Torg Eternity Perk List
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Perk Lists by Cosm
Use the following links to narrow down the perks to those available to a particular cosm:
- Torg Eternity Perk List — unfiltered
- Torg Eternity Perk List Aysle
- Torg Eternity Perk List Core Earth
- Torg Eternity Perk List Cyberpapacy
- Torg Eternity Perk List Living Land
- Torg Eternity Perk List Nile Empire
- Torg Eternity Perk List Orrorsh
- Torg Eternity Perk List Pan-Pacifica
- Torg Eternity Perk List Tharkold
This list is sorted first by cosm, then by type, since that's how most players need to make their decisions. Anything marked with a * requires the laws of that cosm to function without contradiction. Anything marked with a ~ is not an official PC option; it's either (1) from an Infiniverse Exchange product, (2) homebrewed, or (3) a canonical NPC perk that makes sense for PCs. If you aren't in our group, ask your GM if they'll allow it.
Any category noted as "(Racial)" requires you to be of that race, though not necessarily from that cosm if it's one of your starting perks. This exception to the usual rule is because racial perks are often retained upon transforming to a new cosm (GM's call). Thus, it is possible for a starting PC to be (e.g.) a Core Earth-transformed elf who retained Elf perks, but she would not be able to acquire further ones. Only racial perks from races with full playable rules are included here; this omits several one-off "backer races."
Most page references are abbreviated using the letters below (e.g., "p. L9" means page 9 of the Living Land sourcebook); anything else is spelled out explicitly.
no letter: Core Rules
A: Aysle sourcebook
B: Beta Clearance Player's Primer
C: Cyberpapacy sourcebook
E: Core Earth sourcebook
L: Living Land sourcebook
M: Core Earth Magic (part of Orrorsh Torg or Treat)
N: Nile Empire sourcebook
O: Orrorsh sourcebook
P: Pan-Pacifica sourcebook
R: Religions of Core Earth
T: Tharkold sourcebook
Note: Due to the serious game-balance issues pervading Aysle Backer Archetypes, perks from that PDF do not appear here.
In all cases, only a brief description is given, to avoid copyright issues. Refer to the actual perk for details!
— Any Cosm —
Biotech (Universal)
Third Generation GeneMods (p. P19)
GeneMods available for anyone, even those from outside Pan-Pacifica. Not a leveled perk.
These Perks are empowered by the Nameless One, and are thus available in all cosms, not just Orrorsh. Characters may have only one "monster form" Cursed Perk; if they don't start with it, they can only acquire it in-game via an appropriate death or curse.
For all of these Perks, you must test Corruption when you kill, you're technically dead, and you register as supernaturally evil.
Full Transformation (Orrorsh Backer Archetypes, p. 15)
Prereq: Werewolf
Can become a normal animal, not just an anthropomorphic hybrid.
Ghost (p. O12)
Prereq: Spirit 8+
A ghost is Ethereal (but can spend Shock to attack), floats above the ground, takes a -4 persuasion/streetwise penalty, and is immune to mortal problems.
(GM Interpretation: The ghost can also spend Shock to momentarily interact with the real world, like knocking over a statue or pressing a switch, since the line between that and "an attack" is fuzzy.)
Translucent (Orrorsh Backer Archetypes, p. 31)
Prereq: Medicine 2+, Unique (no other Translucent characters in the campaign, now or previously)
The character is a gel, difficult to hurt and nigh impossible to kill.
Vampire (p. O12)
Prereq: Dexterity 8+
A vampires takes damage from sunlight, can bite a Grappled foe and drain blood, may learn psionics, and is immune to mortal problems.
(Note: Per the line developer, Vampires are supposed to start with "a number of" psionic powers to make up for their serious drawbacks. Until we hear otherwise, our group has ruled they get two.)
Werewolf (p. O13)
Prereq: Strength 8+
A werewolf can bite and claw, regenerates all injuries except from silver (which does extra damage), and must All-Out Attack every turn a target is near.
- Beta Clearance*Cloak of Darkness (p. O12)
Prereq: Beta, one other Cursed PerkGain a Toughness bonus equal to the Darkness penalty.
Cyberware (Universal)
Recalibrated Cyberware (p. C23)
Cyberware available for anyone, even those from outside the Cyberpapacy. Not a leveled perk.
Ground Sloth (Racial)
Distortion Aura (Ruins of the Living Land, p. 6)
Prereq: Dexterity 5 or less
Everyone near the Ground Sloth becomes Stymied. Ranged attacks are similarly affected.
Human (Racial)
Note: Tharkold's "The Race" have their own Perk tree and cannot take Human Perks.
Dumb Luck (p. B4)
Opponents aren't as effective when spending Possibilities against you.
- Beta ClearanceHuman Compassion (p. B4)
Prereq: Beta, Charisma 8+Improve your Charisma.Human Spirit (p. B4)
Prereq: Beta, Strong-Willed*Once per act, potentially ignore Defeat.* House Rule: Or Spirit 8+.
Bolster (p. 90)
Prereq: Charisma 8+, reality 1+
Spend a Possibility to negate Drama card disadvantages.
Comrade (p. P21)
Prereq: Natural Leader
Taking the same action that an ally just took is Favored.
Follow My Lead (Cyberpapacy Backer Archetypes, p. 5)
Prereq: Charisma 8+, streetwise 2+
Once per act, use streetwise to let your group blend in perfectly.
Followers (p. 90)
Prereq: Charisma 8+, must have played a Glory
Gain an NPC follower. If slain, you will eventually recruit a new one. Leveled perk, with further levels granting another follower or adding a perk to one.
(Errata: Followers have 2 Wounds.)
(House Rule: You may play Possibilities and Destiny Cards for your follower(s), same as for other similar perks.)
Inspiring Deed (Orrorsh Backer Archetypes, p. 25)
Prereq: Charisma 8+
When you get an Outstanding success via a Possibility, your allies are inspired to greatness.
Lead from the Front (p. B4)
Prereq: Spirit 8+, 1+ Leadership perk
Become Very Vulnerable instead of spending a Possibility on a Leadership perk.
Mastermind (p. P21)
Prereq: Mind 10+
Once per act in a Dramatic scene, spend a Possibility for a Flashback (p. P115).
(Note: Flashbacks are Leverage-style retroactive actions done in response to unexpected obstacles or surprises. "Ah, but I knew you might betray us, so that briefcase actually contains a fake!")
Natural Leader (p. 91)
Prereq: Charisma 8+
Spend a Possibility to play cards into allies' Action Pools.
Not on My Watch (p. B4)
Prereq: Charisma 8+, find 3+
Spend a Possibility to negate Drama card advantages for foes.
Rally (p. 91)
Prereq: Persuasion 3+
Spend a Possibility to heal Shock from all nearby allies.
Simplify the Environment (p. P21)
Prereq: Mind 8+
Spend a Possibility to cancel the Situation Line on a cosm-specific Drama card.
Steady On (p. O14)
Prereq: Charisma 8+
Your successful Fear test helps your allies succeed as well.
Virtual Follower (Pan-Pacifica Backer Archetypes, p. 16)
Prereq: A non-contradictory, Perk-granted item that can logically house the Follower
An incorporeal Follower occupies and controls an item of yours. It can't fight but is useful otherwise.
- Beta ClearanceIntense Training (p. B4)
Prereq: Beta, Charisma 8+, an NPC followerGreatly improve one follower's abilities. May be bought once per follower. (GM Interpretation: Hardlight drones do qualify for this perk.)
Occultech (Universal)
Scrounged Implants (p. T30)
Occultech available for anyone, even those from outside Tharkold. Not a leveled perk.
Aerial Acrobat (p. N17)
Prereq: Air vehicles 2+
Air vehicles is favored, can be used for interaction attack.
Always Underestimated (Tharkold Backer Archetypes, p. 21)
Prereq: Scholar 2+, may not have cyberware, Ki, magic, miracles, occultech, pulp powers, or psionics
Once per scene take a +3 bonus.
(House Rule: The GM has final say over what's on the "may not have" list. The idea is that you're just a normal person, so anything too weird or "powerful" is out. This currently includes power armor.)
Bodyguard (p. 96)
Prereq: Maneuver 2+
Interpose to take the hit for an ally.
Brave (p. O19)
Fear becomes easier to resist and less effective.
Brawler (p. 96)
Prereq: Unarmed combat 2+
Do extra unarmed damage.
Brutal Ambush (p. P22)
Prereq: Stealth 3+
Do extra damage to Surprised targets.
Brute (p. 96)
Prereq: Strength 8+
Always use Strength to test for Defeat.
Charmed Existence (Orrorsh Backer Archetypes, p. 27)
Base reality on Charisma or Spirit, and ignore most attribute losses.
Dabbler (Tharkold Backer Archetypes, p. 27)
Prereq: Two arcane skills (magic, miracles, or psi) at 1+
Learn two arcane abilities (e.g., a spell and a miracle).
Deduction (Nile Empire Backer Archetypes, p. 19)
Prereq: Evidence analysis 2+
Spend a Cosm card to ask questions about a nearby person, place, or thing.
Dino Hunter (Heroes of the Possibility Wars Vol. 1, p. 72)
Prereq: Science 1+ or survival 1+
Extra bonus die versus dinos or edeinos.
Disability (p. C26)
You (or the GM) can invoke this complication to gain Possibilities, once per act.
(Note: You do not have to take this perk to play a disabled Storm Knight; it's just if you want a mechanical benefit to doing so.)
Double Tap (p. 96)
Prereq: Energy weapons or fire combat 2+
Fire an extra bullet for a bonus to hit.
Drive Offensively (p. T30)
Prereq: Land vehicles 3+
Vehicular ramming attacks are greatly improved.
Demonbane (p. T30)
Prereq: Scholar 2+
Better damage against demons.
Endurance (p. 96)
Improved Shock limit.
Escape Artist (p. P22)
Prereq: Dexterity 10+
You are incredibly good at escaping the Restrained condition.
Gun Fu (p. P22)
Prereq: Fire combat 2+, unarmed combat 2+
When attacking one foe with a pistol and unarmed strike, suffer Shock to apply damage separately.
Guns Blazing (p. B5)
Prereq: Fire combat 3+
Reduce Malfunction range for burst attacks.
Hard to Kill (p. 96)
Prereq: 2+ Prowess perks
Improved Wound limit.
Improvised Weapon (p. P23)
Prereq: Melee weapons 1+
Improvised weapons are incredibly effective in your hands.
Indomitable (p. 96)
Improved active defense rolls.
Ingenious (p. N17, P22)
Prereq: Mind 10+
Spend a Possibility to draw a Destiny card, then roll Mind to draw one for a friend.
(Errata: Usable only once per scene.)
Killshot (p. P23, B5)
Prereq: Double Tap
Your double-tap attacks use the best of two bonus dice rolls.
