Savage Pathfinder New Ancestries
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Real talk: The concept of "evil races" is both problematic and poor world design. All humanoids have an equally wide range of desires and motivations. It's fine that a typical villager thinks "orcs are evil," but the truth is that orcs are just a race in competition with humans for resources, whose society values ruthlessness and strength.
As such, races of type "Evil Humanoid" are playable ancestries in our games. (Though a few are unavailable for game-balance reasons.) That's not to say that it's necessarily a good idea, though.
Ancestry Drawbacks
Some ancestries below include (Minor) mental Hindrances where necessary to reflect overwhelmingly strong societal values; these may be "bought off" with an Advance as usual. If a Major version exists, the player can upgrade ("downgrade?") to the Major version at character creation for 1 Hindrance point.
Some ancestries include Suggested Hindrances. These Hindrances are very common to the humanoids' society, but not truly ubiquitous.
Finally there are some new negative racial abilities:
Anathema (-1 point): The race is considered evil by "civilized" humanoids. Reactions to the character and their fellow party members start at one level lower (e.g., Uncooperative instead of Neutral). If multiple Anathema characters are in the party, Reactions to everyone start two levels lower. This only applies to Reactions from "civilized" humanoids, not when meeting other Anathema humanoids or their half-breeds.
Monstrous (-2 points): As Anathema, but worse. Reactions start two levels lower, or three levels lower with other Anathema or Monstrous party members. If this takes Reaction to lower than Hostile, the NPCs will attack on sight (if feasible)!
Light-Sensitive (-1 points): Subtract -1 from all active Trait rolls in bright light. This does not apply to passive rolls (e.g., for resistance or Incapacitation). Here, "bright light" means the effects of a light spell or being outdoors under direct sunlight. Significant shadows, such as being in a forest or in the shade of a large building, avoids the penalty.
Drow (Elf)
Dark elves who live underground. Enough drow societies worship demons and/or enslave others that the race is despised, despite elves in general being accepted. See Bestiary, p. 48.
- Anathema: See above.
- Elven Traits: Start with Agility, Smarts, and Notice at d6 (maximum d12+1).
- Enhanced Darkvision: Out to 10", ignore all Illumination penalties (even Pitch Black). Past that, ignore penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination.
- Enhanced Elven Magic: Immunity to slumber. Against other resisted powers, gain a free reroll.
- Innate Powers: Cast light once/day and darkness once/day for no PP. Success is automatic (no Trait roll), has no Power Modifiers, and can be maintained indefinitely until Stunned or Incapacitated.
- Light-Sensitive: See above.
- Outcast: Any drow adventuring with "civilized" races on the surface is rejected by their own people. Other drow treat them as a non-drow, except Persuasion checks are at an extra -2!
- Slender: Elves have -1 Toughness and -1 to all Vigor rolls.
TBD. See Bestiary, p. 65.
These three "cousin races" are distinct but similar, and are presented in size order from smallest to largest. They can occasionally be found cohabitating, in which case the largest generally assume (well, demand) a leadership role. All have long arms, pointed ears, and wide mouths with sharp teeth.
This has been replaced by the official race in the Advanced Player's Guide!
These scrawny 3'-tall humanoids with oversized heads can usually be found squatting in caves or abandoned settlements. They're generally not seen as a threat except in large groups, due to their excellent sense of teamwork. They tend to be obsessed with finding "treasure," which includes delicious food in addition to valuables. See Bestiary, p. 66.
Suggested Hindrances: Illiterate, Phobia (Dogs or Horses).
- Agile: Start with Agility d8 (maximum d12+2).
- Anathema: See above.
- Darkvision: Ignore all Illumination penalties out to 10".
- Gluttons: Goblins have Greedy (Minor), reflecting both a lust for treasure and being constantly hungry.
- Short Legs: Goblins have Pace 5" and a d4 Run die.
- Size -1: Goblins are small, and thus have -1 Toughness.
- Sneaky: Goblins start with Stealth d8 (maximum d12+2).
- Teamwork: Goblins have the Formation Fighter Edge.
Unlike other goblinoids, these gray-skinned, 5'-tall humanoids prefer to form permanent settlements and even nations of their own, going to war with others to defend their lands and claim more of it. See Bestiary, p. 75.
Suggested Hindrances: Ruthless.
- Anathema: See above.
- Darkvision: Ignore all Illumination penalties out to 10".
- Strong and Tough: Start with Strength d6 and Vigor d6 (maximum d12+1).
Their name comes from their hulking size (about 7' tall) and bristly fur. They tend to be loners, forming small groups at most, though the occasional bugbear ends up in larger hobgolin settlements. See Bestiary, p. 22.
- Anathema: See above.
- Armor: Thick hide gives bugbears Armor +2.
- Darkvision: Ignore all Illumination penalties out to 10".
- Outsider: Bugbears are loners who have a hard time interacting with others. They have the Outsider (Minor) Hindrance when dealing with non-goblinoids.
- Perceptive: Bugbears have the Alertness Edge.
- Strong: Start with Strength d6 (maximum d12+1).
TBD. See Bestiary, p. 77.
TBD. See Bestiary, p. 94.
TBD. See Bestiary, p. 96.
Lizardlike cave dwellers with gray scales and crests, sharp claws, and (non-manipulating) tails. They stand about 5' tall. They had the first advanced civilization, but then stagnated as other humanoids eventually outstripped them. See Bestiary, p. 118.
- Anathema: See above.
- Armored Scales: Armor +2.
- Bite and Claws: Both Natural Attacks do Str+d4.
- Darkvision: Ignore all Illumination penalties out to 10".
- Stench: The first time anyone enters within 2" (four yards) of a troglodyte, they must make a Vigor roll or become Distracted as they are overcome by nausea. There are two significant downsides to this. First, Troglodytes have -2 on Stealth rolls to sneak within 5" (10 yards) of anyone with a sense of smell. Second, Troglodytes take -1 to Performance and Persuasion rolls with anyone who can smell them.
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