Old Savage Rifts
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Editor's Note: This is an archive of my old wiki for Savage Rifts 1st Edition (for Savage Worlds Deluxe). It is not being maintained any more. I am not looking for feedback on it or answering questions. Thank you.
Savage Rifts is very well-balanced, but there's always room to clarify and adjust the rules. Anything marked with a * is a house rule or interpretation; everything else is completely official.
Be sure to also read the Savage Worlds General Rules!
"Born a Hero"
Ignore the Rank requirements for all Edges and Powers at character creation -- but if you're building a M.A.R.S. character this does not apply to the four advances you take as you transition from Novice to Seasoned.
However, the GM has the right to veto any Edge. This especially applies to Legendary Edges; always run those by the GM before taking them.
Cover Versus Area Effects*
Against an area-effect attack, treat penalties from cover, Deflection, Dodge, etc. as a Toughness bonus, not an Armor bonus. This makes cover more useful against armor-piercing overkill attacks (like the Boom Gun), which is an important part of the Rifts setting. (The cover can still be shredded by the AP attack, though, forcing you to move to new cover!)
Hero's Journey Rerolls*
Everyone gets a number of rerolls equal to half their total random rolls (including rolls from M.A.R.S., Rich, and Filthy Rich), rounded up. If you roll the same result, keep trying until it's different. After rolling, you may choose between the new result or the old one. You may wait as long as you wish to use these, up to and including the end of chargen. (Remember that you may also trade in any two rolled results to choose a result on any table you have access to.)
Major Psionic
This Edge does not double any ISP that you gained from a roll on the "Psionics" Hero's Journey table. Your "base ISP" is whatever your race and framework start off with.
- Chi-Town: "SHY-town."
- Xiticix: "ZY-tik-iks."
Psionics or Magic
Supernatural powers are divided into "Psionics" (anything based on Arcane Background (Psionics) that uses ISP) and "Magic" (any other Arcane Background, all of which use PPE). In other words, for rules purposes, arcane sources like Miracles, Super Powers, and Techno-Wizardry all count as "Magic."
Note that TW devices are created via Techno-Wizardry and thus always count as "Magic," even if a psi is powering one via ISP. Similarly, a device created by a Psi-Operator (using Gadgeteer) is considered "Psionic," even if it's empowered by PPE.
Rail Gun Recoil
Each "shot" from a rail gun is actually a full-auto burst, which means -2 to hit (unless you take the Rock and Roll Edge) and unique ROF rules. The Marksman Edge never applies to rail-gun shots. (It's easy to miss this rule on p. 91!)
Selling Back Starting Gear*
If you don't like your starting gear, you may sell any items back for half value, and then use that plus your starting money to buy what you want. (This only applies to the items in the "[Your Framework] Starting Gear" section; you cannot sell back vehicles, power armor, etc.)
Stalwart Walls Power
If Stalwart Walls is used to create a damaging wall (as opposed to one that must be climbed), it inflicts 2d8 Mega-Damage.
This list (not created by me) equates creatures from Savage Foes of North America to Summon rank.
- Novice: Skeleton, Zombie
- Seasoned: Xiticix Hunter, Xiticix Warrior
- Veteran: Basal Daemonix, Brodkil, Cybernetic Broadkil, Lesser Demon, Ostrosaurus, Thornhead Demon, Witchling
- Heroic: Broadkil Leader, Feculence Daemonix, Fury Beetle, Gargoyle, Wild Vampire
- Legendary: Dragon Hatchling, Hangdog Daemonix, Manslayer Daemonix, Neuron Beast
- Legendary + Force Multiplication: Immolator Daemonix, Rhino-Buffalo
- Not Summonable: Dragon (other than hatchling), Greater Demon
Super Powers
Arcane Background (Super Powers) is a valid Edge for M.A.R.S. character with no other Arcane Background. This rarely represents an actual "superhero" but is instead useful for representing abilities gained from weird, unique backstories. (It's also a great choice for someone who wants 20 PPE for using TW devices!) Use the version in the core rules (one ability, 20 PPE), not the one from the Super Powers Companion.
TW Gear Mastery
If someone with the Master of Magic or Master Psionic Edge is using a TW device with a built-in power, they have access to the mega-power version. For example, a Master Psionic wearing Combat Mage Armor may use it for Darksight or Exalted Darksight.
Alternatively, a Techno-Wizard can bundle the Master of Magic Edge into a TW device (using the normal rules for adding an Edge), which gives anyone using it access to its mega-powers.
Vehicular Weapons*
If you own a vehicle or are capable of hand-carrying vehicular weapons (see pp. 90-91), you may acquire Mod 1 and Mod 2 vehicular weapons as if they were "personal ranged weapons" for the purpose of starting gear and Hero's Journey rolls.
(Note that only the Operator starts with an armed vehicle. Vehicles obtained via the M.A.R.S. table, Rich Edge, etc. are unarmed.)
