Torg Eternity Miracles
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The first section on this page is a list of all relevant religions, sorted first by cosm, then by archetype, to better help players decide how to build their Storm Knights. They also include TorgHacker's excellent "alternative arcane failure modes" (originally posted here), which go a long way toward helping different types of arcane Storm Knights feel different.
The second is a list of all Torg miracles, using the same page reference format as my Perk list, for ease of reference.
Note: The addendum "(or LRC)" in the Range stat is a reminder that contradictory effects are limited to a range of one kilometer, per the Long-Range Contradictions rules on p. 180.
Empowered Religions
Unlike magic or psi, invoking a miracle requires the blessed to be able to speak and move both hands freely.
On a failure the invoker suffers 2 Shock.
On a Mishap, the invoker suffers 2 Shock and succumbs to inner doubt. They are at -4 to all rolls to invoke miracles until the next scene. If they suffer another Mishap, they cannot invoke miracles at all until the next scene.
Miracles marked with a * may be cast without the Miracles perk in certain situations; check the description for details. For example, ward enemy can be cast by anyone who meets the faith prerequisite (8).
Miracles marked with a † are included (for "free") in a perk specific to that religion. Details vary.
Any miracle marked with a (β) requires Beta clearance.
Exemplars of Light (Dunad)
- Banish, bless†, bounty, break curse, break storm (β), call animals, commune with animals, commune with spirits, cure disease, curse, doom (β), healing, lightning strike, penance, repel, soothe, strike, summon storm, treeskin, turn undead, ward cold, ward enemy*, ward magic, word of the gods.
Exemplars of Darkness (Corba'al)
- Banish, bless, call animals, command undead, commune with animals, commune with spirits, curse†, doom (β), healing, hellfire, plague (β), repel, sicken, soothe, strike, ward enemy*, ward magic, wither, word of the gods.
Mysterians (Elmiir), the Elves
- Banish, bless, bounty, break curse, call animals, commune with animals, commune with spirits, cure disease, Elmiir’s assistance (β), healing, lightning strike, repel, soothe, strike, summon storm, treeskin, turn undead, ward cold, ward enemy*, ward magic†, word of the gods.
Theomagicians (Shali)
- Banish†, bless, bounty, break curse, break storm (β), command undead, commune with spirits, cure disease, curse, doom (β), healing, hellfire, lightning strike, repel, Shali’s blessing (β), soothe, strike, summon storm, treeskin, turn undead, ward cold, ward enemy*, ward magic.
Yonders (Rak), the Outsiders
- Balancing act (β), bless, break storm (β), call animals, commune with animals, commune with spirits, cure disease, curse, doom (β), healing, lightning strike, penance, plague (β), sicken, soothe, strike, summon storm, treeskin, ward cold†, ward enemy*, ward magic, wither.
Core Earth
(Treating captivate as the Religious Scholar miracle for "Fire and Brimstone" Christianity is a house rule.)
Bantu (and other Traditional African) Mythology
- Banish, bless, bounty, break curse, call animals, commune with animals, commune with spirits†, control animal, cure disease, cure poison, dream, healing, pass without trace†, repel, soothe, ward enemy*
- Banish, bless, bounty, commune with spirits, contort, cure disease, dream, healing, holy water, incognito, meditation†, pass without trace, prophecy, repel, soothe, strike, ward enemy*, word of the gods, yin and yang†
Chinese Folk Religion
- Banish, bless, bounty, call animals, commune with animals†, commune with spirits, control animal, cure disease, cure poison, dream, healing, incognito, meditation, pass without trace, prophecy, repel, soothe, ward enemy*, word of the gods, yin and yang†
Christianity (“Fire and Brimstone”)
- Banish, bless, captivate†, commune with spirits, curse, hellfire, holy water, prophecy, repel, strike, ward enemy*, ward flames, walk on water†
Christianity (“Prince of Peace”)
- Banish, bless, bounty†, captivate, commune with spirits, cure disease, dream, healing, holy water, prophecy, repel, soothe, walk on water†, ward enemy*, ward flames, word of the gods
