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MyGURPS - Torg Eternity Characters

Torg Eternity Characters

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This is a quick-reference guide for creating characters in Torg Eternity. It does not replace or overrule the full rules except where explicitly noted as a house rule or errata! Think of this more as a handy checklist and index of options.

Here is a simple plain-text template that may be useful when making a new character.

Creating a Storm Knight

  1. Pick your race (see below).
  2. Pick your home cosm and note its axioms as your axioms.
  3. House Rule: Note your native language skill at +3 and pick another to have at +1; one must be English. (See Torg Eternity Languages for details.)
  4. Divide 40 points between your attributes, making sure they're all within legal limits for your race.
  5. Divide 16 points between your skill adds (see below), with none higher than +3. Give reality at least +1.
  6. Choose two Perks.
  7. Spend $1,000 on equipment.

Derived Values

Note that Perks or racial features may modify these.

  • Movement equals Dexterity. Triple it for Run speed.
  • Dodge is Dexterity plus dodge.
  • Melee Defense is Dexterity plus melee combat.
  • Unarmed Defense is Dexterity plus unarmed combat.
  • Toughness: Your base Toughness equals Strength. Add your best Armor value to get total Toughness.
  • Shock equals Spirit
  • Wounds equals 3.

You start each act with 3 Possibilities and 1 Cosm card. You start each scene with 4 Destiny cards.

Races and Attributes

Your race determines the maximum level for each attribute (the minimum level is always 5 unless noted otherwise). It may also include a mix of benefits and drawbacks (above and beyond having others notice you and react strangely wherever your race is uncommon). Page references are as for the Perk List.

  • Dwarf (p. 74): Max of Charisma 12, Dexterity 12, Mind 13, Spirit 13, Strength 14. Darkvision (ignore 4 points of darkness). Size (need Dwarf-tailored clothing/armor, costs the same).
  • Edeinos (p. 74): Max of Charisma 10, Dexterity 14, Mind 10, Spirit 15, Strength 13. Natural Weapons (teeth/claws do Strength +2). Outsider (-4 to persuasion vs non-edeinos, draws hostility). Choose your clan, per p. 75 or pp. L76-79.
  • Elf (p. 76): Max of Charisma 15, Dexterity 15, Mind 15, Spirit 14, Strength 11. Graceful (pure Dexterity tests are favored). Darkvision (ignore 4 points of darkness). Magical Affinity (+1 Fatigue if Magic Axiom less than 12). Choose High Elf or Wood Elf, per p. 76.
  • Human (p. 69): Max of Charisma 13, Dexterity 13, Mind 13, Spirit 13, Strength 13. This includes a Darooni tribeman, Leopard tribesman, or Pyrian fire tamer (The God Box, p. 111); "The Race" (from Tharkold); and a Kadandran (Operation Soft Sell, p. 109.)

Rare Races

These races are restricted and require GM permission to play. Do not assume they will be available! All but the Aspirants have the drawback Unique (only one allowed per party, likely to draw attention). Highly magical races like Aspirants and "Half-Folk" also have Magical Affinity, as per Elf (above).

