Savage Rifts Pace And MPH
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For the Fly spell, it seems that MPH * 0.4 = Pace, or that Pace * 2.5 = MPH
- Pace 24 = 60 MPH
- Pace 48 = 120 MPH
And for powered armor and robot vehicles, there's clearly some sort of internal conversion from Pace to MPH. It seems to equate roughly to "Pace * Run / 2," rounded up to the nearest 5 MPH. Here, the first MPH value is canonical, the second value in parentheses is what my math produces.
- Pace 10 + d8 = 40 MPH (40)
- Pace 11 + d8 = 45 MPH (44)
- Pace 12 + d8 = 50 MPH (48)
- Pace 14 + d8 = 60 MPH (56)
- Pace 14 + d10 = 70 MPH (70)
- Pace 18 + d12 = 140 MPH (108)
- Pace 14 + 2d8 = 150 MPH (112)
It seems to hold up at reasonable Pace values, below 100 MPH. For those above that. I suspect MPH were increased by fiat.
Supernatural P.S. to SW Strength
Notes that I have primary for converting power armor. Can't promise it works for anything else.
PS 20-24 = Str d12+1
PS 25-30 = Str d12+4
PS 36-40 = Str d12+5
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