Warrior's Gift Power*
For better compatibility with the "Born A Hero" setting rule, Warrior's Gift lets you bestow any Edge of up to Seasoned Rank, or your own Rank if higher. The mega-version, Greater Warrior's Gift, lets you bestow two Edges of your choice, up to the higher of Seasoned, your Rank, or the target's Rank.
These changes address some things that feel a bit unfair (whether too good or too bad) with individual frameworks. Most are very minor, and several are actually not house rules, but official clarifications or rulings.
Flame Blast
If you combine the Flame Blast and Rapid Flame Bolt Edges, overlapping areas do not apply damage multiple times! Instead, roll damage for each area and apply the highest to anyone caught in an overlapping area.
(Also be sure to review the note about Strength-based damage under Savage Worlds General Rules.)
Flame-Wind Dragon Hatchling
Scales Beneath the Skin
Because dragons come in different varieties, at character creation you may choose from these two options regarding your innate armor. In all cases, innate armor never stacks with worn armor; use whichever value best protects you from a given attack.
- Your human form has 0 armor while your dragon form has +16 M.D.C. armor (as per the book)
- Your human form has +4 M.D.C. armor (concealed, as "tough skin") while your dragon form has +12 M.D.C. armor
Glitter Boys
A Jock is a Jock
Glitter Boys have access to the same Iconic Edges as M.A.R.S. characters.
Boom Versus Rail
The Boom Gun fires a single shell that bursts to cover an area with flechettes. The rail-gun rules on p. 91 do not apply to it. (In other words, there's no extra -2 and Marksman does apply.)
Harder Than It Looks
Anyone other than a Glitter Boy is at -2 to all Agility and skill rolls while piloting the armor, doubled to -4 without the Power Armor Jock Edge.
In addition to your Boom Gun, you start with a "sidearm" for when massive overkill is a bad idea. Choose one of the following options; you may not sell it back during character creation. These are all one-handed weapons when in your Glitter Boy, two-handed weapons otherwise. With the exception of the rail guns (which use the special rules above), these suffer from Snapfire (-2 to hit if you move this turn).
- NG-E4A Heavy Plasma Ejector (min Str d12)
- NG-E15 Pulse Plasma Ejector (min Str d12)
- TX-50 Light Rail Gun (min Str d10)
- (Vehicular) Light Laser Weapon (min Str d12+1*)
- (Vehicular) Medium Laser Weapon (not usable out of armor)
- (Vehicular) Mini Rail Gun (not usable out of armor)
Zoom and Boom
Remember that you can take multiple actions on your turn. So if you don't want to be a sitting duck for a turn, you can activate the stabilization system, fire the Boom Gun, and then deactivate the system. That attack roll will be at an extra -4 (before factoring in your armor's ability to ignore two points of penalties).
Burning Bright
1. At the start of each session, a Juicer rolls her Burn Die against a flat target number of 7. (This is always 7, regardless of how many Burn points she has.) Bennies may not be spent on this roll. Success means that she must spend Burn at least once this session -- to burn bright or power an Iconic Edge -- or the juicer will die. A raise means she must do so twice! Failure means she is free of such requirements; on a natural 1, the Juicer may choose to burn bright once this session for no cost.
(The official rules strongly encourage Juicers to never spend Burn, but that's no fun!)
2. A Juicer cannot burn bright to enhance a Smarts roll or a skill roll linked to Smarts.
(A Juicer shouldn't be able to show up a Scholar. Adrenaline doesn't make you smarter!)
3. The following Edges are halved in value, which means they cost only 1 build point instead of 2: Burn Brighter, Burn for Glory, Burn Past the Pain, and Burn Faster. This does not affect the value of Burn for Tomorrow or Luck Burner (Savage Rifts New Edges).
(These Edges are great, but you can only use them a handful of times, and their cost should reflect that.)
M.A.R.S. Packages
City Rat
Also start with your choice of the I Know A Guy Edge or the Scavenger Edge.
Rogue Scholar
Choose two of the first three bullets (e.g., a scientist might take +5 skill points, two Knowledge skills at d8, and the Scholar Edge).
Mind Melter
The following abilities are also part of the Mind Melter's Iconic Framework:
Extrasensory Perception: The Mind Melter's subconscious awareness extends throughout the area and even into the future. He starts with the Danger Sense and Sixth Sense Edges.
Compartmentalized Mind: A Mind Melter is adept at managing countless mental powers at once. He ignores up to two points of penalties (to any Trait, not just Psionics) caused by activating and/or maintaining multiple psi abilities.
Mental Force: Mind Melters have access to a special Trapping, "Mental." Powers with this trapping have no obvious link to the psi; there are no magic words, glowing energy, etc. If the Mind Melter uses Telekinesis to hurl a car through a storefront, that is obviously visible, but the Mind Melter could be sipping tea across the street. If someone specifically suspects a Mind Melter at work, they may make a Knowledge (Arcana) or Notice roll at -4 to try to figure out who’s behind the activity (and of course Detect Arcana works just fine). Note that some effects will be obvious even if there’s no visible effect; e.g., an invisible Damage Field will be obvious as things break and people are harmed around the Mind Melter. Any power requiring a touch still requires it, though for an unwary subject, out of combat, this could be as subtle as brushing past them on the street.