- Banish, bless, bounty, call animals, commune with animals, commune with spirits, contort†, control animal, cure disease, cure poison, healing, holy water, meditation†, prophecy, repel, soothe, ward enemy*, ward flames, word of the gods
Indigenous Faiths
- Banish†, bless, blind, bounty, call animals, commune with animals, commune with spirits, cure disease, cure poison, curse, dream†, flame aura, healing, hunter’s ear, lightning strike, pass without trace, repel, ride beast, soothe, strike, ward enemy*, ward flames
- Banish, bless, bounty, call animals, captivate, commune with animals, commune with spirits, cure disease, curse, dream, healing, holy water, hellfire, incognito, pass without trace†, prophecy, repel, walk on water†, ward enemy*
- Banish, bless, bounty, call animals, captivate, commune with animals, commune with spirits, cure disease, cure poison, curse, dream, healing, holy water, lightning strike, pass without trace, prophecy†, repel, snake staff†, summon storm, ward enemy*, word of the gods
Los Asangrados
- Banish, bless, bloodlust, bone blades, captivate, commune with spirits, conjure poison, cure disease, cure poison, curse, healing, kill, preserve, regenerate, repel, soothe, strike, ward enemy*, word of the gods
- Banish, bless, bounty, break curse†, break storm, call animals, commune with animals, commune with spirits†, cure disease, curse, healing, lightning strike, meditation, prophecy, repel, soothe, summon storm, ward enemy*
- Banish, bless, bounty, call animals, commune with animals, commune with spirits, contort†, cure disease, cure poison, healing, holy water, meditation†, prophecy, repel, soothe, ward enemy*, word of the gods
- Banish, bless, bounty, break curse, call animals, commune with animals†, commune with spirits, control animal, curse, cure disease, cure poison, dream, healing, incognito, repel, soothe, ward enemy*, word of the gods, yin and yang†
Other Core Earth Religions
- Banish, bless, bounty, call animals, commune with animals, commune with spirits, cure disease, holy water, healing, repel, soothe, ward enemy*
Miracles marked with ‡ are aimed at NPC bad guys and may have limited utility for Storm Knights.
- Banish, bless, bounty, cleanse (β), commune with spirits, computer empathy†, cure disease, curse, cybercommunion‡, doom (β), fanaticism, healing, hellfire, lightning strike, net damnation‡, node scrambler‡, purge magic, reboot device, repel, rood awakening, soothe, strike, thrice damned, ward enemy*.
God’s Champion
- Banish, battle vigil†, bless, fanaticism, first strike, strength of the righteous, ward enemy*.
- See Core Earth, above.
Living Land
While in the Living Land, anyone who meets the Faith prerequisite (shown in parentheses) may attempt the bless (10) and curse (10) miracles. Jakatts with enough skill may also attempt grasping vines (12), invoke Lanala (16), and shape plant (8). For these cases, the Miracles perk is not even necessary.
For Los Asangrados, see Core Earth, above.
Cult of the Consuming Fire (from Ruins of Washington)
- Ash cloud, breathe fire, commune with spirits, cure disease, curse*, flame aura, healing, hellfire, repel, strike, ward enemy*, ward flames.
Keta Kalles (general Miracles perk)
- Bless*, bounty, call animals, commune with animals, cure disease, healing, repel, soothe, strike, ward enemy*.
Keta Kalles (Gotak)
- Banish, bless*, breathe fire, commune with spirits, curse*, earthquake, grasping vines*, hunter’s ear, invoke Lanala*, kill, mend corpse, repel, strike, touch of time, ward enemy*.
- Bless*, bounty, call animals, commune with animals, cure disease, cure poison, curse*, grasping vines*, healing, hunter’s ear, invoke Lanala*, regenerate, repel, resurrect, ride beast, shape plant*†, soothe, strike, touch of time, uncounted spears, ward enemy*.
Neo Shaman
- banish, bless*, blind, bounty, call animals, commune with animals, commune with spirits, cure disease, cure poison, curse*, flame aura, healing, hunter’s ear, lightning strike, repel, ride beast, soothe, strike, ward enemy*, ward flames.
Rec Stalek (Gotak)
- Ash cloud, banish, bless*, blind, bone blades, commune with spirits, curse*, earthquake, kill, mend corpse, preserve, repel, resurrect, sculpt bone, strike, unlife, ward enemy*, wither.
