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MyGURPS - In Nomine Skills

In Nomine Skills

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All skills cost 1 point per level. They can be bought to maximum of 6 levels, with the exception of Languages which has no limit.

Most skills default at -2 for celestials or no penalty for humans. There are a few exceptions: Enchantment has no default, Fighting (Unarmed) defaults at no penalty, and most Knowledge skills default at -4 (or worse).

Any skill marked with a * by its characteristic(s) is a combat skill. Its listed characteristic(s) applies in the Corporeal Realm, but it "floats" to the equivalent characteristic in other Realms. For example, in the Marches, Fighting (Heavy) is an Intelligence skill, Throwing is a Precision skill (regardless of whether you usually use it with Agility or Precision), and Guns remains a Precision skill. See Combat in In Nomine Gameplay for more.

Corporeal Skills

  • Athletics (Strength): Climbing, running, swimming, lifting, and other cardio-heavy effort. May occasionally "float" to Agility for certain tasks, though agile movement is usually a Grace roll.
  • Contortion (Agility): Wriggling out of bonds, squeezing into air ducts or through cracks, etc. The GM may allow you to use Precision (if better) for the purpose of escaping handcuffs, etc.
  • Dodge (Agility*): Getting out of the way of close or ranged attacks, and other general "reflex saves."
  • Fighting (Heavy) (Strength*): Wielding large, powerful weapons, like swords, axes, and baseball bats.
  • Fighting (Light) (Agility*): Wielding light, fast weapons, like knives and small batons.
  • Fighting (Unarmed) (Strength*): Punching, grappling, and parrying without weapons. Default is always 0!
  • Grace (Agility): Acrobatics, dancing, balance, gymnastics, and so on. Aids in performing Corporeal songs sotto voce (as Dancing, Liber Canticorum, p. 20).
  • Stealth (Agility): Being hard to see, hear, or whatever else is necessary.
  • Throwing (higher of Agility or Precision*): Throwing light objects such as knives or grenades. This can be an Ethereal skill if your Precision is higher than your Agility.

Ethereal Skills

  • Burglary (Precision): Picking locks, jimmying windows, shoplifting, concealing weapons, pickpocketing, sleight of hand, etc.
  • Investigation (higher of Intelligence or Perception): Identifying clues and using anything from forensics to research to unearth answers. Does not cover discerning a person's motivation; use Empathy for that. This can be a Celestial skill if your Perception is higher than your Intelligence.
  • Knowledge (Intelligence): This is a separate skill for each type of knowledge. See below for samples. Defaults are at -4 or, at the GM's discretion, worse (including the possibility of no default).
  • Guns (Precision*): Using pistols, rifles, tasers, flamethrowers, and so on.
  • Languages (special): At character creation, you have fluency in a number of languages equal to your Ethereal Forces. (Once the game begins, raising your Ethereal Forces does not add a new language!) Use this skill to add more; each level of skill grants fluency in another language.
  • Medicine (Precision): Diagnosing and doctoring. See In Nomine (p. 76) for rules.
  • Meditation (Precision): Blocking out distractions. Can give +1 to focused effort. Aids in performing Ethereal songs sotto voce (Liber Canticorum, p. 20).
  • Missile Weapons (Precision*): Using muscle-powered projectile weapons, like bows, crossbows, and harpoons.
  • Streetwise (Intelligence): Finding your way around an area and knowing who to talk to -- and who not to!
  • Tactics (Intelligence): Leading a small group through a conflict and anticipating the other side's actions.
  • Technology (Intelligence or Precision): Understanding and using computers and electronic devices. Use Intelligence to answer questions or jury-rig devices, Precision to operate them.
  • Throwing (higher of Agility or Precision*): See above.
  • Vehicles (Precision): Driving cars, piloting helicopters, and so on.

Celestial Skills

  • Artistry (Perception): Creating and reproducing art. Reading the emotional intent of a work. You may choose one specialty (painting, woodwinds, poetry, etc.) for each level of skill.
  • Deception (Will): Faking feelings, telling lies, and fast-talking people.
  • Dreaming (Perception): Falling asleep or waking up, shaping your own dreamscape, and navigating the Marches.
  • Empathy (Perception): Understanding others' motivation, knowing if they're lying, basic psychology, etc.
  • Investigation (higher of Intelligence or Perception): See above.
  • Music (Perception): Singing and playing instruments. Celestials can use it to communicate subtly. Aids in performing Celestial songs sotto voce (as Singing, Liber Canticorum, p. 20).
  • Persuasion (Will): Making others like you, whether via charisma, speeches, seduction, etc.
  • Presence (Will): Coming across as larger than life, to intimidate, inspire, or draw the attention of others.
  • Survival (higher of Will or Perception): Living off the land, dealing with animals, and foraging for food. Choose one environment (desert, forest, etc.) for each level of skill.
  • Tracking (Perception): Following someone through natural terrain. Can also be used to follow the echoes of a celestial's disturbance.

Other Skills

  • Enchantment (N/A): See Liber Reliquarum, p. 29. This skill has no default and is added to your Forces in the applicable Realm, not to a characteristic.
  • Profession (varies): For celestials, this is usually covered by a role, but both mortals and celestials often pick up random bits of knowledge. You must specialize: Profession (Lawyer), Profession (Actor), Profession (Mechanic), etc. Work out with the GM which characteristic this is tied to (usually Intelligence).

Sample Knowledge Skills

There are a wide range of options; you aren't limited to what appears here!

  • Alchemy: See Corporeal Player's Guide (p. 26).
  • Engineering: Designing complex devices.
  • Heaven or Hell or The Marches: The details of specific locations, people, factions, etc. The default is 0 for angels, demons, and ethereals respectively.
  • Humanities: Anthropology, history, savoir-faire, sociology, etc.
  • Necromancy: See Corporeal Player's Guide (p. 49).
  • Occultism: Very broad but shallow knowledge of the supernatural.
  • Science: Chemistry, geology, physics, etc.
  • (area): The people, places, hangouts, etc., of a specific area on Earth. The smaller the area, the more detailed the knowledge.

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