GURPS Dungeon Fantasy
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The good Dr. Kromm created the Dungeon Fantasy series to show that GURPS can truly handle any genre -- even the classic dungeon crawl. The combination of a new-school system with old-school gaming worked surprisingly well. I'm honored to have contributed to the series officially, and I'd like to continue contributing in this small section of MyGURPS.
Much of the following is now available in a handy PDF format, along with other rulings and additions posted to the forums. Basically, this is the file that I print out for my own games. Each section is labeled with the Dungeon Fantasy book for which it acts as an addendum.
All Dungeon Fantasy Occupations
A complete list of every occupational template available in GURPS Dungeon Fantasy.
Dungeon Fantasy Lenses
Some occupational templates lacked lenses or other important notes. Find my versions here.
Dungeon Fantasy Power-Ups
I've invented quite a few, that seem to be balanced and appropriate.
Splitting IQ in Dungeon Fantasy
One of my most popular house rules (above) is the one separating Will and Per from IQ. It's rather self-explanatory, except when you're trying to use premade templates . . . which is what Dungeon Fantasy is all about. So here are some guidelines for tweaking the templates to preserve point balance while fixing the IQ issue.
New Template: Seventh Son
You are the seventh son of a seventh son (or daughter -- the "son" part is just tradition), a blessed wanderer, or a peasant adventurer. You don't have the specialized training that any of the other templates have, but you're quick and clever and the fates are definitely watching out for you. This template is good for those looking to play an "underdog" without actually sacrificing survivability.
This template was created by aesir23, not me. I offered suggestions and feedback and made a few tweaks.
Note: "Alchemy (and Alchemists) in Dungeon Fantasy" has been replaced by the official rules in Pyramid #82.
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