Kneecap (p. P23)
Prereq: Fire combat 3+
Inflict effective, nonlethal damage with guns.
Master Thief (p. P23)
Prereq: Lockpicking 2+, trick 3+
Lockpicking is Favored and can be used to pick pockets.
(House Rule: Since we replaced lockpicking with thievery, which is already used to pick pockets, replace the first two paragraphs with "The DN of pickpocket attempts is the lower of the target's find or trick.")
Mastery (p. 96)
Prereq: A skill at 5
You can raise your skill even higher.
Mechanic (Living Land Backer Archetypes, p. 7 and Ruins of the Living Land, p. 6)
Prereq: Science 2+
You are incredibly fast at fixing damaged devices.
(Note: See here for standard repair rules.)
~Memory Journey (Strike a Chord, p. 3)
Prereq: Mind 8+
You have amazing recall, basically photographic memory.
Neurodiverse (p. C25)
Grants improved mental Dramatic Skill Resolutions, plus a niche expertise.
(Note: You do not have to take this perk to play a neuroatypical Storm Knight; it's just if you want a mechanical benefit to doing so.)
Night Watchman (Orrorsh Backer Archetypes, p. 23)
Prereq: Bodyguard, Charisma 8+
Get a free Soak when using Bodyguard.
Non-Lethal Combatant (Nile Empire Backer Archetypes, p. 15)
You can make any attack non-lethal and are an expert disarmer.
(GM Interpretation: We tend to be pretty generous in allowing "attacks to wound," but this perk lets you do so even with impossible things like headshots and grenades.)
Poison Tolerance (p. L19)
Greatly improve the change of resisting poison.
Power Bomb (Nile Empire Backer Archetypes, p. 5)
Prereq: Unarmed combat 2+ and some method of flight
Fly up, then down hard, with a grappled opponent.
Pure (p. O18)
Prereq: Charisma 8+
You more easily resist Corruption and can make a Defeat test instead of losing Charisma.
Quick Draw (Cyberpapacy Backer Archetypes, p. 25)
Prereq: Dexterity 8+ and Mind 8+
Can try to interrupt a foe in the first round of combat.
Relentless (p. 97)
Prereq: Strength 10+
Suffer Shock to add damage to an All-Out Attack.
Rule of Cool (Pan-Pacifica Backer Archetypes, p. 14)
You're so cool, certain ranged attacks and dodges are based on your Charisma.
Sacred Weapon (p. O18)
Prereq: Trademark Weapon
Your weapon also affects Ethereal foes and triggers Allergies.
Scavenger (Living Land Backer Archetypes, pp. 7, 13 and Ruins of the Living Land, p. 6)
Prereq: Find 2+
You can discard a Cosm card to stumble across a useful item.
Scientific Method (p. P23 and Cyberpapacy Backer Archetypes, p. 7)
Prereq: Scholar 2+ and science 3+
Once per act use science in place of any other (non-arcane) skill.
(Note: This doesn't change the attribute used, just the skill adds; e.g., you could replace fire combat with a Dexterity + science roll.)
Shield Mastery (p. A17)
Prereq: Melee weapons 2+
Your shield works when Vulnerable, and active defense is improved.
Shield Wall (p. A17)
Prereq: Melee weapons 2+
Block for an adjacent ally.
Situational Awareness (p. 97)
Prereq: Mind 8+
Once per scene play a card directly into your Action Pool.
Smasher (p. L19)
Prereq: Strength 8+, melee weapons 1+
Ignore the Unwieldy property and stagger foes with two-handed weapons.
Sniper (p. 97)
Prereq: Energy weapon, fire combat, or missile weapons 3+
Your aimed attacks add a bonus die to damage.
Speed Demon (p. P23)
Prereq: Land vehicles 2+
Melee attacks do extra damage from a speeding vehicle.
Sprinter (p. L19)
Prereq: Dexterity 8+
Run faster and gain an edge in foot chases.
Stalker (Living Land Backer Archetypes, p. 9 and Ruins of the Living Land, p. 6)
Prereq: Stealth 2+
You have a chance to establish stealth at the beginning of most encounters, giving you a huge advantage in the first round.
Strong Pull (p. A17)
Prereq: Strength 8+
Make a bow stronger but harder to use.
(House Rule: This NPC-crafter perk exists only to justify the availability of strong-draw bows. Add +1 Damage, +2 Min Str, and +100% Cost to any bow, up to three times total. There is no skill penalty to use one beyond the Min Str rules.)
Strong-Willed (p. 98)
Prereq: Spirit 8+
Always use Spirit to test for Defeat.
Survivor (p. 97)
Ignore Wound penalties when testing for Defeat.
Swashbuckler (Nile Empire Backer Archetypes, p. 13)
Prereq: Trademark Weapon
Improved Interaction Attacks when involving your Trademark Weapon.
Tortured Soul (p. T30)
Prereq: Willpower 1+
Willpower improved and you can use it to resist intimidation.
Trademark Vehicle (p. P24 and Nile Empire Backer Archetypes, p. 3)
Prereq: Applicable vehicles skill 2+
Gain a vehicle; your tests with it are Favored.
Trademark Weapon (p. 98)
Reroll 1s for damage with a single weapon.
(Clarification: This can be "my claws", "my fists", etc.)
Trap Master (p. N17)
Prereq: Find 1+, science 1+, and scholar 1+
Tests to deal with traps are favored.
Trenchcoat Warfare (p. P25)
Prereq: Energy weapons 2+ or fire combat 2+
(Note: This Perk is available in all main cosms except the Living Land.)
In a fight, pull out an escalating series of guns, starting with pistols and moving up to heavy weapons.
Trooper (Cyberpapacy Backer Archetypes, p. 13)
Prereq: Maneuver 3+
Can disengage from melee and run/rush with fewer consequences.
Vengeful (p. 98)
Prereq: Spirit 8+
When wounded, get an Up vs. the foe who hurt you.
Wheelman (p. N17)
Prereq: Land vehicles 2+
Most land vehicles tests are favored.
Whirlwind (p. P24)
Prereq: Dexterity 8+
Reduce multi-targeting penalties with unarmed or melee weapon attacks.
Note: This Perk replaces the Torg Eternity version.
Wrestler (p. P24, Living Land Backer Archetypes, p. 3, and Ruins of the Living Land, p. 6)
Prereq: Unarmed combat 2+
Improved grapples.
- Beta ClearanceAce Pilot (p. B5)
Prereq: Beta, air vehicles 5+Can soak for air vehicles you're piloting.Acrobatic (p. B5)
Prereq: Beta, dodge 5+You may move a bit for free each time someone misses you.Cosm Adaptation (p. B5)
Prereq: Beta and Realm Runner or Gamma ClearanceYou can buy one category of perks from another cosm. (House Rule: And you're considered a native for the purpose of using them.)(Clarifications: This does not waive racial perk requirements. If this is used to acquire an arcane category, it includes access to appropriate power lists.)Detached Strategist (p. B6)
Prereq: Beta, Situational AwarenessYou keep unplayed cards after playing for the Critical Moment.Drive Defensively (p. B5)
Prereq: Beta, land vehicles 5+Can soak for land vehicles you're driving.Duck and Weave (p. B6)
Prereq: Beta, maneuver 5+You can move through enemies on a map.Guardian Angel (p. O18)
Prereq: Beta, BodyguardNearby allies may use your dodge, melee, and unarmed defenses.Just a Flesh Wound (p. N17)
Prereq: BetaSpend a Possibility to heal a wound after a fight.Lethal Shot (p. N17)
Prereq: Beta, Sniper, and energy weapons 5+, fire combat 5+, or missile weapons 5+Can reroll bonus dice when using Sniper.Retaliation (p. O18)
Prereq: Beta, VengefulWhen Defeated, get one extra turn before dropping.Quick (p. B5)
Prereq: Beta, Dexterity 8+Improved normal movement and running speed.Racer (p. B5)
Prereq: Beta, land vehicles 3+Guaranteed chance to start off a car chase well.Shake it Off (p. B5)
Prereq: Beta, EnduranceRegain extra Shock via a Recovery action.Supernatural Adaptation (p. M26)
Prereq: Beta, access to any spell list, and Realm Runner or Gamma ClearanceAccess any one new spell list and replace up to two existing powers with its spells.
Reality (Universal)
Per Strike a Chord (p. 4), Storm Knights not from Core Earth can learn the Storyteller perk, but with much harder prerequisites. See the Reality category under Core Earth, below.
*Ascetic (p. R4)
Prereq: Endurance, Strong-Willed*, reality 1+, and willpower 3+
Gain access to the Vitality (formerly Ki Powers) category plus a free Vitality perk, which isn't a contradiction in Core Earth or Pan-Pacifica.
- Beta ClearanceCreate Focus (p. B7)
Prereq: Beta, reality 5+Imbue an object with the essence of your cosm, to improve your connection to it.Sense Stela (p. B7)
Prereq: Beta, reality 5+Sense direction to a stela, dimthread tree, or nightmare tree within 1 km.
Always Prepared (p. P25)
Prereq: Persuasion 2+
Make new Requisition tests mid-mission.
Arcane Diplomat (p. A17)
Prereq: Charisma 10+
Attune to multiple Arcane items (from Aysle).
Arms Dealer (p. P25 and Tharkold Backer Archetypes, p. 29)
Prereq: Streetwise 2+
You have amazing versatility and access when requestionining weapons.
Bring the Beats (Living Land Backer Archetypes, p. 29 and Ruins of the Living Land, p. 6)
Prereq: Persuasion 2+
If you're playing music, you may be able to discard and replace unhelpful Drama cards.
Chest Beating (p. L19)
Prereq: Strength 8+, intimidation 1+
Easily intimidate groups of animals and primitive subjects.
Con Artist (p. P25)
Prereq: Charisma 8+, persuasion 3+
Gain a bonus from trick when using persuasion to lie.
Dark Past (p. P25 and Nile Empire Backer Archetypes, p. 27)
Prereq: Charisma 8+
Start with fewer Destiny Cards but more Possibilities, and can use Connections on villains.
Fake It Till You Make It (p. P25 and Nile Empire Backer Archetypes, p. 7)
Prereq: Persuasion 2+
Spend a Possibility to "fake" (gain) a skill.
Famous (p. N17, P25)
Prereq: Charisma 8+
Some persuasion test favored; one free Connection card per act.
First Response (p. B7)
Prereq: First aid 3+
Revive a KO'ed character as an action, restoring some Shock.
Glib Tongue (p. C26)
Prereq: Charisma 8+ and Mind 8+.
Test Mind to greatly improve stories made up on the fly.
Helper (p. 104)
Prereq: Charisma 8+
Use persuasion to remove Stymied or Vulnerable from an ally.
Linguist (p. 104)
Prereq: Mind 8+
Speak enough of any language to get by.
(Note: See Torg Eternity Languages for more on how this perk works in our games.)