Secret Psychic Training: The Mind Melter has access to two special powers, Mindwipe and Telekinetic Squeeze (Savage Rifts New Powers). These subtle abilities are one of the reasons Mind Melters are so feared. Other psionics cannot learn either without first taking the Mind Melter Training Edge (Savage Rifts New Edges).
Editor's Note: Cyberkinetic Denial turned out to be pretty broken, so making an I.F. that started with it was pretty broken as well. I wouldn't use this.
Wild Druid
You've embraced the savage strength of Nature and rejected the false idol of technology, which pollutes the landscape and destroys the environment. This makes you a surprisingly strong threat -- city dwellers underestimate how much of the world remains untamed wilderness! Some Wild Druids live up to the first part of their name, with Hindrances like Delusion, Outsider, and Poverty, but you're just as likely to work within "civilized" society, doing your part to enlighten others and keep an ear out for threats to Mother Nature.
Hero's Journey: Five Rolls
Wild Druids get three rolls on any of the following tables: Enchanted Items & Mystic Gadgets, Experience & Wisdom, Magic & Mysticism, or Training. They also get two additional rolls on any table except for Cybernetics or Psionics.
Nature Versus Technology
Wild Druids have Arcane Background (Miracles) and use the Faith skill to cast spells; most do not worship Nature as a literal god(dess), but instead revere it as a primal force. They have access to the same spell list as the Mystic (note that this list includes Divination), and to all trappings except for Fire (though Heat is still allowed) and Necromantic.
In addition to empowering their spells, Nature protects the Wild Druids against its enemy -- or, at least, arch-rival -- technology. Electronic and mechanical attacks are unusually likely to suffer catastrophic failure against a Druid. (However, unlike the Cyber-Knights, tech attacks are not penalized in any way; Nature cannot blunt an attack, but can ensure that failures are worsened.) And with a bit of concentration, a Druid can weaponize this power, shutting down such devices through sheer force of will.
Wild Druid Abilities and Bonuses
Nature grants a Wild Druid many unique advantages:
- Natural Magician: Wild Druids begin with Arcane Background (Miracles), four powers from the Mystic spell/miracle list, 15 PPE, the Rapid Recharge Edge, and a d8 Faith skill.
- Outdoorsy: A Wild Druid starts with the Beast Master and Woodsman Edges, plus a d8 in both Survival and Tracking skills.
- Elemental Adaptation: Natural hazards, from weather to forest fires, pose no threat to a Wild Druid. She ignores extreme cold and heat, is unaffected by weather and wind, and can even walk through small fires unharmed. Weaponized versions of these (like spells or an actual lightning strike) can still hurt her, but she has +4 to resist and +4 Toughness against any attack based on cold, electricity, fire, heat (including plasma weapons), or wind. In addition, she ignores the effect of natural, outdoor difficult terrain.
- Solar Replenishment: While underneath direct sunlight and wearing nothing more than light clothing, a Wild Druid makes one natural healing roll per hour.
- Bane of Technology: Any mechanical or electronic device used to target the Wild Druid with a hostile effect fails and suffers technical difficulties if the skill die rolls a 1 or 2, regardless of the wild die! Bennies may be spent to reroll this result, but not to avoid it via extra effort. It's up to the GM what counts as hostile, but area-effect attacks that include the druid always do. (See below for the downside to this ability.) In addition, the Wild Druid may use this ability actively; treat this as the Cyberkinetic Denial Edge (TLPG, p. 68), but using Faith instead of Psionics. Neither ability affects Techno-Wizard devices, however, as their magical natures offset their technological origins.
See also Savage Rifts New Edges for new iconic edges.
Wild Druid Complications
Not everything is easy when you serve the Earth, of course:
- Druidic Code: A Wild Druid must respect and revere Nature. This means opposing anyone who would destroy the environment (in serious ways -- he doesn't have to attack litterbugs), preventing unnecessary collateral damage in a natural environment (particularly dangerously uncontrolled forest fires!), and avoiding violent conflict with natural animals except where necessary. The GM must let the player know beforehand whether his considered action would be a minor sin (-2 to Faith for a week), major sin (spellcasting lost for a week), or mortal sin (spellcasting lost until a penance quest is completed).
- Bane of Technology: When the Wild Druid is using any electronic or mechanical device, it suffers technical difficulties if her skill die rolls a 1 or 2, regardless of the wild die! She is also at -2 to all Repair rolls. As above, this does not apply to Techno-Wizard devices, which may be used and even repaired safely. (If the Wild Druid takes the All-Thumbs Hindrance, it applies normally to TW devices and jumps to 1-3 with other devices!)
- Cybernetics: A Wild Druid suffers -1 to all Faith rolls per point of Strain -- and all cybernetics are subject to the Bane of Technology issue! So, while they're not strictly prohibited, they're a terrible idea.
