Savage Rifts Jotun
Converted from Savage Rifts: Europa
The giants of Jotunheim (a subset of the Scandinavian Mountains) live in small family units. They are distrustful of outsiders and trained for combat from childhood, but are also historians, poets, and storytellers with famously long memories. Their size, strength, and near-immunity to the environment has prevented the FSA and Warlord Burgasov from expanding into their territory. Though insular, the more open-minded Jotun, with the patience to suffer attacks from a fearful populace, sometimes journey into the world.
Jotun are suited for a wide variety of roles, with magicians and psychics appearing at a similar rate to humans. However, two common roles are Jotun-specific. "Reavers" are psychic berserkers that fill a similar combat roll as Crazies. And "Storm Walkers" are their master mages, similar to Ley Line Walkers.
Jotun make two Hero's Journey rolls on any table other than Cybernetics. They begin with standard Starting Gear, adapted for their size of course, modified by their MARS package.
Jotun Abilities and Bonuses
- 4 Environmentally Adapted: Jotun take -4 damage from cold/ice and fire/plasma/heat attacks and have +4 to resist Hazards and powers with those Trappings. They're also immune to virtually every poison and disease.
- 7 Lifelong Combat Training: Jotun have +2 Parry. Their fists do Str+2d4 MD, AP 4, and count as natural weapons.
- 2 Long Legs: Jotuns have Pace 8 and a d8 Run die.
- 12 Mighty: Jotuns start with Strength d10 (no maximum) and Vigor d8 (max d12+2).
- 4 Size 5 (Large): Jotun are 16-18' tall, weigh 4 tons, and get +5 Toughness and an extra Wound level. Their attacks have +1 Reach but they suffer -2 to hit Normal-sized targets, who have +2 to hit the Jotun.
- 3 Tough Hide: Jotuns have +6 Armor, which stacks with other non-MDC armor.
- 16 Versatile: Choose one of the "Role" options below.
Jotun Complications
- -4 A Certain Build: Jotuns have just 3 points to improve their attributes during character creation, instead of the usual 5.
- -3 Alien Physiology: Outside of their own doctors, Healing checks and beneficial drug rolls are at -2 on Jotuns. They cannot have cybernetics.
- -2 D-Bee (Major): Reactions to the Jotun start Unfriendly (Hostile for xenophobes), with many people assuming the giant is an active threat.
- -2 Oversized: Jotun have -2 to use human-sized weapons, vehicles, and other equipment — except for armor, which cannot be used at all. Jotun-sized gear costs and weighs 20× as much.
- -2 Suspicious (Major): Even the most worldly Jotun has a hard time trusting those not of their own kind.
- -1 Vulnerable to Radiation: Radiation attacks (including U-Rounds) inflict +4 damage and they have -4 to resist radiation effects.
Roles (Choose One)
- Reaver:
- Storm Mage:
- MARS: With GM permission, choose any MARS template that does not start with cybernetics or reduced Fortune & Glory rolls. Add everything listed for that package but do not make any Fortune & Glory rolls (unless the package adds an extra one). Start as a Novice character, not a Seasoned one.
Racial Edges
- Flyswatter (Novice, Agility d8+): Choose one attack skill, either Athletics (for thrown weapons and grappling), Fighting, or Shooting. The Jotun ignores 2 points of Scale penalty when attacking with this skill.
- Improved Flyswatter (Seasoned, Athletics d6+, Fighting d6+, Shooting d6+): The effects of Flyswatter now apply to all three skills.