Rifts Elevator Pitch
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In our future, World War III tore open a metaphysical scar. Magic returned, rifts to other dimensions opened, and horrific alien beings poured out to wreck the world. But that was hundreds of years ago; this is actually a post-POST-apocalyptic setting. New nations have formed, like the jackbooted human-supremacist Coalition States and the dark sorcerers of the Federation of Magic. You're part of the (relatively small and new) Tomorrow Legion, trying to make the world a better place.
Thanks to those dimensional rifts, almost everything exists in this setting. A dragon, mind-melting psychic, alien wizard, mecha pilot, and streetwise thief might face threats like soldiers, cultists, robots, demons, vampires, elementals, mutants, and more. The Savage Worlds system allows PCs of varying "toughness levels" to fight side by side, while keeping the game fast, furious, and fun.
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