GURPS Monster Hunters
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As my first true series of GURPS books, the Monster Hunters line is something I'm particularly proud of. Hopefully, the following resources and musings will help anyone trying to run their own game of hunters vs. The Enemy. Be sure to also check the GCA Files section of this site (below) for Monster-Hunters-related GDFs.
Splitting IQ in Monster Hunters
As for Dungeon Fantasy and Action (see the section above), this article will be of great help to anyone who uses my house rule about splitting IQ from Will and Per. Here, I break down the necessary changes for all of the primary templates from Champions and Sidekicks.
Ritual Path Magic FAQ
An open-ended, flexible system like Ritual Path magic is bound to have some questions come up from time to time. For the most part, these should be decided upon between the player and GM -- but a few questions are either so universally applicable or have come up frequently enough that I've collected them here.
Energy Accumulation Auto-Calculator
Does your caster need to make hundreds of energy accumulation rolls for dozens of different spells? Now you can avoid all of that painful dice rolling! Just enter some basic information and this page will show you the details for each ritual you attempted to cast.
This page was created by Thomas Weigel. It requires JavaScript to work.
Clues and Deductions Worksheet (PDF)
I'm quite proud of the investigation rules introduced in The Mission, as they allow both players and characters a chance to figure out what's going on. However, they do involve many skill rolls, and it can be tricky for the GM to keep track of it all. This worksheet makes the GM's job easier, by providing a single place to keep track of each hunter's deduction roll and current clue bonus, along with all of the clues that are either waiting to be revealed or have already been discovered.
An Outtake From Monster Hunters 6: Holy Hunters
A box that was cut from the book for content and space reasons.
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