  • Aspirant (p. T20): Max of Charisma 10, Dexterity 12, Mind 14, Spirit 13, Strength 15. Bite/Claw (Strength +2). Enhanced (start with $5K Occultech). Evil Origin (considered Supernatural Evil). Magical Affinity. Outsider (-4 to persuasion). Rejected Destiny (three card hand size). Wings (glide at Move 10 a distance equal to height, while descending).
  • Centaur (Cracking Tales of Aysle, p. 169): Max of Charisma 14, Dexterity 14, Mind 12, Spirit 12, Strength 15. Gallop (Move is Dexterity +2, Run is 4x, foot chases are favored), Magical Affinity, Size (lower-body clothing/armor must be tailored at 5x cost), Unbridled (+2 Fatigue with a rider), Unique.
  • Ground Sloth (Ruins of the Living Land, p. 5): Max of Charisma 10, Dexterity 8, Mind 13, Spirit 16, Strength 18. Minimum Spirit 6, Strength 8†. Alien Values (may only own one item, plus variants), Armor (+2), Claws (+2 damage and to climbing checks), Large (targeted at +2), Slow (cannot Run, -4 in a foot chase), Unique.
  • Harpy (Cracking Tales of Aysle, p. 170): Max of Charisma 10, Dexterity 15, Mind 14, Spirit 14, Strength 10. Claws (Strength +2), Magical Affinity, No Hands (feet can only claw or carry items, not use them), Shrill (-2 Persuasion vs non-fae), Size (can't wear lower-body clothing/armor), Unique, Wings (flight Move Dexterity +2, Run 3×).
  • Keefee (The God Box, p. 111): Max of Charisma 14, Dexterity 14, Mind 13, Spirit 14, Strength 6. Small Size† (2' tall, need Keefee-tailored clothing/armor at double cost, can only use Small weapons, may be mistaken for a toddler, targeted at -2), Unique.
  • Larendi (The God Box, p. 111): Max of Charisma 12, Dexterity 13, Mind 14, Spirit 13, Strength 10. Armor (+1 from thick skin), Bite and Claws (for Strength +1), Light Load (can't fly if holding a weapon with Min Str above own or wearing armor, and even then can wear only Larendi-tailored armor at double cost), Shy (-2 to persuasion), Unique, Wings (flight Move Dexterity +2, Run 3×, cannot recover Shock while flying).
  • Satyr (Cracking Tales of Aysle, p. 171): Max of Charisma 14, Dexterity 14, Mind 12, Spirit 12, Strength 13. Blessing (untrained skills explode on a 20), Magical Affinity, Size (non-Torso clothing/armor must be tailored at double cost), Surefooted (ignore rough/rocky terrain, climbing is favored), Unique.
  • Stalenger (Ruins of the Living Land, p. 5): Max of Charisma 10, Dexterity 12, Mind 14, Spirit 16, Strength 13. Minimum Spirit 6†. Alien Body (armor/clothing must be custom at double cost), Gas Bladder (floats, cannot Run, no Recovery if higher than 2m up), Extreme Outsider (-6 to persuasion/streetwise), Unique.

† House Rule

Races introduced in the "Backer Archetype" books are not allowed as PCs in our games unless expressly listed here.


Descriptions on pp. 77-83. In general, you can gauge skill competency as:

  • 6 — Poor
  • 8 — Competent
  • 10 — Skilled
  • 12 — Elite
  • 14 — Master
  • 18 — World Champion

Any house rules have been noted below as "Canon Adjusted."

General Skills

SkillControlling AttributeUntrained Use?Note
Air VehiclesDexterityN 
new skill
Beast RidingDexterityY 
Energy WeaponsDexterityY 
Evidence AnalysisMindY 
Fire CombatDexterityY 
First Aid
(use Medicine)
Heavy WeaponsDexterityY 
Land VehiclesDexterityY 
Melee WeaponsDexterityY[1]
Missile WeaponsDexterityY 
Profession (Specific)usually MindY/N 
Unarmed CombatDexterityY[1]
Water VehiclesDexterityY 

"Y/N" means it's up to the GM on a situational basis. Basic computer use, first aid, unlocking a simple latch, and professions based on common skills all allow for default use. Programming and engineering, diagnosing a new disease, bypassing a combination safe, and professions requiring specific training to even attempt do not.

[1] This skill determines one of your defenses, against either damaging or interaction attacks.
[2] Though also an arcane skill (below), religious folk without the Miracles perk can and often do take this, and can even use it to invoke certain miracles (see Torg Eternity Miracles).
[3] See Torg Eternity Languages for important guidelines.
[4] Storm Knights must have at least +1 add. Ords cannot take this skill.
[5] Is sometimes added to Mind instead of Spirit when resisting mental attacks.

Arcane Skills

SkillControlling AttributeUntrained Use?
For Miracles
For Psionics
For Spellcasting
For Runemakers (Aysle Dwarves Only)
Language: Dwarven RunesMindN

XP and Advancement

Storm Knights earn 5 XP per act. (A typical adventure has 3-5 acts, each taking about a session or two to play through.) These XP can be spent on three things:

  • Attributes: Raising an attribute costs (2 × new level) XP.
  • Skills: Adding a skill costs 1 XP. Raising a skill costs (1 × new level) XP. Maximum is +5 (but see the Mastery perk).
  • Perks: Everyone starts with two perks. Adding a third costs 5 XP, a fourth 7 XP, a fifth 9 XP, and so on. (In other words, the cost is (2 × existing perks) + 1 XP.)

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