Living Land: Merretika
From The God Box
Darok and Karruk (Pyrian Fire Tamers)
- Ash cloud, banish, bless*, bounty, breathe fire, commune with spirits, cure disease, curse*, flame aura, healing, hellfire, repel, soothe, strike, ward enemy*, ward flames. (See The God Box p. 107 for additional Pyrian Fire Priest rules that apply only while the Tamer is in Merretika.)
The Father of Serpents (Serpentors) — NPC-only
- Bless*, bloodlust, call animals, commune with animals, conjure poison, curse*, kill, regenerate, repel, soothe, strike, ward enemy*, wither.
Greater Mehret (Ohibi) — NPC-only
- Banish, bless*, blind, commune with spirits, cure disease, cure poison, earthquake, healing, hunter’s ear, preserve, regenerate, shape plant, ward enemy*.
Holuku (Leopard Tribes)
- Bless*, bloodlust, call animals, commune with animals, commune with spirits, cure poison, curse*, hunter’s ear, preserve, repel, ride beast, soothe, strike, uncounted spears, ward enemy*.
Olakaya the Wasp Mother (Darooni)
- Banish, bless*, call animals, commune with animals, commune with spirits, conjure poison, curse*, healing, hunter's ear, repel, ride beast, soothe, strike, uncounted spears, ward enemy*, wither.
- Banish, bless*, blind, bounty, commune with spirits, cure disease, cure poison, healing, regenerate, shape plant, strike, ward enemy*, wither.
Nile Empire
- Banish, bless, bounty, call animals, commune with animals, commune with spirits, cure disease, curse, healing, lightning strike, repel, soothe, strike, ward enemy*, wither.
Amaatist Hem-Netjer
- Animate mummy, blinding dust, cure poison, death shout, drain life, dream, empower ankh, pronouncement of doom, prophecy†, recall spirit, sandstorm, scarab swarm, snake staff, sundew, wings of the hawk.
- Banish, bless, bounty, commune with spirits, cure disease, curse, healing, hellfire, repel, strike, ward enemy*.
Sacellum Chaplain
- Banish, bless missile, blind, crisis of faith, crucifixion, curse, fear of God, infernal judgment (β), hellfire, part the sea, paralyze, pillar of salt, repel, sins of the flesh, thrice cursed, ward enemy*.
Palanism (all become self-only)
- Bless, commune with spirits, contort, cure poison, incognito, meditation, Palan’s staff, pass without trace, soothe, strike, ward cold, ward enemy*.
Animate Mummy (p. N45)
Axiom Level: 16
Skill: Faith 12
Casting Time: 1 hour
DN: Challenging (DN 12)
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Raise a corpse as an undead mummy (p. N130).
Ash Cloud (p. L20)
Axiom Level: 14
Skill: Faith 12
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Very Hard (DN 16)
Range: 50-meter radius around the invoker
Duration: 1 minute
Summon an ash cloud that chokes and obscures vision.
(β) Balancing Act (p. A43)
Prerequisite: Beta Clearance
Axiom Level: 16
Skill: Faith 18
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Heroic (DN 18) but see below
Range: Self
Duration: 1 scene or until used
Temporarily gain a Darkness or Light perk.
Banish (p. 199)
Axiom Level: 9
Skill: Faith 12
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Target's willpower or Spirit
Range: 5-meter radius
Duration: Instant
Temporarily drive spirits away from our world.
Battle Vigil (p. C52)
Axiom Level: 8
Skill: Faith 10
Casting Time: 6 hours (see below)
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: Self
Duration: 24 hours
Cast the night before battle, reduces the Shock you take.
Bless (p. 199)
Axiom Level: 9
Skill: Faith 10
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: 5-meter radius
Duration: 3 rounds
Temporarily increase one attribute for yourself and others nearby.
(Special: Within the Living Land, this miracle may be attempted without the Miracles Perk — by anyone, not just jakatts — if the faith prerequisite is met.)
Bless Missile (p. O33)
Axiom Level: 12
Skill: Faith 14
Casting Time: 30 minutes
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: 5 meters
Duration: 1 day
Increase the damage that bullets cause to supernaturally evil foes.
