In Nomine Artifacts
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All artifacts use the rules from Liber Reliquarum except with the costs below. While these may seem a bit more complex than most rules in this system, please be aware that "half points" are used throughout the core rules -- just disguised a bit so you don't notice them.
Round all fractional costs up, at the very end after factoring everything in. Maximum artifact level is 6.
Corporeal Artifacts
Cost: 1 CP/level.
Each level makes the artifact easier for you to locate (roll Corporeal Forces + Level; see In Nomine, p. 96) and also reduces the disturbance caused by the artifact, during mundane use, by its level (to at best halving the disturbance). This is cumulative with the effects of a role.
Ethereal Talismans
Cost: 1.5 CP/level for the highest skill, +1 CP/level for each additional skill.
Each level makes the artifact easier for you to locate (roll Ethereal Forces + Level; see In Nomine, p. 96) and also adds its level to the specified skill(s), or grants them at that level if you lack them.
(Alternatively, a "Risky" talisman can add to the check digit instead of the skill level. The user must specify before rolling whether the talisman is in effect, because it adds to the check digit whether the roll succeeds or fails!)
For an additional cost of +0.5 CP/level, the talisman also reduces disturbance as though it were a Corporeal artifact, above.
Celestial Relics and Reliquaries
Relic Cost: 2 CP/level for the highest song, +1 CP/level for each additional song.
Reliquary Cost: 2 CP plus 2 CP/level,
Each level makes the artifact easier for you to locate (roll Celestial Forces + Level; see In Nomine, p. 96) in addition to the following benefits.
Relics grant one or more songs at the given levels, and are capable of storing Essence equal to the level of the highest song. They discharge all of their Essence at once when used, however! If a relic lacks this Essence reserve for whatever reason, change its cost to "1.5 CP/level for the highest song, +1 CP/level for each additional song."
Reliquaries regenerate one Essence per day and are capable of storing up to one Essence per level. Anyone can use or replace this Essence. If bound to a relic, the Essence can only fuel that relic.
Corporeal artifacts cannot be combined with talismans, relics, or reliquaries. Ethereal and Celestial artifacts simply supersede Corporeal ones.
If an artifact is both Ethereal and Celestial, there is a discount. If its Celestial level is equal to or higher than its Ethereal level, reduce the cost by (Ethereal level)/2 CP and treat it as Celestial when rolling to locate it. Otherwise, reduce its cost by (Celestial level)/2 CP and treat it as Ethereal when rolling to locate it.
Artifact Options
Liber Reliquarum (pp. 22-23) offers several positive and negative features that affect the cost of an artifact. Some of these need to be expanded or changed for game balance, however. Anything not mentioned below is as written.
The default assumption (-0) is that an artifact is very convenient to use. As such, everything here shifts:
-6 Essentially immobile
-5 Extremely bulky
-4 Heavy
-3 Bulky
-2 Easily carried
-1 Must be worn, hard to hit
-0 Completely hidden
"Invisible" no longer exists. The Concealed Weapon uses Summonable, not "Invisible."
Essence Capacity
This costs +3 per +1 extra Essence.
Frequency Restriction
"Once per decade" is -5. "Once per century" is -6.
If the object is a container, allowing you to store things in it before dismissing it, double the cost of the Summonable feature.
User Restriction
This is a flat +3 per class. All examples here are worth +3.
New Feature
Can be used in all three realms: +2 for Corporeal artifacts, +1 for Ethereal talismans, N/A for Celestial relics or reliquaries.
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