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MyGURPS - Torg Eternity Sample Storm Knights

Torg Eternity Sample Storm Knights

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A sampling of starting characters that I've made. Feel free to raid them for inspiration, NPCs, archetypes, or what have you. Presented from oldest-created to newest. Remember that our group (1) bases reality on Charisma, not Spirit, and (2) lets characters start with a native language at +3 and a secondary at +1.

Early character portraits were made with HeroMachine, Vok'Zaa was a GIMPed mix of found art, and later portraits are Hero Forge creations.

Uraz Thirty-Eight, Former Thrall Assassin


Uraz Number 38 was the result of one of the many Race experimentation programs implemented throughout Tharkold. Engineered with occultech implants and a psychically enhanced brain, Uraz unhappily served their Tharkoldu masters in a wide variety of unsavory (mainly undercover) ways, including in the invasion of Core Earth. The Moscow incident was the first time that Uraz was able to see true weakness in the Tharkoldu, which gave the thrall the guts to abandon the cosm and seek out a better way -- which eventually turned out to be the Delphi Council.


Uraz is asexual, but comfortable faking attraction to others. They think of themselves as genderless, but don't particularly mind if others refer to them as "she" (since they are biologically female). Years of experience has made the former thrall a master of getting into places and extracting information (one way or another), but they still feel like an outsider in basically any situation, and constantly strive to find ways to truly empathize and fit in with the rest of humanity. They generally wear baggy clothing to hide the occultech implants, and rely on their slight frame (5'2" and 105 lbs.) to cause others to underestimate them.


Outside of Tharkold, nearly everything exciting and fun that Uraz does will be a one-case contradiction! On the bright side, the Storm Knight is unlikely to do anything that would be a four-case. They use their psi regularly, particularly Mind Cloud (to get away with wearing demon hide armor) and Mind Sense (for a regularly updated mental map of everyone nearby). Their integrated Thav Foal pistol just adapts the specs for a .45 Colt Auto.


"The Race" (Human)

Home Cosm

Tharkold: Magic 12, Social 25, Spirit 4, Tech 25


  • Charisma 10
  • Dexterity 10
  • Mind 6
  • Spirit 7
  • Strength 7

Skills - Interactions

  • Intimidation +0 (Spirit) = 7
  • Maneuver +0 (Dexterity) = 10
  • Taunt +0 (Charisma) = 10
  • Trick +0 (Mind) = 6

Skills - Other

  • Find +3 (Mind) = 9
  • Fire Combat +1 (Dexterity) = 11
  • Reality +2 (Charisma) = 12
  • Stealth +2 (Dexterity) = 12
  • Telepathy +3 (Charisma) = 13
  • Thievery +1 (Dexterity) = 11
  • Willpower +3 (Spirit) = 10

Skills - Language

  • Demonic +1
  • English +3
  • Russian +1


  • Occultech ($10,000)
  • Psionic (Awakened)


  • Dodge 10
  • Melee 10
  • Unarmed 10
  • Toughness 11 (7 + 4)
  • Shock 7
  • Wounds 3

Psi Powers

  • Cloud Mind (Social 23)
  • Mind Sense (Social 21)
  • Read Mind (Social 23)

Occultech (all Tech 25)

  • Digan Darksight Eyes Mk III (ignore 6 points of darkness, see through Smartgun sensor, $3K)
  • Thav Integrated Weapon Mount ($500 + $500 toward pistol below)
  • Vav Sensation Suppressor (reduce all Shock by 1, $6K)

Other Gear

  • Ammo Belt (Tech 15, $50)
  • AP Ammo for pistol (Tech 20, AP 2 instead of favored, $150)
  • Caltrops (Tech 14, simple action, maneuver becomes favored, $40)
  • Hands-Free Comms (Tech 23, $150)
  • Integrated Thav Foal Pistol with Smartgun Attachment and Smart Ammo (Tech 25, Damage 14, Ammo 7, Range 10/25/40, fire combat favored, $700)
  • Silencer (Tech 21, -2 Damage, no long-range shots, $60)
  • Technodemon Hide Vest (Tech 25, Armor +4, Torso, Fatigues, $350)

HeroForge 3D Model

Note: Both the image and the mini model are slightly off in how they depict the integrated pistol (the downside of having to use a program instead of drawing it myself). Uraz' left forearm is unusually thick, and the pistol springs out of it, from the back of their wrist.

Advancement Path

  • 5 XP: Stalker (from Living Land Backer Archetypes)
  • 3 XP: Fire Combat +2, Trick +1
  • 7 XP: Trademark Weapon (Thav Foal)
  • 9 XP: Double-Tap
  • 11 XP: Killshot (from Beta Player's Guide)
  • 3 XP: Fire Combat +3
  • 13 XP: Sniper

Rufus Undertree, Tiny Theomagician


Rufus was a Keefee Haroo, always a loner who never quite fit in in any tribe. When he heard of the tunnels between the Living Land's Merretika and Aysle's Land Between, he knew he had to explore them. Emerging into a world of fantasy and wonder, Rufus transformed into Aysle's reality almost instantly, and left his old life behind without hesitation. A circle of Shali (holy theurgists) mistook him for a hobbit, and taught him their blend of magic and faith. Rufus experienced his Moment of Crisis when called upon to defend his laity from Utherion's dark forces, and when the Storm Knights came, he saw an opportunity to make the world a better place.


Rufus is a devoted worshiper of Shali, though his circle sees her as Goddess of the Storm, a dual-natured deity whose rains bring nourishment and life to the world, but whose swift lightning smites those with evil in their hearts. Rufus reflects this in his approach to most situations, either choosing a defensive and carefully measured tactic, or attempting shock and awe (which may mean anything from intimidation to flying above the enemy and raining death from above). Sometimes there's a fine line between instability and true faith.


This character concept started when my train of thought ran from "I wonder if the Aysle sourcebook will have hobbits" to "Wait, we already have pseudo-hobbits in another cosm." Rufus isn't particularly balanced, mind you -- I freely admit he's a somewhat silly, min-maxed, special snowflake. He's incredible at his areas of arcane mastery, but not much else, and one called shot could take him out. Still, the combination of his Small racial ability and halfway decent Dexterity keeps him surprisingly survivable despite his (heh) shortcomings. Note that we treat Keefee as Small (not Very Small) for game balance reasons.


Keefee (from The God Box)

Home Cosm

Aysle: Magic 24, Social 16, Spirit 18, Tech 14


  • Charisma 6
  • Dexterity 7
  • Mind 7
  • Spirit 14
  • Strength 6

Skills - Interactions

  • Intimidation +0 (Spirit) = 14
  • Maneuver +0 (Dexterity) = 7
  • Taunt +0 (Charisma) = 6
  • Trick +0 (Mind) = 7

Skills - Other

  • Apportation +3 (Spirit) = 17
  • Conjuration +3 (Spirit) = 17
  • Dodge +3 (Dexterity) = 10
  • Faith +3 (Spirit) = 17
  • Find +1 (Mind) = 8
  • Reality +3 (Charisma) = 9

Skills - Language

  • English +1
  • Keefee +3


  • Spellcaster (Mage)
  • Theomagician


  • Dodge 10*
  • Melee 7*
  • Unarmed 7*
  • Toughness 9 (6 + 3)
  • Shock 14
  • Wounds 3
* Not including the -2 to be hit due to Small size


  • Banish (Spirit 9)
  • Healing (Spirit 10)
  • Soothe (Spirit 7)


  • Fly (Magic 14)
  • Lightning (Magic 14)
  • Portal (Magic 14)


  • Armor, Elven Chain, Keefee-Tailored ($1,000, Tech 12, Armor +3, Torso, Max Dex 10)

HeroForge 3D Model

Advancement Track:

  • 5 XP: Strong-Willed
  • 7 XP: Miracles (add bless, repel, and ward enemy)
  • 9 XP: Spellcaster (add shield and mage hands)
  • 16 XP: Mind 8
  • 16 XP: Dexterity 8

Emmett Samuel Huffman, War-Leader/Librarian


Emmett overcame schizoaffective disorder with help from medication to become a respected librarian in Norfolk, VA by his early 30s. A change in the library's group insurance caused his mental illness to spiral out of control, eventually costing him his job and his home. Nearly a decade of homelessness only exacerbated the situation, leaving Emmett unfocused and adrift from society. He had no clue what was happening when a T. Rex started rampaging down the street, but he lept into a bus and used it to block the beast's path so that a park full of families could escape to safety. Charged with purpose from this moment of crisis, and perhaps influenced by the spiritual energy of the invading cosm, Emmett underwent a personality shift, finding deep reserves of mental fortitude and charisma. He organized the local transformed residents, quickly realizing that they needed a "tribal leader," and this drew the attention of the Delphi Council.


