Warriors Gift Expanded
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Warrior's gift is an amazingly versatile power — so much so that it can be overwhelming to keep track of all of the options you have. This page is a one-stop reference, not only for the power itself but for the Combat Edges that most benefit from it (those with both a normal and an "improved" version).
This list is separated by Rank, including Novice. After all, some settings use Born a Hero, which means heroes may have access to warrior's gift straight out of character creation.
Warrior's Gift
Rank: Seasoned
Cost: 4
Range: Smarts
Duration: 5
With a successful arcane skill roll, the recipient gains the benefits of a single Combat Edge chosen by the caster. The caster (not the recipient) must have the same Rank or higher as the Edge’s Requirements. With a raise, the recipient gains the Improved version of the Edge (if there is one, and even if he doesn’t meet the Rank Requirement).
If you already have the basic version of the Edge, a normal casting of warrior's gift won't improve it, but a Raise will. For example, if you already have Brawler, using warrior's gift to add Brawler won't give you Bruiser on a standard success, but it will on a Raise.
- Additional Recipients (+1): Affect more than one target. This increases maintenance cost.
- Greater Warrior's Gift / Power (+4): The recipient gains two Combat Edges at once. This is an Epic/Mega Modifier and is only available to characters who have unlocked such things. From Savage Rifts and Savage Pathfinder.
Useful Combat Edges
Each of these Edges has an "Improved" version, which maximizes the potential benefit of warrior's gift. At the end of each section is a list of "Flat Edges," which are still useful but grant no additional effect on a raise.
I've included setting-specific Edges for the "big," official Savage Worlds settings (Deadlands, Pathfinder, Rifts). Those marked with a * are useless without the setting-specific rules; don't take them in other games.
Brawler: Improve your Toughness by +1; your unarmed attacks do Str+d4 damage. A raise makes this Toughness +2 and Str+d6. (If you already have an unarmed damage die/dice, it goes up by one or two die types instead.)
Extraction: When withdrawing from melee, you can designate one attacker (three on a raise) who don't get the usual free attack against you.
Fan the Hammer: Fire all six shots of a single-action revolver at -4 to hit (-2 with a raise). A Shooting die of 1-2 hits an Innocent Bystander. (From Deadlands.)
First Strike: You may make a free attack against a foe who moves to be adjacent to you. You can do this once per turn (thrice per turn on a raise).
Hard to Kill: Ignore Wound penalties when making Vigor rolls to avoid Bleeding Out. On a raise, you also have a 50% chance to escape death from any source.
Martial Artist: Your unarmed attacks get +1 to hit and do Str+d4 damage; they are considered natural weapons. A raise makes this +2 to hit and Str+d6. (If you already have an unarmed damage die/dice, it goes up by one or two die types instead.)
Nerves of Steel: Ignore one point of Wound penalties, or two points on a raise.
Quick Draw: When you spend a Benny for another Action Card, you get two of them. You also get +2 on Athletics rolls to interrupt others while On Hold. With a raise, the interrupt bonus becomes +4 and you may ready four items per turn as a free action (instead of two). (From Deadlands/Rifts; details below.)
Sweep: Once per turn, attack everyone (friend or foe) within your Reach. Make a single Fighting attack at -2 to hit, compared to each person's Parry; roll damage separately. A raise removes the -2 penalty to hit.
Trademark Weapon: Choose a single weapon. While using it, you get +1 to hit and Parry +1. A raise doubles both benefits. (This usually cannot be taken for unarmed attacks, though some settings allow it.)
Flat Novice Edges
- Calculating: When your Action Card is 2-5, pick one action on which to ignore 2 points of penalties.
- Dead Shot: Double damage on your first Shooting or throwing attack, if your Action Card is a Joker.
- Don't Get 'Im Riled!: Add your Wound levels to your Fighting attack damage. (From Deadlands.)
- *Duelist: Draw two extra Hole cards when dueling. (From Deadlands.)
