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MyGURPS - Savage Rifts Glitter Boys

Savage Rifts Glitter Boys

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House Rules

Alternate "Glitter Boy" Suits

This Savage Rifts Iconic Framework is explicitly for pilots of the USA-G10 armor, the reputation of which is directly tied to the legacy of NEMA and the heroism of their successors throughout the Dark Ages. The Glitter Boy Brotherhood (pilots who avenge their fallen comrades) almost entirely comprises G10 pilots. Not to mention variant GB suits tend to be weaker in some ways.

As such, players who want to pilot a variant GB suit should build a Power Armor Ace (M.A.R.S. Package). However, because these suits are significantly stronger than typical power armor, there is an additional game-mechanical cost. The Ace makes no Fortune & Glory rolls when starting with one of these suits:

  • GB-7: See Land of a Thousand Islands, p. 62 (picture, p. 151).
  • T-550 "Cyclops": See Empires of Humanity, p. 190 (picture, p. 113).

An Ace Is an Ace

Glitter Boys start with the Combat Ace Edge and have access to the same Iconic Edges as other Power Armor Aces, like Beyond the Limit and Upgrade.

Zoom and Boom

If you don't want to be a sitting duck for a turn, you can use all three of your actions to activate the stabilization system, fire the Boom Gun, and then deactivate the system. That attack roll will be at an extra -4, before factoring in your armor's ability to ignore two points of penalties. This does not allow you to move on the same turn! It just avoids the Digging In penalties.

(This actually isn't a house rule, just a reminder.)

"Legacy Armor" Hero's Journey Table

Some Glitter Boy pilots can trace their suit's history to near or even before the Great Cataclysm. Previous owners have made modifications, increasing the effectiveness of the suit. A Glitter Boy gets one free roll on this table, and may use one or both starting Hero's Journey rolls here as well. Each benefit can only be applied once; reroll duplicates.

With GM permission, other Power Armor Aces can roll here as well, though they must reroll result 11-12 and the GM may need to interpret or reroll other results as well. Created by Akerbakk.

   d20   Upgrade Result
1–5Secondary Weapon: You start with a single "sidearm" for when massive overkill is a bad idea. Choose any Mod 1 vehicular weapon adapted for handheld use (TLPG, p. 106) or a giant vibro-sword. You may not sell it back during character creation.
6Heavy Plating: Someone wanted to ensure that their suit could survive anything the battlefield threw at it. Add +2 Armor.
7Diagnostics Complement: Your Glitter Boy has embedded software which assists the technician in repair. When fixing the suit, or any electronic device that the system can be jacked into, add +1 to all Repair rolls and halve the required time.
8Optimized Main Gun: Your RG-14 has integrated predictive fire systems and/or optimized fire controls. Add +1 to Shooting (+2 total) and +1 to damage.
9Reinforced Frame: Your armor was built to protect you from the deadliest assaults. Add +1 Toughness.
10Demon Slayer: Someone was keen on fighting the supernatural. Silver-plated claws or spikes do Str + d6 Mega Damage — allowing you to damage vampires and other affected creatures with Melee attack — and a modified forearm design adds +1 to Parry.
11–12Legendary: A unique cosmetic feature identifies your USA-G10 above all others, and a particularly incredible history associated with your suit gives your character an additional +1 to social checks.
13Upgraded Hydraulics: Specially enhanced locomotors add +1 to Strength and +2 to ground Pace (increase to 65 MPH).
14-15Expeditionary Upgrades: A previous owner spent a lot of time on the road. Your suit comes with a Signal Booster (EOH, p. 51) and a more luxurious interior which grants +1 to all Vigor checks made while wearing it.
16Integrated Psi Damper: Your suit has a built-in Psi-Damper (EOH, p. 54), switchable as a free action, to prevent some psychic from ruining your day.
17-18Spare Parts and Switches: You begin with enough spare parts to make a Serious repair. Additionally, ergonomic controls grant a +1 to all Piloting checks.
19–20Choose any one upgrade.

Unofficial Lore

This article on Glitter Boy culture is pretty darned enjoyable and well written.

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