Civ 6 Khmer
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This is not a detailed guide to playing Khmer. It is a cheat sheet on how to maximize Relic Tourism and take advantage of Khmer's Aqueduct bonuses.
Warning: The Prasat Relic Tourism combo no longer works after the 4/22/21 update!
It's worth taking a minute to set up map tacks for all of this.
- Needs to be adjacent to both the City Center and a river, lake, or mountain.
- Remember that Apadana and St. Basil's Cathedral will be taking up two of the City-Center-adjacent hexes!
- You'll want Farms adjacent to it, so look for farmed resources or flat grasslands or plains.
- Requires Engineering (Classical tech; 1 Ancient Walls).
Holy Site
- First priority is for this to be adjacent to a River. Adjacency bonuses are important, but secondary.
- Place exactly two hexes away from City Center for best use of Culture Bomb.
- Be sure to build a Shrine and Prasat before buying Missionaries.
- Requires Astronomy (Ancient tech; discover a natural wonder).
Other Districts
Location matters less here. It's just important to plan ahead for population limits.
- Commercial Hub: The goal here is to acquire Renaissance-era Great Merchant Giovanni de Medici, who builds a Market and Bank that can hold two Relics. It may still be worth building a Market for the Trade Route, but if other cities have those, just build the district.
- Also grab Modern-era Sarah Breedlove later on to increase tourism.
- Government Plaza: Be sure to build this in the capital, so the Natural History Museum can synergize with St. Basil's Cathedral.
- Buildings: Ancestral Hall, Grand Master's Chapel, and Natural History Museum.
- Governments: Autocracy (you need Wonders!), Theocracy (for the discount), Democracy, and Digital Democracy.
- Theater Square: Figure out where to put this based on your Wonders.
- Apadana: Adjacent to the City Center.
- Classical civic Political Philosophy (meet 3 City-States).
- Mont St. Michel: On a Floodplain or Marsh.
- Medieval civic Divine Right (build 2 Prasats).
- Not a huge loss if this goes in another city, but capital is best.
- Kotoku-In: Next to a Holy Site with a Prasat.
- Gives a massive Faith boost to this city.
- St. Basil's Cathedral: Adjacent to the City Center.
- Renaissance civic Reformed Church (6 cities following your religion).
In addition to the above, this Wonder is crucial but can go in any city:
- Cristo Redentor: On a Hill.
- Modern civic Mass Media (Radio tech).
Other Useful Wonders: Great Bath, Oracle, Angkor Wat
- Do not build the Mahabodhi Temple! Let another civ get it and then go fight their Apostles.
Cities (Other)
You'll need to plan where these two districts will go in every city you found:
- Aqueduct: Needs to be adjacent to both the City Center and a river, lake, or mountain. You'll want Farms adjacent to it, so look for farmed resources or flat grasslands or plains.
- Holy Site: First priority is for this to be adjacent to a River. Adjacency bonuses are important, but secondary. Place exactly two hexes away from City Center for best use of Culture Bomb. Be sure to build a Shrine and Prasat before buying Missionaries.
Can ignore these until you need a quick bump in era score. Here's the basics of these cute little elephants:
- Requires Military Engineering (Medieval tech; 1 Aqueduct), obsoletes with Steel (Modern tech).
- No resource cost.
- 3 Gold maintenance.
- Halfway between Catapult and Bombard in strength.
- Imposes zone of control and may attack after moving (so Expert Crew promotion is a waste).
- Cannot upgrade into or out of Domreys, so eventually they become useless.
Key Civics
Skipping the early, obvious ones.
- Theology: Prasat building and Scripture policy.
- Divine Right: Mont St. Michel wonder, Kotoku-In wonder, and Gothic Architecture policy. (Medieval; 2 Prasats)
- Medieval Faires: Angkor Wat wonder (optional) and Medina Quarter policy. (Medieval; 4 trade routes)
- Reformed Church: Theocracy government, St. Basil's Cathedral wonder, and Simultaneum policy. (Renaissance; 6 cities following your religion)
- Mass Media: Cristo Redentor wonder. (Modern; Radio tech)
- Suffrage: Democracy government and New Deal policy. (Modern; 4 Sewers)
- Social Media: Online Communities policy. (Information; Telecommunications tech)
- Distributed Sovereignty: Digital Democracy government. (Information; 1 Rock Band)
Religious Beliefs
- Pantheon: River Goddess.
- Plan B: City Patron, Divine Spark, Religious Settlements.
- Follower: Reliquaries.
- Plan B: You're screwed, but try Jesuit Education or Choral Music.
- Enhancer: Holy Order.
- Plan B: Monastic Isolation. If that's taken, Defender of the Faith for defense.
Evangelizing further may not be necessary, but these are good options:
- Founder: Lay Ministry, World Church, or Sacred Places.
- Worship: Cathedral (early art), Gurdwara (growth), Pagoda (votes), or Synagogue (pure faith).
Secret Societies
If playing with this mode, your choice is a no-brainer: Voidsingers. (Hunt for Tribal Villages until you make contact.) The Old God Obelisk gives additional Faith and a Relic slot. In the Medieval Era, you'll be able to turn Faith into Culture, Gold, and Science. And once you hit the Industrial Era, you can spam Cultists for even faster Relic generation!
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