Blind (p. L21, O33)
Axiom Level: 12
Skill: Faith 14
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Target's willpower or Spirit
Range: 100 meters
Duration: 3 rounds
Fully or partially removes the subject's ability to see.
Blinding Dust (p. N45)
Axiom Level: 14
Skill: Faith 10
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: 50 meters
Duration: Concentration
Summon a cloud that penalizes attacks.
(GM Interpretation: The penalty is a general Darkness penalty; it doesn't apply solely to attacks.)
Bloodlust (p. L21)
Axiom Level: 12
Skill: Faith 12
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Target's willpower or Spirit
Range: 25 meters
Duration: One minute
Make the subject(s) more potent in combat, but with worse defenses.
Bone Blades (p. L21)
Axiom Level: 14
Skill: Faith 14
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Target's willpower or Spirit
Range: 50 meters
Duration: 3 rounds
Turn the subject's bones into weapons, at the cost of extreme pain.
Bounty (p. 200)
Axiom Level: 10
Skill: Faith 12
Casting Time: 3 minutes
DN: Easy (DN 8)
Range: 10 meters
Duration: Permanent
Turn one meal into several.
Break Curse (p. A44)
Axiom Level: 16
Skill: Faith 12
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 scene
Suppress or possibly remove a curse.
(β) Break Storm (p. A44)
Prerequisite: Beta Clearance
Axiom Level: 16
Skill: Faith 16
Casting Time: 1 full round
DN: Hard (DN 14)
Range: 100 meters
Duration: 1 minute
Suppress storms and lightning effects, maybe even reality storms.
Breathe Fire (p. L22)
Axiom Level: 20 (per errata)
Skill: Faith 12
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Target's dodge or Dexterity
Range: 25 meters
Duration: Instant
Fill an area with fire, hurting friend and foe alike.
Call Animals (p. 200)
Axiom Level: 8
Skill: Faith 12
Casting Time: 1 minute
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: 1 kilometer
Duration: 1 hour
Summon (but do not control) animals.
(GM Interpretation: "They arrive next turn" is an error, use the listed duration for travel time plus how long they stick around.)
Captivate (p. R22)
Axiom Level: 7
Skill: Faith 10
Casting Time: 1 full round
DN: Each target's Mind or willpower
Range: Huge Blast Radius
Duration: Concentration
Preach to hold the attention of everyone nearby.
(β) Cleanse (p. C53)
Prerequisite: Beta Clearance, lightning strike miracle
Axiom Level: 16
Skill: Faith 16
Casting Time: See below
DN: Very Hard (-6) vs. target's dodge or Dexterity
Range: 100 meters
Duration: Instant
Summon an area-effect lightning bolt that only hits foes.
Command Undead (p. A44)
Axiom Level: 15
Skill: Faith 12
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Target's willpower or Spirit
Range: 30 meters
Duration: Concentration
Take control of Mindless undead.
Commune with Animals (p. 200)
Axiom Level: 6
Skill: Faith 10
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: 10 meters
Duration: 5 minutes
Speak with, and possibly command, nearby animals.
Commune with Spirits (p. 200)
Axiom Level: 5
Skill: Faith 10
Casting Time: 1 minute
DN: Challenging (DN 12)
Range: 5 meters
Duration: 5 minutes
Speak with and question local spirits.
Computer Empathy (p. C53)
Axiom Level: 6
Skill: Faith 8
Casting Time: 1 minute
DN: Easy (DN 8)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes
Make computers Favored for the duration.
Conjure Poison (p. L22)
Axiom Level: 12
Skill: Faith 10
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Standard (DN 10) or Target's dodge or Dexterity
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 minute
Envenom a weapon, or directly poison a victim.
Contort (p. P59, R22)
Axiom Level: 8
Skill: Faith 10
Casting Time: 1 minute
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: Self
Duration: Concentration
Dislocate limbs and squeeze into small spaces.
Control Animal (p. R22)
Axiom Level: 10
Skill: Faith 14
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Target's Spirit or willpower, plus Size Modifier
Range: Touch
Duration: Concentration
Take complete control of one animal.
Cure Disease (p. 201)
Axiom Level: 10
Skill: Faith 14
Casting Time: 1 minute
DN: Easy (DN 8)
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Cure someone of a disease; usable once per malady per person.
