BAE Melee Red Text
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Any Blue, Purple, or Orange weapon can end up with Red Text. It's an uncommon extra feature (sometimes with drawbacks) that makes random weapon generation a bit more fun.
The GM does not need to tell the players what the Red Text means. Make them play around with it and figure it out. Obviously if they've seen it before, they'll know — but if they misremember, don't correct them!
I'd tell you what to roll on this chart, but the fact is I plan on adding to it every time I think of something. So please use your best judgment when determining what die or dice to roll. As a workaround, here's a random number between 1 and 27: 24
- By Your Powers Combined: The weapon has two elements; e.g., an Incendiary Shock axe! If it already has an element, add a random different one. Otherwise, apply -1 Damage and add two different random elements.
Roll d20: (1-3) Corrosive, (4-6) Cryo, (7-9) Explosive, (10-12) Incendiary, (13-15) Radiation, (16-18), Shock, (19-20) Slag. - That Is So Fetch! The weapon is gaudy and blinged out. Grants a free reroll on Taunt Tests against greedy enemies (like most bandits), as they take foolish risks to loot this weapon off the owner's corpse. Also, unlike most melee weapons this one has resale value, worth 1 LP to any weapon vendor or vending machine.
- C.R.E.A.M.: The weapon intentionally avoids hitting high-value items on its way into flesh. The wielder cannot target enemies' weapons and such, but at the end of each combat encounter in which this weapon hit a target at least twice, the GM adds a flat +1 LP to the loot.
- Slippery When Wet: The weapon gets one Damage and two Accuracy upgrades! But if the wielder rolls a Critical Failure on any Agility or Agility-linked roll while holding it, the weapon goes flying 1d4" in a random direction. Also, readying the weapon requires an Agility roll, but nothing bad happens on a normal failure; this is just another chance to roll a Critical Failure.
- Leroyyyy: While wielding this weapon, the vault hunter's Run die always rolls the maximum value.
- Don't Waste My Time: Reduce weapon Damage by -1. However, against a Wild Card enemy the weapon does an extra +d6 damage.
- Get Rukt: Anyone Shaken or worse by the weapon must roll Strength, at -2 per Wound received, or get knocked back back 1d6". Humanoids (and anyone else the GM thinks it makes sense for) land prone.
- Optimus Primus: (Latin for "The best first." Really.) The very first attack to hit a foe each encounter does +2 damage.
- Ezekiel 25:17: The wielder gets +1 to hit any enemy who has Shaken her (or worse) during this combat encounter.
- Shiver With Antici...: The weapon gets +2 Damage but cannot be readied until the second round of any combat. It automatically stows itself shortly after any fight.
- Darwin Would Be Proud: Against enemies that have a groin, the weapon auto-targets it. This means it cannot make Called Shots, but does +2 damage against most living beings.
- Wub Wub: The weapon plays uplifting, inspirational, loud dubstep while wielded (whether in a fight or not). This makes stealth impossible and gives all allies within earshot +1 on rolls to recover from being Shaken or Stunned.
- Please Tip Your Bartender: The weapon is a Moxxi signature weapon, with hearts and pink shading. At the end of any round in which this weapon inflicted at least one Wound, the wielder may roll Vigor to heal a single Wound.
- Snicker-Snack!: Hits with a raise on 3 over the TN (instead of 4).
- Do Ya Feel Lucky?: If the Fighting roll was even, the weapon gains a damage die (e.g., a Str+d8 sword does Str+2d8). If it was odd, it loses its damage die, only inflicting Strength plus any modifier.
- Super Easy, Barely an Inconvenience: Once per fight, wielder can set his Fighting skill die to 4 instead of rolling it, to easily hit a low-Parry enemy.
- Ain't My First Rodeo: +d6 damage against any enemy with four to six legs.
- Poor Bloodwing :(: +d6 damage against birds, rakks, and other similar flying creatures. No, bandits in jetpacks don't count.
- I Can Kill You With My Brain: +d4 damage against sapient foes whose Smarts are lower than yours. "Sapient" means it doesn't count if the enemy has animal intelligence (e.g., "Smarts d6 (A)").
- I Have One Rule: Has Damage +1 and AP +1. This weapon cannot kill a living being nor destroy an animate one (like loaders). It will inflict Wounds except for the last Wound which would Incapacitate; after that, every Wound it would inflict instead adds Fatigue (Bumps & Bruises).
- A Gaping Hole in the Sky: This effect only happens when fighting outside under an open sky. At the end of a combat round in which the wielder missed a Fighting roll against one or more foes who are still standing, the GM will pick one randomly and roll a single d6 Shooting die as a ranged attack. If successful, a small meteor falls from the sky and strikes on the foe, doing the same damage as if the wielder had hit them. Only one meteor will fall per fight; once it does, the GM can stop rolling.
- You Merely Adopted the Dark: (It's a Bane quote.) The weapon gets +1 Damage and an extra Thrown Upgrade (or Accuracy Upgrade if Thrown is at maximum). However, while the weapon is wielded the holder's Pace is halved (round up) and they cannot run.
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