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MyGURPS - BAE Body Armor

BAE Body Armor

Return to Savage Borderlands: BAE

Armor in Borderlands is heavy and less efficient than in most settings. Most heroes eschew body armor in favor of BAE Shields, which are far less encumbering and not vulnerable to Corrosive attacks. So this list exists mainly for the GM to equip enemies, though LP prices are included in case players want a set.

Body armor and physical shields are never available in vending machines. Vault Hunters must either visit an actual vendor or take these off their foes (though salvaged armor will be damaged; see below).

The corporations reserve their best armor for their own troops, however. Anything noted as "Black Market" (with a *) isn't readily available. The players will need to first find a shady dealer, usually via Networking. Depending on the situation, the dealer may charge more LP than what's listed and/or require a favor from the buyers.

Body Armor

Here, "(body)" covers everything except the hands and head, which is still enough coverage to protect against area-effect attacks, while "(torso)" doesn't protect the limbs and doesn't apply to area-effect attacks.

NameArmorMin StrWeightLP
Bandit Armor
Skag Leather (body)+1d6150
Bone Cap (head)+1d631
Scrap Brigandine (body)+2d8251
Scrap Helm (head)+2d852
Welded Junk Plate (body)+3d10352
Junk Great Helm (head)+3d1073
Goliath Armor (body)+4d12503
Goliath Helm (head)+4d12104
Corporate Armor
Kevlar Vest (torso)+2d6152
Combat Helmet (head)+2d634*
Light Infantry Armor (all)+3d8308*
Heavy Infantry Armor (all)+4d104512*
*Black Market; see above.

Armor Damage

A person's armor is considered "damaged" at the end of any fight in which they took any Wounds from attacks. Damaged armor hangs off of you awkwardly; raise its Min Str by one die. If damaged armor is damaged again, it's considered destroyed and useless.

Armor salvaged from fallen foes is always damaged. The GM isn't expected to track whether each enemy was hit by Corrosive attacks; in general, if any of the PCs are using Corrosive damage, assume all of the enemies were hit by some Corrosive damage unless the Vault Hunters are taking great effort to avoid a particular target.

Repairing armor takes 20 minutes and a Repair roll with the penalties below (all cumulative). Halve time on a raise. Failures cannot be retried.

  • +1 to fix +1 or +2 armor (not shields)
  • -1 to fix Corporate gear (it's higher-tech)
  • -2 if the armor/shield took Corrosive damage
  • -4 if the armor/shield is destroyed, not just damaged

Physical Shields

Shields are Hardness 10 and provide +2 Armor if foes wish to shoot through them. A character attacked by multiple enemies on the same Action Card only gets his shield's benefits against half of them (round up, defender decides which ones).

Shields can bash for Str+d4 damage. Spiked or razor-edged shields are available (raise Min Str by a die type, +5 lbs., +1 LP) that improve this to Str+d4+1 damage.

Shields aren't assumed to be damaged by typical combat unless one took the brunt of a significant or Corrosive attack. Similarly, looted shields often count as damaged. (GM's call on both.) Repairing a damaged shield uses the same rules as for armor, above.

NameParryCoverMin StrWeightLP
Tactical Shield+2-2d882*
Nomad Shield†+2-4d10123
* Black Market (see above) and Corporate.
† Gives -1 to Pace while in shield position (regardless of wielder's Strength).

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