Primitive Allure (p. L19)
Prereq: Charisma 8+, persuasion 1+
Improved beast riding and persuasion against animals or primal subjects, and use such a skill as a defense against one of them.
Read the Room (Tharkold Backer Archetypes, p. 23)
Prereq: Evidence analysis 1+, streetwise 2+
Use a high Social Axiom (25+) to instantly grasp the social dynamics of any group of people.
Wealthy (p. 104)
Start with much better gear and enhance persuasion or streetwise rolls to obtain more.
Wiles (Nile Empire Backer Archetypes, p. 25)
Prereq: Charisma 10+
Become super-charismatic toward one person for a Possibility.
(GM Interpretation: This replaces the usual ability to spent a Possibility to add a die; you cannot do both — though you may still use Hero/Drama cards and similar options).
- Beta ClearanceClear the Room (p. B7)
Prereq: Beta, intimidation 5+Reduce multi-target penalties for intimidation when it's an approved action.Pep Talk (p. B7)
Prereq: Beta, Helper, persuasion 3+Inspire others via persuasion, giving a small bonus.Trash Talker (p. B7)
Prereq: Beta, taunt 5+Reduce multi-target penalties for taunt when it's an approved action.
Stalenger (Racial)
Camouflage Chinoderm (Ruins of the Living Land, p. 7)
Prereq: Stealth 2+
Favored stealth for the Stalenger and possibly another person.
Dancing Collocytes (Ruins of the Living Land, p. 7)
Prereq: Unarmed combat 2+
Unarmed combat is Favored.
Supple Husk (Ruins of the Living Land, p. 7)
Prereq: Charisma 8+
Persuasion and streetwise a little less penalized.
Unblinking (Ruins of the Living Land, p. 7)
Prereq: Intimidation 2+
Huge bonus to resist intimidation while actively defending.
— Multiple Cosms —
Cosms: Aysle, Core Earth, Cyberpapacy, Living Land, Nile Empire, Orrorsh — except for A New Path.
House Rule: Blessed Weapon (from Living Land) is a general Faith perk.
A New Path (Pan-Pacifica Backer Archetypes, p. 10)
Prereq: Spirit 8+, Faith 1+
Special: This Perk can be taken by characters from any cosm, even one without access to miracles.
Gain three miracles from any religion, but they're always 1-case contradictions.
(GM Interpretation: Since context makes it clear that this was written to take the place of the Miracles Perk for the character, it should be possible to take it multiple times to continue adding miracles, just as for that Perk. It should not be combinable with other religions or the Miracles Perk.)
Austere (p. O13)
Prereq: Spirit 8+, Faith 2+
Reduce Shock from Fatigue and Backlash.
Blessed Weapon (p. L15)
Prereq: Spirit 8+, faith 1+
One primitive weapon does extra damage, doubled vs. evil supernatural beings.
(House Rule: This is not restricted to the Living Land, and the weapon can be up to Tech 12.)
Conviction (p. 89)
Prereq: Miracles, faith 3+
Suffer reduced Shock from failed miracles.
Exorcist (p. R2, C25)
Prereq: Banish miracle and scholar 3+
Use the banish miracle to end control, possession, etc.
Fortified by Faith (p. R3, L16)
Prereq: Faith 1+
Resist fear with faith skill.
Holy Fool (Orrorsh Backer Archetypes, p. 9)
Prereq: Faith 2+, taunt 2+
Resist Fear with taunt, and improved taunt versus supernatural evil.
Holy Reaper (Living Land Backer Archetypes, p. 27 and Ruins of the Living Land, p. 6)
Prereq: Faith 2+, survival 2+
You do additional damage to plants, including gospog.
Miracles (p. 89)
Prereq: Faith 1+
Can cast miracles from your religion's list (see Torg Eternity Miracles). Start with ward enemy plus two more. Leveled perk. (House Rule: Taking this again adds two miracles instead of one.)
(Clarification: The list is based on the character's religion, not cosm, and also can be from the ones listed in the core book, or from another list not specifically accessible via another Perk. Some of those other lists require Perks that can only be selected by a native of that cosm. For example, a character from Core Earth could theoretically choose any religion, including Keta Kalles. However, they could not select the Optant Perk from the Living Land Sourcebook since that Perk requires you to be an edeinos and native to the Living Land.)
(Reminder: To invoke a miracle you must be able to speak and move both hands freely, though they need not be empty. This differs from magic and psi.)
Lay on Hands (p. 90)
Prereq: Faith 3+
Remove Shock from an ally by touch.
Pacifist (p. P19, R3)
Prereq: Vow of Nonviolence
Cannot make any damaging attacks, but interaction attacks are Favored.
Past Lives (Nile Empire Backer Archetypes, p. 23)
Prereq: Aysle, Core Earth, or Nile Empire
In a Dramatic scene, give up the "Critical Moment" to swap cards.
Protected (p. 90)
Prereq: Faith 1+
Extra toughness against evil supernatural creatures.
Puritan (p. O14)
Prereq: Faith 1+
The puritan can sniff out evil, for a bonus to detect it or avoid ambush.
Spirit Bane (p. 90)
Prereq: Faith 1+
Affect ethereal beings with close attacks.
Spirit Nemesis (p. O14, R4)
Prereq: Spirit Bane
Attacks on Ethereal beings are greatly enhanced.
Vow of Nonviolence (p. P20, R4)
Prereq: Faith 1+
Can spent Possibilities to make an attacker reroll, but is hesitant to make attacks.
(Clarification: The opponent does not have to be attacking you; you may use this to save someone else.)
Cosms: Core Earth, Cyberpapacy, Pan-Pacifica, Tharkold.
Communications Cracker (p. P20)
Prereq: Computers 3+
Get +4 to hack communications.
Custom Cyberdeck (p. C23)
Prereq: Computers 3+
Own one of the custom cyberdecks on pp. C78-82 (beyond the First Seal, which anyone can just purchase).
Digital Forger (p. P20)
Prereq: Computers 3+
Spend a Possibility to create a perfect digital profile in a system you're in.
Meatspace Manipulator (p. P20)
Prereq: Computers 3+
Get +4 to hack local physical systems and environmental objects.
Program Upgrades (p. C24)
Prereq: Custom Cyberdeck
Upgrade two cyberdeck programs.
Software Library (p. C24)
Prereq: Custom Cyberdeck
Add more storage and more programs to a cyberdeck.
Cosms: Core Earth, Pan-Pacifica, Tharkold.
Disciplined Mind (p. T30)
Prereq: Willpower 3+
Reduced penalties when making a Concentration test.
Institute Field Agent (p. T31)
Prereq: Core Earth or Tharkold, one psionic skill at 1+, may not have access to any other list of psionic powers
Gain access to The Institute power list and start with three powers. You may take the Psionic perk for additional powers (three, at first).
Iron Will (p. 98)
Prereq: Psionic
Improved resistance vs. psionic attacks.
Mind Palace (p. T31)
Prereq: Iron Will
Improve your willpower defenses.
(Note: This perk is worse than just raising willpower, but becomes valuable once you're at or near your maximum adds for that skill.)
Multi-Tasker (p. 98)
Prereq: 5+ psionic powers
Activate two psionic powers as a multi-action.
Overcharge (p. 98)
Prereq: Psionic, Spirit 10+
Greatly boost a psionic roll at the cost of a Wound.
Psionic (p. 98)
Prereq: Kinesis, precognition, or telepathy 1+
Start with three psionic powers from your cosm's list (see Torg Eternity Psionics). Leveled perk. (House Rule: Taking this again adds two powers instead of one.)
(Clarification: The power list you use is usually one appropriate to the character's cosm in the core book, but can be any psionic power list that is not specifically accessible via another Perk.)
(Reminder: Using a psi power requires no speech or movement. This differs from magic and miracles.)
Psionic Disruption (Tharkold Backer Archetypes, p. 19)
Prereq: No other Psionic perks
Psionic powers used near you or affecting you are greatly hampered.
Psychic Disturbance (Tharkold Backer Archetypes, p. 13)
Prereq: Total of 5+ adds in psionic skills
Temporarily gain a power, but doing so make the scene dramatic.
(GM Interpretation: The scene counts as dramatic for initiative and villain abilities, but not for hero abilities.)
Psychic Riposte (p. T31)
Prereq: Iron Will
Failed psi attacks against you cause the attacker backlash.
Subtle Activation (p. T31)
Prereq: Psionic, Mind 8+
The psi can take a penalty to make their abilities undetectable.
Wild Mind (p. P25 and Tharkold Backer Archetypes, p. 15)
Prereq: A psionic skill at 1+, may not have or take the Disciplined Psychic or Iron Will perks
Their psi is incredibly powerful but always costs Shock.
Cosms: Aysle, Core Earth, Cyberpapacy, Nile Empire, Orrorsh, Tharkold.
Homunculus (p. A18)
Prereq: Spellcaster, Mind 8+
Craft a clay servant.
(Note: This is really more of a golem.)
Intimate Haunting (Orrorsh Backer Archetypes, p. 19)
Prereq: Spellcaster, Charisma 8+, the speak with dead spell
The caster is haunted by a former loved one. This ghost is powerful but not always helpful.
Magister (p. 104)
Prereq: Spellcaster, 5+ spells
Activate two spells as a multi-action.
Resilient (p. 105)
Prereq: Spellcaster
Suffer reduced Shock from failed spells.
Ritualist (p. O19)
Prereq: Alteration, apportation, conjuration, or divination 1+
Gain access to the Dark Ritual spell list. When casting one, you may omit a component via self-sacrifice.
(Note: This Perk does not actually grant any of those Rituals. Add them as you would any other spells.)
Spellcaster (p. 105)
Prereq: Alteration, apportation, conjuration, or divination 1+
Learn three spells to cast from your cosm's list (see Torg Eternity Magic). Leveled perk. (House Rule: Taking this again adds two spells instead of one.)
(Clarification: The spell list you use is usually one appropriate to the character's cosm in the core book, but can be any spell list that is not specifically accessible via another Perk.)
(Reminder: To cast a spell, you must be able to speak and have one hand empty and free to move. This differs from miracles and psi.)
Spell Researcher (p. A19)
Prereq: Spellcaster, know 6+ spells
You can create a new spell. Can be taken multiple times.
Spell Slinger (p. M28)
Prereq: Spellcaster, apportation 2+
Use a staff or wand to defend using apportation.
(Note: Mages who don't specialize in apportation or don't want to carry an object should see Instinctive Magic, below.)
Technomancer (Cyberpapacy Backer Archetypes, p. 21)
Prereq: Alteration 2+, computers 2+
Take control of a mechanical item or foe.
(GM Interpretation: The contest mentioned is willpower versus willpower. As with other mind-control effects, ords get a chance to resist if given unacceptable orders while reality-rated foes can attempt to resist every turn as a free action.)
