radar of most main factions. (SYFRI, p. 13)

Tattooed Warrior†: A former Splugorth slave, tattooed and forced to fight in the arenas. Now escaped, they can use their magic tattoos to summon weapons, animals, or monsters, or to activate powers. Innately tough, but can't wear armor, like the Undead Slayer (below). (A&DS, p. 19)

  • See A&DS p. 41-42 for Edges to modify this framework. Maxi-Warriors are respected gladiators trained from birth, not slaves; Tattooed Archers have unique ranged tattoos; and Tattooed Monster Warriors are overburdened with summoning tattoos.

Techno-Wizard: Starts with several TW devices, can create new temporary ones (several each session), and gets a bonus on rolls to use them. Can also create permanent TW devices and upgrades, and eventually enchanted artifacts. (TLPG, p. 52)

Titan Dispatcher*†: A broadly skilled field agent for Titan Robotics (and secretly a Syntharoid working for ARCHIE 3) adept at sabotage and social engineering. As a Tomorrow Legionnaire, you'd be a "former dispatcher" who's still secretly in Archie's pocket. (Titan Robotics — Savaged, p. 4)

Totem Warrior*: A strong, tough Native American warrior with miraculous power focused on their animal totem. They can freely shapeshift into a more powerful, supernatural version of their totem animal, which is terrifying on its own but especially potent against supernatural evil. (TotDF, p. 4)

Tribal Warrior*: A straightforward Native American fighter, focused on improved attributes and skills as well as social ties to the tribe and spiritual ties to their totem animal. (TotDF, p. 5)

Undead Slayer†: A True Atlantean, raised from birth to fight vampires, etc. and imbued with many magical tattoos. Unlike the Tattooed Warrior (above), this is an honor, not a punishment. Cannot wear armor, but is tough enough to not need to. (A&DS, p. 22)

Vagabond*: A simple wandering hero, lucky enough to survive impossible situations. The ultimate jack-of-all-trades, able to do a little bit of everything. (TLPG, p. 45)

  • See EOH p. 32 for a new Iconic Edge.

Vampire: See Heroic Vampire, above.

Vampire Hunter*: A fighter and occultist who specializes in bloodsuckers but deals well with most supernatural foes. (B&B, p. 27)

Werecat†: Lycanthropes, agile and immune to most non-supernatural attacks, who make great athletes and melee fighters. They come in werejaguar, wereocelot, and werepanther flavors. (B&B, p. 22)

Wilderness Scout*: A ranger/outdoorsman, quick on their feet and in-tune with nature. (TLPG, p. 45)

Zapper: See Eruptor, above.


With the exception of most frameworks, every character must choose a race. Be aware that any race other than human will suffer reaction penalties from most of the populace.

Achillean Mutant: Uplifted animals (except the Neo-Humans) with psychic powers. All but the Felinoids are from the Achilles Republic.

  • Mutant Capybara‡: Wise time-manipulators. (See here.)
  • Mutant Condoroid: Fast flyers designed for stealth and melee. (LoaTI, p. 43)
  • Mutant Falconoid: Fast flyers designed for recon and sniping. (LoaTI, p. 43)
  • Felinoid: Agile catfolks with versatile psi, from the lost city of Omagua. (LoaTI, p. 39)
    • See here for expanded info about their racial variants.
  • Mutant Neo-Human: "Perfect" telekinetic humans who can withstand Mega Damage. (LoaTI, p. 44)
  • Mutant Serpentoid: Venomous, slightly sociopathic telepaths. (LoaTI, p. 45)

Altara: Escaped Splugorth minions. Blind but with natural radar sense to compensate. Good physical prowess, though not the smartest. (TLPG, p. 58)

Amaki: The stone people of New Babylon, physically tough but arrogant and with few friends. (LoaTI, p. 36)

Amphibs: Water-adapted mutants which come in eight different varieties ranging from human-like to frog-like to fish-like. (A&DS, p. 28)

Arkhon: Aliens (not D-Bees) with versatility and physical prowess. (LoaTI, p. 37)

Cactus Person: Weird spiky plant-people who communicate telepathically and ignore many hazards. (A&M, p. 24)

Centaur: Strong, fast, nomadic people who prize their freedom. Some are "Cyber-Horseman" from the hidden city of Ixion. (B&B, p. 28)

D'Norr: "Devilmen" in appearance. Natural spellcasters with good mental and social capabilities. (TLPG, p. 59)

Dog Boy: Versatile mutant canines, uplifted by the CS. Can smell and track the supernatural. (TLPG, p. 60)

Dramin‡: Spiritual and aloof, each convinced that the world and everyone else is an illusion. (See here.)

Dwarf: Tough and good with tech, though a bit slow and grumpy. Can't stand elves. (A&M, p. 26)

Elf: Agile, beautiful, perceptive, and arrogant as all hell. Can't stand dwarves. (A&M, p. 26)

Fallam: Alien allies of the Arkhons, physically large and powerful. (LoaTI, p. 38)

Feni‡: Primitive deer-like humanoids with a strong "fight or flight" reflex and the ability to adapt to any environment. (See here.)

