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MyGURPS - Torg Eternity Cyclone

Torg Eternity Cyclone

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This is a house-ruled power suit, available in our games in addition to the canonical ones.


Cyclone's power suits are uniquely designed to function as either power suit or vehicle, transforming between the two in a matter of seconds. The user goes from sitting on what looks like a normal motorcycle to being enveloped by it as it locks into place around their body. This allows for a wide range of utility, including parking the Cyclone bike nearby when wearing a power suit would draw too much attention.

Switching between modes takes a full round but is automatic. Alternatively, the wearer can make a Difficult (DN 12) land vehicles roll to change as an action (failure means no change). If the bike is going at high speeds when it transforms, it automatically brakes to the user's running speed before becoming a suit. The suit will wrap around and over normal body armor (as always, Armor values never stack) but the transformation fails if the rider is wearing another power suit or similarly "heavy" armor (GM's call).

As a power suit, Cyclones are easily identified by the two wheels up by the wearer's shoulders. Unlike other power suits, the Cyclone's Armor is not Full Body, as the transformation necessarily leaves gaps in coverage. (Reference pic.)

  • Perk requires land vehicles 2+
  • Armor +4, Fatigues, Max Dex 10
  • Motorcycle mode — treat as Ishido Special

Available Enhancements: Armor Upgrade, Enhanced Mobility, Flash Burst, Integrated Weapons Package, Kabuto HUD, Mercury Triggers, Mospeada Petal Armor, Speed-Loading Mechanism, Vehicle Operating Extension

New Enhancements

Mercury Triggers (Cyclone)

The Cyclone's transformation system uses fluid-metal triggers rather than standard electronics. Transformation is now a simple action.

Mospeada Petal Armor (Cyclone)

The Cyclone's armor is designed to unfold dynamically, with small "petal" segments sliding out from each larger piece of armor. This fills in the usual gaps caused by the transformation process. Its Armor becomes Full Body.

Note: In our games, Integrated Weapons Package can add melee weapons as well as ranged ones. This is common among Cyclone users.

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