Emmett still experiences mood swings and disassociation, but now it's "fire in his heart" and "introspection." This certainly concerns the others, but they can't argue with results. Despite being firmly connected to Core Earth, the former librarian often comes across as a Living Land war chief, leading from the front in an attempt to inspire those around him. It would be reasonable to describe him as an extremely proactive, deeply earnest, and somewhat violent motivational speaker.


Every group needs a charismatic leader, but it's easy for that archetype to become a boring stereotype. Walking the edge between "maverick" and "unhinged" helps keep this face man interesting. Inspiration for Emmett includes the Sun King (Moon Knight), Dutch van der Linde (Red Dead Redemption 2), Matt Foley (SNL), and Marvel's Asgardians. He can (and has) cast Ward Enemy untrained anywhere the Spirit Axiom is 8+.



Home Cosm

Core Earth: Magic 9, Social 23, Spirit 10, Tech 23


  • Charisma 10
  • Dexterity 8
  • Mind 8
  • Spirit 8
  • Strength 6

Skills - Interactions

  • Intimidation +0 (Spirit) = 8
  • Maneuver +0 (Dexterity) = 8
  • Taunt +0 (Charisma) = 10
  • Trick +0 (Mind) = 8

Skills - Other

  • Computers +1 (Mind) = 9
  • Dodge +3 (Dexterity) = 11
  • Fire Combat +3 (Dexterity) = 11
  • Persuasion +3 (Charisma) = 13
  • Scholar +3 (Mind) = 11
  • Reality +3 (Charisma) = 13

Skills - Language

  • Edeinos +1
  • English +3


  • Realm Runner
  • Tenacious


  • Dodge 11
  • Melee 8
  • Unarmed 8
  • Toughness 10 (6 + 4)
  • Shock 8
  • Wounds 3


  • Armor, Kevlar Vest ($250, Tech 22, Armor +4, Torso, Fatigues)
  • Binoculars ($30, Tech 19)
  • First Aid Kit ($50, Tech 19, first aid favored)
  • Flashlight ($10, Tech 20)
  • MAC-10 with AP Ammo ($500, Tech 22, Damage 13, AP 2, Ammo 30, 10/25/40, Short Burst)
  • Multitool ($40, Tech 22)
  • Riot Shield ($100, Tech 22, Defense +2, Min Str 6)
  • Torches x4 ($20, Tech 2)

HeroForge 3D Model

Advancement Track:

  • 5 XP: Storyteller
  • 3 XP: Find +1, Intimidation +1, Science +1
  • 7 XP: Storm Caller
  • 9 XP: Bring the Beats (from Living Land Backer Archetypes)
  • 11 XP: Helper
  • 18 XP: Mind 9
  • 13 XP: Pep Talk (from Beta Player's Guide)

Samira Hamas, Holy Thief


Samira was a student pursuing a Religious Studies degree in Beirut when the Reality Raiders invaded. Though not a direct target of the Nile Empire's invasion, the nearby Lebanon was thrown into chaos as former civil war forces, still simmering, each saw this as the opportunity to reform and seize power. Samira adapted, finding new reserves of faith and determination that she used to steal food and supplies for those in need, and to occasionally sabotage troops about to roll tanks down her neighborhood streets. When the Delphi Council offered her a way to help on a larger scale, she took it.


Samira is a devoted Sunni Muslim, but despite sympathizing with the Palestinians, she realizes that all sides in a holy war are actually acting against God. ("To jihad is to fight evil, not fight your fellow children of God.") This has made her unwilling to take sides in any conflict she sees as petty or minor; unfortunately, this can sometimes make her come across as hesitant, uncaring, or weak-willed. Still, those who know her respect her convictions even more than her ability to get in and out of nearly any place.


I wanted to take advantage of the new Religious Scholar perk, and thought the Islamic version lent itself to a holy burglar - a nifty concept! She can blend in, use local animals for intel and recon, and be nearly impossible to follow afterward. Starting with seven miracles is pretty potent, though most are fairly low-key. Even in a fight going bad, she's hesitant to use the grenade; it's more for destroying computers, sabotaging enemy vehicles, etc.



Home Cosm

Core Earth: Magic 9, Social 23, Spirit 10, Tech 23


  • Charisma 6
  • Dexterity 9
  • Mind 9
  • Spirit 10
  • Strength 6

Skills - Interactions

  • Intimidation +0 (Spirit) = 10
  • Maneuver +0 (Dexterity) = 9
  • Taunt +0 (Charisma) = 6
  • Trick +3 (Mind) = 12

Skills - Other

  • Faith +3 (Spirit) = 13
  • Reality +3 (Charisma) = 9
  • Scholar +2 (Mind) = 11
  • Stealth +3 (Dexterity) = 12
  • Thievery +2 (Dexterity) = 11

Skills - Language

  • Arabic +3
  • English +1


  • Miracles (Islam)
  • Religious Scholar (Islam)


  • Dodge 9
  • Melee 9
  • Unarmed 9
  • Toughness 10 (6 + 4)
  • Shock 10
  • Wounds 3


  • Commune With Animals (Spirit 6)
  • Dream (Spirit 8)
  • Incognito (Spirit 10)
  • Pass Without Trace (Spirit 8)
  • Repel (Spirit 10)
  • Walk on Water (Spirit 12)
  • Ward Enemy (Spirit 8)


  • Armor, Kevlar Vest ($250, Tech 22, Max Dex 10, Fatigues)
  • Backpack ($100, Tech 8)
  • Binoculars ($30, Tech 19)
  • Climbing Gear ($100, Tech 23, use Dexterity to climb)
  • Disguise Kit ($60, Tech 18, use trick)
  • Flashlight ($10, Tech 20)
  • Lockpicks ($10, Tech 10)
  • Multi-Tool ($40, Tech 22)
  • Offensive Grenade ($250, Tech 23, Damage 17, Small Blast, smart detonator)
  • Taser ($150, Tech 22, Damage 12/special, Range 2/4/6)

HeroForge 3D Model

Advancement Track:

  • 5 XP: Dodge +2, Taunt +1, Maneuver +1
  • 5 XP: Strong-Willed
  • 5 XP: Dodge +3, Maneuver +2
  • 5 XP: Faith +4, Find +1
  • 5 XP: Faith +5

Yasmine Alami, Hedonistic Cyberwitch


Growing up on the "party island" of Ibiza isn't very glamorous when you're the daughter of poor Moroccan immigrants. Yasmine was a housekeeper during the day, sneaking into clubs at night. When the Cyberpapacy spread to Ibiza, the change was radical; those who kept to their "hedonistic ways" were punished harshly. Yasmine transformed defending a group of rebels, then spent the next few years playing the "good daughter" for her (sadly brainwashed) parents at home, while studying magic and computers to aid local resistance. Eventually, the Delphi Council asked her to do this on a broader scale, so she told her parents she was taking an apprenticeship abroad.


Yasmine really hates oppressive regimes, whether from our world or another cosm, and is torn on whether it's worth the risk of trying to free and deprogram her parents. At heart, she's still a hedonist and relishes the rare times when she can spend the night unwinding with some EDM, mild drugs, and sex. She enjoys any opportunity to openly show off, after spending so much time living a double life.


This is one of those characters that isn't really complete as written, but needs a few XP advances (see below). Ideally, she can support the team with a mix of spells, hacking, drone scouting, and a little bit of shooting. In a straight fight, however, she needs to stay defensive, at least unless she decides to cyber up more.



