A Quick Guide To In Nomine Superiors
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The Major Archangels
Name | Word | Write-Up Location |
Bethanel | Cities (and guarding one specific one) | Bethanel, Archangel of Cities |
Blandine | Dreams (she guards the Marches) | Superiors 3: Hope and Prophecy** |
Charon | Death (peaceful and natural) | Charon, Archangel of Death |
Christopher | Children | Night Music (Revelations I) |
David | Stone (defense, protection) | Superiors 1: War and Honor |
Dominic | Judgment (Heaven's internal police) | Superiors 1: War and Honor |
Eli | Creation (he abandoned his post for unknown reasons) | Superiors: Eli* |
Gabriel | Fire (and passion, vengeance, and justice; also, she's insane) | Superiors 3: Hope and Prophecy* |
Janus | The Wind (change, fluidity, the unexpected) | In Nomine (Core Rules)* |
Jean | Lightning (especially as inspiration for invention and tech) | In Nomine (Core Rules) |
Jordi | Animals (unsurprisingly anti-social) | In Nomine (Core Rules)* |
Khalid | Faith (religious and otherwise) | Superiors 3: Hope and Prophecy |
Laurence | The Sword (leader of Heaven's armies) | Superiors 1: War and Honor |
Litheroy | Revelation (fiercely pro-truth, anti-lie) | Superiors: Litheroy |
Marc | Trade (very social) | In Nomine (Core Rules) |
Michael | War (soldiers, fighting for what's right) | Superiors 1: War and Honor |
Novalis | Flowers (as a metaphor for peace) | In Nomine (Core Rules) |
Yves | Destiny (the best outcome for your life) | Superiors 3: Hope and Prophecy |
Zadkiel | Protection (literally) | Superiors: Zadkiel |
* Important additional information at In Nomine Resonances and Attunements.
** Also see The Marches (Revelations II).
** Also see The Marches (Revelations II).
The Major Demon Princes and Princesses
Name | Word | Write-Up Location |
Alaemon | Secrets | Superiors 4: Rogues to Riches |
Andrealphus | Lust | Superiors 2: Pleasures of the Flesh* |
Asmodeus | The Game (Hell's internal police) | Superiors: Asmodeus |
Baal | The War (against Heaven) | The Final Trumpet (Revelations V) |
Beelzebub | Beasts (and bestial behavior) | Beelzebub, Demon Prince of Beasts |
Beleth | Nightmares | The Marches (Revelations II)* |
Belial | Fire (more literally than Gabriel) | The Marches (Revelations II) |
Boss Smiley | Politics | Boss Smiley, Demon Prince of Politics |
Fleurity | Drugs | Superiors 4: Rogues to Riches |
Haagenti | Gluttony (relatively new) | Superiors 2: Pleasures of the Flesh |
Kobal | Dark Humor | Superiors 2: Pleasures of the Flesh* |
Kronos | Fate (the worst outcome for your life) | Heaven and Hell (Revelations III) |
Lilith | Freedom (does not accept permanent servitors!) | Superiors: Lilith |
Malphas | Factions | The Final Trumpet (Revelations V) |
Mammon | Greed (contracts, deals, etc.) | Superiors 4: Rogues to Riches |
Nergal | Sickness | Nergal, Demon Prince of Sickness |
Nybbas | The Media | Superiors 2: Pleasures of the Flesh |
Saminga | Death | In Nomine (Core Rules)** |
Vagarog | Recklessness | Vagarog, Demon Prince of Recklessness |
Valefor | Theft | Superiors 4: Rogues to Riches* |
Vapula | Technology | Superiors 4: Rogues to Riches* |
* Important additional information at In Nomine Resonances and Attunements.
** Important clarification here for his Habbalah, and also see Night Music (Revelations I) for more background.
** Important clarification here for his Habbalah, and also see Night Music (Revelations I) for more background.
Angelic Choirs and Demonic Bands
With one exception, the choir on top matches the band on the bottom; e.g., a Seraph who Falls becomes a Balseraph, while a Balseraph who Redeems becomes a Seraph. The order here is from most holy/unholy (left) to most human-like (right).
Seraphim The Most Holy, attuned to truth | Cherubim The Guardians, attuned to protection | Ofanim The Wheels, attuned to motion | Elohim The Powers, attuned to emotion | Malakim* The Virtues, attuned to honor | Kyriotates The Dominations, attuned to multiplicity | Mercurians Friends of Man, attuned to people |
Baleraphs The Liars | Djinn The Stalkers | Calabim The Destroyers | Habbalah The Punishers | Lilim* The Tempters | Shedim The Corruptors | Impudites The Takers |
* Malakim and Lilim do not correspond to each other. Malakim cannot Fall, no matter how much Dissonance they accumulate. And Lilim are the unique creation of Lilith, not Fallen Angels; if they Redeem, they just become known as "Bright Lilim."
Blandine also has the Menunim (Messengers of Hope), a minor choir, while Beleth has the Pachadim (Frighteners), a minor band. Both are detailed in The Marches.
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