Vampire The Masquerade Rivals
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Renegade has some good card games but a bad website, making it tricky to keep track of releases and expansions. This page is mainly for my own use, but hopefully others will find it handy as well. A * means I own it.
Core Game
*Vampire: The Masquerade — Rivals (2021)
An excellent game. Includes Brujah, Malkavian, Toreador, and Ventrue clans. Includes the city of San Francisco.
The Hunters & the Hunted (2023)
A standalone expansion. Includes the hunter cells Faithful & Inquisitive and the vampire clans Ministry & Caitiff.
*Blood & Alchemy (2021)
Includes Thin-Blood and Tremere clans.
*The Wolf & the Rat (2021)
Includes Gangrel and Nosferatu clans. Also includes a fifth color of player components.
*The Heart of Europe (2022)
Includes the city of Prague. Also includes 5-card errata pack and rules updates.
*The Dragon & the Rogue (2022)
Includes Ravnos and Tzimisce clans.
*Shadows & Shrouds (2022)
Includes Hecata and Lasombra clans.
*Justice & Mercy (2023)
Includes Banu Haqim and Salubri clans.
Promo Packs
Not shown are the 2-card promo pack which every expansion offers; these feature alternate art versions of each clan's strongest Vampire. Also not shown are component upgrades that include no new cards.
Individual Promo Cards
- Annabelle (Brujah)
- The Game Shop (Haven)
*2022 Conclave Event Promo Pack
10 new Conclave-themed Event cards (Call the Roll, City-Wide Lockdown, Crack Shot, Enter Elysium, New Blood, Offer of Help, Opening Ceremonies, Purge the Old Guard, Show of Force, To Absent Friends) to swap into the Prague City deck. They can be used in a different deck but the card backs will not match.
*Month of Darkness 2022 Card Pack
Five new Vampire cards (Carmina Magnus, Giselle della Scala, Luviere Bataille, R.T. Thassos, Reina de la Vega). Is also available as part of a "Month of Darkness 2022 Promotional Pack".
*Royalty Pack 1
23 new vampire cards, each one immortalizing a tournament winner.
*Season 1 Promo Pack
Five vampires previously available only through Kickstarter (Smoke), OP Kits 1.1 to 1.3 (Freddy Usher, Martine Diaz, Natasha Blank), or as a GenCon promo (Victor Temple).
*Season 2 Promo Pack
Ten completely new cards: Balance in All Things (Agenda), Dancing House (Haven), Fujiko (Hecata), Prague National Bank (Haven), Race to the Bottom (Agenda), The Exterminator (Nosferatu), Timothy Schwartz (Lasombra), Xander Klaus (Gangrel), and Youth Hostel (Haven).
Play Kits
Only available to stores, featuring accessories and several copies of a single promo card.
Season 1.1 Kit
Official Play kit with a play mat and copies of Freddy Usher (Toreador).
Season 1.2 Kit
Official Play kit with a play mat and copies of Martine Diaz (Ventrue).
Season 1.3 Kit
Official Play kit with a play mat and copies of Natasha Blank (Malkavian).
Season 1.4 Kit
Official Play kit with acrylic Fear tokens and copies of Victor Cane (Tremere).
Season 1.5 Kit
Official Play kit with acrylic -1 Blood Potency tokens and copies of Sid Baqri (Thin-Blood).
Season 1.6 Kit
Official Play kit with acrylic No Influence tokens and copies of Tent City (Haven).
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