Home Cosm

Cyberpapacy: Magic 14, Social 18, Spirit 16, Tech 26


  • Charisma 8
  • Dexterity 6
  • Mind 10
  • Spirit 10
  • Strength 6

Skills - Interactions

  • Intimidation +0 (Spirit) = 10
  • Maneuver +0 (Dexterity) = 6
  • Taunt +0 (Charisma) = 8
  • Trick +0 (Mind) = 10

Skills - Other

  • Alteration +3 (Mind) = 13
  • Apportation +3 (Spirit) = 13
  • Computers +3 (Mind) = 13
  • Divination +3 (Mind) = 13
  • Dodge +2 (Dexterity) = 8
  • Reality +1 (Charisma) = 9

Skills - Language

  • Arabic +3
  • English +1
  • Spanish +1


  • Custom Cyberdeck (Spell Checker)
  • Spellcaster (Cyberwitch)


  • Dodge 8
  • Melee 6
  • Unarmed 6
  • Toughness 9 (6 + 3)
  • Shock 10
  • Wounds 3


  • Lifehacker (Magic 12)
  • Open Lock (Magic 8)
  • Scry (Magic 8)

Cyberware (Tech 26)

  • Neural Jack


  • Delphi Council Survival Kit (see p. C73)
  • GWI GodMeeter, in purse (Tech 26, Damage 15, Ammo 25, Range 10/25/40, $450)
  • GWI HallowMesh Armor (Tech 26, Armor +3, Concealed, $400)
  • Hands-Free Comms (Tech 23, $150)
  • Spell Checker Cyberdeck (Tech 26, Favored vs computers Tech 25 and less, Can hold one spell, see p. C82)

HeroForge 3D Model

Advancement Track:

  • 5 XP: Cyberware Implants (CyberHam Encrypted Comms, CyberHam Translator, Hexxer Mk I, TSE Drone Controller, TSE HUD, TSE Scout Drone)
  • 3 XP: Fire Combat +2
  • 7 XP: Familiar (Disguise, Scrambler, Virtue of Power)
  • 5 XP: Conjuration +2, Reality +2
  • 5 XP: Conjuration +3, Evidence Analysis +1, Persuasion +1
  • 9 XP: Cybermancer (upgrades Hexxer to Mk II)
  • 5 XP: Computers +4, Find +1
  • 11 XP: Recalibrated Cyberware (CyberHam Scanner, Shield Drone)
  • 13 XP: Technomancer
  • Beyond: Further spells and skills

Wasim Khaled, Learned Mathematician


Decades before the invasion of our world, on Terra, Wasim was part of Mobius' corps of astrologers — those who work with every level of Nile society to ensure prosperity and sound choices. While he understood the upcoming invasion of Earth on an intellectual level, witnessing the actual violence, Mind Control Bombs, and subjugation switched something within him. He burned the archives of astrological charts (a setback that would force his former division to delay several days) and escaped in the chaos. He used his skills to seek out the Delphi Council; though many within still wonder if he might be a Mobius plant, he has been accepted and put with a team.


Wasim is not a two-fisted action hero; he is a reserved Egyptian man of 57 whose need to make up for his actions has forced him out of his usual comfort zone. Although somewhat protected thanks to a permanent Armor spell enchantment (his Force Field), he certainly doesn't enjoy firefights, wilderness hikes, gospog attacks, and other day-to-days of being a Storm Knight. He still admires some of the ideals behind the Mobius Empire, but has lost all respect for his former land.


The Nile Empire's pulp powers get a lot of attention — and admittedly, Wasim has one! — but their magic options are pretty amazing as well. It's tempting to eventually add Super-Attribute (Mind), but much of what Wasim can do (even the magic!) is non-Contradictory in most cosms, so adding that risk isn't worth it, in my opinion.



Home Cosm

Nile Empire: Magic 14, Social 20, Spirit 18, Tech 20


  • Charisma 6
  • Dexterity 7
  • Mind 13
  • Spirit 8
  • Strength 6

Skills - Interactions

  • Intimidation +0 (Spirit) = 8
  • Maneuver +0 (Dexterity) = 7
  • Taunt +0 (Charisma) = 6
  • Trick +0 (Mind) = 13

Skills - Other

  • Alteration +3 (Mind) = 16
  • Divination +3 (Mind) = 16
  • Evidence Analysis +1 (Mind) = 14
  • Find +1 (Mind) = 14
  • Land Vehicles +1 (Dexterity) = 8
  • Reality +3 (Charisma) = 9
  • Scholar +3 (Mind) = 16
  • Willpower +1 (Spirit) = 9

Skills - Language

  • Arabic +3
  • English +1


  • Force Field
  • Nile Mathematician


  • Dodge 7
  • Melee 7
  • Unarmed 7
  • Toughness 9 (6 + 3)
  • Shock 8
  • Wounds 3


  • Contemplation (Magic 6)
  • Harmonic Wave (Magic 10)
  • One by Four by Nine (Magic 9)


  • Astrological Charts (Tech 8, $100)
  • Binoculars (Tech 19, $30)
  • Elven Chain (Tech 12, Armor +3, Torso, $500)
  • First Aid Kit (Tech 19, First aid Favored, $50)
  • Focus Ankh (Spirit 14, Concentration tests Favored, $250)
  • Hand Drum (Tech 6, makes casting 1x4x9 Favored, $20)
  • Walkie-Talkie (Tech 20, $50)

HeroForge 3D Model

Advancement Track:

  • 5 XP: Gifted Numerologist (Pathfinder, Portent)
  • 3 XP: Dodge +2
  • 7 XP: Astrologer
  • 5 XP: Dodge +3, Science +1, Taunt +1
  • 1 XP: Medicine +1
  • 9 XP: Resilient
  • Beyond: Further spells and skills

Moi (and Tia), Darooni Wasp-Rider


Moi dedicated her life to becoming a wasp rider. Her bond with her wasp Okayo was closer than most, as her faith allowed the two to Commune freely. Unfortunately, several other riders were jealous of Moi, feeling (incorrectly) that she looked down upon them for only paying lip service to the Olakaya the Wasp Mother. On a raid against the Leopards, her three teammates pulled back at the worst possible time, letting her wasp get slaughtered by thrown spears. Moi demanded justice, but could not prove to the tribe that the others had done this intentionally. Furious, she stole a wasp egg and absconded in the night. Her bond with Tia is still growing, but the two already share a passion for justice — and the Delphi Council realized this upon encountering them.


Moi had always been bluntly honest, which sometimes earns her the respect of others, but just as often costs her friends. She's starting to learn about the importance of positive reinforcement and building interpersonal bridges, though, and occasionally makes a conscious, awkward effort to reassure her friends that she values them. Unsurprisingly, she is fiercely protective of Tia. Because her ability to work miracles and bond with Tia never wavered, she considers her actions fully blessed by Olakaya — the Goddess wished her to know that at least someone believed her. In a fight, Moi prefers to charge into melee combat (which foes often don't expect, seeing as she's just 4'8"), but may also use Conjure Poison (usually directly) or her bow. She tries to keep Tia safe, using her for scouting rather than warfare.


I love the Darooni, so it was just a matter of time before I made one. I feel that the religious angle ties in very well; Moi's two chosen miracles are incredibly befitting a rider (or potential rider). Obviously, no matter what advancement path one takes, upgrading the Wasp Perks should be done the instant Moi hits 50 XP if possible.


Darooni (Human)

Home Cosm

Living Land: Magic 1, Social 7, Spirit 24, Tech 6


  • Charisma 6
  • Dexterity 9
  • Mind 8
  • Spirit 9
  • Strength 8

Skills - Interactions

  • Intimidation +0 (Spirit) = 9
  • Maneuver +0 (Dexterity) = 9
  • Taunt +0 (Charisma) = 6
  • Trick +0 (Mind) = 8

Skills - Other

  • Beast Riding +3 (Dexterity) = 12
  • Faith +3 (Spirit) = 12
  • Melee Weapons +3 (Dexterity) = 12
  • Missile Weapons +0 (Dexterity) = 9
  • Reality +3 (Charisma) = 9
  • Survival +2 (Mind) = 10
  • Tracking +2 (Mind) = 10

Skills - Language

  • Darooni +3
  • English +1


  • Animal Companion (Wasp)
  • Miracles (Olakaya the Wasp Mother)


  • Dodge 9
  • Melee 12 (14 with Claw Blade)
  • Unarmed 9
  • Toughness 9 (8 + 1)
  • Shock 9
  • Wounds 3


  • Commune with Animals (Spirit 6)
  • Conjure Poison (Spirit 12)
  • Ward Enemy (Spirit 8)


  • Bone and Hide (Tech 3, Armor +1, Torso, $50)
  • Claw Blade (Tech 3, Dmg +3/11, Two-Handed, $300)
  • Deeproot x2 (Tech 2, don't breathe for one hour, $100 ea.)
  • Holy Totem (Tech 5, $25)
  • Kesta Hive x2 (Tech 1, Dmg 13, Range 5/10/15, Small Blast, Lowest Armor, $100 ea.)
  • Primitive Survival Kit (Tech 6, Survival Favored, $100)
  • Redthorn Arrows x2 (Tech 6, add Painful, $25 ea.)
  • Quiver, Hide (Tech 6, $10)
  • Sinew Bow (Tech 6, Dmg 11, Range 10/30/60, $50)
  • Torch x3 (Tech 2, $5 ea.)

