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MyGURPS - Savage Rifts Rescaled

Savage Rifts Rescaled

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Compared to typical Savage Worlds, Savage Rifts characters start off as Legendary, with a typical Rifts framework or package clocking in at about 19-20 Advances. On one hand, an extra bump is necessary to represent many of the more iconic Rifts options — but on the other, this takes away the "zero to hero" feel that's such a key part of the setting.

The GM's Handbook discusses this under Campaign Power Level, but the only options to reduce power level are "as-is but with fewer HJ rolls and credits" or "ditch frameworks and packages completely." I believe there's a compromise between those extremes, where we simply tone down starting power level in specific ways.

Character Creation Changes

  • "Born a Hero" is no longer a setting rule.
  • Humans may take up to 6 points of Hindrances instead of 4.
  • The Major Psionic Edge only doubles ISP gained via the Power Points Edge, not base ISP or ISP from any other source.

MARS Packages

These are all adjusted in the same manner, which keeps them nice and simple.

  • MARS characters get one roll on the Fortune & Glory Table instead of two (modified by package as always).
    • The Personal Concept Option may now also choose their first two Hero's Journey results.
    • If for any reason a MARS package gets no Fortune & Glory rolls, they instead make two fewer Hero's Journey rolls.
    • A player may give up a Hero's Journey roll to choose a Fortune & Glory result instead of rolling. (Ignore this if the table allows free choice here, of course.)
  • MARS characters no longer start at Seasoned. They are Novice characters.

Iconic Frameworks

The basic philosophy here is to remove about six Advances worth of stuff, with a focus on reducing skills. (The philosophy here is that MARS characters get skills, Iconic Framework ones don't.) Then, if anything unique was cut, we turn it into Iconic Edges for later purchase.

Some frameworks will see more or less adjustment, especially if their abilities were drawn from the Super Power Companion, as some SPC ability prices changed drastically between editions. For example, Immunity to an attack type was a 10-point ability in the old SPC, but is a 3-point ability now, so there's less need to nerf characters focused on a specific Immunity.

Amazon Huntress

  • Remove Psionics or Spellcasting skill, as appropriate.
  • The Bio-Engineered ability instead gives them an Agility, Strength, and Vigor of d6.
  • Remove the Warrior Women ability.
  • Is limited to taking one Sacred Hunt Edge per Rank; at Legendary this is changed to once every four Advances.


  • Starts with Strength d12+1, Agility d8, and Vigor d10.
  • The Living Metal ability is changed to, "They don't breathe and are immune to Disease and Poison. Anti-Monsters may buy one additional copy of the Combat Reflexes and Nerves of Steel Edges."

(See the Dragon Hatchling, below, for a new Edge you can take, "Tempered".)


  • Reduce attribute bonuses to +2 die types to Agility, Strength, and Vigor.
  • Start with just three abilities and senses.
  • Start with just three extra appendages.

Biomancer Gene-Mage

  • Remove Power Points and Spellcasting skill.
  • Your Biomancy Path choice only grants the Hindrance, not the Edge.
  • Remove the Friend of Life Ability.
  • Remove Survival skill (in Wilderness Mastery).


  • Remove Blaster and Psionics skill.
  • Firewalker causes heat/fire/plasma attacks to inflict -8 damage instead of full immunity. The other effects are unchanged.

Lavawalker (New Iconic Edge)
Requirements: Novice, Burster, Vigor d6+

You are completely immune to heat, fire, and plasma attacks.

Combat Cyborg

  • Begin with Strength d12+1, Agility d8, and Vigor d10. (Adjust other Cyborg Model attributes accordingly.)
  • Remove Audio Package and reduce Reinforced Frame to 2 levels.
  • Remove Upgradeable.
  • You start with 0 Strain and must take Upgradeable or Beyond the Limit to add more.


  • Enhanced Attributes grant +1 die type instead of +2.
  • Remove Psionics skill.
  • Replace Uncanny Reflexes with Nimble.
  • Remove the starting Fireburst Rifle.

Speed of Thought (New Iconic Edge)
Requirements: Seasoned, Crazy or Juicer, Notice d8+

Your Nimble ability is replaced with Uncanny Reflexes.


  • Remove Fighting and Psionics skills.
  • Psi-Sword now inflicts Strength + Spirit + 2 damage.
  • Remove the starting NG-L5 rifle.

Improved Psi-Sword (Changed Iconic Edge)
Requirements: Seasoned, Cyber-Knight, Spirit d8+, Psionics d8+

Your Psi-Sword is enhanced to inflict Strength + Smarts + Spirit damage with AP equal to Psionics × 2. If split, each blade's AP equals Psionics.


  • Mortal race is explicitly limited to Human.
  • Remove Focus skill.
  • Start with speak language and one other power (not two).
  • Change Nigh-Perfect Being to simply, "Demigods start with one extra die type in Strength and Vigor. Their maximum attribute limit is d12+2, except for Strength which has no limit."
  • In Divine Heritage, reduce all of the Super-Strength examples by one die type (to match the Strength drop in Nigh-Perfect Being).
  • For Divine Heritage's "Positive Racial Ability" option, use the Fantasy Companion version of Additional Action, Bite, and Poisonous Touch. The new abilities Camouflage, Dark Vision, Echolocation, and Phosphorescence are also available.

