Savage Rifts New Gear
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There's a ton of equipment from Palladium Rifts still waiting to be converted into Savage Rifts, new rules to create custom magic items and TW gear, and weird one-off notions that the GM wants to make canonical. This page is where it all ends up. Anything with a * is a conversion of existing gear; the rest is genuinely new stuff.
NMA (Non-Psynetic M.O.M. Augmentation) Implant
(This is not available for general purchase! It was a one-off experimental invention from our game.)
This augmentation allows the subject to reproduce the Crazy's adrenal surge in a more controlled manner, enhancing ranged prowess while active. Unlike standard M.O.M. implants, it intentionally avoids attempting to enhance natural psychic prowess, which reduces mental instability issues somewhat. The user cannot be a Crazy and does not gain access to any Crazy Edges or abilities not listed here. 200K credits (nominal), Strain 2.
- Subject must roll once on the Psyche Degradation table (TLPG, p. 24) upon awakening from surgery.
- When Wounded, the subject Loses It unless they make an (optional) Smarts roll to resist. As an action, they may succeed at a Smarts roll to Lose It voluntarily. After 5 rounds of Losing It, they suffer 1 Fatigue; after 10 rounds, they suffer another Fatigue and it ends automatically. They may roll Smarts at -2 to end it sooner.
- Effects of Losing It:
- Subject raises Strength, Vigor, Athletics, Fighting, and Shooting by one die type each. (The improved Vigor adds +1 Toughness as usual.)
- Subject ignores 2 points of Wound penalties and all Fatigue penalties.
- Subject must Wild Attack exclusively, including with Ranged Attacks (a special ability granted by this implant).
- Any Critical Failure on an attack roll hits a different, random target within range! If there is no other target in range, the subject hits themselves causing Bumps & Bruises.
- After Losing It ends, the subject cannot Lose It again and is at -3 to all Trait rolls for a duration based on the Smarts-2 roll which ended it: a raise is 1d6 minutes, success is 1d6 × 10 minutes, failure is 1d6 hours, and critical failure is 24 hours. Their Hindrances (especially the one added by this implant!) should be roleplayed as being especially onerous.
Enchanted Magic Items
Magic items are always "on" and require no power points or Arcane Background to use. The exception is if one includes a power, then the requirements to activate that power are the same as for TW devices.
Dragon Bands
Two magical sets of joined rings, much like brass knuckles, that adjust to fit any dragon. Only one set of Dragon Bands can be worn. When the dragon is in human (etc.) form, they're absorbed, in a reversal of how it usually works with the dragon's human gear. The prices and times below assume the bands are being custom made by an enchanter — but the Cult of Dragonwright / Dragon Dawn will often have these readymade in stock, and at -25% off the costs below.
Variants exist for other clawed creatures, like werecats and mutant animals.
Sharp Dragon Bands: Claws gain +4 AP. 2d4 days, 200K credits
Strong Dragon Bands: Claws gain +2 damage. 2d4 days, 200K credits
Superior Dragon Bands: As Sharp + Strong. 5d6 days, 500K credits
Alternate Fuel Sources
While "world power" nations like the CS and NGR have refineries to fuel their non-nuclear military vehicles, simple townsfolk or those from smaller countries must make due with more "post-apocalyptic" options. The following three vehicular fuel conversions are common and add flavor to the setting. For biodiesel and ethanol, assume fuel tank size in gallons equals 10 × the vehicle's weight in tons.
- Biodiesel: Available for any diesel vehicle, which includes some helicopters and prop planes. True biodiesel requires refining but these have been converted to run on simple vegetable oil. An attached oil heater prevents solidification; this heater can be left on for short-term parking but needs about 5 minutes to warm up from a cold start. Statistics are unchanged. Cost is about 10 credits per gallon.
- Ethanol: Available for any gasoline or diesel vehicle. Even a gas turbine jet can use ethanol, but that combination is very dangerous; a Piloting Critical Failure or engine Critical Hit destroys the turbine completely, inflicting a Wound! Multiply Range by 2/3. A Repair roll is needed every month to repair corroded fuel lines (-1 Handling otherwise). Cost per gallon ranges from 5 credits in communities with a dedicated production still to 15 credits where alcohol is reserved for medicine and drinking.
- Gasifier: Available for any ground or water vehicle that used gasoline or diesel. An attached furnace burns wood (or other flammable biomass) as fuel. From a cold start, gasifiers take about 5 minutes to warm up. Halve acceleration and effective Pace on a battle map and quarter Range. A Repair roll is needed every week to clean and adjust the system (-1 Handling otherwise). A full load of wood is (vehicle weight in tons × 40) lbs. Assume the average person can scavenge 80 lb./hour, chop 120 lb./hour with an axe and trees, or buy wood for 1 credit per 10 lb.
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