HeroForge 3D Model

Advancement Track:

  • 5 XP: Miracles (Healing, Hunter's Ear)
  • 4 XP: Missile Weapons +2, Dodge +1
  • 4 XP: Faith +4
  • 5 XP: Faith +5
  • 7 XP: Miracles (Repel, Wither)
  • 3 XP: Dodge +2, Taunt +1
  • 9 XP: Beast Rider
  • 11 XP: Animal Companion (Giant Wasp)
  • 13 XP: Wasp Rider

Vok'Zaa, Winged Warrior


Vok'Zaa manifested her bone-marked hide early, and grew up shunned within the Sunwing Clan because of it. While it was obviously done with respect, it still stunted her emotional and social growth, driving her to take on ever more dangerous challenges and hunts. She brought down her first T-Rex at 14, and was blessed with a vision from Lanala which led her deep inside of an alien temple. There, for a literal moment she was able to commune with it, learning about the greater war on Core Earth. Taking a trophy (a small sash from the altar), she flew through the Malestrom Bridge too quickly to stop, and sought out the most heroic folks she could find to journey with.


Vok'Zaa is recovering from a life of forced emotional distance. She tends to be withdrawn and quiet (even in a fight, she'd rather let her actions speak for her), but once she feels comfortable enough to open up she overshares and gets somewhat clingy. Unfortunately, she's thus very vulnerable to emotional and mental subterfuge, but her friends are helping her get better. She takes pride in her (enhanced) tracking abilities, but is in complete denial that it's the alien sash, mainly because her self-image is that of an entirely self-made edeinos.


Combining unique features as her starting perks makes Vok'Zaa very memorable and fun. That Spirit 10 prereq for Death Claw is harsh (!), which means most of her skill points went toward compensating for low Mind, but it does give her a decent Faith default. While in the Living Land, she can invoke the miracles bless, curse, shape plant, and ward enemy; Faith +2 is enough to add grasping vines. She starts with claw Damage 12 but it goes up very quickly with the addition of a few perks, quickly hitting Damage 16 (AP 2), enough to give almost any threat pause. I was having a very hard time finding any gear for her to buy, until I remembered that Nile weird-science stuff is also tied to Wonders; after that, the whole "alien temple" story fell right into place.


Edeinos (Sunwing Clan)

Home Cosm

Living Land: Magic 1, Social 7, Spirit 24, Tech 6


  • Charisma 5
  • Dexterity 10
  • Mind 5
  • Spirit 10
  • Strength 10

Skills - Interactions

  • Intimidation +0 (Spirit) = 10
  • Maneuver +0 (Dexterity) = 10
  • Taunt +0 (Charisma) = 5
  • Trick +0 (Mind) = 5

Skills - Other

  • Dodge +1 (Dexterity) = 11
  • Faith +0 (Spirit) = 10
  • Find +3 (Mind) = 8
  • Reality +3 (Charisma) = 8
  • Survival +3 (Mind) = 8
  • Tracking +3 (Mind) = 8
  • Unarmed Combat +3 (Dexterity) = 13

Skills - Language

  • Edeinos +3
  • English +1


  • Bone-Marked (includes -4 to persuasion, even among other edeinos)
  • Heliopteryx


  • Dodge 11
  • Melee 10
  • Unarmed 13
  • Toughness 13 (11 + 2)
  • Shock 10
  • Wounds 3


  • Hypersense Bandana (Super-Scent) (Secrets of the Nile Empire, p. 12; $1,000)
    • Can track by scent and is Favored to do so
    • +4 to notice poison, etc.
    • Contradictory outside of Nile Empire and Wonders
    • Malfunctions on 1-2, causing headache and Fatigue that lasts all scene

HeroForge 3D Model

Advancement Track:

  • 5 XP: Brawler (Damage 14)
  • 3 XP: Faith +2
  • 7 XP: Death Claw (Damage 15, AP 2)
  • 4 XP: Unarmed Combat +4
  • 5 XP: Unarmed Combat +5
  • 9 XP: Whip Tail
  • 11 XP: Jungle Blessed (Damage 16, AP 2)
  • 5 XP: Dodge +3
  • 5 XP: All Interactions +1, Stealth +1
  • 13 XP: Whirlwind
  • 15 XP: Savage Strength (Beta) (Damage 17, AP 2)

Luthien of the Five Towers, Versatile Spellcaster


Luthien is not a young elf. They started studying magic several centuries ago, only "recently" (a few decades back) interrupted by the coming of the Dark One. Luthien was present as a citizen observer when the Elven Council made the bold decision to protect their people; they joined the chorus of "nays," but to no avail. Despite distrusting Lady Ardinay and Tolwyn, Luthien joined the resistance which followed Uthorion to Earth — leaving for Elfame (Ireland) once it seemed clear that the elves had a role to fulfill there. When the Delphi Council approached Elfame, Luthien saw a chance to make their voice heard more strongly in this war.


Luthien often comes off as arrogant and snobbish, thanks to a lifetime spent in scholastic study. The elf still has a tendency to debate or lecture rather than converse, and can be a bit thin-skinned. Luthien is a genuine team player, however, and has no desire to claim the spotlight — as long as their vastly broad magical training is accorded respect by others, of course. If asked about their gender or pronouns, the androgynous mage considers such things unimportant, "Use what you wish." In a fight, the sorcerer usually opens with Invisibility (for defense!) and uses Lightning and Stun offensively.


After getting that first session advance, the combination of Principle Magic and Cantrip Magic makes for a mage with unparalleled flexibility. Luthien will be able to cast any spell on the Principle Magic spell list (though at -6 and at greater Mishap risk) or the Cantrip list — that's access to nearly three dozen spells! (Five learned, 14 at default, and 16 cantrips.) This comes at the cost of being rather fragile, of course, so they have to play defensively. And yes, the genderqueerness is a loving nod to Vaarsuvius.


Elf (High Elf)

Home Cosm

Aysle: Magic 24, Social 16, Spirit 18, Tech 14


  • Charisma 5
  • Dexterity 7
  • Mind 11
  • Spirit 11
  • Strength 6

Skills - Interactions

  • Intimidation +0 (Spirit) = 11
  • Maneuver +0 (Dexterity) = 7
  • Taunt +1 (Charisma) = 6
  • Trick +0 (Mind) = 11

Skills - Other

  • Alteration +3 (Mind) = 14
  • Apportation +3 (Spirit) = 14
  • Conjuration +3 (Spirit) = 14
  • Divination +3 (Mind) = 14
  • Reality +3 (Charisma) = 8

Skills - Language

  • Elven +3
  • English +1


  • Spellcaster (Principle Mage)
  • Principle Magic


  • Dodge 7
  • Melee 7 (9 with staff)
  • Unarmed 7
  • Toughness 9 (6 + 3)
  • Shock 11
  • Wounds 3


  • Detect Magic (Magic 6)
  • Invisibility (Magic 17)
  • Lightning (Magic 14)
  • Mage Hands (Magic 9)
  • Stun (Magic 12)


  • Elven Chain (Tech 12, Armor +3, Torso, $500)
  • Coins and Gems (Tech 9, $400)
  • Spell Component Bag (Tech 7, $75)
  • Staff (Tech 5, Damage +2, Two-Handed, $25)

HeroForge 3D Model

Advancement Path

  • 5 XP: Cantrip Magic
  • 3 XP: Find +1, Intimidation +1, Scholar +1
  • 7 XP: Spell Slinger
  • 9 XP: Charmed Existence
  • 11 XP: Magister
  • 13 XP: Elven Sorcerer
  • 15 XP: Elven Magic (Dispel Magic, Mystic Darts, Wall of Force)
  • 12 XP: Charisma 6
  • Further advances should raise magical skills
  • After raising Alteration to +5, add Esoteric Spell (Astral Form)

Ander Elizondo, Cyber-Enhanced Gunman


When the Cyberpapacy arrived, Ander was at the top of the food chain in the Viseras Negras ("black caps"), a Basque gang in the sprawling metropolis of Bilbao, Spain. He was arrested soon after, but his skill made him a candiate for "ascension" to a Church Cyber-Enforcer . . . with a Piety Chip implant to ensure compliance, of course. It was during a Storm Knight incursion that Ander had his Moment of Crisis; while he was engaged in a firefight with them, a GodNet tower began to fall onto innocent bystanders, and both sides immediately ceased fire to save them. This "true ascension" fried his Piety Chip, allowing Ander to ask to join the Delphi Council. Hacking his cyberware took some serious resources, so Ander tries to make sure they feel it was worth it.


Ander still prefers action to words, and can come across as a bit uncultured and rough around the edges. He'll bend rules without a second thought, if he feels that doing so will accomplish a greater good. He has a particular hatred of mind control, and distrusts both telepaths and anyone involved with neural cyberimplants - his time under a Piety Chip is a terrifying memory. On a team, he's best in a combat role; his preferred weapon is "just" a pistol, but he wields it like a surgeon does a scalpel.


