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MyGURPS - Savage Rifts Sidekicks And Followers

Savage Rifts Sidekicks And Followers

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The following characters are intended as Sidekicks (usually Intelligent Constructs) or as Followers and are therefore presented in NPC format. For complicated builds, the (build) link will take you to an expanded version that shows specifics and build notes.


Many skills receive modifiers from Intelligent Construct abilities. Where this is the case, the actual raw skill appears, followed by effective skill (after modifiers) in parentheses. A * means there is a special ability worth referencing (e.g., a sensor suite that indirectly helps Notice).

I.S.A.A.C. — Intelligent Stealth Armored Assault Cycle

A loving nod to Knight Rider's K.I.T.T., this hoverbike was created for stealthy infiltration but escaped after it unexpectedly developed sapience. Who created it is up to the player or GM. When maneuvering, note that I.S.A.A.C. uses its Athletics or the driver can use their own Piloting; if both are working together, the Support rules make sense here. (build)

Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d6, Spirit d8*, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12*.
Skills: Athletics d12 (d12+2), Common Knowledge d4 (d4+2), Fighting d4, Notice d6 (d6+4*), Persuasion d4 (d4-2), Repair d4 (d4+2), Shooting d12 (d12+2), Stealth d10 (d10+2).
Flight: 48" (120 MPH), Parry: 4, Tough: 27 (12 MDC).
Hindrances: Heroic, Illiterate, Loyal, Outsider (Major), Overconfident (Core Directive), Wanted (Major).
Special Abilities:
  • Construct/Iron Jaw: +2 to Soak, recover from Shaken, or resist KO blows. Ignore -1 Wound penalty. Doesn't breathe. Immune to disease/poison.
  • Electronic/Sensor Suite: 360° awareness, ignores Darkness, 20-mile radio, and electronic interface jack.
  • Heavy-Duty Hovercycle: Size +2 (Normal). Load 500 lbs., maximum 2,000. Passengers are exposed.
  • Improved Dodge: -2 to be hit at range. +2 on Evasion.
  • Retractable Arms: At -2 to physically use most gear.
  • Technological: Must be repaired, not healed. Subject to Technical Difficulties. Requires one hour of charging per day. Cannot improve Agility, Strength, or Vigor.
Vehicular Weapons:
  • TX-50 Rail Gun: 50/100/200, 2d10+2 Mega-Damage (AP 5), RoF 3, Shots 20, Anti-Personnel
  • Particle Beam Cannon: 40/80/160, 4d8+4 Mega-Damage (AP 16), RoF 1, +2d6 damage on raise, Atomic Annihilation (TLPG, p. 100)
Suggested Advances: Nerves of Steel, Improved Nerves of Steel, improved Repair, other skills.

Clay, the Magical Morphin' Mini-Golem

Over a century ago, High Magus Eprix constructed Clay as a wizardly assistant. After Eprix was executed for selling Dweomer secrets to Stormspire, Clay became a free agent. With a personality crafted to be servile and submissive, Clay usually partners with someone assertive to compensate. His core directive doesn't restrict who he partners with, but does mean he can't do anything which directly goes against Dweomer's interests. (build)

Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d12+2, Spirit d8*, Strength d6, Vigor d12+2*.
Skills: Academics d8 (d8+2), Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4, Intimidation d4-2 (d4-4), Notice d8 (d8+4*), Occult d12 (d12+2), Persuasion d4 (d4-2), Spellcasting d12 (d12+2), Stealth d8 (d8+2).
Pace: 6", Parry: 2*, Tough: 11 (4).
Hindrances: Loyal, Mild-Mannered, Outsider (Major), Timid†, Vow (Serve Dweomer — Core Directive), Wanted (Major).
Powers: boost/lower Trait, detect/conceal arcana, environmental protection, fly, healing, illusion, intangibility, invisibility, protection, speak language, telekinesis. PPE: 15.
Special Abilities:
  • Advanced Senses: Equivalent of thermal, infrared, radiation, motion, radar, sonar, etc. Ignores Illumination penalties and has 360° vision.
  • Arcane System: Must siphon 5 PPE daily from ley lines or people or incur Fatigue. Rolls Vigor once per day as a free action to heal one Wound; must otherwise be repaired using the lower of Occult or Spellcasting, at -4. Subject to Technical Difficulties. Cannot improve Agility, Strength, or Vigor.
  • Enhanced Construct: +2 to recover from Shaken. +4 to avoid "Bleeding Out." Ignore -1 Wound penalty. Doesn't breathe. Immune to disease/poison.
  • Flight: Speed 6" (15 MPH).
  • Master Channeler: Can use Mega Modifiers. Reduce PPE cost by 1 on a raise. Recovers 10 PPE/hour.
  • Monster Encyclopedia: Roll Occult as an action when encountering a supernatural foe. Success gives everyone +1 on all rolls against such creatures for this encounter (+2 on a raise).
  • Smol Shaper: Size -2 (Small, -2 to be hit), 2' tall, 30 lbs. Can roll Smarts as an action to disguise himself as anything Size -3 to -1. Others roll Notice at -4 (-6 on a raise) to spot the fakery.
Suggested Advances: Focus on improving Power Points and Rapid Recharge, plus skills. (Note: Clay has already taken Power Points once at Novice.) Possible new powers: barrier, elemental manipulation.
† Formerly known as Yellow (before 5.0 printing).


Bounty Hunter Crew Member

These folks are a toned-down version of the Bounty Hunter from LoaTI (p. 239), adapted to a power level and gear load out that makes them more fitting as Followers. They're equipped with WR-17s for "kill or be killed" scenarios but hunt bounties with upgraded bows for versatility (see EoH, pp. 41 & 45) and stun guns. The shoulder quiver features a magnetic bow mount and holds normal arrows (Dmg Str+d8, AP 1) along with whatever the PC patron supplies.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6.
Skills: Academics d4, Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d6, Notice d6, Occult d4, Persuasion d4, Piloting d4, Shooting d8, Stealth d6, Survival d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 16 (6)
Hindrances: Cautious, Greedy (Major), Ruthless (Minor), Stubborn
Edges: Investigator, Streetwise
Gear: Bushman Medium EBA (+6 Armor, +2 Toughness), WR-17 Double Rifle (see Europa, p. 54), Upgraded High-Tech Bow (Rng 15/30/60, Dmg by arrow, +1 to Shooting, Ignore 2 points of Aim-related penalties), Stun Gun (Rng 5/10/20, Dmg 2d4, RoF 1, Shots 10, Target rolls Vigor at -2 [-4 w/raise] plus Toughness from armor or Stunned), Vibro-Knife (Str+d6 MD, AP 6), 12-Arrow Shoulder Quiver, MDC Handcuffs.
Special Abilities:
  • Take 'Em Alive: No penalty to make Nonlethal Fighting attacks. +2 to disarm, grapple, restrain, handcuff, etc. Knockout Blows resisted at -2.
Suggested Advances: Alertness, Dodge, Free Runner, improved Fighting, Piloting, and other skills

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