- Enemies: The Coalition States hate all spellcasters but really have it in for Wild Druids, who oppose the CS' only real advantage (technology). They have a standing shoot-on-sight order for every Druid, and offer bounties for their capture. The True Federation of Magic welcomes Wild Druids as loyal subjects, but those who do not comply are to be destroyed.
Wild Druid Starting Gear
Adventure Survival Armor, TK Revolver (with one minor upgrade), NG-S2 Survival Pack, and 2d4 x 1,000 credits. In the Survival Pack, all electronic devices are upgraded to Techno-Wizard devices (no PPE is required to use them, just an Arcane Background); the first-aid kit and firestarter are low-tech enough to not be an issue.
The following Edges are sorted alphabetically instead of by type, with type listed after the name.
Hardware Bond (Iconic/Professional)
Requirements: Novice, Repair d6+, Combat Cyborg, Glitter Boy, M.A.R.S.
You know your custom hardware like no one else ever will. For Combat Cyborgs, this refers to your cybernetic body. Glitter Boys bond with their armor and Boom Gun. If you're M.A.R.S., you must choose two: your cybernetics, your armor(s) (body, power, or robot), your vehicle(s), or your weapons.
You get +2 when making Repair rolls on your hardware; this bonus is cumulative with other Edges! While fixing this hardware, treat Repair critical failures as normal failures. In addition, you pay 1/5 as much for relevant parts, as you're a master of using improvised hardware.
Improved Compartmentalized Mind (Iconic)
Requirements: Veteran, Mind Melter
You may now ignore up to four points of penalties caused by activating and/or maintaining multiple psionic powers.
Luck Burner (Iconic)
Requirements: Novice, Juicer
You can spend a single Benny on the Burn roll at the start of each session. It may only be used to reroll the die, not to add extra effort (p. 122).
Mass Denial (Iconic)
Prerequisites: Savage Rifts Wild Druid, Heroic, Smarts d8+, Knowledge (Arcana) d6+
When actively using your Bane of Technology, you may target every electronic and mechanical device in a Medium Burst Template (non-selectively) instead of just one.
Mind Melter Training (Background/Power)
Requirements: Heroic, Arcane Background (Psionic)
You've been taught or have figured out the secret Mind Melter powers Mindwipe and Telekinetic Squeeze. This does not earn you either power; you must also take the New Power Edge for each! You now also have access to the "Mental" trapping.
Shared Bane (Iconic)
Prerequisites: Savage Rifts Wild Druid, Veteran, Smarts d8+, Knowledge (Arcana) d6+
You may extend your passive protection against technology to all allies within Spirit inches, at the cost of weakening it slightly. While extended, any applicable effect which targets any of you suffers technical difficulties if the skill die rolls a 1 (not a 1 or 2). Your allies do not suffer from your associated complication while protected (their own gear doesn't break more easily). Switching between "personal" and "shared" bane is a free action.
Tree Form (Iconic)
Prerequisites: Savage Rifts Wild Druid, Seasoned, Strength d6+, Vigor d8+
As a free action, you can turn your body into solid, animate wood -- with no vital organs. This means that Called Shots do no additional damage, and you take half damage from falls and collisions (which can only incapacitate you, not kill you). In addition, your vine-like fingers give you +2 to Grapple attacks.
- Improved Tree Form
Prerequisites: Tree FormYour wooden form now has +2 Reach for all attacks.
Only Mind Melters, or psis with the Mind Melter Training Edge, may learn these powers. The base powers are taken from Hell on Earth: Reloaded, while the mega versions are house-ruled.
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 3
Range: Smarts
Duration: Permanent
Mindwipe causes the subject to permanently forget everything about a specified period of time. This power requires a full five minutes to use, during which the victim must be conscious (and usually restrained, as he's fully aware of the attack). A successful opposed roll of Psionics versus Smarts means the victim forgets a single memory of up to five minutes -- not necessarily the last five! Even a childhood memory could be targeted. Each raise adds up to another five minutes, either to extend the length of the one memory or to delete a different one (such as the Mindwipe itself). The victim is unlikely to notice the hole in his memory unless given a reason to.
The effects of this power are permanent in that they cannot be dispelled. However, the use of powers like Mind Reading and Telepathy, and/or skills like Knowledge (Psychology), may be able to eventually restore some of the memories. This is a long process; the details are up to the GM.
Exalted Mindwipe
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 6 or 15
Range: Smarts
Duration: Permanent
This upgraded power can be used in one of two ways.
"Slow and sure" costs 6 ISP and works as above, but raises the time interval from five minutes to an hour.
"Quick and dirty" costs 15 ISP and leaves the time interval at five minutes, but is fast enough to be attempted in combat! For the latter, the Mind Melter must spend the ISP and take a full-round action (doing nothing else, even free actions); the subject is aware of the mental attack. Just before the psi's next action, he makes the opposed roll with the target. If the Mind Melter is Shaken or wounded between those two actions, the wipe fails.