Cure Poison (p. L22, N45)
Axiom Level: 12
Skill: Faith 10
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Remove a poison, though not necessarily its effects, from a person's system.
Curse (p. 201)
Axiom Level: 9
Skill: Faith 10
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Target's faith or Spirit
Range: 25 meters
Duration: 3 rounds
Temporarily reduce all of a foe's attribute and skill totals.
(Special: Within the Living Land, this miracle may be attempted without the Miracles Perk — by anyone, not just jakatts — if the faith prerequisite is met.)
(Clarification: This does not affect defenses, Toughness, Shock, etc.)
Crisis of Faith (p. O33)
Axiom Level: 12
Skill: Faith 14
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Target's faith or Spirit
Range: 10 meters
Duration: 1 round
Weaken a foe's ability to use faith.
Crucifixion (p. O34)
Axiom Level: 16
Skill: Faith 14
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Target's dodge or Dexterity
Range: 10 meters
Duration: Instant
Inflict damage and pin the target to a hard surface.
Cybercommunion (p. C54)
Axiom Level: 8
Skill: Faith 10
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 minute
Grant someone limited access to the GodNet, even in another reality.
Death Shout (p. N56)
Axiom Level: 16
Skill: Faith 13
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Target's dodge or Dexterity
Range: 10 meters
Duration: Instant
Shout at a target strong enough to harm or kill them.
(β) Doom (p. A44)
Prerequisite: Beta Clearance, curse miracle
Axiom Level: 13
Skill: Faith 14
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Target's faith or Spirit
Range: 50 meters
Duration: 3 rounds
Everything goes wrong for the target, hindering them.
Drain Life (p. N46)
Axiom Level: 18
Skill: Faith 14
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Target's willpower or Spirit
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Wound the subject to heal yourself.
Dream (p. N46)
Axiom Level: 8
Skill: Faith 10
Casting Time: 10 minutes
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: Self
Duration: One act
Use a dream's imagery to help with a Dramatic Skill Resolution.
Earthquake (p. L22)
Axiom Level: 20
Skill: Faith 16
Casting Time: 10 minutes
DN: Heroic (DN 18)
Range: 500 meters
Duration: 1 minute
Damage everyone and everything (especially fixed structures) in the area.
(β) Elmiir's Assistance (p. A44)
Prerequisite: Beta Clearance, Elf
Axiom Level: 18
Skill: Faith 18
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Heroic (DN 18)
Range: Self
Duration: 1 round
Replace any one skill with the faith skill.
Empower Ankh (p. N46)
Axiom Level: 14
Skill: Faith 12
Casting Time: 10 minutes
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 week
Give an ankh temporary powers, usually protective.
Fanaticism (p. C55)
Axiom Level: 8
Skill: Faith 12
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: 25 meters
Duration: 1 minute
The target is resistant to intimidation, fear, and possibly Shock.
Fear of God (p. O34)
Axiom Level: 12
Skill: Faith 12
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Target's willpower or Spirit
Range: 50 meters
Duration: Instant
Cause Fear on a large group of enemies.
First Strike (p. C55)
Axiom Level: 13
Skill: Faith 12
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: Self
Duration: 3 rounds
Personally go first, regardless of the initiative line.
Flame Aura (p. L23)
Axiom Level: 14
Skill: Faith 14
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Hard (DN 14)
Range: Self
Duration: 3 rounds
Surround yourself with flames, providing defensive and offensive benefits.
Grasping Vines (p. L23)
Axiom Level: 14
Skill: Faith 12
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Target's dodge or Dexterity
Range: 25 meters
Duration: 3 rounds
Partially or fully restrain everyone in the area.
Healing (p. 201)
Axiom Level: 10
Skill: Faith 10
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Standard (DN 10), plus wounds
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Heal a subject's wounds, shock, and KO status.
(Clarification: Per Deanna in the Discord, Healing cannot be Multi-Targeted.)
Hellfire (p. 201)
Axiom Level: 16
Skill: Faith 14
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Target's dodge or Dexterity
Range: 5 meters
Duration: Instant
Burn a target with fire damage.
Holy Water (p. R24)
Axiom Level: 10
Skill: Faith 10
Casting Time: 30 minutes
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: Touch
Duration: The rest of the act
Bless water so it may harm supernaturally evil beings.
