Savage Rifts Errata And Clarification
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As of Fall 2024, second printing of books 1-3, first printing of books 4+
- Anyone with Strength d12+1 or higher deals Mega Damage via Strength-based attacks. (New ruling.)
- The Gizmoteer's Gadgeteering ability works like the Edge except as specified, so the available powers are Rank-limited. Any time they use Weird Science, it follows the Weird Science rules, not the Psionics rules; think of their Psionics skill as being "also Weird Science skill" here.
- The Intelligent Construct's weapons and features are repaired using the same rules as repairing the Construct itself, including Obscure Construction penalties.
- An Intelligent Construct with Transferred Intelligence can also take Arcane Background (Gifted).
- The Psi-Operator uses the Techno-Wizard power list (not the Psionics list) when using the Gadgeteer Edge.
- The Psi-Warrior has boost Trait*, not boost/lower Trait*.
- Ability bonuses from the Commando, Gunslinger, and RCSG Scientist packages do not adjust trait maximums.
- Regarding NPCs, techno-wizards are more common than all other types of magicians combined.
- Adept: This is a Power Edge, not a Professional Edge! Also, it should say, "...the adept may choose one power to become activatable as an Innate Ability with the Range (Self) limitation." It adds a new way to activate the power, without limiting the base power in any way.
- Conjurer: This requires a successful Spellcasting roll to use. When conjuring an item, a raise significantly improves its quality (GM call). For animals, use the Shape Change (power) table to gauge what Size animal can be conjured.
- Alternatively, if the player is willing to put in the time, they can instead build the animals per Free Summoning (SWADE World Builder's Guide, p. 95).
- Diabolist: The Heroic and Legendary lines got switched.
- Gadgeteer: Regardless of who has this and why, gadgets use the Techno-Wizard power list.
- Minor/Major Item Creation: These let you create enchanted items (a.k.a. magic items). These are different from TW devices, notably in that anyone can use them (no Arcane Background required) and that you don't have to be a Techno-Wizard to make them, as long as you have the edge. A few extra clarifications:
- The time required includes the crafter creating the item itself: forging the sword, scrimshawing the skull, etc.
- The item cannot be mechanical (not even "low-tech" like a crossbow); the sidebar on A&M p. 48 is aimed at the GM, not PC enchanters.
- One With Magic (Heroic): The mage must know the power already. Maintenance is not free. For a leveled power (e.g., Summon Ally), only the first level is free; pay the difference to use higher levels.
- Strong-Willed: The bonus applies to Corruption Tests.
- Maintaining an active power prevents PP recovery, but it's up to the GM whether that applies in edge cases. In general, powers sustained via psionic Meditation require active focus (preventing PP recovery), while powers sustained via magical Ritual or Techno-Wizard/Weird-Science devices do not.
Gear (Mundane)
- NG-11F Red Hawk's wing Mini-Missiles have Shots 12.
- NG-XF103 Firefighter should have Pace 14 + d10 (80 MPH).
- Viggo's Custom Firearms are considered "modern firearms" (like those from the core SWADE book) and use the same type of ammo.
- The Man-Portable Flood Light has a Cone template, not SBT.
- Power armor is treated like a person on a tabletop mat (using Pace) but a vehicle when moving full speed off a map (using MPH).
- All stun weapons are resisted at +4 by someone in EBA (this replaces any "add the Toughness bonus from body armor" rule) and useless against someone in MDC/power armor or a vehicle.
Gear (TW)
- Arzno TWA-1250RB Raging Bull's protection power can and must be cast with the Toughness modifier.
- Remember that TW items must be technological gear, not simple necklaces or rings. They are subject to Technological Difficulties.
- In general, TW devices cannot be "PPE Batteries" for general use; a TW device with a PPE reserve must use that PPE for its own powers. (This is a reversal to a previous ruling.)
Armor Stacking
- You may stack the Armor and Toughness bonus from natural armor (which includes cybernetic Armor Plating) and one suit of worn armor. In addition, if you are in a vehicle (including a robot vehicle), apply its Armor bonus as well.
- Body armor and power armor are both "worn armor," so they don't stack. In fact, you usually can't wear anything more than light clothing in power armor.
- The Armor bonus from standard and M.D.C. armor do not stack with each other! If you have a mix of both, calculate both values and use whichever gives you the best results for each attack. (Toughness bonuses don't care about their source; they always stack.)
Monsters and NPCs
- Faerie Folk have 10 PPE, not unlimited PPE. Change the Inherent Magic special ability to, "In the PPE rich biome of Rifts Earth, Faerie Folk do not expend PPE to cast spells." (The Splugorth know how to draw far more than 10 PPE from each fae, but that requires secret TW techniques.)
Savage Mechanoids
- The AbM Brain and AbM Runner bestiary stats redundantly display the Enhanced Skills bonuses in the Skill List. Do not add this bonus twice; e.g., the AbM Brain has a net Hacking of d10+2, not d10+4.
- In Building the AbM Brain, change Pace to "Pace (+1): Pace +2 and a d8 Run die." To compensate, add one additional Edge of choice from the AbM Brain bestiary stats.
- In Building the AbM Exterminator, the Weapon Systems are underpriced. Use the stats here except the player must choose to either (a) give the Exterminator dual-linked particle beams and forgo 1 point of other Features or (b) give the Exterminator quad-linked particle beams and forgo 3 points of other Features. If the Exterminator is an NPC Sidekick, this is an easy choice: pick (a) and forgo the unnecessary Sidekick Edge (as discussed below).
- Change the second sentence of Exterminator and Seeker Pod Heroes to "Whichever of the two is the NPC Sidekick does not need the Sidekick Edge, so replace it with a different +1 Feature like the Common Bond Edge. If two players decide to play an Exterminator/Seeker Pod duo, do this for both Mechanoids."
- AbM characters may not take the Synthetic Immortality Edge.
A Simple Guide to Mega-Damage

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