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MyGURPS - Savage Rifts New Foes

Savage Rifts New Foes

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There's always room for new things to fight! A ☠ indicates a Wild Card.


The Tomorrow Legion Field Manual added several new types of dragon. Adapting the Hatchlings isn't too difficult and is done here more as a convenience, but it takes some thought to make the Young Adults feel right.

☠ Flame Wind Dragon (Both)

As presented in SFoNA. The only changes are that its Flame Breath adds AP equal to its Size, and targets caught on fire take 3d6 damage per turn. Also, note that detect arcana† (from Expanded Awareness) is one of their psionic powers.

☠ Royal Frilled Hatchling

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d12+3, Vigor d10

Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Psionics d6, Shooting d4, Spellcasting d6

Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 36 (18)

Edges: Arcane Background (Magic and Psionics), Frenzy, Major Psionic

Powers (Magic): Boost/lower Trait, confusion, smite. PPE: 20

Powers (Psionic): Arcane protection, detect arcana†, mind link, speak language†. ISP: 20

Special Abilities:

  • Armored Hide: The hatchling has +18 MDC Armor with +6 Toughness. They take -4 damage from all heat- and cold-based attacks.
  • Claws/Bite: In dragon form deal Str+3d4 Mega Damage, AP 6. Bite has Reach 1. Claws have AP 10.
  • Eccentric: Has one of the following Major Hindrances: Arrogant, Curious, Suspicious, or Vengeful.
  • Environmental Immunity: Cold, Heat, Hunger, Thirst, Disease, Poison, Drowning, Electricity, and Radiation.
  • Expanded Awareness: Dragons use detect arcana as an Innate Ability. With a Notice roll they sense supernatural beings.
  • Fear (-2): In dragon form, Royal Frilled Hatchlings cause Fear checks at -2.
  • Flight: In dragon form fly at Pace 12 and "run" for extra movement as usual.
  • Infravision: Halve Illumination penalties for warm targets.
  • Limited Metamorphosis: For Spirit × 3 hours; see SFoNA.
  • Size 6 (Large): In their natural forms, Hatchlings are 15-20 feet from snout to tail-tip, and weigh 7 tons. They gain a fourth Wound level and, when not using Metamorphosis, +6 Toughness.
  • Slow Regeneration: Make a natural healing roll daily, can regenerate limbs.
  • Tail Lash: A Hatchling in dragon form can attack all opponents adjacent to its rear or side as an action using Athletics; this attack ignores Scale penalties and may be Evaded, those who fail suffer Str+d8 Mega Damage.
  • Toxic Breath: Using Athletics, the dragon can breath in a Cone Template, or arc a Medium Blast Template cloud up to 18" away. Those who breathe and lack EBA or equivalent must check Vigor (-2 with a raise) or be Incapacitated for 1d4 minutes, double that with a Critical Failure. Like all breath weapons, this can be Evaded.

☠ Royal Frilled Young Adult

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d12, Spirit d10, Strength d12+7, Vigor d12+1

Skills: Academics d10, Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d8, Fighting d10, Healing d6, Intimidation d10, Notice d10, Occult d10, Persuasion d8, Psionics d12, Shooting d6, Spellcasting d12, Stealth d8, Survival d6, Taunt d8

Pace: 8; Parry: 7; Toughness: 50 (26)

Edges: Alertness, Arcane Background (Magic), Arcane Background (Psionics), Brave, Charismatic, First Strike, Frenzy, Jack-of-All-Trades, Level Headed (Imp), Linguist, Major Psionic, Master of Magic, Master Psionic, Mentalist, Strong Willed, Wizard

Powers (Magic): Banish, barrier, blast, boost/lower Trait, confusion, deflection, dispel, entangle, light/darkness, intangibility, slumber, smite. PPE: 30

Powers (Psionic): Arcane protection, detect arcana†, healing, mind link, mind reading, puppet, speak language†. ISP: 30

Special Abilities:

  • Armored Hide: The dragon has +26 MDC Armor with +8 Toughness. They take -4 damage from all heat- and cold-based attacks.
  • Claws/Bite: In dragon form deal Str+3d4 Mega Damage, AP 16. Bite has Reach 2. Claws have AP 20.
  • Eccentric: Has one of the following Major Hindrances: Arrogant, Curious, Suspicious, or Vengeful.
  • Environmental Immunity: Cold, Heat, Hunger, Thirst, Disease, Poison, Drowning, Electricity, and Radiation.
  • Expanded Awareness: Dragons use detect arcana as an Innate Ability. With a Notice roll they sense supernatural beings.
  • Fast Regeneration: Make a natural healing roll each round.
  • Fear (-4): In his natural form, a Royal Frilled Dragon causes Fear checks at -4.
  • Infravision: Halve Illumination penalties for warm targets.
  • Metamorphosis: For indefinite duration; see SFoNA.
  • Size 8 (Huge): Adult dragons are 40-50 feet from snout to tail-tip, and weigh up to 15 tons; gain a fifth Wound level.
  • Teleportation: Dragons can use the teleport power, rolling their Spirit for the check and drawing on their PPE. They may use the Greater Teleport power modifier for double the usual effect.
  • Tail Lash: A dragon in its natural form can attack all opponents adjacent to its rear or side as an action using Athletics; this attack ignores Scale penalties and may be Evaded, those who fail suffer Str+d8 Mega Damage.
  • Toxic Breath: Using Athletics, the dragon can breath in a Cone Template, or arc a Medium Blast Template cloud up to 18" away. Those who breathe and lack EBA or equivalent must check Vigor at -2 (-4 with a raise) or be Incapacitated for 1d6 minutes, double that with a Critical Failure. Like all breath weapons, this can be Evaded.

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