Telekinetic Squeeze
Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 3
Range: Smarts
Duration: Instant
This terrifying power squeezes, crushes, and tears the victim from the inside out! It requires a successful opposed roll of Psionics at -2 versus the target's Vigor. Success inflicts 1d10 damage plus another 1d10 per raise. Only Toughness and arcane armor (the Armor power, TW armor, etc.) protect against this; arcane M.D.C. armor blocks it entirely. All other armor, even innate armor like a monster's carapace, is ignored.
Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 6
Range: Smarts
Duration: Instant
This greater power does not suffer the -2 penalty to Psionics, and it inflicts d12 Mega-Damage per success and raise (instead of d10). Only apply Toughness and the bonus from arcane Armor or M.D.C.
These are some new and converted D-Bees (races) for Savage Rifts. Values in parentheses are racial costs.
Converted from Rifts: World Book 30
Dramins resemble humans, but with ashen-gray skin and lidless, solid black eyes. They are all solipsists; each one believes that he or she is the only "real" being in an otherwise illusory existence. Rather than giving into nihlism or megalomania, however, most Dramin believe that it's their duty to honor the great Creator of this reality by discovering what their proper path in life is (through journeys, introspection, and so on) and then pursuing it. A pair of sunglasses and long sleeves (or tinted lotion) are all a Dramin needs to masquerade as human, but the race's cold and aloof manner makes it hard to win friends -- not that they usually care about such things. They see most other beings (even other Dramins!) as useful tools or entertainment at best, pointless distractions at worst; the Loyal Hindrance is very rare among their race.
Racial Features
- Confidence: A Dramin starts with Spirit d6 and can raise Spirit as high as d12+1. (+2)
- Spiritual*: Thanks to a lifetime of accepting the unusual and learning to suspend disbelief, any Dramin with an Arcane Background of any sort naturally has the Power Points Edge, which grants +5 PPE or ISP (or +10 ISP for Major Psionics); Dramin Mystics may choose which pool is increased. Those who choose not to follow a supernatural path instead have 10 PPE that are only usable to power TW devices; as always, use Spirit to activate any TW powers. (+2)
- Discerning: Dramins get +4 on all rolls to penetrate illusions. This includes resisting the Illusion power, seeing through disguises (including the Disguise power), and spotting holographic projections -- but it does nothing against lies and hidden motives, or things hiding in plain sight (like most traps), and never offsets vision or general Notice penalties. (+1)
- Distinctive D-Bee: A Dramin's exposed skin may give his or her nature away; the shade isn't a drastic difference from humans, so onlookers must roll Notice. However, anyone seeing a Dramin's eyes will recognize him or her as a D-Bee. Recognition gives -4 Charisma with xenophobes. (-1)
- Solipsist: Dramins believe that this reality is an illusion, perpetrated by a brilliant Creator. Although this is an all-encompassing belief, most Dramins don't see the need to expound on it constantly, making it a minor Delusion. (-1)
- Aloof: A Dramin can't really relate to other people, seeing them as virtual constructs or "scenery." This gives the race -2 Charisma. (-1)
Converted from Rifts: Conversion Book 1
The Dwarves of Savage Rifts resemble the classic fantasy race, but they were quick to master the various technological challenges of this new world. Most are Operators, Psi-Operators, or Techno-Wizards.
Racial Features
- Sturdy: A Dwarf starts with Strength d6 and Vigor d6, and can raise both attributes as high as d12+1. (+4)
- Tech-Savvy: Dwarves have Repair at d6 and the Mr. Fix-It Edge, for an effective Repair of d6+2. (+3)
- Low-Light Vision: Dwarves suffer no darkness penalties in anything less than total darkness. (+1)
- Small but Stocky: Dwarves cannot masquerade as humans; they're too short to be adults, and too broad to be children. They have -4 Charisma with xenophobes, operate vehicles built for humans at -2, and pay double cost for armor. (-3)
- Short Legs: Dwarves have Pace 4" and a d4 running die. (-1)
- Hard-Headed: Dwarves have the Stubborn Hindrance. (-1)
- Old Grudges: Dwarves and Elves don't get along. They have -4 Charisma with each other and often look for an excuse to take a cheap shot. (-1)
Converted from Rifts: Conversion Book 1
Beautiful, agile, but also rather full of themselves, Elves are remarkably close to humanity for a race that's so long-lived. Many pursue magic, but their paths are wide open.
Racial Features
- Limber: Elves start with Agility d6 and can raise Agility as high as d12+1. (+2)
- Unearthly Beauty: Elves have Charisma +2 and can generally pass as human by covering their ears. (+2) However, any xenophobe who recognizes an Elf for what he or she is will react at -2 instead of +2. (-1)
- Darksight: Elves can see perfectly even in pitch blackness; they never suffer darkness penalties. (+2)
- Superiority Complex: All Elves have the Arrogant Hindrance. (-2)
- Old Grudges: Elves and Dwarves don't get along. They have -4 Charisma with each other and often look for an excuse to take a cheap shot. (-1)
Converted from Rifts: World Book 30
These vaguely deer-like humanoids come from a chaotic world, where weather and tectonic activity were extreme and constantly shifting. Because of this, they've evolved to anticipate and deal with unexpected dangers. Their "flight or fight" reflex is incredibly strong; they see nothing shameful about retreating (either to regroup for a necessary fight or to simply run from an unwinnable or unnecessary one) but are also dangerous warriors when pressed. They have sleek bodies covered in short fur, digitigrade legs with hooves, and arms ending in a strange "half-hoof, half-hand" design (but no antlers). Fortunately, their form is close enough to humans to use most Earth equipment. Feni are vegetarians but are otherwise not picky, happily eating berries and fungi that would poison others; by the time the toxins are an issue, their Equilibrium ability (below) will kick in.