This is the second version of this character. The first was written before the Cyberpapacy book, and was decent but a bit boring. I much prefer this one, who takes advantage of BelleSnipe + the Sniper perk (after one advance) to turn a pistol into something terrifying. He usually uses his BelleSnipe Aim bonus with a called shot, for a net +1 to hit (out to Medium range) and +4 damage, with +1BD once he gets Sniper. And between his LeTres/LeQuatro and Hologram Clasp, he's nearly immune to return fire. After a few more perks to make him the perfect "gun bunny," he can grow as a person by picking up a host of miscellaneous skills.

Any notes in [brackets] after a trait are the gear-modified values. Note that our group allows leftover Cyberware budget to be used on normal gear.



Home Cosm

Cyberpapacy: Magic 14, Social 18, Spirit 16, Tech 26


  • Charisma 7
  • Dexterity 11
  • Mind 7
  • Spirit 7
  • Strength 8

Skills - Interactions

  • Intimidation +1 (Spirit) = 8
  • Maneuver +0 (Dexterity) = 11
  • Taunt +0 (Charisma) = 7
  • Trick +0 (Mind) = 7

Skills - Other

  • Dodge +3 (Dexterity) = 14 [15]
  • Find +3 (Mind) = 10 [Favored]
  • Fire Combat +3 (Dexterity) = 14 [Favored with Herod]
  • Reality +3 (Charisma) = 10
  • Streetwise +3 (Charisma) = 10

Skills - Language

  • Spanish +3
  • English +1


  • Cyberware Implants ($10,000)
  • Recalibrated Cyberware ($8,000)


  • Dodge 15 [and -2 to be hit]
  • Melee 11
  • Unarmed 11
  • Toughness 11 (8 + 3)
  • Shock 7
  • Wounds 3

Cyberware (all Tech 26)

  • BelleSnipe (Aim as a simple action, but only to shoot one target once, $3K)
  • CSI EyeKill Mk IV (Ignore -2 in Range penalties w/SmartGun, $2K)
  • Trigon Integrated Weapon Mount with MAS Herod IV, Laser Sight, SmartGun Attachment, and Smart Ammo (Damage 15, Range 10/25/40, Ammo 15, Ignore -1 in penalties, fire combat Favored, $1.9K)
  • TSE LeTres (Cannot be Flat-Footed vs melee attacks, Immune to surprise, $10K)
  • $1,100 spent on gear (below)


  • Augmented Reality HUD (Tech 26, find Favored, +1 dodge, $900)
  • HallowMesh Armor (Tech 26, Armor +3, Concealable, $400)
  • Hologram Clasp (Tech 26, Ranged attacks -2 to hit him, $750)
  • Speedcuffs (Tech 23, $50)

HeroForge 3D Model

Advancement Track:

  • 5 XP: Sniper
  • 3 XP: +1 to maneuver, persuasion, and stealth
  • 7 XP: Cyberware Implants ($5,000: LeCuatro)
  • 9 XP: Endurance
  • 11 XP: Trademark Weapon (Herod)
  • 13 XP: Double-Tap
  • 15 XP: Killshot
  • Further advances should focus on skills

Tristan Lemaire, Supportive White Witch


Growing up in the small village of Bazenville, Tristan led a fairly sheltered, conservative life. He spent most of his time online, arguing with people. Despite middling high school grades, Tristan's competitive debate skills earned him a scholarship to the prestigious Sciences Po university in Le Havre. Joining a frat was a huge culture shock, and he spent most of his freshman year struggling to find his place and (eventually) identify and overcome some toxic behaviors. Over time, he became the protective "dad friend" to most of his frat siblings, including a coven of queer witches who began teaching him some spells. When the Cyberpapacy came, he helped keep order on campus while keeping a few demagogues from assuming power. Delphi Council recon recognized his potential and brought him aboard.


Every group of friends has a "dad" and that's Tristan's natural role, despite his relative youth. He gives his teammates advice, makes sure everyone gets enough sleep and food, and cracks stupid jokes. His protective and earnest demeanor inspires trust, including foes trusting that he and his friends will follow through on their threats. His fashion sense is a mix of "prep" and "hipster" (e.g., wool sweater vest, dress shirt, loafers, beard, and man-bun) that he manages to somehow pull off. Since developing his magical talent he's bounded with Reyna, a spirit familiar embodied as a silver fox.


Playing with assumptions is fun. Toxic internet trolls can mature. Witches can be male. Frat boys can be sweethearts. Magicians need not be brainy. The "dad" personality isn't just for full adults. Tristan is a face and a team player. I probably should've given him the Enhance spell, but it's just so common; plus after one advance he can use Humility to help with just about everything. I like the idea of Humility and (eventually) Pep Talk being his "enhance."



Home Cosm

Cyberpapacy: Magic 14, Social 18, Spirit 16, Tech 26


  • Charisma 10
  • Dexterity 7
  • Mind 6
  • Spirit 10
  • Strength 7

Skills - Interactions

  • Intimidation +0 (Spirit) = 10
  • Maneuver +0 (Dexterity) = 7
  • Taunt +0 (Charisma) = 10
  • Trick +0 (Mind) = 6

Skills - Other

  • Alteration +3 (Charisma) = 13
  • Apportation +3 (Spirit) = 13
  • Conjuration +3 (Spirit) = 13
  • Divination +1 (Charisma) = 11
  • Energy Weapons +3 (Dexterity) = 10
  • Land Vehicles +1 (Dexterity) = 8
  • Persuasion +1 (Charisma) = 11
  • Reality +1 (Charisma) = 11

Skills - Language

  • French +3
  • English +1


  • Spellcaster (White Witch)
  • Familiar (Beauty)


  • Dodge 7
  • Melee 7
  • Unarmed 7
  • Toughness 10 (7 + 3)
  • Shock 10
  • Wounds 3


  • Calling the Quarters (Magic 7)
  • Fly (Magic 14)
  • Kill Machine (Magic 14)
  • Law of Return (Magic 14)
  • Lucky Charm (Magic 12)


  • Disruptor Grenade x1 (Tech 26, Dmg 16 NL, Range 25/50/-, Medium Blast, $100)
  • GWI Godlight Laser (Tech 26, Dmg 14, Ammo 5, Range 50/100/500, Small, $350)
  • GWI HallowMesh (+3 Armor, Concealable, $400)
  • Hands-Free Comms ($150)

HeroForge 3D Model

Advancement Track:

  • 5 XP: White Witch (Power, Humility)
  • 3 XP: Intimidation +1, Maneuver +1, Dodge +1
  • 7 XP: Spellcaster (Dispel Magic, Shield)
  • 5 XP: Dodge +2, Reality +2, Taunt +1
  • 9 XP: Helper
  • 11 XP: Dumb Luck
  • Further advances improve skills and add Leadership perks

Beamon Oran, Satyr Bard


The Half-Folk are scattered throughout Aysle, with no kingdoms of their own; the closest would be the communities that abut the Elflands. Beamon spent most of his time in Edovale, the closest Elven city, absorbing the culture there — especially their museums and libraries. One magic artifact on display always drew his attention: the Radiant Rebec, whose true enchantments were unknown as it had always refused to respond to those attempting to use or analyze it. Beamon felt like the rebec spoke to him, perhaps even literally, and visited it often, until one day when he couldn't bear it any more and grabbed the rebec while the staff was distracted. It bonded with him instantly, unlocking musical skill he'd never had as he fled the museum . . . then the city . . . then the Elflands. The Radiant Rebec was grateful for its freedom, as it had always sought an appropriate bondmate, which made life on the run worth it for Beamon. Still, when Pella Ardinay announced she'd be leading her army to Core Earth, Beamon raced to join them, the better to stay a step ahead of his pursuers.


Beamon may be a scholar, but he's still more of a "glance briefly before leaping" sort. He doesn't regret liberating the Radiant Rebec; despite their bond being "only" empathic, he considers it the best friend he's ever had. He's a xenophile, keen to meet new races and cultures and learn their history and ways. In a fight, he Enhances his allies before unleashing Harmonic Wave, while also having decent interaction attacks (mainly Taunt at first, but he expands that quickly).


Beamon uses the bard rules from Strike a Chord. The fact that his Heirloom "unlocked" his musical ability is a special effect; if he were to lose the Radiant Rebec completely, he would still keep his skill levels (but lose the +1 and Favored, of course). Satyrs get exploding 20s even on untrained skills, so his Charisma- and Mind-based skill list is effectively pretty decent; there was less incentive to "throw some +1s" into skills to avoid the usual untrained penalty. Once he adds Skald and Bring the Beats, his control over the Drama Deck becomes a major factor in each conflict.