Hunter's Ear (p. L23)
Axiom Level: 10
Skill: Faith 8
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: Self
Duration: 1 hour
Greatly enhance tracking ability and awareness of ambushes.
Incognito (p. P58, R24)
Axiom Level: 8
Skill: Faith 8
Casting Time: 1 minute
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: Self
Duration: Concentration
Others believe that you belong here, wherever "here" is.
(β) Infernal Judgment (p. O34)
Prerequisite: Beta Clearance, hellfire miracle
Axiom Level: 16
Skill: Faith 16
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Target's dodge or Dexterity
Range: 25 meters
Duration: 3 rounds
Summon a pillar of flame to strike a target, then become a temporary obstacle.
Invoke Lanala (p. L23)
Axiom Level: 24
Skill: Faith 16
Casting Time: 1 minute
DN: Near Impossible (DN 20)
Range: See below
Duration: See below
Summon an Avatar of Lanala.
Kill (p. L24)
Axiom Level: 14
Skill: Faith 16
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Target's willpower or Spirit
Range: 50 meters
Duration: Instant
Injure and cause pain to living targets, ignoring armor.
Lightning Strike (p. 202)
Axiom Level: 16
Skill: Faith 14
Casting Time: See below
DN: Target's dodge or Dexterity
Range: 100 meters
Duration: Instant
Spend two consecutive actions to fire lightning at a single target (once per scene).
Meditation (p. P59, R24)
Axiom Level: 6
Skill: Faith 8
Casting Time: 30 minutes
DN: Easy (DN 8)
Range: Self
Duration: 24 hours
Make one future test Favored.
Mend Corpse (p. L24)
Axiom Level: 12
Skill: Faith 12
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: 50 meters
Duration: Instant
Repairs a dead body; very useful for "healing" undead.
Net Damnation (p. C55)
Axiom Level: 13
Skill: Faith 14
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Target's faith or Spirit
Range: 25 meters
Duration: 1 minute
Harm a target in the GodNet, trapping their soul in Purgatory if they're defeated.
Node Scrambler (p. C55)
Axiom Level: 16
Skill: Faith 12
Casting Time: 1 full round
DN: Very Hard (DN 16)
Range: One GodNet sector
Duration: 10 minutes
Make it very difficult to use transfer or exit nodes.
Palan's Staff (p. P59)
Axiom Level: 8
Skill: Faith 10
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: Self
Duration: 1 minute
Empower your staff to affect Ethereal beings.
Paralyze (p. O34)
Axiom Level: 12
Skill: Faith 14
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Target's willpower or Spirit
Range: Touch
Duration: 3 rounds
Partially paralyze a foe, restricting their actions and movement.
Part the Sea (p. O34)
Axiom Level: 10
Skill: Faith 12
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Hard (DN 14)
Range: 50 meters
Duration: Concentration
Allow safe passage through a body of water.
Pass Without Trace (p. P59, R25)
Axiom Level: 8
Skill: Faith 10
Casting Time: 1 minute
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: Touch
Duration: Concentration
Impose a penalty to anyone tracking you.
Penance (p. A45)
Axiom Level: 17
Skill: Faith 14
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Target's faith or Spirit
Range: 25 meters
Duration: Instant
Seriously injure a target who has Darkness perks.
Pillar of Salt (p. O35)
Axiom Level: 17
Skill: Faith 16
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Hard (-4) vs the target's willpower or Spirit
Range: 5 meters
Duration: 3 rounds
Impose escalating penalties on the subject, with possibly lethal results.
(β) Plague (p. A45)
Prerequisite: Beta Clearance, sicken miracle
Axiom Level: 17
Skill: Faith 18
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Disfavored vs target's willpower or Spirit
Range: 10 meters
Duration: 1 hour
Give someone a terribly infectious disease.
Preserve (p. L24)
Axiom Level: 12
Skill: Faith 10
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 day
Prevents a body, food, etc. from spoiling, even in the Living Land.
Pronouncement of Doom (p. N47)
Axiom Level: 18
Skill: Faith 16
Casting Time: 10 minutes
DN: Target's faith or Spirit
Range: N/A
Duration: 24 hours
Curse a target, dooming his luck and possibly life.