Trademark Spell (p. A19)
Prereq: Spellcaster, the magic skill for that spell at 3+
One spell does better bonus damage or is more reliable.
- Beta ClearanceInstinctive Magic (p. A18)
Prereq: Beta, any magic skill at 3+Replace dodge with your best magic skill.(Note: Mages who specialize in apportation should compare Spell Slinger, above.)
— Aysle —
Important Note: Gaining your first Darkness perk causes you to immediately lose the benefits of all Light perks. Upon taking a fourth Darkness perk, you become an evil NPC (but see Born to Darkness).
Born to Darkness (p. A12)
Prereq: Spirit 8+, no other "Born to" perks
Take six Darkness perks safely, including this.
*Blood Magic (p. A12)
Prereq: Spellcaster
Wound yourself to improve any casting roll.
*Critical Strike (p. 84)
Prereq: Frightening Aspect
Take advantage of a Vulnerable foe with an All-Out Attack.
*Frightening Aspect (p. 84)
Lose Charisma, but greatly enhance intimidation.
Necromancer (p. A13)
Prereq: 3+ spells from the Necromancy list, no non-Necromancy spells
Learn two spells from the Necromancy spell list. Your undead are tougher and stronger.
*Shadow Step (p. 85)
Prereq: Stealth 2+
Stealth and "backstab" attacks both enhanced.
*Smiling Deceiver (p. 85)
Prereq: Frightening Aspect
Hide your Frightening Aspect, enhancing other social skills.
- Beta ClearanceCunning of Darkness (p. A13)
Prereq: Beta, Mind 8+Raise your Mind.*Shadow Assassin (p. A13)
Prereq: Beta, Shadow StepBecome extra-deadly against Vulnerable foes.
Dwarf (Racial)
Braided (p. 85)
Prereq: Melee weapons 3+, must have played Glory
Gain an extra wound due to honor.
(Note: For male dwarves this perk is also called Bearded, but that's confusing and best ignored.)
*Dragon Warrior (p. 85)
Prereq: Strength 10+
Heavy, full-body armor with one enhancement: a dart thrower, dragon's breath, dragon claws, dragon scales (vs. fire), giant strength, mad jacks (jump), or runes of replenishment (reduced Fatigue). Leveled perk, granting further enhancements.
Forsaken (p. 86)
Prereq: No faith adds
Resistant to miracles (helpful or harmful).
Godsbane (p. A11)
Prereq: Forsaken
Miracles cast on you suffer backlash.
*Runemaker (p. A11)
Prereq: Language: dwarven runes 2+, scholar 2+
Craft temporary runes as potent magical explosions, or permanent runes which enhance equipment. Leveled perk.
(Clarification: An object can have a permanent rune and an enchantment, but as always similar effects do not stack; use the highest.)
- Beta ClearanceGodscourge (p. A11)
Prereq: Beta, Godsbane, willpower 3+You resist miracles as an active contest in your favor.Strength of Stone (p. A11)
Prereq: Beta, Strength 10+Become rock-like and stronger.
Elf (Racial)
Beast Friend (p. A14)
Prereq: Charisma 8+
Better beast riding. Can exchange favors with animals.
Drake Friend (p. A14)
Prereq: Beast Friend
Bond with a Young Drake, a small dragon.
Drake Handler (p. A14)
Prereq: Drake Friend
Your drake grows to a person-sized Maturing Drake.
Elven Archer (p. 88)
Prereq: Missile weapons 3+
Rapid reload and improved multi-targeting with bows.
Elven Magic (p. A15)
Prereq: Elven Sorcerer
Learn three spells.
Elven Sorcerer (p. 89)
Prereq: Spellcaster
Reduced Shock from failed spells.
Triple-Shot (p. A15)
Prereq: Elven Archer, missile weapons 3+
Can do a Short Burst with a bow.
Warden (p. 89)
Enhanced stealth and tracking.
White Wolf (p. 89)
Prereq: Warden
Gain a spirit wolf animal companion that can return if slain.
- Beta ClearanceDrake Rider (p. A14)
Prereq: Beta, Drake HandlerYour drake is now full-sized and can be ridden.Elven Agility (p. A15)
Prereq: Beta, Dexterity 10+Raise your Agility.Spirit Wolf (p. A15)
Prereq: Beta, White WolfYour wolf becomes a supernatural Spirit Wolf.
Faith (Aysle)
See Multiple Cosms list for further, general Faith abilities.
(Note: These are not actually restricted to the Aysle cosm. Characters from other cosms who follow these religions can learn these perks. They are listed here, however, to avoid clutter and confusion.)
Exemplar of Darkness (p. A15)
Prereq: Faith 1+, no other miracle-granting perk except for Miracles
Gain access to their miracle list plus extra miracles.
Exemplar of Light (p. A15)
Prereq: Faith 1+, no other miracle-granting perk except for Miracles
Gain access to their miracle list plus extra miracles.
Mysterian (p. A15)
Prereq: Elf, faith 1+, no other miracle-granting perk except for Miracles
Gain access to their miracle list plus extra miracles.
Theomagician (p. A16)
Prereq: Spellcaster, faith 1+, no other miracle-granting perk except for Miracles
Gain access to their miracle list plus extra miracles.
Yonder (p. A15)
Prereq: At least one Outsider perk, faith 1+, no other miracle-granting perk except for Miracles
Gain access to their miracle list plus extra miracles.
Gaining any Darkness perks causes you to immediately lose the benefits of all Light perks, though they still toward the cost of new Perks and are present for effects based on whether you "have Light perks."
*Aura of Light (p. A16)
Prereq: Radiant
You can glow, providing light and scaring evil foes.
*Born to Light (p. A16)
Prereq: Miracles, know the healing miracle, no other "Born to" perks
Can heal a person multiple times per scene.
*Detect Darkness (p. 91)
Prereq: Radiant
Spirit contest to sense Darkness perks in a subject.
*Radiant (p. 91)
Draw and play more cards when fighting evil supernatural beings.
*Raise the Dead (p. 91)
Prereq: Radiant plus 3+ Light perks
One try (using Spirit) to resurrect someone.
*Rejuvenate (p. 91)
Prereq: Radiant
Once per scene, heal Shock via touch.
*Righteousness (p. 91)
Prereq: Radiant
Extra damage vs. evil supernatural beings.
- Beta Clearance*Beacon of Light (p. A16)
Prereq: Beta, Spirit 10+Share your other Light perks with everyone nearby.Courage of Light (p. A16)
Prereq: Beta, Spirit 8+Raise your Spirit.
Once you gain a Darkness or Light perk, you cannot take any new Outsider perks, but existing Outsider perks still work normally.
Berserk (p. 95)
Prereq: Spirit 8+
When wounded, improve melee damage and potentially avoid KO, but possibly hit the wrong target.
Blood Rage (p. A16)
Prereq: Berserk
Inflict even more damage per wound.
Ice Blessed (p. A16)
Ignore cold weather and resist most cold attacks.
Magic Resistance (p. 96)
Prereq: No Spellcaster
Resistant to magic, both helpful and harmful.
Skald (p. A16)
Prereq: Charisma 8+, scholar 2+
Use scholar to view and possibly alter the Drama deck.
Seeker (p. A16)
Find your way in the wild, and to the things you need.
Prowess (Asyle)
See All Cosms list for further, general Prowess abilities.
Born to Fire (p. A17)
Prereq: No other "Born to" perks
Do better bonus damage with fire attacks.
Social (Asyle)
See All Cosms list for further, general Social abilities.
Heirloom (p. A17)
You own a powerful Arcane item.
Spellcraft (Aysle)
See Multiple Cosms list for further, general Spellcraft abilities. Also see Quantum Entanglement under Spellcraft (Core Earth).
~Bardic Magic (Strike a Chord, p. 4)
Prereq: Profession: musician 1+
Use profession: musician to cast spells from the Bardic Magic spell list, following a few restrictions. Counts as Spellcaster for prereqs.
Cantrip Magic (p. A17)
Prereq: Any magic skill 1+
Can cast cantrips (pp. A36-37) outside of Aysle.
(Cantrip Errata: Animal Sense has Range: Self.)
Elemental Magic (p. A17)
Prereq: 3+ spells from the Elemental Magic list, no non-Elemental spells
Learn two spells from the Elemental Magic spell list. You do more damage.
Essence Magic (p. A18)
Prereq: 3+ spells from the Essence Magic list, no non-Essence spells
Learn two spells from the Essence Magic spell list. Casting spells recovers Shock.
Kindred Magic (p. A18)
Prereq: 3+ spells from the Kindred Magic list, no non-Kindred spells
Learn two spells from the Kindred Magic spell list. Your followers and summons are tougher.
Principle Magic (p. A18)
Prereq: 3+ spells from the Principle Magic list, no non-Principle spells
Learn two spells from the Principle Magic spell list. You can attempt to cast unknown Principle Magic spells.
Spellbook (p. A19)
Prereq: Spellcaster
Learn 3 spells. Backlash makes you forget the spell.
(GM Interpretation: This replaces the usual Backlash. You forget the spell instead of losing 2 Shock.)
- Beta ClearanceEsoteric Spell (p. A18)
Prereq: Beta, know 6+ spellsLearn any spell as if it were on your list.
— Core Earth —
See Multiple Cosms list for Spellcraft.
Faith (Core Earth)
See Multiple Cosms list for further, general Faith abilities.
Religious Scholar (p. R3)
Prereq: Faith 1+, scholar 2+, follower of a Core Earth religion
Gain access to extra miracles specific to your religion.
(House Rule: "Fire and Brimstone" Christians can substitute captivate for bounty. We used to also house-rule the effects to three miracles total, but have gone back to using this as written.)
- Beta ClearanceReligious Pluralist (p. R3)
Prereq: Beta, faith 3+Add a miracle from another religion.
Despite being very Orrorsh-focused — and thus found in the Orrorsh list (below) — Hope Perks are also available to Core Earth heroes.
Psionics (Core Earth)
See Multiple Cosms list for further, general Psionics abilities.
Note: The prereq lines have been adjusted here to reflect the intent of the anomaly perks, per the author/designer.
Firestarter (The Wastelander's Guide to Tharkold, p. 28)
Prereq: Kinesis 1+, no precognition or telepathy skill, and no Psionic perk or access to other psionic power lists
Gain the three powers under the Firestarter power list. Subject to Wild Talents (WGT, p. 29, or see Torg Eternity Wild Talents).
(Clarification: You get pyrokinetic storm even if you're Alpha Clearance.)
Firestarter Prime (The Wastelander's Guide to Tharkold, p. 29)
Prereq: Firestarter, kinesis 5+
Improved offensive psi abilities while heat shield is active.
Precog Anomaly (The Wastelander's Guide to Tharkold, p. 29)
Prereq: Precognition 1+, no kinesis or telepathy skill, and no access to other psionic power lists
Gain three powers from the Precog Anomaly power list. Subject to Wild Talents (WGT, p. 29, or see Torg Eternity Wild Talents).