Racial Features
- Hardy: Feni start with Vigor d6 and can raise Vigor as high as d12+1. (+2)
- Flight...: Feni are somewhat skittish and avoid violence whenever possible; treat as the Cautious and Pacifist minor Hindrances. (-2) A Feni who's suddenly surprised by something dangerous (e.g., an ambush or unexpected explosion) must make a Fear check; if this fails, he's automatically Panicked (don't roll on the Fright Table). (-1)
- ...or Fight: When forced to fight, Feni can be terrifying opponents; they all have an improved version of the Berserk Edge that gives +4 Toughness instead of +2. (+3) In addition, Berserk is triggered when the Feni or one of his friends is injured; this is because all Feni have the Loyal Hindrance. (-1)
- Sensitive Nose: A Feni's sense of smell is as good as a Dog Boy's, just without the ability to sniff out the supernatural. Feni have +2 on Notice rolls involving smell and on all Tracking rolls, and they can track by scent alone. (+3)
- Chameleon Fur: As long as a Feni is wearing no more than light armor (basically, nothing that includes Full Environmental Protection) and is moving at no more than half Pace, she has +2 on all Stealth rolls. (+1)
- Equilibrium*: When exposed to a new, hostile environment, a Feni can quickly adapt to it, temporarily gaining a 1-point racial trait to best deal with the situation (GM's call). Examples include Aquatic if underwater, Environmental Resistance to heat/fire if in the desert, Low-Light Vision if in a pitch-black cave, or Immune to Poison if exposed to toxic gas. This triggers automatically when the Feni is exposed; his next turn is spent sneezing, coughing, and in pain as his body adjusts. During this turn, he can do nothing else except taking non-movement free actions; he must also deal with being exposed for one turn. At the end of this turn, his equilibrium is in place and remains until he leaves the environment. A Feni may only have one equilibrium trait at a time; if more than one adaptive trait would make sense, it's up to the GM which he gets. (+3)
- Obvious D-Bee: A Feni has -4 Charisma when dealing with xenophobes. (-2)
- Primitive: Feni and machines don't get along. Every Feni has the All Thumbs Hindrance and cannot have cybernetics installed (including the Juicer comp). (-2)
- Prosaic: The Feni's home world is chaotic and dangerous, but not supernatural in any way. They have no capability for magic or psionics and cannot use TW devices. (-2)
Converted from Rifts: World Book 30
Full name "Iktektumiks," these massive (7-9') D-Bees come from a world where, ironically, they were the smallest prey. Their large, dark, widely spaced eyes and upright (horse-like) ears give them excellent senses and their pebbly skin offers good protection. Their upper bodies are disproportionately large, with overly broad shoulders and long, thick arms, and their legs are digitigrade. Despite being physically formidable, they retain prey instincts, and thus tend to be a bit skittish and nervous until they become used to new people, situations, etc.
Racial Features
- Powerful: Ikteks start with Strength d8 (maximum d12+2) and Vigor d6 (maximum d12+1). (+6)
- Massive: Ikteks are Size +2 (comparable to Grackle Tooths). Between that and their thick hide, they have a total of +3 Toughness. (+3)
- Unworldly: Being relatively new to Earth, Ikteks are Clueless and thus roll Smarts at -2 for Common Knowledge. (-2)
- Cavers: On their home world, they learned to hide in caves and use mountainous terrain to their advantage. They start with Climbing d6. (+1) In addition, their Common Knowledge rolls ignore the -2 penalty from Clueless when answering questions related to caves, mining, scaling cliffs, etc. (+0*)
- Obviously Alien: An Iktek requires custom armor, is at -2 to operate human vehicles and robot armor, and has -4 Charisma when dealing with xenophobes. (-3)
- Huge Eyes: Ikteks have +2 to all vision-based Notice rolls. (+1) But they are also at -2 to all actions when using optics (including scopes) designed for humans, due to differently spaced eyes and limited color vision. (-0*)
- Heavy Footsteps: While the Iktek were considered "stealthy" by the standards of the gargantuan predators back on their home world, here on Earth their natural footfalls are easy to hear. They have -2 on all Stealth rolls. (-1)
- Skittish: Itkek tend to be a bit timid. They need time to acclimate to new things (treat as the Cautious Hindrance) and are at -2 on all Fear checks. (-3)
Original creation
Lannics are flying humanoids with feathered wings, clawed hands and feet, and digitigrade legs, but very human-like heads and torsos. (Reference picture.) They come from a mountainous world, in which most communities never grow beyond the size of a town and are set some distance apart from another. They were somewhat insular there, only interacting with other settlements while out scavenging. Here on Rifts Earth, they tend to keep to mountains and foothills as well, though several have set out to explore the world.