- Feint: You can make a foe resist your Fighting Tests with Smarts instead of Agility.
- Formation Fighter: You add +2 to the Gang Up bonus instead of +1. Max is still +4. (From Savage Pathfinder.)
- Free Runner: Ignore Difficult Ground as long as you can parkour. Get +2 to Athletics to climb or in a foot chase.
- Iron Jaw: Get +2 to Soak rolls and to avoid Knockout Bows.
- Mighty Blow: Double damage on your first Fighting attack, if your Action Card is a Joker.
- Rapid Reload: Reduce Reload time for your weapons by 1. (From Savage Pathfinder.)
- Steady Hands: Ignore the -2 penalty to shoot from a mount or vehicle. Halve the running penalty to just -1.
- Two-Fisted: No multi-action penalty to attack with two melee weapons in two hands.
- Two-Gun Kid: No multi-action penalty to attack with two ranged weapons in two hands.
Block: Improve your Parry by +1 and reduce any Gang Up bonus against you by -1. A raise doubles both benefits.
Charge: Ignore the penalty for running when making a Fighting attack at the end of your movement. A raise also adds +2 damage to such an attack, and a Shaken target is knocked prone. (From Savage Rifts.)
Counterattack: If you are neither Shaken nor Stunned, and a foe misses a melee attack against you, you may make a free attack immediately. You can do this once per turn (thrice per turn on a raise).
Dirty Fighter: Gain +2 on any Test if you commit your next action to be a Fighting attack against that foe. On a raise, both the Test and the attack ignore any Multi-Action penalty.
Dodge: All ranged attacks against you are -2 to hit; this doesn't stack with cover. On a raise, you also get +2 to evasion rolls.
Frenzy: When making a Fighting attack, you roll one additional (skill) die, against the same or a different adjacent target. You can do this once per turn (twice per turn on a raise).
Level Headed: Draw one extra Action Card in combat and choose which one to use. On a raise, draw two extra.
Marksman: If you don't move, get +1 to hit or ignore 2 points of penalties (from Called Shots, Cover, Illumination, Range, Scale, or Speed) when firing a single shot. In Savage Rifts, a raise lets you ignore 4 points of penalties (still just +1 to hit) and you can do it while moving (but not running). Neither stacks with Aiming.
Rapid Fire: With a fast-firing weapon (RoF 2+, revolver, or GM's call), improve its Rate of Fire by 1. You may do this for one attack per turn, or two attacks per turn with a raise.
Take 'Em Down: When attacking Heavy Armor with a Heavy Weapon (a.k.a., when attacking an M.D.C. target with Mega Damage), add +4 AP. On a raise, you also get one free reroll of damage. (From Savage Rifts.)
Flat Seasoned Edges
- Arcane Marksman: As Marksman, above, but for a non-area, single-shot attack spell (like bolt.) and with no bonus on a raise. (From Savage Rifts.)
- Combat Reflexes: Get +2 to recover from Shaken or Stunned.
- Double Tap: Fire two bullets from a weapon with Rate of Fire 1, for +1 to hit and +1 damage.
- Improvisational Fighter: Ignore the -2 penalty for using improved weapons.
- Killer Instinct: Free reroll in any Test you make.
- No Mercy: When you spend a Benny to reroll damage, add +2.
- Rock and Roll!: If you don't move, ignore the -2 Recoil penalty for rapid fire.
Flat Veteran Edges
- Giant Killer: Do +1d6 damage against foes 3+ Sizes larger than you.
Quick Draw: This is an amalgam of the Deadlands and Savage Rifts versions of the Edge, which vary slightly. Both give the same interrupt bonus, but Deadlands also gives the extra Action Card where Rifts also lets you roll Agility for Surprise. Here, I went with the Deadlands version as the base (because it's the newer version of the Edge) with the Improved version from Rifts (because Deadlands didn't update it). It's up to the GM whether these count as setting-specific, but I think they're both fine in any game.
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