Psychic Anomaly (The Wastelander's Guide to Tharkold, p. 29)
Prereq: Psionic and two psionic skills at 1+
Add two additional Psychic Anomaly powers.
Telekinetic Anomaly (The Wastelander's Guide to Tharkold, p. 29)
Prereq: Kinesis 1+, no precognition or telepathy skill, and no access to other psionic power lists
Gain three powers from the Telekinetic Anomaly power list. Subject to Wild Talents (WGT, p. 29, or see Torg Eternity Wild Talents).
Telepathic Anomaly (The Wastelander's Guide to Tharkold, p. 29)
Prereq: Telepathy 1+, no kinesis or precognition skill, and no access to other psionic power lists
Gain three powers from the Telepathic Anomaly power list. Subject to Wild Talents (WGT, p. 29, or see Torg Eternity Wild Talents).
- Beta ClearanceAnomaly Prime (The Wastelander's Guide to Tharkold, p. 28)
Prereq: Beta; one of Precog Anomaly, Telekinetic Anomaly, or Telepathy Anomaly; and the relevant psychic skill at 5+Gain your "prime" power: shift fate, teleport, or mind control.
See Any Cosm list for further, general Reality abilities.
Adaptable (p. 102)
Prereq: Realm Runner
Ignore Contradictions when using local gear or abilities.
Axiom Increase (p. 102)
Improve one of your personal axioms. Leveled perk.
(House Rule: Instead of a flat +1 increase, this perk bumps the axiom up to the "next highest" level, considering all eight main cosms, or +1 once you're at the maximum. In other words, for Core Earth the Magic axiom increases as 9/12/14/16/24/+1, Spirit as 10/16/18/24/+1, and Social and Tech remain +1/perk.)
Genre Savvy (Cosm) (Orrorsh Backer Archetypes, p. 7)
Prereq: Scholar 2+
Swap your Cosm card for a Core Earth one. Costs a Possibility unless from your pre-chosen cosm.
Grant Possibilities (p. 103)
Prereq: Charisma 8+
Give a Possibility to an ally.
In Touch (Nile Empire Backer Archetypes, p. 21)
Prereq: Precognition 1+
Spend a Possibility to Reconnect someone via touch.
Negation (p. 103)
Spend a Possibility to block a foe from improving a roll with a Possibility. (Errata: May be used only once per test.)
Prodigy (p. 103)
Start each act with an extra Possibility.
Possibility Nexus (Orrorsh Backer Archetypes, p. 17)
Prereq: Spirit 10+
Change the cosm type of Possibilities. Understand cosm differences via scholar.
Realm Runner (p. 103)
Ignore the first disconnection each act, and reduce penalties to reconnect.
Storm Caller (p. 103)
Prereq: 3+ Reality perks
The Storm Knight can spend a Possibility to invoke a reality storm against another reality-rated foe. See p. 221 for a complete description and rules.
Storyteller (p. 103)
Prereq: Charisma 8+ (but see note below)
After a Glory is played, tell the tale and gain extra Possibilities to share.
(Note: Per Strike a Chord (p. 4), Storm Knights not from Core Earth can learn this perk, but the prereqs change to: Charisma 8+, profession: musician 3+, and one of Bardic Magic, Bring the Beats, or Skald.)
(House Rule: The Possibilities don't expire, but Possibilities gained from a new use of Storyteller don't add to any existing ones; they just replace them if higher. For example, if you have 1 Possibility in the pool and later on you get a Good result with Storyteller, you now have 2 in the pool. This keeps things fairer since this Perk is so tricky to use.)
Tenacious (p. 103)
Prereq: Spirit 8+
Your Soak tests are Favored.
There's Always Hope (Pan-Pacifica Backer Archetypes, p. 12)
Prereq: Reality 3+
Test reality to change a cosm card into a Core Earth one.
- Beta ClearanceElusive (p. B6)
Prereq: Beta, TenaciousYou can declare an active defense after the fact.Longshot (p. B6)
Prereq: BetaLaw of the Underdog applies for you in other cosms.Nullify (p. B6)
Prereq: Beta, NegationYou can spend a Possibility to negate a foe spending one to activate an ability.Realm-Dancer (p. B6)
Prereq: Beta, Realm-RunnerNow ignore one Disconnection each scene.
Spellcraft (Core Earth)
See Multiple Cosms list for further, general Spellcraft abilities.
Arcane Investigator (p. M26)
Prereq: Spellcaster, access to the Dabbler spell list and no other list
Access the Arcane Investigator spell list and select three spells.
Avant-Garde (p. M26)
Prereq: Spellcaster, access to the Dabbler spell list and no other list
Add three spells; one can be from a different cosm with Magic 14 or less.
Geomancer (p. M27)
Prereq: Access to the Dabbler spell list and no other list
Access the Geomancer spell list and learn three spells.
Mythomancer (p. M26)
Prereq: Storyteller, one magic skill at 1+, and access to no spell lists
Access the Mythomancer spell list, gain three spells, and use Charisma for apportation and conjuration.
Reality Mage (p. M28)
Prereq: Access to the Dabbler spell list and no other list
Access the Reality Mage spell list and add three spells; one can be from a different cosm with Magic 18 or less.
Quantum Entanglement (p. M28)
Prereq: Spellcaster and science 2+
Give the GM a Possibility to improve a spell's Success level.
(Note: This Perk may also be learned by someone who transformed from Core Earth to Aysle.)
*Soul Implement (p. M26)
Prereq: Mythomancer or Spellcaster
The magician gains an implement (wand, crystal, etc.) which makes one magic skill Favored. Losing it injures the mage, however.
Travel Ley Line (p. M28)
Prereq: Geomancer, apportation 5+
Teleport a group between two Core Earth ley nodes.
Wiccan (p. M28)
Prereq: Faith 1+, one magic skill at 1+, follower of Neo-Paganism
Gain the White Witch Perk effects (a familiar with two Virtues, lead a coven) plus access to the White Witch spell list.
(GM Interpretation: As for the White Witch perk, the benefits are lost if the wearer adds cyberware or Occultech.)
— Cyberpapacy —
Cyberware Implants (p. 84)
Add hacked (unmonitored) cyberware from p. 160. Leveled perk. (GM Interpretation: Any leftover funds may be spent on normal gear.)
(GM Interpretation: Chipholders/Stackholders must be bought via this budget, but characters can acquire the chips themselves via normal requisition or streetwise.)
Drone Override Suit (p. C22)
Own an armored suit that lets you directly control and hack drones.
Drone Upgrades (p. C23)
Prereq: Either TSE Drone Controller cyberware or Drone Override Suit perk, and at least one hardlight drone
Choose two upgrades for your drone(s). Leveled perk. Assault drone can improve its forcefield, laser damage, or melee skill. Scout drone can add an Evasive Mode, camouflage, access to sensory cyberware, or better find/tracking. Shield drone can add a damage field, ability to rush (as Bunker), or regeneration.
(House Rules: Buying this perk additional times continues to add two upgrades per perk. "Mass of Blades" explicitly stacks with other bonuses. Also this seems like a good place to mention that we gave the Assault Drone the Whirlwind perk; it needs it.)
*Reviron (Cyberpapacy Backer Archetypes, p. 27)
Prereq: Death
You're AngelBait possessing a cartagras, tougher and cybered up. But disconnecting is serious and transforming will kill you.
Faith (Cyberpapacy)
See Multiple Cosms list for further, general Faith abilities.
Invested Cyberpriest (p. C24)
Prereq: Cyberware and Miracles. Cannot have Perks or access to miracle lists from any religion other than the CyberChurch. Cannot have the Champion of God Perk.
Learn computer empathy and two more miracles.
*Champion of God (p. C24 and Cyberpapacy Backer Archetypes, p. 11)
Prereq: Faith 3+ and a follower of the CyberChurch or Christianity. Cannot have the Invested Cyberpriest perk.
Gain a hardlight breastplate and one additional gift. Leveled perk. Gifts include the Belt of Truth (hard to affect/move), Gospel of Peace (better Max Dex), Helmet of Justice (full body hardened armor), Shield of Faith (especially good vs. energy), Sword of the Spirit (potent weapon), or Word of God (choose from Champion of God miracle list). Cyberpapacy Backer Archetypes added Banner of Esprit (improve the resolve of nearby allies).
- Beta ClearanceZealous (p. C25)
Prereq: Beta, Spirit 8+Raise Spirit attribute.
Prowess (Cyberpapacy)
See All Cosms list for further, general Prowess abilities.
~Animal Companion (Booster Dog) (Cyberpapacy Backer Archetypes, p. 9)
You gain a faithful booster dog (see p. C136) companion. This perk otherwise follows the rules for the Animal Companion perk from the Living Land (in Savagery, below).
(Note: This perk was assigned to a backer archetype but not officially defined. The above matches the commentary given by the designers.)
- Beta ClearanceCrackerjack (p. C25)
Prereq: Beta, Mind 8+Raise Mind attribute.
Spellcraft (Cyberpapacy)
See Multiple Cosms list for further, general Spellcraft abilities.
Cybermancer (Cyberpapacy Backer Archetypes, p. 3)
Prereq: Spellcaster, computers 2+
Gain Hexxer and a limited Image Inducer, and your custom cyberdeck gives a bonus to cast spells in the GodNet or targeting technology.
Familiar (p. C26)
Prereq: Spellcaster and access to either the Cyberwitch or White Witch spell list
Learn two spells and gain a spirit which empowers you with Beauty, Strength, Power, Compassion, Honor, Humility, Mirth, or Reverence.
Lone Wolf (p. C26)
Prereq: Spellcaster and access to the Cyberwitch spell list
The witch becomes amazing at certain Dramatic Skill Resolutions, but bad at Combined Actions.
White Witch (p. C27)
Prereq: Familiar and access to the White Witch spell list. Cannot have any perk related to the CyberChurch, cyberware, or Occultech.
Can lead a coven to cast certain spells, and gains two additional virtues for her Familiar.
(Errata: If the witch chooses Strength here, that counts as both Virtue picks. Confirmed by Deanna via Discord.)
— Living Land —
Edeinos (Racial)
Bluespine (p. L14)
Prereq: Survival 1+
Breathe underwater and swim quickly.
Bone Marked (p. L15)
Prereq: No Chameleon Skin, Farwalker, nor Stone Skin
Enhanced toughness and natural armor, but other edeinos shun you.
Chameleon Skin (p. 86)
Prereq: No Bone Marked
Improves stealth and active defense vs. ranged attacks.
Death Claw (p. 86)
Prereq: Spirit 10+
Greatly enhances unarmed damage.
Farwalker (p. L15)
Prereq: Charisma 8+, no Bone Marked
Lose your Outsider penalty and enhance persuasion.