Prophecy (p. N47)
Axiom Level: 10
Skill: Faith 10
Casting Time: 1 hour
DN: Hard (DN 14)
Range: Self
Duration: One act
Learn about and gain a great advantage in the next Dramatic scene.
Purge Magic (p. C56)
Axiom Level: 11
Skill: Faith 10
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: The caster's willpower or Spirit
Range: 25 meters
Duration: Instant
End the effects of a spell on the target.
Reboot Device (p. C56)
Axiom Level: 9
Skill: Faith 10
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Easy (DN 8)
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Restore a device or piece of cyberware that was shut down (e.g., via EMP).
Recall Spirit (p. N47)
Axiom Level: 18
Skill: Faith 16
Casting Time: 10 minutes
DN: Very Hard (DN 16)
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Return a subject to life as a Mummy.
Regenerate (p. L24)
Axiom Level: 16
Skill: Faith 14
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Very Hard (DN 16)
Range: Touch
Duration: 3 rounds
Empower the subject to heal rapidly from most Wounds and Shock.
Repel (p. 202)
Axiom Level: 10
Skill: Faith 12
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: 5 meters
Duration: Instant
Push back and Stymie all but the strongest enemies near you.
(GM Interpretation: Just like the Blast-Ray pulp power, this ability cannot shove someone to their death — e.g., off a roof or into a volcano — unless the Strength would have been enough to defeat them if it had been treated as damage.)
Resurrect (p. L25)
Axiom Level: 18
Skill: Faith 16
Casting Time: 10 minutes
DN: Near Impossible (DN 20)
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Bring someone, dead no more than three days, back to life.
Ride Beast (p. L25)
Axiom Level: 10
Skill: Faith 12
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Target's willpower or Spirit plus any Size modifier
Range: Touch
Duration: 3 rounds
Turn a beast into your temporary mount.
Rood Awakening (p. C56)
Axiom Level: 14
Skill: Faith 12
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Target's dodge or Dexterity
Range: 10 meters
Duration: Concentration
Spiritually "grapple" a target. Especially effective vs. spellcasters.
Salt Suffering (Delphi Missions: Aysle, p. 67)
Axiom Level: 18
Skill: Faith 14
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Target's dodge or Dexterity
Range: 5 meters
Duration: Instant
Harm a living creature via dehydration, ignoring Armor.
Sandstorm (p. N48)
Axiom Level: 18
Skill: Faith 16
Casting Time: 1 hour
DN: Very Hard (DN 16)
Range: 100 kilometers (or LRC)
Duration: Special
Blanket a town-sized area in a sandstorm.
(Clarification: This miracle lasts until one of the following happens: the priest goes a round without taking an action to maintain it, the priest fails a Concentration check, or eight hours passes. Unlike most Concentration-duration spells, it's fine to leave this one active for that long.)
Scarab Swarm (p. N48)
Axiom Level: 18
Skill: Faith 14
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Hard (DN 14)
Range: 10 meters
Duration: Concentration
Summon an insect swarm to devour foes.
Sculpt Bone (p. L26)
Axiom Level: 14
Skill: Faith 12
Casting Time: 1 minute
DN: Easy (DN 8) or the Value of the item
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Turn bone into useful items.
(β) Shali's Blessing (p. A45)
Prerequisite: Beta Clearance, all four magic skills at 1+
Axiom Level: 18
Skill: Faith 18
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Target's highest magic skill
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 scene
Improve the subject's spellcasting ability.
Shape Plant (p. L26)
Axiom Level: 14
Skill: Faith 8
Casting Time: 1 minute
DN: Easy (DN 8) or the Value of the item
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Turn vegetation into useful items.
Sicken (p. A46)
Axiom Level: 15
Skill: Faith 12
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Target's willpower or Spirit
Range: Touch
Duration: Concentration
Stymie and possibly harm the target.
Sins of the Flesh (p. O35)
Axiom Level: 14
Skill: Faith 12
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Target's faith or Spirit
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 scene
Curse a target with painful, ugly sores.
Snake Staff (p. N48)
Axiom Level: 14
Skill: Faith 12
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 minute
Turn the priest's staff into a poisonous asp.
