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MyGURPS - MM 3 Immunity And PL Limits

MM 3 Immunity And PL Limits

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This is a bit complex, which is why I gave it its own page, but it's necessary to avoid characters who accidentally "break" PL. It's possible that this won't apply to a weird Immunity build; in general, this is about how much it increases the character's personal defenses.


If you have 20+ ranks of Immunity to damage of any sort, we look at the final cost of that Immunity (after Extras and Flaws). It reduces your total "Toughness + Dodge/Parry" limit by a fraction of the campaign PL.

  • Final Immunity Cost is 1-20 PP: Reduce the limit by PL/6 (rounded down).
  • Final Immunity Cost is 21-30 PP: Reduce the limit by PL/4 (rounded down).
  • Final Immunity Cost is 31-40 PP: Reduce the limit by PL/3 (rounded up).
  • Final Immunity Cost is 41-60 PP: Reduce the limit by PL/2 (rounded up)
  • Final Immunity Cost is 61-79 PP: Reduce the limit by PL.
  • Final Immunity Cost is 80+ PP: You don't have a Toughness score.

Fortitude or Will

If you have 10+ ranks of Immunity to Fortitude and/or Will effects, we do the same as for Toughness above, except reducing your total "Fortitude + Will" limit. However, note that only effects explicitly resisted by Fortitude or Will count here; Life Support is weird, so count half of it.

  • Final Immunity Cost is 1-9 PP: Reduce the limit by PL/6 (rounded down).
  • Final Immunity Cost is 10-19 PP: Reduce the limit by PL/4 (rounded down).
  • Final Immunity Cost is 15-20 PP: Reduce the limit by PL/2 (rounded down).
  • Final Immunity Cost is 21-29 PP: Reduce the limit by PL × 3/4 (rounded down)
  • Final Immunity Cost is 30+ PP: Reduce the limit by PL, assuming you still have both a Fortitude and a Will score.

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