Elle of Owls (from the Tomorrow Legion) is a Lannic.
Racial Features
- Maneuverable: Lannics start with Agility d6 and may raise Agility as high as d12+1. (+2)
- Flight: Feathered wings allow Lannics to fly at Pace+6 (normally 12") with Climb 0. (+4) However, they cannot fly at all when soaking wet or if their wings are bound. (-1)
- Talons: A Lannic can claw, with either feet or hands, for Str+d6 damage. They are never considered unarmed. (+1)
- Perceptive: All Lannic start with the Alertness Edge. (+2)
- Distinctive D-Bee: There's no way for Lannics to hide their racial identity. They suffer -4 Charisma when dealing with xenophobic societies like the CS. (-2)
- Non-Standard Physiology: A Lannic can only wear custom armor (double cost) and is at -2 to operate vehicles, robot armor, etc. (-1)
- Warm-Weather Flier: Lannics resist cold at -4, and any cold-based attacks do +4 damage. (-1)
- Hollow Bones: Lannics have -1 Toughness. (-1)
- Magpies: A Lannic can't help being attracted to shiny things -- money, new weapons, Glitter Boys, etc. This is a Quirk. (-1)
Converted from Rifts: World Book 30
These massive humanoids are 10-12' tall, weigh 600-1,000 lbs., and are covered in a layer of blubber underneath thick, shaggy fur. Picture an elephant's head (only furry) atop a grizzly bear's body, and you're close. But despite their tusks and long, sharp claws, Mastadonoids are not a violent people. They tend to be quiet loners, living a simple life out in the wilderness, though a few have entered civilization. They have a modest affinity for magic, but not for psionics; in fact, only Mastadonoid Mystics can learn any psi, and even then it's weak.
Racial Features
- Raw Muscle: Mastadonoids start with Strength d10 (maximum d12+3) and Vigor d6 (maximum d12+1). (+8) However, they also suffer -1 to all Smarts rolls. (-2)
- Massive: Mastadonoids are Size +3, which gives them +3 Toughness. (+3) However, this means they require custom armor and are at -2 to operate human vehicles and robot armor (-1).
- Blubber and Fur: Mastadonoids ignore normal cold weather. Against cold-based attacks, they resist at +4 and have +4 Armor. (+1) They are incredibly uncomfortable in hot environments, however. If the heat is bad enough to inflict Fatigue, Mastadonoids resist at -4 and, even if they succeed, are at -1 to all trait rolls and Pace until they can get out of the heat. (-1)
- Tusks and Claws: Mastadonoids are always considered armed, and strike for Str+d8 damage. (+2)
- Honorable: A Mastadonoid keeps her word, treats others with respect until given a reason not to, and otherwise acts as per the Code of Honor Hindrance. (-2)
- Scary D-Bee: Only the few people who have lived among Mastadonoids or had a similar degree of experience with them are likely to react positively to these huge, powerful, and misunderstood D-Bees. Even among tolerant folks, Mastadonoids have -2 Charisma -- at least, until they can make enough of a positive impression to overcome this. For actual xenophobes, this jumps to a whopping -6 Charisma; they will almost invariably treat the D-Bee as a dangerous threat. [-3]
- Primitive: Mastadonoids don't deal with technology well. They have the All Thumbs Hindrance and cannot have cybernetics (including the juicer comp). (-2) Despite this, a few have come to love wielding vibroblades.
- Restricted Path: Mastadonoids lack psionic potential. One cannot have Arcane Background (Psionics) except as part of the Mystic Iconic Framework, and even then the Mystic starts with one fewer psionic power than normal. (-1)
For convenience, these are all of the Iconic Frameworks (think "classes") and races, with page references, in alphabetical order rather than grouped by role.
Iconic Frameworks
Frameworks marked with a * are "M.A.R.S." characters, who have less inherent power, but start at Seasoned to compensate. If none of these appeal to you, see Personal Concept Option on p. 28.