Soothe (p. 203)
Axiom Level: 7
Skill: Faith 10
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: 5 meters
Duration: Instant
You and all allies near you recover Shock.
Strength of the Righteous (p. C57)
Axiom Level: 8
Skill: Faith 12
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: Self
Duration: 1 minute
Inflict extra melee damage if you're Wounded.
Strike (p. 203)
Axiom Level: 12
Skill: Faith 12
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: Touch
Duration: 3 rounds
Enhances the damage caused by a specific weapon.
Summon Storm (p. A46)
Axiom Level: 16
Skill: Faith 14
Casting Time: 1 full round
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: Self
Duration: 1 minute
A chaotic storm buffets (and may even electrocute) everyone in a huge area, even the caster.
Sundew (p. N49)
Axiom Level: 12
Skill: Faith 14
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Hard (DN 14)
Range: Self
Duration: Instant
Once per day, heal you and those around you.
Thrice Cursed (p. O35)
Axiom Level: 10
Skill: Faith 16
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Target's willpower or Spirit
Range: 50 meters
Duration: 1 day
Apply your choice of conditions (Stymied, Confused, etc.) to the target, three times total.
(Clarification: Per Leamon, each condition is just for that round. The 24 hour duration is just how long you have to apply those three brief conditions.)
Thrice Damned (p. C57)
Axiom Level: 12
Skill: Faith 12
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Target's faith or Spirit
Range: 25 meters
Duration: Instant
Make a target Vulnerable and possibly Fatigued, Confused, or Disfavored.
Touch of Time (p. L26)
Axiom Level: 12
Skill: Faith 14
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Target's dodge or Dexterity
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Wear down any unliving objects, including undead.
Treeskin (p. A46)
Axiom Level: 10
Skill: Faith 12
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Invoker's Strength
Range: Self
Duration: 3 rounds
Turn your own skin into wooden armor.
Turn Undead (p. A46)
Axiom Level: 12
Skill: Faith 10
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Target's willpower or Spirit
Range: 10 meters
Duration: Concentration
Stymie, and possibly repel or damage, all undead within range.
Uncounted Spears (p. L27)
Axiom Level: 18
Skill: Faith 14
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: Self
Duration: 3 rounds
From two or more spears, throw unlimited spears.
Unlife (p. L27)
Axiom Level: 16
Skill: Faith 16
Casting Time: 1 minute
DN: Hard (DN 14)
Range: 25 meters
Duration: Permanent
Transform corpses into undead monsters.
(Note: The similar miracle raise dead things (The God Box, p. 62) is restricted to very specific NPCs and is thus not covered here.)
Walk on Water (p. R25)
Axiom Level: 12
Skill: Faith 10
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: 25 meters
Duration: 30 seconds
Allow subjects to walk on liquids as if solid.
Ward Cold (p. A46)
Axiom Level: 9
Skill: Faith 10
Casting Time: 1 minute
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: Touch
Duration: 24 hours
Protect against environmental cold, and possibly against ice attacks.
Ward Enemy (p. 203)
Axiom Level: 8
Skill: Faith 8
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: 5 meter radius
Duration: Concentration
Improve defenses against supernatural foes for you and nearby allies.
Ward Flames (p. L27)
Axiom Level: 12
Skill: Faith 12
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: 25 meters
Duration: 1 minute
Grant the target(s) protection against smoke, heat, and fire.
Ward Magic (p. A47)
Axiom Level: 10
Skill: Faith 14
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: Self
Duration: Concentration
The invoker is much harder to affect with magic spells.
Wings of the Hawk (p. N49)
Axiom Level: 14
Skill: Faith 14
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Challenging (DN 12)
Range: Self
Duration: Concentration
Grow functional hawk wings.
Wither (p. 203)
Axiom Level: 16
Skill: Faith 14
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Target's faith or Spirit
Range: 5 meters
Duration: Instant
Damage any living thing, ignoring armor.
Word of the Gods (p. A47)
Axiom Level: 10
Skill: Faith 10
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: Self
Duration: Concentration
Get a flash of insight from your god(s).
Yin and Yang (p. R25)
Axiom Level: 8
Skill: Faith 12
Casting Time: 1 action
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Range: Self
Duration: The end of the scene
Mitigate bad luck at the expense of good luck.
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