Satyr (from Cracking Tales of Aysle)

Home Cosm

Aysle: Magic 24, Social 16, Spirit 18, Tech 14


  • Charisma 11
  • Dexterity 7
  • Mind 9
  • Spirit 7
  • Strength 6

Skills - Interactions

  • Intimidation +0 (Spirit) = 7
  • Maneuver +0 (Dexterity) = 7
  • Taunt +0 (Charisma) = 11
  • Trick +0 (Mind) = 9

Skills - Other

  • Athletics +3 (Strength) = 9
  • Dodge +3 (Dexterity) = 10
  • Persuasion +3 (Charisma) = 14
  • Profession: Musician +3 (Charisma) = 14 (15 and Favored with Heirloom)
  • Reality +1 (Charisma) = 12
  • Scholar +3 (Mind) = 12

Skills - Language

  • English +3
  • Elven +1


  • Bardic Magic
  • Heirloom (Radiant Rebec)


  • Dodge 10
  • Melee 7
  • Unarmed 7
  • Toughness 10 (7 + 3)
  • Shock 7
  • Wounds 3


  • Enhance (Magic 10)
  • Harmonic Wave (Magic 10)
  • Wildsong (Magic 12)


  • Elven Chain (Tech 12, Armor +3, Torso, $500)
  • Healing Potion (Magic 13, Heals 1 Wound and 1BD Shock, $500)
  • Radiant Rebec (Magic 23/Tech 7, Arcane, Grants +1 and Favored to Profession: Musician skill)

HeroForge 3D Model

Advancement Track:

  • 5 XP: Bardic Magic (Gain Language, Siren Song)
  • 3 XP: Intimidation +2
  • 7 XP: Skald
  • 5 XP: Maneuver +2, Stealth +1, Trick +1
  • 9 XP: Bring the Beats
  • 11 XP: Helper
  • 13 XP: Famous
  • 15 XP: Storyteller
  • after hitting Beta, add Pep Talk

Arella Kaplan, Sephirotic Kabbalist


As a child in Quebec, things on high shelves "just happened" to fall into Arella's hands often enough that her parents realized it wasn't coincidental. Devout Reform Jews, they considered her Tzadik (blessed) and enrolled her in yeshiva (seminary school), where her faith gradually shifted from Reform to Renewal and she became fascinated with Kabbalah — Jewish "Tree of Life" mysticism that bridges religion and magic. She was abroad studying Kabbalah in Israel when the Nile Empire invaded, and had her Moment of Crisis invoking Captivate to distract soldiers while nearby students escaped. She reached out to the Delphi Council after returning to Canada, and was an early recruit.


Arella knows that she's one of the few people who've been blessed with this degree of Tzadik (psionic), holy, and mystical power. Thanks to that, and the natural exuberance of any 23-year-old, she tends to be fairly overconfident. She wouldn't admit it, but she feels like God personally has her back. In most situations she relies on her arcane abilities and Interaction attacks; she isn't a warrior and knows it. Even her Snake Staff viper is used for utility as often as combat. She dresses fashionably when possible, partly because she hates the "frumpy Jew" stereotype.


Someone on ThePiazza forums said, "Sure, Core Earth PCs can learn magic, miracles, and psi, but they'll be mediocre at all of them." Arella is born of a need to prove that statement wrong. Religious Scholar (plus Miracles later) gives her amazing versatility, Telekinetic Anomaly is subtle but also quite powerful, and magic adds some blunt force options when necessary. Obviously she needs a few XP advances to hit that potential, but it happens quickly! The Tzadik/Kabbalah angle is a fun way to tie it all together and make her a person, not just a bunch of powers.



Home Cosm

Core Earth: Magic 9, Social 23, Spirit 10, Tech 23


  • Charisma 7
  • Dexterity 7
  • Mind 7
  • Spirit 13
  • Strength 6

Skills - Interactions

  • Intimidation +0 (Spirit) = 13
  • Maneuver +0 (Dexterity) = 7
  • Taunt +0 (Charisma) = 7
  • Trick +0 (Mind) = 7

Skills - Other

  • Apportation +3 (Spirit) = 16
  • Conjuration +3 (Spirit) = 16
  • Faith +3 (Spirit) = 16
  • Kinesis +3 (Spirit) = 16
  • Reality +2 (Charisma) = 9
  • Scholar +2 (Mind) = 9

Skills - Language

  • English +3
  • French +1


  • Religious Scholar (Judaism)
  • Telekinetic Anomaly


  • Dodge 7
  • Melee 7 (9 w/staff)
  • Unarmed 7
  • Toughness 9 (6 + 3)
  • Shock 13
  • Wounds 3


  • Bless (Spirit 9)
  • Captivate (Spirit 7)
  • Prophecy (Spirit 10)
  • Snake Staff (Spirit 14) (Personal Contradiction)

Psi Powers


  • Binoculars (Tech 19, $30)
  • Flashlight (Tech 20, $10)
  • Hands-Free Comms (Tech 23, $150)
  • Holy Symbol (Tech 5, $25)
  • Night-Vision Goggles (Tech 22, Ignore -4 Darkness, $500)
  • Speedcuffs (Tech 19, $50)
  • Stab Vest (Tech 23, Armor +3, Torso, MD 10, $200)
  • Staff (Tech 5, Dmg +2, Two-Handed, $25)
  • Torches x2 (Tech 4, $10)

HeroForge 3D Model

Advancement Track:

  • Learn skills while adding these perks...
  • 5 XP: Spellcaster (Bullet, Mage Hands, Open Lock)
  • 7 XP: Spell Slinger
  • 9 XP: Charmed Existence
  • 11 XP: Miracles (Commune with Animals, Healing, Ward Enemy)
  • 13 XP: Geomancer (Sudden Burial†, Summon Elemental†, Wall of Stone†)
  • 15 XP: Realm Runner

Beta Advancements

  • 17 XP: Realm-Dancer
  • 19 XP: Anomaly Prime (Teleport†)
  • 21 XP: Religious Pluralist (Resurrect†)
  • 23 XP: Supernatural Adaptation (White Witch; swap Bullet & Mage Hands for Calling the Quarters & Law of Return†)

† Personal contradiction (Wild Talent, for psi)

Syed Rasheed, Bound Spirit


Shortly after the invasion, a team of Storm Knights investigated the murder of a 61-year-old Pakistani scholar in a small town outside Bahawalpur. With cooperation from the victim's ghost, they tracked and eliminated the Nightmare witch responsible. Though initially monomaniacally focused on the hunt, Syed became more cogent over time, and continued to help the Storm Knights deal with troubles in the region. When he later asked to join the Delphi Council, no one knew quite how to respond, but there was no rule saying Storm Knights had to be living.


Syed is inquisitive and brave, a man equally fascinated by supernatural evil and repulsed by it. He hasn't been able to emotionally process his death, having "walled it off" mentally. He's aware of this, but rationalizes that it's best to avoid thinking about such things, since he'd hate to move on to his eternal reward and leave the Delphi Council one man down. He is metaphysically attached to a small embroidered case which contains the witch's mortar and pestle; anyone opening it (even Syed) must knowingly expose their spirit to the remaining taint of evil.


Syed inverts the usual function of the Dybbuk Box perk, acting as the spirit within rather than the carrier. In this case, drawing upon the box empowers Syed with this knowledge or assistance. Advancement makes him more of a useful occult resource, with spells that are heavily thematic for a ghost. Maximizing willpower is necessary to safely use the Dybbuk Box. In a fight, Syed will hide completely if the foes demonstrate arcane power; otherwise he'll use his three good Interaction Skills to confound the enemy.


(Former) Human

Home Cosm

Orrorsh: Magic 16, Social 18, Spirit 16, Tech 18


  • Charisma 8
  • Dexterity 5
  • Mind 12
  • Spirit 10
  • Strength 5

Skills - Interactions

  • Intimidation +0 (Spirit) = 10
  • Maneuver +0 (Dexterity) = 5
  • Taunt +0 (Charisma) = 8
  • Trick +0 (Mind) = 12

Skills - Other

  • Alteration +3 (Mind) = 15
  • Divination +3 (Mind) = 15
  • Find +1 (Mind) = 13
  • Reality +3 (Charisma) = 11
  • Scholar +3 (Mind) = 15
  • Willpower +3 (Spirit) = 13

Skills - Language

  • English +3
  • Arabic +1


  • Ghost
  • Dybbuk Box


  • Dodge 5
  • Melee 5
  • Unarmed 5
  • Toughness 5
  • Shock 10
  • Wounds 3


  • Dybbuk Box (carried by others)

(Okay, he doesn't really look like that . . .