Heliopteryx (Living Land Backer Archetypes, p. 25 and Ruins of the Living Land, p. 6)
Prereq: Dexterity 10+, Sunwing clan (House Rule: Only available during character creation.)
Your arms can functionally act as wings, as long as you're not carrying anything with a Minimum Strength requirement (House Rule: ...or wearing armor).
Hunter of Lanala (Living Land Backer Archetypes, p. 15 and Ruins of the Living Land, p. 6)
Prereq: Chameleon Skin, stealth 2+
At the beginning of an encounter, you may use stealth to win the initiative and inflict more damage during your opening round.
Razor Scales (p. L15)
Prereq: Bone Marked or Stone Skin
Unarmed attacks against you hurt the attacker.
Sata Eater (p. L15)
Prereq: Survival 2+
Go berserk for six rounds, then KO'ed.
Skin Shifter (p. L15)
Prereq: Chameleon Skin, no Stone Skin
Find and ranged attacks against you penalized even without an active defense.
Star Eyes (p. 86)
Greatly reduced darkness penalties.
Stone Skin (p. 86)
Prereq: No Bone Marked nor Skin Shifter
Natural armor.
Whip Tail (p. 87)
Unarmed combat is Favored (note errata).
Faith (Living Land)
See Multiple Cosms list for further, general Faith abilities.
Chosen of Lanala (p. L16)
Prereq: Spirit 10+, faith 1+, not an edeinos
You can buy perks as though you were an edeinos. (House Rule: Also, an edeinos who dislikes humans will accord the Chosen at least the respect due another edeinos, though that isn't always saying much.)
~Claw Words (Delphi Missions: Living Land, p. 70)
Prereq: Ghost Clan Jakatt
Use faith (favored) instead of intimidation, persuasion, or taunt, but only against followers of Lanala.
~Flame Blessing (God Box, pp. 93-95, implied)
Prereq: Faith 1+, appropriate faith (see below)
The character is highly resistant to the effect of heat and flame, gaining Full Body Armor +5 against fire- and heat-based damage. As usual, this doesn't stack with existing armor. Under most circumstances, they simply ignore ambient heat, but if the GM requires a roll to resist it the same +5 bonus applies.
This perk is nigh-universal among Pyrian Fire Tamers (see The God Box), who call it Karruk's Blessing. It can also be taken by Cultists of the Consuming Flame (see Ruins of Washington). At the GM's option, this perk may be available to anyone faithful to a religion that offers the ward flames miracle.
Gotak (Priest of Death) (p. L16)
Prereq: Edeinos, faith 1+, no perks of other religions (Miracles okay)
You have access to the Gotak miracle list. Pick two miracles plus ward enemy.
Optant (Priest of Life) (p. L16)
Prereq: Edeinos, faith 1+, no perks of other religions (Miracles okay)
You have access to the Optant miracle list. Pick two miracles plus shape plant and ward enemy.
- Beta ClearanceSpirit of Takta Ker (p. L16)
Prereq: Beta, Spirit 8+Improve your Spirit.Vehemence (p. L16)
Prereq: Beta, Spirit 10+Invoke a long miracle instantly, at greatly increased difficulty.
Animal Companion (L16)
Prereq: Varies by animal
You have a companion that you can spend your Possibilities on, and find a new one if slain. Options include pterodactyl (Spirit 8+, p. L17), raptor (Mind 8+, p. L17), or sabre-tooth cat (Charisma 8+, p. 104).
(Homebrew: A Darooni with beast riding 3+ may instead have a wasp (see Torg Eternity Wasp Perks).
Beast Affinity (p. L18)
Prereq: Beast Rider
Your mount can take Wounds for you and you can Soak for it.
Beast Rider (p. 103)
Prereq: Beast riding 3+
Ignore the penalty for your mount running and enhance its defenses against interactions.
Hardy (p. L18)
Prereq: Strength 8+
Improve your Toughness.
Hypnotic Voice (Living Land Backer Archetypes, p. 11 and Ruins of the Living Land, p. 6)
Prereq: Primitive Allure, Charisma 10+, persuasion 2+
Your soft voice may be able to Stymie or even control one nearby target. (Erratum: As for all other similar abilities, once a victim breaks free, she may not be subject to any other mind-control effect for the rest of the scene.)
Jungle Blessed (Living Land Backer Archetypes, p. 5 and Ruins of the Living Land, p. 6)
Prereq: Faith 2+
You're a better fighter all around while not wearing armor, and are very hard to keep grappled. (Erratum: You may contest the grapple freely once per turn.)
Jungle Master (p. L19)
Prereq: Survival 1+
In forest or jungle, move normally and enhance survival and tracking.
Scarred (p. L19)
Prereq: Hardy
Can take an extra Wound.
Vine Master (p. L19)
Prereq: Survival 1+
Move via brachiation and improve climbing tests on vegetation.
- Beta Clearance~Animal Companion (Giant Wasp) (Homebrew)
Prereq: Beta, Animal Companion (Wasp)The Darooni's wasp has grown to full size. It is venomous and strong, but because the "rider bond" has not yet fully formed, the rider cannot yet fly with the wasp nor harvest its venom. See Torg Eternity Wasp Perks for more details.Animal Companion (Sabre-Tooth Tiger) (p. L18)
Prereq: Beta, Animal Companion (Sabre-Tooth Cat)This perk upgrades your existing companion from a large cat to a full-sized tiger.Beast Tamer (p. L18)
Prereq: Beta, Beast RiderYou can leap onto an animal and (try to) make it your mount.Fast Healing (p. L18)
Prereq: BetaRoll to heal every scene.Ferocious (p. L18)
Prereq: Beta, melee weapons or unarmed combat 3+Once per scene your All-Out Attack gains a bonus die.Savage Strength (p. L19)
Prereq: Beta, Strength 10+Improve your Strength.~Wasp Rider (Homebrew)
Prereq: Beta, Animal Companion (Giant Wasp)Wasp and rider are now one. The Darooni (alone) may harvest and use the wasp's venom. More importantly, they can now fly together. The wasp wears a harness that hangs below it, and its middle legs touch the rider to hold them in place and "feel" subtle commands. While aloft, both may act at no penalty. The player may even make Soak rolls for the wasp, using the Darooni's reality skill. (See Torg Eternity Wasp Perks for more.)
— Nile Empire —
Faith (Nile Empire)
See Multiple Cosms list for further, general Faith abilities.
Amaatist Hem-Netjer (p. N16)
Prereq: Miracles, faith 2+, no perks from other religions
You have access to the Amaatist Hem-Netjer miracle list (p. N47). Pick two miracles plus prophecy.
Mummy (p. N16)
Prereq: Must have died and been resurrected
by recall spirit (see page 47). If Perk selected at
character creation, the hero suffers an Injury (-1 attribute).
Undead, can ignore most metabolic hazards. (House Rule: You are still affected by Fatigue.)
(Clarification: Mummies have no need to sleep.)
Pulp Powers
These can be modified via enhancements and limitations; see p. 99 and pp. N21-22.
*Adrenaline (p. N22)
Prereq: Strength 8+
Ignore Shock for 30 seconds, then Fatigued.
*Beastmaster (p. N22)
Prereq: Charisma 8+
Gain an animal companion.
*Chameleon (p. N23)
Prereq: Charisma 8+
Change your appearance completely.
*Dazzle (p. N24)
Prereq: Energy weapons 1+
Blind one target with bright light.
*Deflect (p. N24)
Prereq: Dexterity 8+
Dodge and even reflect ranged projectiles.
*Fear (p. N24)
Prereq: Spirit 8+
Scare someone badly enough to harm them.
*Flight (p. 100)
Fly, using Dexterity to maneuver.
*Force Field (p. 100)
Limited charges to soak Wounds and Shock. (GM Ruling: Won't stop attacks that ignore armor. Blocks a flat 1 Wound and 2 Shock even if the attack inflicted more.)
*Gadgeteer (p. N25)
Prereq: Wealthy or Beta
Have two gadgets for each adventure.
*Gizmos (p. N25)
Prereq: Weird Scientist
Once per act create a pulp power Gizmo with three uses.
*Invisibility (p. N25)
Become partially transparent (fully with enhancement).
*Mind Control (p. 100)
Willpower contest to briefly take someone over. (Errata: Reality-rated subjects get a resistance roll every turn.)
*Mind Reading (p. N26)
Extract information telepathically. (Errata: Reality-rated targets are aware of this, and resist as a contest. Only one mind-reading attempt per target per scene.)
*Obscure (p. N26)
Create an area of smoke, darkness, etc.
*Ray (p. N26)
You have a ranged energy weapon. One version (Electro-Ray) is on p. 100. Others (p. N26) are Blast-Ray, Heat-Ray, Mind-Ray, Cold-Ray, and Sonic-Ray.
*Regeneration (p. N27)
Prereq: Strength 10+
Heal 1 Shock per turn.
*Rocket Ranger Battlesuit (p. N28)
Prereq: Charisma 8+, air vehicles 1+
Grants a flying suit of armor. (House Rule: The additional options are Enhancements and can be added via Limitations.)
*Sleep (p. N29)
Make a subject drowsy or unconscious.
*Super Attribute (p. 101)
Prereq: Attribute at 10+
Improve one attribute.
*Super Sense (p. N29)
Two of your senses are superhumanly effective.
*Super Skill (p. 101)
Prereq: Skill at 3+
Improve one skill. (House Rule: Cannot be Reality or an arcane skill.)
*Tough as Nails (p. N30)
Prereq: Strength 10+, Dexterity 7-
Your skin is Armor +4.
*Unbreakable Shield (p. N30)
You have a shield which is great for defense and offense.
*Uncanny Dodge (p. N30)
Prereq: Dexterity 10+
Can spend 2 Shock to Soak instead of a Possibility.
*Wallwalking (p. N30)
Walk up walls and ceilings.
*Weird Scientist (p. N31)
Prereq: Science 2+
Once per scene come up with a device to help overcome a problem.
- Beta ClearancePower Upgrade (p. N19)
Prereq: Beta, a pulp power
Add two Enhancements to a power.
Spellcraft (Nile Empire)
See Multiple Cosms list for further, general Spellcraft abilities.
Astrologer (p. N18)
Prereq: Nile Mathematician, scholar 1+, knowledge of contemplation or portent
Test scholar each morning for either a bonus or penalty on Mathematics divination spells.
Astrological Generalist (p. N18)
Prereq: Nile Engineer or Nile Mathematician.
Cannot have any other Perk with Nile Engineer
or Nile Mathematician as a prereq.
Access to the other spell list (Engineering or Mathematics) plus two spells.
Gifted Numerologist (p. N18)
Prereq: Nile Mathematician, divination 3+
Gain two Mathematics spells; can reroll a 4 or 7 when casting Mathematics spells.
Master Astrologer (p. N18)
Prereq: Astrologer, divination 5+, scholar 3+
Learn possibility rend and possibility shadows, but they're contradictory.