Godlike Regeneration (Changed Iconic Edge)
Requirements: Veteran, Demigod, Vigor d10+

Once a Demigod truly understands her body is a miracle given form, she becomes much harder to kill. The Demigod can make a natural healing roll every minute.

Godlike Fast Regeneration (New Iconic Edge)
Requirements: Heroic, Demigod, Vigor d12+

The demigod may now make a natural healing roll every round.

Dragon Hatchling

  • Reduce Strength by one die type.
  • Remove Psionics skill.
  • When adding your Hindrances via the Untested complication, you do not gain matching Advances — you simply add the Hindrances for no benefit.
  • Further changes depend on the dragon type:
    • Flame Wind: No further changes.
    • Forest Runner: Start with detect arcana, speak language, and two other psionic powers. Remove the Resistant to Fire and Cold ability.
    • Great Horned: Remove Major Psionic and the Resistant to Fire and Cold ability.
    • Royal Frilled: Remove Spellcasting skill, reduce Keen Claws AP to +2, and remove the Resistant to Fire and Cold ability.
    • Snow Lizard: No further changes.

Dragon Improved Regeneration (New Iconic Edge)
Requirements: Veteran, Dragon Hatchling, Vigor d10+

A dragon’s regenerative abilities can improve over time, allowing him to make a natural healing roll every minute. He also gains +2 to recover from being Shaken and Stunned.

Dragon Fast Regeneration (Changed Iconic Edge)
Requirements: Heroic, Dragon Hatchling, Vigor d12+

The dragon may now make a natural healing roll every round.

Tempered (New Iconic Edge)
Requirements: Novice, Anti-Monster or Dragon Hatchling

You gain Resistant to Fire and Cold. For dragons, this applies in all forms. This is available to Flame Winds and Snow Lizards, but obviously is only half as useful for them.

Elemental Fusionist

  • Remove Focus and Survival skills.
  • Remove Strength and Vigor bonuses.


  • Start with just one Weird Science power/Gizmo (instead of two).
  • Remove Electronics, Psionics, Repair, and Science skills.
  • Remove Telemechanics (in Psi-Tech).

Glitter Boy

  • Remove Electronics and Piloting skills.

(These changes are especially light, due to the Glitter Boy being arguably underpowered compared to the Power Armor Ace.)

Heroic Vampire

  • Psionic powers are no longer activated as Innate Abilities.
  • Remove Psionics skill.
  • Reduce Regeneration to a natural healing roll every hour (not round).

Vampiric Mind (New Iconic Edge)
Requirements: Novice, Heroic Vampire

This is a leveled Edge which can be bought up to three times, though only once per Rank. The first two levels each let you choose two psionic powers to become Innate Abilities. The third makes all of your psionic powers into Innate Abilities.

Vampiric Regeneration (New Iconic Edge)
Requirements: Novice, Heroic Vampire

This Edge can be taken twice, but only once per Rank. Vampiric Regeneration grants you a natural healing roll every minute; in combat, roll once ever 5 rounds instead. Improved Vampiric Regeneration grants Fast Regeneration. In all cases, silver, wood in the heart, sunlight, and holy water bypass this ability.

Intelligent Construct

  • Reduce Build Points to 18 instead of 24.

(This includes Aberrant Mechanoids. Use your best judgment for what to remove. I recommend starting with Edge and Hardwired Skill.)


  • Revise Internal Repair System to just the first two sentences. In other words, it grants Slow Regeneration but not "healing charges". (This was a weird change from original lore anyway.)
  • Reduce Vigor, Agility, and Strength bonuses to +1 die type.
  • Replace Uncanny Reflexes with Nimble.

(See Crazy, above, for a new Iconic Edge.)

Juicer, Dragon

  • Reduce Strength and Vigor bonuses to +1 die type.
  • Replace Uncanny Reflexes with Nimble.
  • Do not implement my Dragon Juicer-specific house rules, just the general Juicer house rules.

(See Crazy, above, for a new Iconic Edge.)

Knight of the White Rose

  • Remove Faith, Fighting, and Psionics skills.
  • Energy Invulnerability provides +12 MDC instead of +20.

Improved Energy Invulnerability (New Iconic Edge)
Requirements: Novice, Rose Knight

Your Energy Invulnerability now provides +20 MDC armor instead of +12.

Ley Line Walker

  • Arcane Academic does not allow you to exceed your Rank but otherwise works the same: it doubles the effects of Power Points and New Powers grants either three LLW powers or one non-LLW power.
  • Start with three powers instead of five.
  • Remove Power Points, Rapid Recharge, and Spellcasting skill.

Line Maker

  • Remove Power Points, Rapid Recharge, and Spellcasting skill.
  • Start with summon ally and two additional powers (not four).
  • Remove the Energy Jar ability.

