Nobilis For The Noble Who Has Everything
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Nobilis gifts can be incredibly flexible, powerful, and fun! Here are my house rules for them, followed by several sample gifts. I didn't create most of them -- each has been attributed to its author.
My House Rules for Gifts
- For Activation, a simple miracle is +0 CP, not -1 CP. (This is because a gift which costs MPs is far more limited in utility than one that can be invoked repeatedly for free.)
- Any gift based on Aspect or your own Estate is automatically common. (After all, you didn't need the gift to do this; the gift just made it easier.)
- Aspect-based gifts can be boosted when used, temporarily raising the miracle level. Each +1 requires 2 AMPs, or 3 MPs of any kind. If you spend 8+ MPs on this, it does wound you as a Word of Command!
These changes affect the cost of Glorious (3 CP), Fire-Breathing (2 CP), Gatemaker (2-7 CP), Helpful Estate (4-8 CP, assuming your Estate), Purify (2 CP), Worldwalker (2-7 CP), and World-Breaker's Hand (18 CP).
Sample Gifts
Bag of Many Things (Cornelius)
You can pull nearly any physical object out of your pocket. You can only pull out one thing at a time and it can be up to the size of an elephant.
+5 Lesser Creation of Physical Objects
+0 Simple Miracle
-2 Affects One Thing
-1 Comprehensive
+1 Uncommon
x2 Wide Domain
Flock of Seagulls (Epoch)
You can turn yourself into a flock of birds. Each one is you, with your mind and full abilities.
+9 Major Motion of Self
+0 Simple Miracle
-3 Self Only
-3 One Trick
+1 Uncommon
Hear No Evil (Pee Kitty)
You can automatically tell truth from falsehood, spoken or written. You won't know what the truth actually is, but you will know which parts are false and why.
+2 Lesser Divination of Falsehood
+1 Automatic
-1 Local Area
-2 Limited Use
+1 Uncommon
Hundred Servants (Mytholder)
One hundred servants are with you if you wish them to be, no matter where you go. They have no real personality, but can perform nearly any mundane task for you.
+4 Lesser Creation of Servants
+1 Automatic
-1 Local Area
-1 Comprehensive
+1 Uncommon
Immunity (Pee Kitty)
You cannot be damaged by any one specific thing (within reason), such as knives or fire. Raise the usefulness to Limited (+1 CP) for less specific things, such as blades or being burnt. Make this Common (-1 CP) if you're immune to your Estate (or part of it).
+6 Major Preservation of Self
+1 Automatic
-3 Self Only
-3 One Trick Only
+1 Uncommon
Me and THAT Army (Cornelius)
For 1 MP, you can bring forth whole divisions of soldiers with gear, vehicles, etc. They have no real personality, but are as versatile as any human beings in a war. You may add Strike as normal when facing other Nobles or miraculous challenges.
+7 Major Creation of Soldiers
-2 Normal Miracle
-1 Local Area
-1 Comprehensive
+1 Uncommon
Mr. Lucky (Pee Kitty)
Everything always goes right for you. This gift will never affect anyone else in any way, but fate will bend over backwards to give you a charmed life.
+7 Major Creation of Luck
+1 Automatic
-3 Self Only
+1 Any Possible Use
+1 Uncommon
Psychoanalyze (Pee Kitty)
You can look into a person's mind and figure out what kind of person they are and why they do what they do. Add a point of Strike or make it Automatic for the same cost.
+2 Lesser Divination of the Psyche
+0 Simple Miracle
-2 Affects One Person
-1 Comprehensive
+1 Uncommon
Sit Down and Shut Up (Epoch)
You can give any lesser being one simple order and they'll follow it, as if completely unwilling to disobey you.
+5 Lesser Destruction of Volition
+0 Simple Miracle
-2 Affects One Person/Thing
-3 One Trick
+1 Uncommon
Sticks and Stones (Kyle Marquis/Pee Kitty)
You have a bag of sticks and stones that break people's bones. They can only break bones (though this can be taken metaphorically), but do so with enough force to cause a Deadly wound to anyone without Immortality. You may always do less damage, of course.
+7 Aspect 7 miracle of Skill: Bonebreaker
+0 Simple Miracle
-2 Affects One Person or Thing
-3 One Trick Only
+0 Common
Your Kung-Fu is Weak (Epoch)
You automatically dodge any attack, whether you're aware of it or not. Only level 7+ miracles can bypass this.
+6 Aspect 6 miracle of Passion: You Can't Touch Me
+1 Automatic
-3 Self Only
-2 Limited Use
+0 Common
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