Master Mason (p. N19)
Prereq: Nile Engineer, two of alteration 3+, apportation 3+, or divination 3+
Learn two Engineering spells; neutralize traps is Favored.
Nile Engineer (p. N19)
Prereq: Alteration 1+, apportation 1+, or divination 1+. The character
cannot have any other Spellcraft Perk
that grants access to another spell list.
Can cast three spells from the Engineering spell list. Leveled perk.
Nile Mathematician (p. N19)
Prereq: Divination 1+. The character
cannot have any other Spellcraft Perk
that grants access to another spell list.
Can cast three spells from the Mathematics spell list. Leveled perk.
Pulp Sorcerer (p. N19)
Prereq: Spellcaster. Cannot have the Nile Engineer or Nile Mathematician perks.
Access to the Pulp Sorcery spell list plus two spells. Must yell all non-illusion spell names when casting.
Trap Maker (p. N19)
Prereq: Nile Engineer and knowledge of magical trap or mechanical trap
Can cast either prereq spell as an action, though they don't last as long.
- Beta ClearanceSupreme Sorcery (p. N19)
Prereq: Beta, Pulp Sorcerer, and one magic skill at 5+Spend a Possibility to know a Nile Empire Sorcerer or Pulp Sorcerer spell for a scene.
— Orrorsh —
Corruption Perks (pp. O10-11) are not listed here as they cannot be purchased. Several Orrorsh Backer Archetype Perks which were mistakenly labeled as Corruption have been unofficially recategorized.
See the Any Cosm list for Cursed Perks. The power of the Nameless One transcends cosms, allowing the Cursed and undead to exist anywhere, not just in Orrorsh.
Faith (Orrorsh)
See Multiple Cosms list for further, general Faith abilities.
Sacellum Chaplain (p. O14)
Prereq: Faith 1+, no Faith abilities for other religions
Gain ward enemy and two choices from the Sacellum Chaplain miracle list.
- Beta ClearanceRighteous Staff (p. O14)
Prereq: Beta, Faith 3+, access to Sacellum Chaplain miracle listGain a staff which does faith damage to supernatural evil and aids Corruption tests.
These Perks are native to both Core Earth and Orrorsh.
*Brighten the Fading Light (p. O14)
Prereq: At least one failed Corruption test, total Reality value 10+
Negate the Charisma loss from Corruption via Possibilities.
*Divine Judgment (p. O14)
Prereq: At least one failed Corruption test, total Faith value 10+
Temporarily block a Nightmare's ability to refresh Possibilities.
*Even in Death (p. O14)
Prereq: At least one failed Corruption test, total Reality value 10+
When Defeated, gain Martyr benefits and more.
Alchemical Concoction (Orrorsh Backer Archetypes, p. 21)
Prereq: Alchemy
Use Alchemy to improvise a useful concoction once per scene.
*Alchemy (p. 92, O15, Orrorsh Backer Archetypes, p. 3)
Prereq: Science 3+
Create a limited stock of potions, such as alter ego tincture (go from Jekyll to Hyde), dark ointment (enhance stealth), dark sight, demon's breath (fire grenade), elixir of enhancement (boost attribute), elixir of life (heal Shock), iron sheen (harm ethereal), itching powder, liquid courage, liquid light (portable sunlight), miasma (choking gas), natural healing, and thunder brew (flash-bang grenade). Leveled perk.
Aspirata Devi (Orrorsh Backer Archetypes, p. 13)
Prereq: No Cursed Perks
Can transform into a humanoid bird-spirit of vengeance.
~*Boltsmith (Homebrew)
Prereq: Science 2+
Thanks to Van Helsing stories and films, many Storm Knights assume that the crossbow is the ultimate monster slaying weapon . . . overlooking that Van Helsing only used one because he was specifically a vampire hunter! Still there are a few Orrorsh hunters who prefer old-fashioned weapons to newer ones.
Choose one of the following weapons when taking this Perk:
- Slayer's Heavy Crossbow: Range 25/50/100, Damage 14, Shots 1. Two-handed, cannot be used in melee.
- Slayer's Pistol Crossbow: Range 10/25/40, Damage 14, Shots 1. One-handed, can be used in melee.
Reloading is a simple action and the weapon cannot multi-target. On the upside, bolts are nearly silent (unless explosive, etc.) and always count as wood for the purpose of staking vampires. It uses missile weapons.
Just as for the Bulletsmith Perk, the slayer chooses three special bolts, can have 12 regular bolts plus six special bolts (in a quiver), and may take this Perk again to add additional special bolts.
*Bulletsmith (p. 93, O16)
Prereq: Science 2+
Own a "slayer's gun" and create a limited stock of bullets, such as adamant shell (AP), curse shell, electric shell (vs. water or electronics), explosive shell, freezing shell, giant killer shell (vs. Large foes), holy water shell, liquid fire shell, phantom shell (harm ethereal), phosphor shell (flare), screamer shell (causes Fear), silver shell (vs. lycanthropes), or sun shell (vs. creatures of darkness). Leveled perk.
(House Rules: (1) Holy Water and Silver are combined into a single Holy Silver shell. Silver is too niche to justify on its own, especially since you can make or acquire silver bullets for any gun! (2) Liquid Fire only affects a single target; otherwise, it makes Explosive pointless.)
~*Customized Slayer's Crossbow (Homebrew)
Prereq: Boltsmith
This Perk may be taken up to two times, each time adding one of the upgrades below to the Slayer's Crossbow.
- Potion Launcher: Requires Alchemy. As a single action, the wielder can can load and launch a potion (in place of a bolt) using the crossbow's Range.
- Repeating: The crossbow gains Shots 6 and may now multi-target. Reloading one bolt is a simple action; reloading up to three is an action. This does not upgrade the Potion Launcher (if present), which remains Shots 1 and cannot multi-target.
*Customized Slayer's Gun (p. O16)
Prereq: Bulletsmith
The Slayer's Gun gains a new feature, like Blade (bayonet), Double Barrel (reserve shot), Long Barrel, Pistol Stock (dual pistols), Magazine (extended), Potion Launcher, Reinforced Chamber, or Repeating Action (Short Burst). Leveled Perk.
(GM Interpretation: The options which alter Range are mutually exclusive.)
(House Rule: If a player wants the Slayer's Gun to be a single pistol, that's a special effect, not a Perk. The gun becomes one-handed but its Range drops as per Pistol Stock.)
*Demoniacal Frenzy (p. 94)
Add damage to all your melee attacks this scene, but you must test Corruption.
*Demonic Form (p. O17)
Prereq: Demoniacal Frenzy
Gain claws and armor when frenzying.
*Diabolist (p. 94)
Prereq: Spellcaster
Greatly improve three magic rolls, but you must test Corruption.
Dybbuk Box (Orrorsh Backer Archetypes, p. 11)
Prereq: Unique (no other Dybbuk Box in the campaign, now or previously)
Own a spirit-in-a-box who grants aid at the cost of Corruption. The owner's Corruption tests are Favored, though.
Flesh Infiltration (Orrorsh Backer Archetypes, p. 5)
Prereq: Alchemy, science 3+
The alchemist has sacrificed her body for the ability to wear corpse skins as lifelike, believable "husks."
*Imp (p. O17)
Prereq: Diabolist
Gain a demonic familiar, in the form of a jet-black animal.
*Medals (p. 94, O17, Orrorsh Backer Archetypes, p. 29)
Prereq: Depends on the medal!
Gives you a constant benefit. Each medal is a different perk:
- Carnifex Princeps: Draw an extra card in Dramatic Scenes. (Kill a ravagon.)
- Defender: Extra Possibility each act. (Rescue or defend a large group of people.)
- Dragon Slayer: Damage Large foes better when Attack is approved. (Slay a massive monster.)
- India Campaign Medal: Play a card into any pool once per act. (Recover an Eternity Shard in Orrorsh.)
- Order of Cynthia Bartholomew: Heal all Shock by touch once per act. (Save the injured/poor from a grave threat.)
- Order of the New Dawn: Corruption tests can be mitigated. (Be Cursed and eliminate that which Cursed you.)
- Order of St. Andrew: Choose from three useful benefits once per scene. (Be Scottish and slay 500 supernaturally evil creatures.)
- Order Vestigium: Enhanced evidence analysis and Nightmare investigating. (Defeat a Nightmare.)
- Possibility Wars Campaign Medal: Restore some Shock once per act. (Be involved in a Glory event.) This medal may be awarded once per cosm!
- Sole Survivor Medal: Soak normally in Orrorsh. (Be the only survivor of a mission.)
- Victoria Gloriana: Increase one attribute. (Play a Glory card.)
Occultist (p. 95)
Prereq: Scholar 2+
Roll scholar when fighting a supernatural evil being to draw and play extra cards.
*Vial Bandoleer (p. O18)
Prereq: Alchemy
The alchemist can carry three more potions.l
- Beta ClearanceMonster Slayer (p. O18)
Prereq: Beta, OccultistExtra damage to supernaturally evil foes.*Unstable Mixture (p. O18)
Prereq: Beta, AlchemyMix two potions into one.
Prowess (Orrorsh)
See Any Cosm list for further, general Prowess abilities.
- Beta ClearanceUnyielding (p. O18)
Prereq: Beta, SurvivorPlay an Orrorsh Cosm card to recover.
Social (Orrorsh)
See Any Cosm list for further, general Social abilities.
Macabre (p. O19)
Prereq: Intimidation 2+
Monsters like you, though most people don't
*Tea Master (p. O19)
Prereq: Charisma 8+, Scholar 1+
Hold a tea ceremony, drawing cards if successful.
Spellcraft (Orrorsh)
See Multiple Cosms list for further, general Spellcraft abilities.
Twilight Magic (p. O19)
Prereq: One magic skill at 1+
Grants three spells from the Twilight Magic spell list.
— Pan-Pacifica —
Changes from Core Rulebook: The Electric Samurai category is gone and the Ki Powers category is now called Vitality. Ion Gosuku is now part of the Power Suit Perk. Speed Demon is now a general Prowess Perk (see Any Cosms list). Unflinching is now a Vitality Perk. Ki Strike is now called Breath Strike.
GeneMod Injections (p. P18)
Add pirated GeneMods from p. P26. Leveled perk. (GM Interpretation: Any leftover funds may be spent on normal gear.)
MerForm (Pan-Pacifica Backer Archetypes, p. 8)
Gain a MermTail and the ability to transform between having two legs and the tail.
Faith (Pan-Pacifica)
See Multiple Cosms list for further, general Faith abilities.
(Note: This is not actually restricted to the Pan-Pacifica cosm. Characters from other cosms who follow Palanism can learn it, but it's listed here to avoid clutter and confusion.)
Priest of Palan (p. P19)
Prereq: Faith 1+, no access to any other miracle list
Gain access to the Palanism miracle list, ward enemy plus two miracles, and inherent Armor. But you must renounce all wealth and all supernatural abilities become self-only. Leveled Perk.