Body-Fixer/Cyber-Doc*: A medical professional who excels at patching people up and can install cybernetics. (p. 27)
Burster: A powerful, dangerous pyrokinetic. The best "blaster" in the game, who can also manipulate fire and summon a flaming aura. (p. 31)
City Rat*: A street-smart urban scavenger who starts with a modest range of cybernetics. (p. 27)
Combat Cyborg: A huge, total-conversion 'borg, more machine than man. Incredibly strong, fast, and durable. Possibly the best "pure combat" role. Note that this choice counts as your race and Iconic framework. (p. 12)
Crazy: Incredibly fast, pretty strong and tough, and completely insane. Can go berserk ("losing it") at will. Has a wide range of psionic powers. (p. 15)
Cyber-Knight: Think "Jedi." An honorable, fast, beloved melee fighter with psionic powers that focus on self-buffing. Can summon armor and a psi-sword. (p. 18)
Flame-Wind Dragon Hatchling: An extremely young (but still incredibly powerful!) dragon, who probably imprinted on the party after being rescued by them. Can assume human form for a limited time, which is good because everyone considers them a target. Note that this choice counts as your race and Iconic Framework. (p. 44)
Glitter Boy: A Power Armor Soldier (see below) who starts with the best power armor and the most devastating ranged weapon in the game. Beloved by the populace. (p. 21)
Headhunter/Cybernetic Techno-Warrior*: A mercenary who relies heavily on cybernetics but is still mostly meat. (p. 28)
Juicer: A commando who's traded lifespan for power. Strong, fast, tough, with incredible regenerative ability. Can voluntarily shorten lifespan for more oomph. (p. 24)
Ley Line Walker: A master magician with many useful and potent spells. Becomes even more powerful when near or on a ley line. (p. 36)
Merc Soldier*: An experienced warrior with a great choice of combat skills, Edges, weapons, and armor. (p. 28)
Mind Melter: The setting's "master psi," who starts with a wide range of powers and plenty of energy to power it all. (p. 34)
Mystic: A spiritual adventurer with both faith-based magic and inherent psionics. Has access to special "holy" trappings for his miracles. (p. 39)
Operator*: A wheelman who starts with a badass combat vehicle and mastery of the skills needed to operate and fix it. (p. 28)
Power Armor Soldier*: Warrior in a battlesuit. Not quite as powerful as the Glitter Boy (see above), but starts with better training and more experience. (p. 28)
Psi-Operator*: A psychic repairman with the ability to make one temporary psionic TW device per session. Effectively a weaker but more experienced version of the Techno-Wizard (see below). (p. 29)
Robot Armor Pilot*: A soldier in a suit of robot armor (basically a mecha, large and incredibly powerful). (p. 29)
Rogue Scholar/Scientist*: Trained investigator and intellectual who excels at uncovering the truth. (p. 29)
Shifter: A brute-force caster, feared by most, who excels at manipulating rifts and summoning/binding demons and other creatures. (Savaging Rifts, p. 9)
Techno-Wizard: Starts with several TW devices, can create new temporary ones (several each session), and gets a bonus on rolls to use them. (p. 42)
Vagabond*: The ultimate jack-of-all-trades, spec'ed for luck and surviving impossible situations. (p. 29)
Wild Druid: Outdoorsman who wields the power of Nature -- for spellcasting, elemental defense, and a means to oppose and counter technology. (Savage Rifts Wild Druid)
Wilderness Scout*: A ranger/outdoorsman, quick on his feet and in-tune with nature. (p. 29)
With the exception of the Combat Cyborg and Flame-Wind Dragon Hatchling, every character must choose a race. Be aware that any race other than human is likely to suffer reaction penalties from some or all of the populace. Except as noted, these can all be found on pp. 52-63.
Altara: Blind but with natural radar sense to compensate. Good Agility, Strength, and Vigor, but low Smarts.
D'Norr: "Devilmen" in appearance. Natural spellcasters with good Smarts and Spirit.
Dog Boy: Versatile mutant canines, uplifted by the CS. Can smell and track the supernatural.
Dramin: Spiritual and aloof, each convinced that the world and everyone else is an illusion. (Savage Rifts New D-Bees)
Dwarf: Tough and good with tech, though a bit slow and grumpy. Can't stand elves. (Savage Rifts New D-Bees)
Elf: Agile, beautiful, perceptive, and arrogant as all hell. Can't stand dwarves. (Savage Rifts New D-Bees)
Feni: Primitive deer-like humanoids with a strong "fight or flight" reflex and the ability to adapt to any environment. (Savage Rifts New D-Bees)
Fennodi: Calm, natural psionics (can use Armor, Intangibility, and Telepathy) with exceptional vision.
Flame-Wind Dragon Hatchling: (This race is so powerful that it's treated as its own special Framework/Race combo. See above.)
Grackle Tooth: Huge and tough, with a heroic attitude and exceptional Strength and Vigor.
Human: The most versatile race. Each starts with an Edge of their choice.
Iktek: Large, tough, cavers who were prey on their world and are still acclimating to Earth. (Savage Rifts New D-Bees)
Lannic: Winged humanoids, fast and alert, though not very tough. (Savage Rifts New D-Bees)
Lyn-Srial: Strong, four-armed, winged humanoids with regeneration who fight for what's right.
Mastadonoid: Mammoth humanoids, literally, who are honorable and a bit technologically backward. (Savage Rifts New D-Bees)
Psi-Stalker: Fast mutants who can detect the supernatural and must feed off it daily.
Quick Flex: Living anime characters who excel at melee fighting and have great Agility and Pace (but not Smarts).
Simvan: Bloodthirsty "monster riders" who start with a massive animal and the psionics needed to control it (along with other powers).
Trimadore: Large and oddly shapped, with an affinity for machines and fixing things.
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