Energy Jar (New Iconic Edge)
Requirements: Novice, Line Maker

Gain the Energy Jar ability.

Mind Melter

  • Start with three powers instead of five.
  • Remove Power Points and Psionics skill.
  • Remove the Master of Psionics ability.

Mental Master (New Iconic Edge)
Requirements: Novice, Mind Melter

This leveled Edge may be taken up to three times, but only once per Rank. With one level, you may reroll a failed Psionics check once per scene. With two levels, you may reroll a failed Psionics check once per combat round (or per action if the current scene doesn't use rounds). With three levels, you may reroll Psionics freely, even if the initial roll was successful.

In all cases, you cannot reroll Critical Failures. In addition, if you are using a different Trait to activate a psionic ability, you may apply the benefits of this Edge to that Trait.

Momano Headhunter

  • Remove Academics, Athletics, Fighting, Performance, Psionics, and Survival skills.
  • Reduce Occult skill to d6.


  • For Miracles, remove Power Points and Faith skill.
  • For Psionics, remove Major Psionic and Psionics skill.
  • Remove Alertness and Danger Sense.


  • Start with detect/conceal arcana, divination, zombie and one other power (not three).
  • Remove Repair and Spellcasting skills.


  • Remove Psionics skill.
  • Greater Arcane Resistance grants only -4 instead of -8. The Nega-Psychic may buy four levels of the Arcane Resistance Edge (instead of the usual two levels), each time adding another -2 to this.
  • Although Arcane Resistance has been changed in Savage Worlds to no longer affect ally's powers, for the Nega-Psychic it still does.

Rune Warrior

  • The Pattern Staff adds two dice of damage (Str+2d4) instead of three. Iconic Edges improve the die types but do not add another die.
  • Change the Fierce Warriors ability to "Rune Warriors begin with two Combat Edges of their choice."


  • Remove teleport from starting powers.
  • Remove Spellcasting skill.
  • Remove the Dimensional Teleport Home ability.
  • Remove Ley Line Phasing and Ley Line Gate. Shifters may purchase these Iconic Edges as if they were Ley Line Walkers.

Dimensional Teleport (New Iconic Edge)
Requirements: Seasoned, Shifter

Gain the teleport power and the Dimensional Teleport Home ability. If you already know teleport, instead gain any other Shifter power of your Rank or lower.

Stone Master

  • For Gem Magic, failure to cast destroys the stone without activating the power.
  • Remove Power Points, Rapid Recharge, and Spellcasting skill.
  • Remove the Stone Mastery ability.

Safe Gem Casting (New Iconic Edge)
Requirements: Novice, Stone Master

If you fail the roll to cast a gem magic ability, the power still activates but the gem is destroyed. As always, a Critical Failure or result less than 1 means the power fails, the gem is destroyed, and you suffer Dynamic Backlash.

Stone Mastery (New Iconic Edge)
Requirements: Novice, Stone Master

Gain the Stone Mastery ability.

Tattooed Warrior

  • Remove the Impressive Physical Specimen ability.
  • Remove Rapid Recharge.
  • In the Trained for the Arena ability, remove Athletics and Fighting skills. (For Tattooed Archers, instead remove Fighting and gain only +1 die type in Shooting.)
  • Remove Upgradeable.


  • Remove Electronics, Occult, Repair, Science, and Techno-Wizardry skills.

Undead Slayer

  • Remove the Combat Training ability.
  • In the Magical Tattoos ability, remove Rapid Recharge and reduce the "Simple Weapon or Shield" tattoos from two to one. This reduces both PPE and Toughness by 1.
  • Remove Upgradeable.


  • Remove Acrobat.
  • Remove Psionics and Spellcasting skills.
  • In man-monster form, the werecat's claws do Str+d4 MD with AP equal to half Agility.
  • Switching forms costs 3 ISP or PPE but requires no roll.

Easy Transformation (New Iconic Edge)
Requirements: Novice, Werecat

Switching forms no longer costs Power Points.

Red in Tooth and Claw (New Iconic Edge)
Requirements: Novice, Werecat

This leveled Edge may be taken three times, but only once per Rank. The first level improves claws to Str+d4 MD with AP equal to Agility. The second level grants Str+2d4 MD with AP equal to half Agility (yes, AP drops here). The third level grants Str+2d4 MD with AP equal to Agility.


  • Remove Psionics skill.
  • Remove the Arc of Life ability.
  • Electrical Immunity causes electric attacks to inflict -8 damage instead of full immunity. The other effects are unchanged.

Arc of Life (New Iconic Edge)
Requirements: Novice, Zapper

When using Absorb Energy on a source of at least Normal size, you heal one Wound — or two with a raise.

Stormwalker (New Iconic Edge)
Requirements: Novice, Zapper, Vigor d6+

You are completely immune to electrical damage.

S.A.T.U.R.N. Option

  • Your race is still built on 18 points.
  • Make one Fortune & Glory roll.
  • Make two Hero's Journey rolls.
  • Start play as a Novice character with standard starting gear.

This is all you get. No MARS package, etc.

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