Advancement Track:

  • 5 XP: Spellcaster (Occultist: Detect Magic, Fear, Speak With Dead)
  • 3 XP: Intimidation, Taunt, Trick all +1
  • 7 XP: Occultist
  • 5 XP: Evidence Analysis +1, Willpower +4
  • 5 XP: Willpower +5
  • Further advances add spells and raise skills (magical and other)

Reeva, Unseen Hunter


Among his Ghost Clan tribe, the term "Reeva" is slang for the unseen dangers that lurk in the Tafta Ker mists. Adopting this as his name was an arrogant but justified move, as Reeva was always his tribe's best hunter and stalker. This arrogance, mixed with frustration at the direction the edeinos were taking, led him to attempt to assassinate Baruk Kaah. It failed, mainly thanks to his Darkness Device (Rec Pakken), and Reeva barely escaped with his life. Realizing the horrific pacts Kaah must have made, Reeva began guerilla operations against Kaah and the Redjaws, and sought out humans to warn them shortly after the invasion.


Reeva is entirely too cocky for his own good, assuming that he can hide from anyone's eyes and then shoot those eyes right out. He considers things like poison and kesta hives completely fair; after all, Lanala provided these things for the edeinos to use, did She not? He takes the existence of High Lords as a personal and racial betrayal, as it's led to Baruk Kaah perverting the ways of the edeinos.


I built Reeva to see how effective edeinos stealth could be, and I'm not disappointed. His backstory and personality could use more fleshing out. For simplicity, the Stalker and Hunter of Lanala perks should use a single stealth test. Obviously Reeva's greatest weakness is that if he is hit by an attack, it's probably going to hurt a lot, but there's no easy way to fix that — which is good, as it means the system is balanced!



Home Cosm

Living Land: Magic 1, Social 7, Spirit 24, Tech 6


  • Charisma 6
  • Dexterity 14
  • Mind 6
  • Spirit 7
  • Strength 7

Skills - Interactions

  • Intimidation +0 (Spirit) = 7
  • Maneuver +1 (Dexterity) = 15
  • Taunt +0 (Charisma) = 6
  • Trick +0 (Mind) = 6

Skills - Other

  • Dodge +3 (Dexterity) = 17
  • Missile Weapons +3 (Dexterity) = 17
  • Reality +3 (Charisma) = 9
  • Stealth +3 (Dexterity) = 17 [Favored]
  • Unarmed Combat +3 (Dexterity) = 17

Skills - Language

  • Eidenos +3
  • English +1


  • Chameleon Skin
  • Stalker


  • Dodge 17
  • Melee 14
  • Unarmed 17
  • Toughness 7 (7 + 0)
  • Shock 7
  • Wounds 3


  • Darajen Venom (Tech 3, victim Stymied for 1 minute, Very Stymied w/multiple doses, $150)
  • Kesta Hive (Tech 1, Damage 13, Range 5/10/15, Small Blast, Lowest Armor, $100)
  • Rawhide Quiver and Arrows (Tech 6, $25)
  • 7 x Redthorn Arrows (Tech 6, Painful, $25 each)
  • Sinew Bow (Tech 6, Damage 11, Range 10/30/60, $50)
  • Xanit Algae (Tech 2, Gear works with Chameleon Skin, $500)

Advancement Track:

  • 5 XP: Hunter of Lanala
  • 3 XP: +1 to Faith, Find, and Willpower
  • 7 XP: Skin Shifter
  • 9 XP: Trademark Weapon (Sinew Bow)
  • 16 XP: Strength 8

Gomi, Furry P.I. Gunman


Growing up in two closets as a trans furry, Matsushita Sogo was forced to master the skills of diverting questions and navigating social situations. As an adult, he turned this into a successful career as a private investigator, while hitting up furry clubs and cons as his possum fursona Gomi ("trash"). When Pan-Pacifica invaded, he took out a loan to get GeneMods; the "possum P.I." gimmick alienated some customers, but brought in more business overall. His Moment of Crisis was very recent, as he helped Storm Knights hold back a swarm of jiangshi; when they confirmed the truth he'd suspected about Pan-Pacifica, he knew he had to join them.


Sogo now goes by Gomi exclusively; it's his second name change and he'd do a third without hesitation if he found one he liked better. He never had professional combat training, but his transformation from "Core Earth P.I." to "Pan-Pacifica P.I." bestowed gun skills which the cosm associates with that role. Gomi is a careful investigator who prefers avoiding combat when possible, but won't hesitate to risk his life if it keeps someone else safe.


Some of the decisions here require collaboration with the GM. The idea behind his SafeSack is that once he adds Trenchcoat Warfare he can pull his pistols and maybe SMGs out of it, but will need the bag for long arms. This is stretching things (pun intended) but Trenchcoat Warfare is already intentionally unrealistic so it's probably justifiable. In addition he starts $50 over budget, which means asking the GM, "Can I just take a penalty to my first session requisition roll to cover that?" That first requisition roll will be for a gun, since he won't have Trenchcoat Warfare yet; if it fails, he'll need to steal a gun from an enemy. (These issues don't matter as much if he's added to an ongoing campaign, of course.)



Home Cosm

Pan-Pacifica: Magic 4, Social 24, Spirit 10, Tech 24


  • Charisma 9
  • Dexterity 10
  • Mind 9
  • Spirit 6
  • Strength 6

Skills - Interactions

  • Intimidation +0 (Spirit) = 6
  • Maneuver +0 (Dexterity) = 10
  • Taunt +0 (Charisma) = 9
  • Trick +0 (Mind) = 9

Skills - Other

  • Evidence Analysis +3 (Mind) = 12
  • Find +3 (Mind) = 12
  • Fire Combat +3 (Dexterity) = 13
  • Persuasion +3 (Charisma) = 12
  • Reality +3 (Charisma) = 12
  • Unarmed Combat +1 (Dexterity) = 11

Skills - Language

  • Japanese +3
  • English +1


  • GeneMod Injections ($10K)
  • Third Generation GeneMods ($8K)


  • Dodge 10
  • Melee 10
  • Unarmed 11
  • Toughness 9 (6 + 3)
  • Shock 6
  • Wounds 3

GeneMods (Tech 25)

  • AnimalAllure (possum appearance, $0)
  • Focus! (+2 Mind booster, $3K)
  • FullSpectrum (ignore 4 points of Darkness, $3K)
  • Respect (social pheromones, $3K)
  • SafeSack (pouch, see notes, $3K)
  • SpringSole (leap 10m across, 3m up, $3K)
  • Zing! (1BD+1 Shock booster, $3K)


  • Chameleon Clothing (Tech 24, +4 stealth when stationary, $600)
  • Plexiflex Sheathing (Tech 24, Amor +3, MD 10, Concealable, $450)

HeroForge 3D Model

Advancement Track:

  • 5 XP: Trenchcoat Warfare
  • 3 XP: Dodge +2
  • 7 XP: Path of the Gun
  • 1 XP: Stealth +1
  • 9 XP: GeneMod Injections (MemMax, Snap2!)
  • 4 XP: Fire Combat +4
  • 5 XP: Fire Combat +5
  • 11 XP: Combo Expert
  • Further advancements raise skills and attributes; eventually add Double Tap and Killshot

Sister Eustace Redeemer, Battle Nun


Sarah Ogburn spent her youth on the streets of Dover (UK), desperately seeking a "rush" from drugs, sex, street brawls, etc. It wasn't until Father Bowden helped her find Jesus that she felt some peace. She joined a convent and gradually worked her way up to abbess, after which she transferred to the Carmel de Lisieux convent in northern France. When the cosms invaded, Sister Eustace transformed and had her Moment of Crisis mere days later, as she defended her convent from demons. Later, she fought alongside some Storm Knights who explained what had really happened and realized how Malreaux had perverted the faith.


Sister Eustace is a grim and serious woman in her 40s. Like most modern nuns, she doesn't wear a habit, just prim and proper clothing. Ironically, she has a somewhat Darwinian attitude toward life: people are worth helping but must ultimately save themselves (though she would say "must choose to be saved"). Everything that's happened since the Invasion has hardened her further; she is not a nice person, but is a valuable warrior in the fight against the High Lords. Once she adds the TSE Assault Drone, she will name it "Edmund" after St. Edmund of East Anglia.


I hesitated at creating this build, because it's so focused on one perk, but the miracles and bit of cyberware add some variety. I love that "battle nun" has become a recognizable archetype and decided to lean into it rather than subvert that trope. Adding Edmund gives her ranged capability and a nice Combined Attack option. Healing is needed as much for Edmund as for people; she'll lecture the latter about how God protects those who protect themselves by ducking and parrying.



