MM 3 Gear
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Most pieces of modern gear (just about anything you can pick up at the store) are just 1-point features, or even free. No one should pay for things like pencils, a wristwatch, etc. But exotic gear, weapons, armor, vehicles, and headquarters are exceptions -- such things need detail.
Equipment Arrays
Equipment can be bought as an array; see Alternate Equipment (p. 161) for details. There are two types of possible equipment arrays, each with their own unique drawback. Make sure it's clear which type you have:
- Single-Piece ("Utility Belt") Array: Your array is actually one incredibly versatile piece of gear. You may use any of its modes easily, switching between them as a free action, but it only takes a single disarm action to divest you of the entire array.
- Multi-Piece ("Arsenal") Array: Your array is multiple pieces of gear which cannot be used at the same time; e.g., you must stow one weapon before wielding another. It requires a move action to switch between modes (unless you have the Quick Draw advantage). If someone disarms you, you don't lose access to the other parts of your array.
Equipment Budget
Prerequisite: Wealth
General, Ranked
This new variant on the Equipment advantage can be found on the MM3 Advantages page, under the Wealth advantage.
These drones are built using the Construct rules. They can be acquired as Minions (5 PP each) or as Equipment (25 EP each). Alternatively, see Drone Army in MM3 Power Builds for Summon-based drones.
Assault Drone (PL 5, 75 PP)
This drone has two weapons. The assault rifle fires electrified bullets, both harming and shocking the target. The paintball gun is armed with frangible DMSO rounds which cause chemicals to soak into the skin and trigger disorienting hallucinations.
- STR 0, STA n/a, AGI 0, DEX 0, FGT 0, INT n/a, AWE 0, PRE n/a.
- Skills: Acrobatics +1, Perception +5, Ranged Combat (Onboard Weapons) +5, Stealth +5.
- Advantages: All-Out Attack, Improved Aim, Improved Critical 4 (16-20), Precise Attack 2 (Ranged vs Concealment and Cover), Teamwork.
- Powers: Assault Rifle, Flight 2 (120'/round or 8 MPH), Protection 2.
- Assault Rifle: Ranged Multi-Attack Damage 5 + Ranged Cumulative Multi-Attack Affliction 5. Affliction resisted by Fortitude, causes Impaired / Disabled / Incapacitated.
- Paintball Gun: Ranged Progressive Multi-Attack Affliction 5 with Extra Condition and Secondary Effect. Affliction resisted by Will, causes Impaired + Vulnerable / Defenseless + Disabled / Incapacitated.
- Offense: Initiative +0. Assault Rifle (+5, Damage 5 + Affliction 5, DC 20/15). Paintball Gun (+5, Affliction 5, DC 15).
- Defense: Dodge 8, Parry 8, Fortitude n/a, Will n/a, Toughness 2.
Cargo Drone (PL 5, 75 PP)
This wide, square drone can do heavy lifting (up to 6 tons) with its six tentacles. It can also use this to strike (usually with Accurate Attack) or grab foes in combat — and thanks to Fast Grab, it can do both at once. It's often used as a flight platform by the operator, since it's optimized for rapid transport.
- STR 8, STA n/a, AGI 0, DEX 0, FGT 0, INT n/a, AWE 0, PRE n/a.
- Skills: Acrobatics +10, Athletics +10, Close Combat (Grapples and Strikes) +2, Perception +5, Stealth +5.
- Advantages: Accurate Attack, Chokehold, Fast Grab, Improved Hold, Teamwork.
- Powers: Cutting Torch, Extra Limbs 5, Flight 6 (1,800'/round or 120 MPH), Protection 5.
- Cutting Torch: Weaken Toughness 10 with Affects Only Objects and Move Activation.
- Offense: Initiative +0. Grab (+7, Strength 8). Strike (+2, Damage 8). Torch (+0, Weaken 10).
- Defense: Dodge 5, Parry 5, Fortitude n/a, Will n/a, Toughness 5.
Infiltrator Drone (PL 5, 75 PP)
A tiny hoverbot, excellent for sneaking into places and disrupting their security with its extendable (15') manipulators. It's 6" across (Size -5), weighs 6 oz. (Mass -7), and others are usually at -9 to notice it. Note that unlike most drones, it does have an INT score, though it is still nonsapient.
- STR 0, STA n/a, AGI 0, DEX 0, FGT 0, INT 0, AWE 0, PRE n/a.
- Skills: Acrobatics +5, Perception +15, Stealth +15, Technology +15.
- Advantages: Benefit (Can use Technology for manual B&E), Eidetic Memory, Hide in Plain Sight, Second Chance (Tripping alarms), Teamwork, Tracking.
- Powers: Elongation 1, Flight 1 (60'/round or 4 MPH), Protection 2, Reduced Size 3, Senses 9.
- Senses: Detect Electricity (Accurate, Acute, Analytical, Ranged); Radio; Vision (Analytical, Darkvision, Microscopic Vision 1).
- Offense: Initiative +0.
- Defense: Dodge 8, Parry 8, Fortitude n/a, Will n/a, Toughness 2.
Shield Drone (PL 5, 75 PP)
A defensive bot, designed to tank attacks meant for other targets. It can be used as cover and has Interpose for leaping in front of attacks. And if it is hit, it gets one Healing check each turn (at +5 against DC 10) to negate one Damage condition per degree of success. Finally, for further utility, it can project a force-field for further defense; this can be made "one-way transparent" as well as "one-way attack."
- STR 0, STA n/a, AGI 0, DEX 0, FGT 0, INT n/a, AWE 0, PRE n/a.
- Skills: Perception +4.
- Advantages: Improved Defense, Interpose, Teamwork, Withstand Damage.
- Powers: Flight 2 (120'/round or 8 MPH), Force-Field, Nano-Regen, Protection 8 with Impervious 4.
- Force Field: Force Wall 10 (12k sf, 45' dome, or 30' sphere) with Impervious 5, Opacity Control 2, and Selective.
- Nano-Regen: Reaction Healing 5 with Limited to Self.
- Offense: Initiative +0.
- Defense: Dodge 2, Parry 2, Fortitude n/a, Will n/a, Toughness 8 (i4).
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