Fennodi: Natural psionics possessing a calm demeanor, good mental stability, and exceptional vision. (TLPG, p. 62)

Grackle Tooth: Huge, strong, and tough, with a heroic attitude and useful prehensile tail. (TLPG, p. 63)

Horune: Hated seafaring pirates, physically powerful and naturally psychic, but ignorant of many things. (A&DS, p. 29)

Human: The most versatile race. Each starts with an Edge of their choice, which can be up to Legendary.

  • House Rule: Humans can take 6 points of Hindrances instead of 4.

Iktek‡: Large, tough, cavers who were prey on their world and are still acclimating to Earth. (See here.)

Jungle Elf: Forest-dwellers with psionics and innate biomancy, who hate technology and focus on the arcane. No relation to actual Elves. (LoaTI, p. 40)

Kittani: Brilliant, strong psionics who serve the Splugorth; those who don't are hunted mercilessly. (A&DS, p. 30)

Kydian: Huge, powerful warriors who serve the Splugorth; those who don't are hunted mercilessly. (A&DS, p. 31)

Lannic‡: Winged humanoids, fast and alert, though not very tough. (See here.)

Larhold: Tough, strong, and intimidating; hated by most folks and pursued by the tribe they abandoned. (LoaTI, p. 41)

Lemurians: Heavily altered humans, now aquatic, psychic, and physically perfect. They've rejected technology and embraced nature completely. (A&DS, p. 32)

Lizardfolk: Small, amphibious, wall-crawlers, mainly native to Lagarto. (LoaTI, p. 42)

Lyn-Srial: Strong, four-armed, winged humanoids with regeneration who fight for what's right. (TLPG, p. 64)

  • See A&M p. 36 if you want your Lyn-Srial to be a Cloudweaver or Sky Knight. And see this thread for Cloud Magic clarifications.

Mastadonoid‡: Mammoth humanoids, literally, who are honorable and a bit technologically backward. (See here.)

Mind Bleeder‡: Humanlike D-Bees, especially disliked as they can drain the psionic energy and thoughts of others. (See here.)

Mutant Animal: A variety of uncommon humanoids, engineered by the same Lone Star scientists who created Dog Boys. (EOH, p. 24)

  • Mutant Bats are perceptive fliers.
  • Mutant Felines are huge predators (Kill Cats) or similar to Dog Boys (Battle Cats)
  • Mutant Rats are agile scouts.

Mutie: The wastelands produce many mutated humans. This isn't a fixed race, but a set of guidelines for creating a mutated human. See examples here. (B&B, pp. 107, 118)

Naut'yll: Intelligent, strong, psychic, aquatic warriors. Dependence on water and vulnerability to magic are their only real weaknesses. (A&DS, p. 33)

Ogres: Time-displaced Neanderthals, strong and tough, but especially disliked by most folks. (A&DS, p. 34)

Ojahee: A strong, tough warrior race common among the Megaversal Legion. (LoaTI, p. 46)

Orc: Tough, strong, tribal warriors, hated by most everyone due to their lust for battle and conquest. (A&M, p. 25 — but use (the revised version here instead).

Psi-Ghost: Mutant humans with modest psi who can become intangible and translucent at will. (A&M, p. 28 — but use (the revised version here instead).

Psi-Stalker: Fast mutants who can detect the supernatural and must feed off it daily. (TLPG, p. 65)

Psi-X Alien: Technically mutants, but believed to be aliens, these little gray folks are brilliant but unstable psis. (EOH, p. 28)

Rulian: Cone-headed psychics with unique translation abilities. Physically weak, spiritually strong, though vulnerable to mental attacks. (A&DS, p. 35)

Quick Flex: Fast, anime-like characters who excel at melee fighting and most other feats of dexterity. (TLPG, p. 67)

Sasquatch: Big, strong, primitive humanoids who are masters of living outdoors. (B&B, p. 29)

Sea Titan: A Human exposed to strange radiation that made them superhuman. Aquatic-adapted and perfect in most ways, these overconfident heroes face unique supernatural drawbacks. (A&DS, p. 36)

Simvan: Bloodthirsty "monster riders" who use psionics to control massive riding beasts. (TLPG, p. 68)

  • For a true "Simvan Monster Rider", take the Beast Rider edge (B&B, p. 31).

Syntharoid: A perfectly normal human to anyone's eyes . . . but secretly a synthetic being gathering intel for ARCHIE 3. (Titan Robotics — Savaged, p. 4)

Trimadore: Large and oddly shapped, with an affinity for machines and fixing things. (TLPG, p. 69)

True Atlantean: Altered Humans (including for the purpose of choosing a Framework) with two magical tattoos, natural arcane abilities, but many enemies and issues. (A&DS, p. 38)

  • House Rule: True Atlanteans do not get the "Versatile" racial ability. Explanation here.

Ursa-Warrior‡: Another type of Mutant Animal (above), these simple, strong bear-warriors come in four varieties. (See here.)

Vernulian: Massive psychic serpents with four tentacles who see our world as a place to be used. (TLFM, p. 10)

Vronwor (or "Rahu-Men"): Four-armed giants, strong, somewhat psychic, with a reputation for eating sentient beings. (A&M, p. 29)

Wolfen‡: Arrogant and honorable wolf-like humanoids. Fast, strong, and deadly fighters. (See here.)

Zembakk: Large mute worms with powerful psionic and holy abilities despite not being very smart. Cannot use gear and are very limited in Framework choice. (A&DS, p. 39)

  • Note: These are not a playable race in our games; they make better NPCs than PCs.

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