Home Cosm

Cyberpapacy: Magic 14, Social 18, Spirit 16, Tech 26


  • Charisma 5
  • Dexterity 11
  • Mind 5
  • Spirit 9
  • Strength 10

Skills - Interactions

  • Intimidation +1 (Spirit) = 10
  • Maneuver +0 (Dexterity) = 10
  • Taunt +0 (Charisma) = 5
  • Trick +0 (Mind) = 5

Skills - Other

  • Dodge +3 (Dexterity) = 14
  • Faith +3 (Spirit) = 12
  • Find +3 (Mind) = 8
  • Melee Weapons +3 (Dexterity) = 14
  • Reality +3 (Charisma) = 8

Skills - Language

  • English +3
  • French +1


  • Champion of God (Sword of the Spirit)
  • Champion of God (Word of God)


  • Banish (Spirit 9)
  • Battle Vigil (Spirit 8)
  • First Strike (Spirit 13)


  • Dodge 14
  • Melee 14
  • Unarmed 11
  • Toughness 14 (10 + 4)
  • Shock 9
  • Wounds 3


  • Hologram Clasp (Tech 26, -2 vs. ranged, $750)
  • Plexiflex Shield (Tech 24, Defense +3, $100)
  • Riot Stick (Tech 26, Dmg +3, Nonlethal, Painful, $150)

HeroForge 3D Model

Advancement Track:

  • 5 XP: Miracles (Healing, Strike, Ward Enemy)
  • 7 XP: Cyberware Implants (BelleView Low-Light Mk II, ChipHolder, CyberHam Translator, Neural Jack, TSE Assault Drone, TSE Drone Controller, TSE Recorder)
  • 9 XP: Trademark Weapon (Sword of the Spirit)
  • 11 XP: Whirlwind

Further advances by rough priority...

  • Raise Faith and Melee Weapons to +5
  • Champion of God (Helmet of Justice and Shield of Faith)
  • Raise Charisma (to 6), Mind (to 7-8), and Strength (to 13?)
  • Drone Upgrades (Forcefield Upgrade, High-Powered Laser)
  • Raise other skills

Ezra Fang Xiao Bo, Neijin Practitioner


Xiao Bo grew up Malaysian Chinese, where the number of Malay who angrily considered his people "elite secular outsiders" gradually increased over the years. With religious and racial tensions growing, Xiao Bo's parents (both financial managers) enrolled him in Seni Gayong silat, a popular martial art. Xiao Bo excelled at it and (with his parents' connections) joined the executive protection sector, providing security for high-end business magnates. One day, he realized his neijin (qi exercises) had become far more effective and started digging to discover why — a path that ended in Japan with Storm Knights convincing him to join the Delphi Council.


Xiao Bo only recently became a Storm Knight and he's still processing everything. After realizing so much of what he knew was untrue, he's loathe to dismiss even seemingly outlandish theories — "Yes, a were-hamster threat sounds ridiculous, but so does an America beset by dinosaurs!" He's not a fan of religion (especially Islam) thanks to meeting one too many intolerant believers, but tries not to be a dick about it.


His given name is Fang Xiao Bo (pronounced "Fong Zhao Bow"), with Ezra Fang being his "English name". Between Celerity and (soon) MultiThread, he can easily offset Multi-Action penalties, so he often activates a psionic power, attacks, and does an interaction attack. I hate dumping both his Charisma and Mind, so it's important to raise those after he adds the basics. There's a lot of room to grow here and other skills should be sprinkled in among the suggested advancements.



Home Cosm

Pan-Pacifica: Magic 4, Social 24, Spirit 10, Tech 24


  • Charisma 5
  • Dexterity 10
  • Mind 5
  • Spirit 11
  • Strength 9

Skills - Interactions

  • Intimidation +0 (Spirit) = 11
  • Maneuver +3 (Dexterity) = 13
  • Taunt +0 (Charisma) = 5
  • Trick +1 (Mind) = 6

Skills - Other

  • Dodge +1 (Dexterity) = 11
  • Find +1 (Mind) = +6
  • Kinesis +3 (Spirit) = 14
  • Melee Weapons +1 (Dexterity) = 11
  • Reality +3 (Charisma) = 8
  • Unarmed Combat +3 (Dexterity) = 13

Skills - Language

  • Chinese +3
  • English +1


  • Disciplined Psychic
  • Path of Unification

Psychic Powers

  • Biodensity (Social 21)
  • Celerity (Social 20)
  • Datakinesis (Social 24)
  • Strangle (Social 22)
  • Telekinetic Strike (Social 22)


  • Dodge 11
  • Melee 11
  • Unarmed 13
  • Toughness 12 (9 + 3)
  • Shock 11
  • Wounds 3


  • .38 Revolver (Tech 20, Dmg 12, Ammo 6, Rng 10/25/40, Small, $100)
  • Flashlight (Tech 20, $10)
  • Handcuffs (Tech 19, $50)
  • Plexiflex Sheathing (Tech 24, Armor +3, MD 10, Concealable, $450)
  • Shockstick (Tech 24, Dmg +2, AP 2, Dazing, $250)
  • Shuriken ×4 (Tech 15, Dmg +1, Rng 5/10/15, Small, $10 each)
  • Voice-Activated Earbud (Tech 24, $100)

HeroForge 3D Model

Advancement Track:

  • 5 XP: GeneMod Injections (Grit!, MultiThread, SpringSpurs, Zing!)
  • 4/5 XP: Kinesis to +5
  • 7 XP: Brawler
  • 4/5 XP: Unarmed Combat to +5
  • 9 XP: Whirlwind
  • 12 XP: Mind 6
  • 12 XP: Charisma 6
  • 11 XP: Multi-Tasker
  • 13 XP: Disciplined Psychic (Minor Telekinesis, Wallrunner)
  • 15 XP: Mastery (Kinesis)
  • 6/7/8 XP: Kinesis to +8
  • 17 XP: Disciplined Psychic (Energize, Invigorate) [at Beta]
  • Further advances add Center Self and other Vitality perks, raise Mind and Charisma further, and add skills

Ezra Fang Xiao Bo (Alternate), Power-Suit Private Eye


This concept combines "Gomi" (above) with Xiao Bo. His backstory remains the same except for the comments about his neijin exercises. He still worked as private security, but less as a bodyguard and more in clearing rooms before the boss stayed there and showing up after something went wrong to figure out exactly what. He's far more cerebral, but still a deadly fighter (with a gun, not his fists).



Home Cosm

Pan-Pacifica: Magic 4, Social 24, Spirit 10, Tech 24


  • Charisma 8
  • Dexterity 10
  • Mind 10
  • Spirit 5
  • Strength 7

Skills - Interactions

  • Intimidation +0 (Spirit) = 5
  • Maneuver +0 (Dexterity) = 10
  • Taunt +0 (Charisma) = 8
  • Trick +0 (Mind) = 10

Skills - Other

  • Evidence Analysis +3 (Mind) = 13
  • Find +1 (Mind) = 11
  • Fire Combat +3 (Dexterity) = 13
  • Land Vehicles +3 (Dexterity) = 13
  • Persuasion +3 (Charisma) = 11
  • Reality +3 (Charisma) = 11

Skills - Language

  • Chinese +3
  • English +1


  • GeneMod Injections ($10K)
  • Power Suit (Cyclone)


  • Dodge 10
  • Melee 10
  • Unarmed 10
  • Toughness 10 (11 in Cyclone)
  • Shock 5
  • Wounds 3

GeneMods (Tech 25)

  • Focus! (+2 Mind booster, $3K)
  • Grit! (pain threshold booster, $1K)
  • Respect (social pheromones, $3K)
  • Zing! (1BD+1 Shock booster, $3K)


  • .45 Pistol (Tech 20, Dmg 14, Rng 10/25/40, Ammo 7, $250)
  • Cyclone Suit (Armor +4, MD 10, Fatigues, becomes Ishido Special)
  • Handcuffs (Tech 19, $50)
  • Plexiflex Sheathing (Tech 24, Armor +3, MD 10, Concealed, $450)
  • Zuzu Phone (Tech 24, $250)

Advancement Track:

  • 5 XP: Power Suit (add Mercury Triggers)
  • 3 XP: +1 Dodge, Intimidation, Stealth
  • 7 XP: Power Suit (add Integrated Weapons Package)
  • 9 XP: Third Generation GeneMods (FullSpectrum, MemMax, Snap2!)
  • 11 XP: GeneMod Injections (MultiThread)

Further advances improve skills and add these;

  • Athletics, Computers, Maneuver, Medicine, Scholar, Science, Streetwise, Thievery, Trick, Unarmed Combat, Willpower
  • Power Suit (to add Kabuto HUD, Enhanced Mobility, and maybe Vehicle Operating Extension)

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