House Creation
Return to Salt and Iron
Step One: Location
The group has decided via majority vote that this will be in Dorne, on the Broken Arm.
Step Two: Starting Resources
PK will roll 7d6 seven times to determine these:
Defense | 25 |
Influence | 23 |
Lands | 17 |
Law | 29 |
Population | 20 |
Power | 23 |
Wealth | 29 |
Then we apply the Location modifiers. The updated results are:
Defense | 25 |
Influence -5 | 18 |
Lands +10 | 27 |
Law -5 | 24 |
Population | 20 |
Power +10 | 33 |
Wealth | 29 |
Initial Modifications: Each player gets to add +1d6 to one area
PK will roll the d6, the player will decide where to put it. Remember that a resource can only be raised twice.
Ben | +3 | Defense |
Brett | +4 | Defense |
Chris | +6 | Wealth |
Czar | +2 | Lands |
Samjo | +2 | Influence |
Tiffany | +4 | Influence |
Updated values:
Defense | 32 |
Influence | 24 |
Lands | 29 |
Law | 24 |
Population | 20 |
Power | 33 |
Wealth | 35 |
Step Three: House History
After some debate, the group decided on Established for the house age.
PK will roll for Historical Events. # of Events: 2
1. Villain (Influence +6, Law +5, Population +2, Power +3)
2. Infrastructure (Power +1, Wealth +6)
Brett: Anyway my vote is that there was a man -- Cyrus the Tormentor of house Brax -- who seized this place and then impaled hundreds of people outside his gates to keep an invading army at bay. It worked and that man went onto found a house there that would capitalize on the nearby trade routes for both legitimate work and a bit of piracy (hence the wealth and power upgrade).
Updated values:
Defense | 32 |
Influence | 30 |
Lands | 29 |
Law | 29 |
Population | 22 |
Power | 37 |
Wealth | 41 |
Step Four: Holdings
Defense Holdings
One Keep (20)
One Tower (10)
Influence Holdings
One first-born (20)
One second-born (10)
Maximum Status is 4
Lands Holdings
Port Town: Plains + Coast + Grasslands + Road (14)
House Seat: Hills + Light Woods + Road (15)
Law Holdings
-2 to House Fortunes
Population Holdings
Small Town (Port Town) (20)
Power Holdings
Veteran Warships (10)
Trained Raiders (where?) (6)
Trained Archers (in Tower) (6)
Trained Personal Guards (in Keep) (9)
Trained Garrison (in Port Town) (5)
(Trained = +60xp, Veteran = +100xp)
Wealth Holdings
Port (in Port Town) (10) -- +2 to HF rolls
Maester (in House Seat) (10) -- +3 to HF rolls
Greenhouse, Herb House (in House Seat) (3, +1 def) -- +1B to Healing (Treat either) in keep
Timber + Lumber Mill + Shipyards (12) (in House Seat) -- +1 to HF rolls, +1 Wealth RGB, -2 to Ships cost, -2 to Shipwright cost
Standard of Living, Comfortable (5) -- +1 Intrigue def, +1B to Endurance to heal at home, <1gd for free
Special: Ben took Head for Numbers, adding +1d to Wealth, so +4 in this case
Updated values
Defense | 32 | 31 | 1 |
Influence | 30 | 30 | 0 |
Lands | 29 | 29 | 0 |
Law | 29 | - | - |
Population | 22 | 20 | 2 |
Power | 37 | 36 | 1 |
Wealth | 45 | 40 | 5 |
Step Five: Motto & Arms
Bannermen to House Toland
Arms are an impaled man
Motto is "Salt and Iron"
Return to Salt and Iron