(Note: Combines well with the Path of Palan perk, below.)
(Note: This is not actually a Pan-Pacifica Perk category. It's specifically available only to natives of Kadandra, a cosm long ago conquered by Pan-Pacifica's Markeplace. I just didn't want to make a whole new high-level category for just a few Perks.)
Enhanced Neurokinetics (Pan-Pacifica Backer Archetypes, p. 2)
Prereq: Kadandran, must be one of your two free Perks at character creation
Dexterity rolls and (once per scene) Dexterity-based skill rolls are Favored.
Kadandran Prodigy (Operation Soft Sell, p. 110)
Prereq: Kadandran, relevant skill at exactly +3, must be one of your two free Perks at character creation
Bump one skill to +5 and gain the Mastery Perk for it.
Psychic Breakthrough (Operation Soft Sell, p. 111)
Prereq: Kadandran, Cyberware Implants or Recalibrated Cyberware
Gain access to psionics and the Psi Breakthrough power list.
- Beta ClearanceKadandran Master (Operation Soft Sell, p. 110)
Prereq: Beta, Kadandran Prodigy, Cyberware Implants or Recalibrated CyberwareRaise the attribute linked to your Kadandran Prodigy skill (and its maximum).
Power Suit
Power Suit (p. P21)
Prereq: A manufacturer-specified skill at 2+ (varies)
You have a power suit! This perk may be purchased multiple times to add enhancements (p. P38) to the suit.
- Anyong Security: Flying hardsuit (air vehicles 2+).
- Baihu Arms: Hardsuit with integrated electroclaws (unarmed combat 2+).
- Cyclone (House Rule): Hardsuit that transforms into a motorcycle (land vehicles 2+).
- Ion Gusoku (Electric Samurai): Modified Kanawa suit for vehicle use. (melee weapons 2+).
- Gekko: Very customizable softsuit (maneuver 2+).
- Kanawa Corporation: Teamwork-focused hardsuit (melee weapons 2+).
- Lorde Military: Hardsuit with strength-enhancing servos (melee weapons 2+).
- Patriot Arms: Hardsuit for those who love big guns (fire combat 2+).
(Note: The Cyclone stats can be found here.)
Prowess (Pan-Pacifica)
See Any Cosm list for further, general Prowess abilities.
- Beta ClearanceBeguiling (p. P22)
Prereq: Beta, Charisma 8+Improve your Charisma.
Psionics (Pan-Pacifica)
See Multiple Cosms list for further, general Psionic abilities.
Disciplined Psychic (p. P24)
Prereq: One psionic skill at 1+, no access to other power lists
Gain three powers from the Disciplined Psychic power list.
(Note: Pairs well with the Path of Unification perk below.)
Psychic Mutant (p. P25)
Prereq: One psionic skill at 1+, no access to other power lists
Gain three powers from the Psychic Mutant power list.
Note: Players must declare if they're using Vitality Perks before rolling, for the purpose of knowing if the action is a Contradiction. Declaring this doesn't mean they must use them, just that they have the option to. (Our group assumes that Vitality Perks are declared by default; the player must specify if an attack won't be using them.)
*Block Strike (p. 90, P41)
Prereq: Spirit 8+, unarmed combat 3+
Suffer Shock to counterattack when a melee opponent misses you.
*Breath Strike (p. P41)
Prereq: Spirit 8+, melee combat or unarmed combat 3+
Suffer Shock to increase a melee attack's damage.
*Center Self (p. P41)
Prereq: Mind 8+
If you mediate in the morning, you can recover Shock once per scene.
*Combo Expert (p. P42)
Prereq: Mind 8+ and any Path Perk
Spend Shock on techniques once, not once per target, when Multi-Attacking.
*Focused Strike (p. 90, P42)
Prereq: Spirit 8+, melee combat or unarmed combat 3+
Suffer Shock to make a melee attack armor-piercing.
*Multi-Disciplined (p. P42)
Prereq: One Path Perk and that Path's skill at 5+
You may take a second Path Perk.
*Paths (p. P42-47)
Prereq: Varies by Path
Paths represent various martial arts. A character may learn only one. Each has an associated "Path skill" (marked in blue below) and grants up to eight different techniques based on the level of that skill; e.g., at +1 they know the Path's first technique and at +5 they know its first five techniques.
- Path of the Foot and Fist (unarmed combat 3+): Offense and self-defense via unarmed strikes.
- Path of Flow (maneuver 1+, melee weapons 1+, unarmed combat 1+): Non-lethal resolution and self-defense.
- Path of the Gun (fire combat 2+, unarmed combat 1+): Combining unarmed combat and pistols. (Pairs well with the Gun Fu perk.)
- Path of the Hero (maneuver 1+, streetwise 1+, unarmed combat 1+): A mix of martial arts and street smarts, very flexible.
- Path of Palan (faith 2+, persuasion 1+, follows Palanism): Nonviolently avoiding attacks and helping others.
- Path of Shadow (stealth 2+, unarmed combat 1+): Use misdirection and stealth to ambush others and overcome surprise.
- Path of Suppleness (unarmed combat 3+): Use grappling, binding, and throws to immobilize and subdue opponents.
- Path of the Sword (melee weapons 3+): Mastery of a melee weapon for both offense and defense.
- Path of Unification (kinesis 2+, unarmed combat 1+, Disciplined Psychic Perk): Combine psychokinesis with martial arts to deadly effect.
*Unflinching (p. P42)
Prereq: Spirit 8+
Spend Shock to remove Stymied or Vulnerable from yourself.
— Tharkold —
Mutation (p. T26)
Prereq: Spirit 8+ or Strength 8+
You're immune to environmental radiation, heal one Wound when the Radiation Cosm Card is played, and are an Outsider. Leveled perk, choose one useful mutation per level. At the 1st, 3rd, 5th, etc. levels, choose a Debilitating Mutation as well (p. T25), which will actually be random until it "stabilizes."
Useful mutations include All Fours (faster on hands and feet), Dead to the Pain (bonus Shock), Enhanced Reflexes (bonus defenses), Heightened Senses (bonus find and tracking), Metal Infused Skin (Armor), Oily Persperation (hard to restrain), Oversized Arm (it's strong), Regenerative Blood (heal Wounds), Spines (Armor and unarmed damage), Springing Leap (better than Whirlwind), Superior Vision (nightsight and far-sight), Thick Fur (some Toughness and ignore cold), and Wings (whoosh!).
Aspirant (Racial)
*Chains (p. T28)
Prereq: Conjuration 2+
Summon chains which use conjuration to do minor damage and grapple.
Extra Occultech (p. T28)
Prereq: An Occultech perk
Add another $10,000 in Occultech.
Flight (p. T28)
Actually fly, as long as you aren't carrying anyone.
Large (p. T28)
Now 3m tall (and easier to hit) with better Strength, Shock, and intimidation.
- Beta ClearancePride Alpha (p. T28)
Prereq: Beta, intimidation 5+The Aspiriant causes Fear.*Strong Chains (p. T29)
Prereq: Beta, ChainsChains gain significant range and strength.
*Fierce (p. T29)
Prereq: Dexterity 8+
Play a card into your pool before acting, in very specific circumstances.
*Masochist (p. T29)
Prereq: Spirit 8+
Once per scene, gain Possibilities when Wounded.
*One with Pain (p. T29)
Prereq: Spirit 10+, Masochist
Reduce Wound penalty. Leveled perk.
*Sadist (p. T29)
Prereq: Mind 8+
Regain Shock for KO'ing a foe.
*Vicious (p. T29)
Prereq: Mind 10+, Sadist
Your damage hurts enough to Stymie a foe.
Characters with Strength 7 or less should see the Occultech (Universal) list under All Cosms, above.
Cyborg (p. T29)
Prereq: Strength 10+, Occultech Implants
Gain $15K of Occultech, but are now effectively an Outsider.
Occultech Implants (p. 95)
Prereq: Strength 8+
Add Tharkoldu occultech (p. 162) that has been fully exorcised. Leveled perk. (GM Interpretation: Any leftover funds may be spent on normal gear.)
Prowess (Tharkold)
See All Cosms list for further, general Prowess abilities.
- Beta ClearanceOnly the Strongest Survive (p. T30)
Prereq: Beta, Strength 8+Improve Strength.Pain Tolerant (p. T30)
Prereq: Beta, Spirit 8+Improve Spirit.
Psionics (Tharkold)
See Multiple Cosms list for further, general Psionics abilities.
Embracing the Way (p. T30)
Prereq: May not be an Aspirant, may not have access to any other list of psionic powers
Gain access to The Way power list and start with three powers. You may take the Psionic perk for additional powers (three, at first).
The Race (Racial)
The Race has access to these perks instead of the Human perks under All Cosms, above.
Almost Human (p. T32)
A means to acquire a single Human perk.
Awakened to the Way (p. T32)
Prereq: Hardened Mind
Learn three new powers.
Born in the Pens (p. T32)
Prereq: Cannot have the Raised Free perk
The hero is great at breaking free and freeing others.
(GM Interpretation: This applies to grapples, escaping handcuffs and cells, and similar physical restraints.)
Hardened Mind (p. T32)
Prereq: Psionic and access to The Way power list
Reduced Shock from Backlash.
(House Rule: Also gives +1 to Soak rolls when taking a Wound from Backlash.)
Raised Free (p. T32)
Prereq: Cannot have the Born in the Pens perk
The hero is great at Combined Actions.
- Beta ClearanceEternal War (p. T32)
Prereq: BetaExtra damage against demons.Master of the Way (p. T32)
Prereq: Beta, Awakened to the WayLearn a power from a different list.
Social (Tharkold)
See All Cosms list for further, general Social abilities.
Intimidating Presence (p. T33)
Prereq: Intimidation 3+
Can sometimes use intimidation to defense against anything.
Spellcraft (Tharkold)
See All Cosms list for further, general Spellcraft abilities.
(Note: Demon Scholar and Freedom Adept are not actually restricted to the Tharkold cosm. Characters from other cosms who know the Acolyte spell list can learn these perks. They are listed here, however, to avoid clutter and confusion. The other perks here are cosm-restricted.)
Demon Scholar (p. T33)
Prereq: Spellcaster, access to Acolyte spell list, may not have access to any other spell list
Adds the Demon Magic spell list and reduced contradictions with them.
Freedom Adept (p. T33)
Prereq: Spellcaster, access to Acolyte spell list, may not have access to any other spell list
Adds the Freedom Magic spell list and reduced risk of demon summoning.
*Painful Spell (p. T33)
Prereq: Spellcaster, one magic skill at 3+
The mage can hurt themselves for improved spellcasting.
Physical Adept (Tharkold Backer Archetypes, p. 7)
Prereq: Mutation
Reduced skill requirements for specific spells, but they can only affect you.
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